Example #1
 public string Resolve(SharedMediaFileInfo fileInfo)
     return String.Format(@"
     <url type=""wmv"">{0}</url>
     </media>", SecurityElement.Escape(fileInfo.Path));
 public void AddMedia(SharedMediaFileInfo info)
       info.OwnerId = this.Id;
       this.lookup[info.SourceId] = info.Id;
        public string Resolve(SharedMediaFileInfo fileInfo)
            this.Log("Resolve: " + fileInfo.Path);

              string type = "fp";
              string url = progDB.VpidToStreamingUrl(fileInfo.SourceId);
              this.Log("Resolved to: " + url);

              StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
              XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(sw);

              writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
              writer.WriteAttributeString("type", type);
              string xml = sw.ToString();
              this.Log("Resolved XML: " + xml);

              return xml;
 /// <summary>
 /// Resolves a given <see cref="T:MediaMallTechnologies.Plugin.SharedMediaFileInfo"/>
 /// if further logic is required
 /// to obtain the media URL or to include advertisement URLs, and returns XML information
 /// about these URLs.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileInfo">The <see cref="SharedMediaFileInfo"/> object that should be resolved.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The XML description of URLs for video playback.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The main video URL must include a "type" param that is either "wmp" (for Windows Media Player)
 /// or "<c>fp</c>" (for Flash Player) to indicate what type of player is used to display
 /// the given source media. The optional "startTime" param indicates a start time for the source media,
 /// in 100-nanoseconds. <b>_Note that the "startTime" param only works when the "type" is "wmp".</b>
 /// Advertisements must include the timestamp in
 /// 100-nanoseconds for when they should be shown, relative to the main media playback, and also include a "type" parameter.
 /// The XML format is as follows:
 /// <code>
 ///         <![CDATA[
 /// <media>
 /// <url type="wmp|fp" [startTime="100-nanos"]>...</url>
 /// <ad timestamp="100-nanos" type="wmp|fp">...</ad>
 /// <ad timestamp="100-nanos" type="wmp|fp">...</ad>
 /// </media>
 /// ]]>
 ///     </code>
 /// The "type" parameter must be one of either "wmp" or "<c>fp</c>". The 100-nanoseconds
 /// parameters must be non-negative numerical values, and are expressed as <i>seconds</i> * 10^7.
 /// </remarks>
 public string Resolve(SharedMediaFileInfo fileInfo)
     return(string.Format(@"<media><url type=""wmp"">{0}</url></media>", fileInfo.Path));
        public void WhenIRetrieveChild1OfRootRSS(int num, string path)

            _fileInfo = (SharedMediaFileInfo) _payload.Items.Skip(num - 1).Take(1).Single();