public static void SetShakeShader() { unbindVignetteShader(); ShakeEffect effect = new ShakeEffect(); effect.RunBlocking(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); }
public void ShakeCamera(float length, float stength, float fadeToStrength) { ShakeEffect newEffect = new ShakeEffect(length, stength); newEffect.TransitionStrength(fadeToStrength); shakeEffects.Add(newEffect); }
private void OnDestroy() { if (instance == this) { instance = null; } }
public void AddShake(float lifetime, Vector3 spread, float minSpeed, float maxSpeed) { if (_shakeEffect == null && TargetAttributes != null) { _shakeEffect = new ShakeEffect(lifetime, TargetAttributes.DistanceModifier, spread, minSpeed, maxSpeed); } }
private void Start() { mainCameraBehaviour = Camera.main.GetComponent <ShakeEffect>(); switch (controller) { case Controllers.Kinect: { GetComponent <KinectPlayerController>().enabled = true; GetComponent <PlayerControllerRieles>().enabled = false; break; } case Controllers.Keyboard: { GetComponent <KinectPlayerController>().enabled = false; GetComponent <PlayerControllerRieles>().enabled = true; break; } default: break; } }
public static void ShakeCamera(float _intensity, float _duration, float _frequency, AnimationCurve _intensityCurve) { if (cameraShaker == null) { cameraShaker = new GameObject().AddComponent <ShakeEffect>(); = "Camera Shaker"; } ShakeData i_shakeData = new ShakeData(_intensity * (PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("REU_Screenshake_intensity", 100) / 100), _duration, _frequency); i_shakeData.intensityCurve = _intensityCurve; if (currentShake != null) { if (_intensity > currentShake.intensity) { shakeList.Add(currentShake); currentShake = i_shakeData; shakeList.Add(i_shakeData); } else { shakeList.Add(i_shakeData); } } else { currentShake = i_shakeData; shakeList.Add(i_shakeData); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { origin = transform.position; pi = new PlayerInput(); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); anim = GetComponentInParent <Animator>(); shakeEffect = new ShakeEffect(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { shakeFX = GetComponent<ShakeEffect>(); shakeFX.loop = true; carController = transform.root.GetComponent<CarController>(); initialPos = transform.localPosition; cam = GetComponent<Camera>(); }
public void Start() { localRigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); localRenderer = GetComponent <Renderer>(); audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); shakeEffect = Camera.main.GetComponent <ShakeEffect>(); localRenderer.material.color = playerColor; }
protected override void DoInit() { base.DoInit(); _rigid = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> (); _rigid.isKinematic = true; _collid = GetComponent <Collider2D> (); _collid.isTrigger = true; Vector2DUtils.ChangePositionZ(transform, (float)ZIndexs.o4); _shakeEffect = GetComponent <ShakeEffect> (); // _shakeEffect.autoStart = false; }
private void Awake() { if (instance != null) { Debug.LogError("Nie moze byc dwoch instancji klasy ShakeEffect na scenie!"); } else { instance = this; } randomSeed = Random.Range(0f, 1f); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { // Singleton if (shakeEffect == null) { shakeEffect = this; } else { Destroy(gameObject); } camPosition = transform.position; }
public void SetEffect(string effect, float intensity = -1) { if (effect == null) { throw new CYFException("Text.SetEffect: The first argument (the effect name) is nil.\n\nSee the documentation for proper usage."); } CheckExists(); switch (effect.ToLower()) { case "none": textEffect = null; break; case "twitch": if (intensity != -1) { textEffect = new TwitchEffect(this, intensity); } else { textEffect = new TwitchEffect(this); } break; case "shake": if (intensity != -1) { textEffect = new ShakeEffect(this, intensity); } else { textEffect = new ShakeEffect(this); } break; case "rotate": if (intensity != -1) { textEffect = new RotatingEffect(this, intensity); } else { textEffect = new RotatingEffect(this); } break; default: throw new CYFException("The effect \"" + effect + "\" doesn't exist.\nYou can only choose between \"none\", \"twitch\", \"shake\" and \"rotate\"."); } }
public STGEffectBase CreateEffectByType(EffectType type) { STGEffectBase effect = GetEffectFromPool(type); if (effect == null) { switch (type) { case EffectType.SpriteEffect: effect = new STGSpriteEffect(); break; case EffectType.ShakeEffect: effect = new ShakeEffect(); break; case EffectType.BreakScreenEffect: effect = new STGBreakScreenEffect(); break; case EffectType.BurstEffect: effect = new STGBurstEffect(); break; case EffectType.ChargeEffect: effect = new STGChargeEffect(); break; case EffectType.BulletEliminate: effect = new STGBulletEliminateEffect(); break; case EffectType.EnemyEliminated: effect = new STGEnemyEliminatedEffect(); break; case EffectType.PlayerDeadEffect: effect = new STGPlayerDeadEffect(); break; } } if (effect != null) { effect.Init(); _effectList.Add(effect); _effectsCount++; } return(effect); }
protected override void OnCollision(Collider2D _collider) { IceBlock _iceBlock = _collider.GetComponent <IceBlock>(); ShakeEffect _camera = Camera.main.GetComponent <ShakeEffect>(); _camera.Shake(0.05f, 0.2f); if (_iceBlock) { Destroy(_iceBlock.gameObject); } DestroyParticle(); }
/// <summary> /// 抖动屏幕 /// <para>delay</para> /// <para>duration</para> /// <para>interval 抖动间隔</para> /// <para>shakeLevel 震幅</para> /// <para>minShakeLevel 最小震幅</para> /// <para>maxRange 最大范围</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="luaState"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int ShakeScreen(ILuaState luaState) { ShakeEffect effect = EffectsManager.GetInstance().CreateEffectByType(EffectType.ShakeEffect) as ShakeEffect; string name = luaState.ToString(-7); int delay = luaState.ToInteger(-6); int shakeDuration = luaState.ToInteger(-5); int shakeInterval = luaState.ToInteger(-4); float shakeLevel = (float)luaState.ToNumber(-3); float minShakeLevel = (float)luaState.ToNumber(-2); float maxRange = (float)luaState.ToNumber(-1); effect.SetName(name); effect.DoShake(delay, shakeDuration, shakeInterval, shakeLevel, minShakeLevel, maxRange); return(0); }
public void Start() { // Setting references body = GetComponent <Body>(); body.GravityMultiplier = 0f; shakeEffect = GetComponent <ShakeEffect>(); // Starting timer airTime = maxAirTime; // Creating start particles Instantiate(startParticlePrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); // Checking for collision CheckForCollision(); }
public void SetEffect(string effect, float intensity) { switch (effect.ToLower()) { case "none": textEffect = null; break; case "twitch": if (intensity != -1) { textEffect = new TwitchEffect(this, intensity); } else { textEffect = new TwitchEffect(this); } break; case "shake": if (intensity != -1) { textEffect = new ShakeEffect(this, intensity); } else { textEffect = new ShakeEffect(this); } break; case "rotate": if (intensity != -1) { textEffect = new RotatingEffect(this, intensity); } else { textEffect = new RotatingEffect(this); } break; default: throw new CYFException("The effect \"" + effect + "\" doesn't exist.\nYou can only choose between \"none\", \"twitch\", \"shake\" and \"rotate\"."); } }
private void CollidedByEnemyCallback(ObjectColliderBase collider, ICollisionObject enemy) { ClearCollider(); if (!_isFinish) { Explode(); ShakeEffect effect = EffectsManager.GetInstance().CreateEffectByType(EffectType.ShakeEffect) as ShakeEffect; effect.DoShake(0, 5, 1, 5); //ObjectColliderBase newCollider = ColliderManager.GetInstance().CreateColliderByType(eColliderType.Circle); //newCollider.SetSize(_size, _size); //newCollider.SetPosition(_curPos); //newCollider.SetEliminateType(eEliminateDef.PlayerSpellCard); //newCollider.SetColliderGroup(eColliderGroup.Enemy | eColliderGroup.EnemyBullet); //newCollider.SetHitEnemyDamage(_dmg); //newCollider.SetExistDuration(1); _isFinish = true; } }
public override void Start() { _masterSparkObject = ResourceManager.GetInstance().GetPrefab("Prefab/Character/MarisaA", "MasterSpark"); UIManager.GetInstance().AddGoToLayer(_masterSparkObject, LayerId.PlayerBarage); _masterSparkTf = _masterSparkObject.transform; Vector2 playerPos = Global.PlayerPos; Vector3 pos = new Vector3(playerPos.x + _posOffset.x, playerPos.y + _posOffset.y, MasterSparkPosZ); _masterSparkTf.localPosition = pos; Transform tf; for (int i = 0; i < MovementObjectCount; i++) { tf = _masterSparkTf.Find("SparkWave" + i); _movementObjectTfList.Add(tf); } _sparkContainerTf = _masterSparkTf.Find("SparkContainer"); _movementBodyTf = _sparkContainerTf.Find("MovementBody"); // 黑底 _effect = EffectsManager.GetInstance().CreateEffectByType(EffectType.SpriteEffect) as STGSpriteEffect; _effect.SetSprite("ShapeAtlas", "ShapeCircle", eBlendMode.Normal, LayerId.STGBottomEffect, false); _effect.SetSize(0, 0); _effect.SetSpriteColor(0, 0, 0, 1); _effect.ChangeWidthTo(1024, 50, InterpolationMode.EaseInQuad); _effect.ChangeHeightTo(1024, 50, InterpolationMode.EaseInQuad); _effect.SetPosition(playerPos.x, playerPos.y); // 基础属性 _curState = 1; _time = 0; _duration = 30; _isFinish = false; // 震动 ShakeEffect shakeEffect = EffectsManager.GetInstance().CreateEffectByType(EffectType.ShakeEffect) as ShakeEffect; shakeEffect.DoShake(0, 270, 3, 3f, 1.5f, 5); // 音效 SoundManager.GetInstance().Play("se_masterspark", 0.1f, false, true); }
// Based on the camera attributes and the target's special camera attributes, find out where the // camera should move to. public Vector3 GetGoalPosition(float elapsedTime) { // Our camera script can take attributes from the target. If there are no attributes attached, we have // the following defaults. // How high in world space should the camera look above the target? float heightOffset = 0.0f; // How much should we zoom the camera based on this target? float distanceModifier = 1.0f; // By default, we won't account for any target velocity or chaos in our calculations; float velocityLookAheadX = 0.0f; float velocityLookAheadY = 0.0f; Vector2 maxLookAhead = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); // If our target has special attributes, use these instead of our above defaults. if (TargetAttributes != null) { heightOffset = TargetAttributes.HeightOffset; if (TargetAnimator != null && TargetAnimator.IsDead) { distanceModifier = TargetAttributes.DeathZoom; } else if (_shakeEffect != null) { distanceModifier = _shakeEffect.OldDistanceModifier; } else if (_cinematicOverride) { distanceModifier = 0.5f; } else { distanceModifier = TargetAttributes.DistanceModifier; } velocityLookAheadX = TargetAttributes.VelocityLookAheadX; velocityLookAheadY = TargetAttributes.VelocityLookAheadY; maxLookAhead = TargetAttributes.MaxLookAhead; } Vector3 goalPosition = Target.position + new Vector3(0, heightOffset, -Distance * distanceModifier); Vector3 nearestEnemy =; _enemyFocused = GetNearestEnemy(out nearestEnemy); if (_enemyFocused) { goalPosition += (nearestEnemy - GameManager.Player.transform.position) * 0.5f + new Vector3(0, 0, -Vector3.Distance(nearestEnemy, GameManager.Player.transform.position) * 0.25f); } // Next, we refine our goalPosition by taking into account our target's current velocity. // This will make the camera slightly look ahead to wherever the character is going. // First assume there is no velocity. // This is so if the camera's target is not a Rigidbody, it won't do any look-ahead calculations because everything will be zero. Vector3 targetVelocity =; // If we find a Rigidbody on the target, that means we can access a velocity! if (TargetRigidbody) { targetVelocity = TargetRigidbody.velocity; } // If the target has a velocity, we use that velocity if (TargetAnimator) { targetVelocity = TargetAnimator.Velocity; } // Estimate what the target's position will be in velocityLookAhead seconds (position = velocity * time). Vector3 lookAhead = targetVelocity; lookAhead.x *= velocityLookAheadX; lookAhead.y *= velocityLookAheadY; // We clamp the lookAhead vector to some sane values so that the target doesn't go offscreen. // This calculation could be more advanced (lengthy), taking into account the target's viewport position, // but this works pretty well in practice. lookAhead.x = Mathf.Clamp(lookAhead.x, -maxLookAhead.x, maxLookAhead.x); lookAhead.y = Mathf.Clamp(lookAhead.y, -maxLookAhead.y, maxLookAhead.y); // We never want to take z velocity into account as this is 2D. Just make sure it's zero. lookAhead.z = 0.0f; // We want to make sure our lookahead accounts for how zoomed in the camera is lookAhead *= distanceModifier; // Stop looking ahead if we tagged it to false if (TargetAnimator != null && TargetAnimator.CurrentState.IsTag("NoLookAhead")) { lookAhead =; } // Now add in our lookAhead calculation. Our camera following is now a bit better! goalPosition += lookAhead; // Shake the camera if told if (_shakeEffect != null) { if (!_shakeEffect.IsDone) { goalPosition += _shakeEffect.Shake(elapsedTime); } else { _shakeEffect = null; } } // We will also make it so that the positions beyond the level boundaries are never seen. Vector3 clampOffset =; // Temporarily set the camera to the goal position so we can test positions for clamping. // But first, save the previous position. Vector3 cameraPositionSave = transform.position; transform.position = goalPosition; // Get the target position in viewport space. Viewport space is relative to the camera. // The bottom left is (0,0) and the upper right is (1,1) Vector3 targetViewportPosition = GetComponent <Camera>().WorldToViewportPoint(Target.position); // First clamp to the right and top. After this we will clamp to the bottom and left, so it will override this // clamping if it needs to. This only occurs if the level is really small so that the camera sees more than // the entire level at once. // What is the world position of the very upper right corner of the camera? Vector3 upperRightCameraInWorld = GetComponent <Camera>().ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, targetViewportPosition.z)); // Find out how far outside the world the camera is right now. clampOffset.x = Mathf.Min(GameManager.Level.Boundaries.xMax - upperRightCameraInWorld.x, 0.0f); clampOffset.y = Mathf.Min((GameManager.Level.Boundaries.yMax - upperRightCameraInWorld.y), 0.0f); // Now we apply our clamping to our goalPosition. Now our camera won't go past the right and top boundaries of the level! goalPosition += clampOffset; // Now we do basically the same thing, except clamp to the lower left of the level. This will override any previous clamping // if the level is really small. That way you'll for sure never see past the lower-left of the level, but if the camera is // zoomed out too far for the level size, you will see past the right or top of the level. transform.position = goalPosition; Vector3 lowerLeftCameraInWorld = GetComponent <Camera>().ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, targetViewportPosition.z)); // Find out how far outside the world the camera is right now. clampOffset.x = Mathf.Max((GameManager.Level.Boundaries.xMin - lowerLeftCameraInWorld.x), 0.0f); clampOffset.y = Mathf.Max((GameManager.Level.Boundaries.yMin - lowerLeftCameraInWorld.y), 0.0f); // Now we apply our clamping to our goalPosition once again. Now our camera won't go past the left and bottom boundaries of the level! goalPosition += clampOffset; // Now that we're done calling functions on the camera, we can set the position back to the saved position; transform.position = cameraPositionSave; return(goalPosition); }
void Start() { _shakeEffect = null; }
public static async void SetShakeShader() { unbindVignetteShader(); ShakeEffect effect = new ShakeEffect(); await effect.RunAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); }
public void ShakeCamera(float length, float stength) { ShakeEffect newEffect = new ShakeEffect(length, stength); shakeEffects.Add(newEffect); }
void ApplyEffect() { shake = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ShakeEffect").GetComponent <ShakeEffect> (); shake.CameraShake(); Instantiate(playerEffect, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); }