SharkPathNode findLastNode(Vector3 currentLocation)
        SharkPathNode bestTarget         = null;
        float         closestDistanceSqr = Mathf.Infinity;
        Vector3       currentPosition    = currentLocation;

        foreach (Transform potentialTarget in transform)
            Vector3 directionToTarget = potentialTarget.position - currentPosition;
            float   dSqrToTarget      = directionToTarget.sqrMagnitude;
            if (dSqrToTarget < closestDistanceSqr)
                closestDistanceSqr = dSqrToTarget;
                bestTarget         = potentialTarget.GetComponent <SharkPathNode>();;

 private bool checktoseeifthislistarrives(SharkPathNode thisNode)
    public Transform FindNewOptimalPath(Vector3 startLocation)
        SharkPathNode startPos = findStartingNode(startLocation);

        //SharkPathNode endPos = findStartingNode(endLocation);

        currentNode = startPos;

        //for each option
        //foreach (SharkPathNode item in startPos.ThisNodesOptions)
        //    //add to list and go one layer deeper
        //    List<SharkPathNode> itemOptionListnew = new List<SharkPathNode>();
        //    itemOptionListnew.Add(item);
        //    //myListOfPossiblePaths.Add()
        //bool hasItBeenSolved = false;
        //while (hasItBeenSolved == false)
        //    //populate list
        //    foreach (var item in currentNode.ThisNodesOptions)
        //    {
        //        //myListOfPossiblePaths
        //    }

        //roll the dice 10 times to try and minimise the odds of back tracking without making it impossible
        //for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        //    int randomDirection = Random.Range(0, currentNode.ThisNodesOptions.Count);
        //    SharkPathNode testNode = startPos.ThisNodesOptions[randomDirection];
        //    //if (currentNode != testNode)
        //    //{
        //    //    currentNode = testNode;
        //    //    break;
        //    //}

        //    Vector3 directionToTarget = testNode.transform.position - currentNode.transform.position;
        //    float dSqrToTarget = directionToTarget.sqrMagnitude;
        //    float closestDistanceSqr = Mathf.Infinity;
        //    if (dSqrToTarget < closestDistanceSqr)
        //    {
        //        currentNode = testNode;
        //        break;
        //    }


        //find out which one to avoid next time
        //int randomDirection = Random.Range(0, currentNode.ThisNodesOptions.Count);
        //int closestNumber = 0;
        //float closestDistanceSqr = Mathf.Infinity;
        //for (int i = 0; i < currentNode.ThisNodesOptions.Count; i++)
        //    Vector3 directionToTarget = currentNode.ThisNodesOptions[i].transform.position - currentNode.transform.position;
        //    float dSqrToTarget = directionToTarget.sqrMagnitude;
        //    if (dSqrToTarget < closestDistanceSqr)
        //    {
        //        closestDistanceSqr = dSqrToTarget;
        //        closestNumber = i;
        //    }

        //lastNode = findLastNode(currentNode.transform.position);

        int randomDirection = Random.Range(0, currentNode.ThisNodesOptions.Count);

        //return currentNode.transform;