private IGeometry ReadPoint()
            ShapefileGeometryType type = (ShapefileGeometryType)_reader.ReadInt32();

            if (type == ShapefileGeometryType.NullShape)

            if (type == ShapefileGeometryType.Point)
                return(_gf.CreatePoint(new Coordinate(
            else if (type == ShapefileGeometryType.PointZ)
                return(_gf.CreatePoint(new Coordinate(
                throw new Exception("Attempting to load a non-point as point.");
Example #2
        public static void Convert(ShapefileGeometryType type, SqlDataReader reader, string shapefile)
            if (!reader.Read())
                throw new Exception("No Results found");

            int geomOrdinal, colCount;
            ShapefileHeader shapeHeader = ShapefileHeader.CreateEmpty(type);
            DbfHeader dbfHeader = BuildHeader(reader, out geomOrdinal, out colCount);
            GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory();
            Envelope env = shapeHeader.Bounds;

            using (ShapefileDataWriter writer = ShapefileDataWriter.Create(shapefile, dbfHeader, shapeHeader))
                    SqlGeometry geom = reader[geomOrdinal] as SqlGeometry;
                    if (!geom.STIsValid())
                        geom = geom.MakeValid();

                    for (int i = 0, offset = 0; i < colCount; i++)
                        if (i == geomOrdinal)

                        writer.Record.SetRaw(i, reader[i + offset]);

                    ExpandEnv(env, geom.STBoundary());
                    writer.Write(ConvertToGeometry.SqlGeometryToGeometry(geom, factory));
                while (reader.Read());
 public static ShapefileHeader CreateEmpty(ShapefileGeometryType type)
     return new ShapefileHeader
         Bounds = new Envelope(),
         ShapeType = type,
         FileLength = 0
Example #4
 public static ShapefileHeader CreateEmpty(ShapefileGeometryType type)
     return(new ShapefileHeader
         Bounds = new Envelope(),
         ShapeType = type,
         FileLength = 0
        private IGeometry ReadMultiPoint()
            ShapefileGeometryType type = (ShapefileGeometryType)_reader.ReadInt32();

            if (type == ShapefileGeometryType.NullShape)

            if (type != ShapefileGeometryType.MultiPoint && type != ShapefileGeometryType.MultiPointZ)
                throw new Exception("Attempting to load a non-multipoint as multipoint.");

            // Read the box
            double xMin = _reader.ReadDouble(), yMin = _reader.ReadDouble();

            ShapeEnvelope.Init(xMin, _reader.ReadDouble(),
                               yMin, _reader.ReadDouble());

            Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[_reader.ReadInt32()];
            for (int i = 0; i < coords.Length; i++)
                coords[i] = new Coordinate(

            if (type == ShapefileGeometryType.MultiPointZ)
                // Don't use the min/max z values. Just read & throw away.
                for (int i = 0; i < coords.Length; i++)
                    coords[i].Z = _reader.ReadDouble();

                // Don't use the min/max m values. Just read & throw away.
                for (int i = 0; i < coords.Length; i++)
                    coords[i].M = _reader.ReadDouble();

Example #6
        public static void Convert(ShapefileGeometryType type, SqlDataReader reader, string shapefile)
            if (!reader.Read())
                throw new Exception("No Results found");

            int             geomOrdinal, colCount;
            ShapefileHeader shapeHeader = ShapefileHeader.CreateEmpty(type);
            DbfHeader       dbfHeader   = BuildHeader(reader, out geomOrdinal, out colCount);
            GeometryFactory factory     = new GeometryFactory();
            Envelope        env         = shapeHeader.Bounds;

            using (ShapefileDataWriter writer = ShapefileDataWriter.Create(shapefile, dbfHeader, shapeHeader))
                    SqlGeometry geom = reader[geomOrdinal] as SqlGeometry;
                    if (!geom.STIsValid())
                        geom = geom.MakeValid();

                    for (int i = 0, offset = 0; i < colCount; i++)
                        if (i == geomOrdinal)

                        writer.Record.SetRaw(i, reader[i + offset]);

                    ExpandEnv(env, geom.STBoundary());
                    writer.Write(ConvertToGeometry.SqlGeometryToGeometry(geom, factory));
                }while (reader.Read());
        private IGeometry ReadPolygon()
            ShapefileGeometryType type = (ShapefileGeometryType)_reader.ReadInt32();

            if (type == ShapefileGeometryType.NullShape)
                return(_gf.CreatePolygon(null, null));

            if (type != ShapefileGeometryType.Polygon && type != ShapefileGeometryType.PolygonZ)
                throw new Exception("Attempting to load a non-polygon as polygon.");

            // Read the box
            double xMin = _reader.ReadDouble(), yMin = _reader.ReadDouble();

            ShapeEnvelope.Init(xMin, _reader.ReadDouble(),
                               yMin, _reader.ReadDouble());

            // Read poly header
            int numParts  = _reader.ReadInt32();
            int numPoints = _reader.ReadInt32();

            // Read parts array
            int[] partOffsets = new int[numParts];
            for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
                partOffsets[i] = _reader.ReadInt32();

            // Read the parts and their points
            List <ILinearRing> shells = new List <ILinearRing>();
            List <ILinearRing> holes  = new List <ILinearRing>();

            Coordinate[] allCoords = new Coordinate[numPoints];
            for (int part = 0, last = numParts - 1, x = 0; part < numParts; part++)
                int          start = partOffsets[part], stop = (part == last ? numPoints : partOffsets[part + 1]);
                Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[stop - start];

                for (int i = 0; i < coords.Length; i++)
                    coords[i] = allCoords[x++] = new Coordinate(

                ILinearRing ring = _gf.CreateLinearRing(coords);

                // Check for hole.
                if (CgAlgorithms.IsCounterClockwise(coords))

            if (type == ShapefileGeometryType.PolygonZ)
                // z min/max

                for (int i = 0; i < allCoords.Length; i++)
                    allCoords[i].Z = _reader.ReadDouble();

                // m min/max
                for (int i = 0; i < allCoords.Length; i++)
                    allCoords[i].M = _reader.ReadDouble();

            // Create the polygon
            if (shells.Count == 1)
                return(_gf.CreatePolygon(shells[0], holes.ToArray()));
            else // Create a multipolygon
                List <IPolygon> polys = new List <IPolygon>(shells.Count);
                foreach (ILinearRing shell in shells)
                    IEnvelope          shellEnv   = shell.EnvelopeInternal;
                    List <ILinearRing> shellHoles = new List <ILinearRing>();
                    for (int i = holes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        ILinearRing hole = holes[i];
                        if (shellEnv.Contains(hole.EnvelopeInternal))

                    polys.Add(_gf.CreatePolygon(shell, shellHoles.ToArray()));

                // Add the holes that weren't contains as shells
                foreach (ILinearRing hole in holes)
                    LinearRing ring = new LinearRing(hole.Reverse());
                    polys.Add(_gf.CreatePolygon(ring, null));

        private IGeometry ReadPolyLine()
            ShapefileGeometryType type = (ShapefileGeometryType)_reader.ReadInt32();

            if (type == ShapefileGeometryType.NullShape)

            if (type != ShapefileGeometryType.PolyLine && type != ShapefileGeometryType.PolyLineZ)
                throw new Exception("Attempting to load a non-point as point.");

            // Read the box
            double xMin = _reader.ReadDouble(), yMin = _reader.ReadDouble();

            ShapeEnvelope.Init(xMin, _reader.ReadDouble(),
                               yMin, _reader.ReadDouble());

            // Read poly header
            int numParts  = _reader.ReadInt32();
            int numPoints = _reader.ReadInt32();

            // Read parts array
            int[] partOffsets = new int[numParts];
            for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
                partOffsets[i] = _reader.ReadInt32();

            // Read the parts and their points
            ILineString[] lines = new ILineString[numParts];
            for (int part = 0, last = numParts - 1; part < numParts; part++)
                int          start = partOffsets[part], stop = (part == last ? numPoints : partOffsets[part + 1]);
                Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[stop - start];

                for (int i = 0; i < coords.Length; i++)
                    coords[i] = new Coordinate(

                lines[part] = _gf.CreateLineString(coords);

            if (type == ShapefileGeometryType.PolyLineZ)
                // Don't use the min/max z values. Just read & throw away.
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                    IList <Coordinate> coords = lines[i].Coordinates;
                    for (int x = 0; x < coords.Count; x++)
                        coords[i].Z = _reader.ReadDouble();

                // Don't use the min/max m values. Just read & throw away.
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                    IList <Coordinate> coords = lines[i].Coordinates;
                    for (int x = 0; x < coords.Count; x++)
                        coords[i].M = _reader.ReadDouble();

            if (lines.Length == 1)