Example #1
        private void OnTrackingLost()
            // pop up stop appearing only if OK was pressed, not when it desappear for tracking lost
            if (GameObject.Find("InfoPanel-ARartefact") != null)
                GameObject.Find("InfoPanel-ARartefact").GetComponent <SceneStatusManager>().setShowPopUp(false);
                // After it has been seen, set to unseen again as untill the OK button is pressed, the pop-up
                // should keep appering

            Renderer[] rendererComponents = GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(true);
            Collider[] colliderComponents = GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>(true);

            // Disable rendering:
            foreach (Renderer component in rendererComponents)
                component.enabled = false;

            // Disable colliders:
            foreach (Collider component in colliderComponents)
                component.enabled = false;

            //Debug.Log("Trackable " + mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName + " lost");
 public void UpdateOnce()
     sceneStatus = SharedInfo.getSceneStatus();
     if (sceneStatus.isVisited(currLevel))
Example #3
    void Start()
        game = SharedInfo.getCurrGame();
        won  = (game.getCollection().getTotal() == game.getCollectionStatus().getTotalCollected());

        isJustCollected = game.isArtefactJustCollected();
        if (isJustCollected && !won)
            levelToGo = "Clue";
            if (game.getCurrentArtefact().getId() == 0)            // Only for Anubis
            levelToGo = "Collection";
 public void setVisited()
Example #5
        private void OnTrackingFound()
            bool     isVisible = false;
            Collider artefactCollider = new Collider();
            Renderer artefactRenderer = new Renderer(), artefactRendererExtra = new Renderer(), questionMarkRenderer = new Renderer();
            Artefact currArtefact = new Artefact();

            Renderer[] rendererComponents = GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(true);
            Collider[] colliderComponents = GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>(true);

            // Each time a new artefact is found, clean any old pup up messages
            GameObject.Find("CameraFinderSceneManager").GetComponent <PopUpManager>().setShowPopUp(false);

            // Enable rendering:
            foreach (Renderer component in rendererComponents)
                string componentName = component.gameObject.name.Replace("Texture", "");

                if (componentName == "Cippus0" || componentName == "Cippus1")
                    if (componentName == "Cippus0")
                        artefactRendererExtra = component;
                    componentName = "Cippus";

                currArtefact = game.getCollection().getArtefactByName(componentName);
                //Debug.Log("Renderer: " + componentName);

                if (componentName == "FindOtherFirst")
                    questionMarkRenderer = component;

                else if (currArtefact != null)
                    artefactRenderer = component;

            // Enable colliders:
            foreach (Collider component in colliderComponents)
                currArtefact = game.getCollection().getArtefactByName(component.name);
                //Debug.Log("Collider: " + component.name);

                if (currArtefact != null)
                    artefactCollider = component;

            // Show the artefact
            if (currArtefact != null && currArtefact.getId() <= game.getCollectionStatus().getNextToCollect())
                // Only if the previous message has already been dismissed
                if (GameObject.Find("InfoPanel-CameraFinder") == null)
                    // Only if first artefact and not already collrcted
                    // If you dont want to show anymore after the OK button was pressed add:
                    // && !SharedInfo.getSceneStatus().isVisited("ARartefact");
                    if (currArtefact.getId() == 0 && !game.collectionStatus.isCollected(currArtefact) && !SharedInfo.getSceneStatus().isVisited("ARartefact"))
                        // Retrive unactive panel
                        Component[] infoPanels = GameObject.Find("InfoPanels").GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Transform), true);
                        foreach (Component temp in infoPanels)
                            if (temp.name == "InfoPanel-ARartefact")
                        GameObject.Find("InfoPanel-ARartefact").GetComponent <SceneStatusManager>().setShowPopUp(true);
                        // OR
                        //SharedInfo.getSceneStatus().setVisited ("ARartefact");
                questionMarkRenderer.enabled = false;
                artefactCollider.enabled     = true;
                artefactRenderer.enabled     = true;
                if (currArtefact.getName() == "Cippus")
                    artefactRendererExtra.enabled = true;
                artefactCollider.enabled     = false;
                artefactCollider.enabled     = false;
                questionMarkRenderer.enabled = true;

            //Debug.Log("Trackable " + mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName + " found");