protected bool BuildProgram(string vs, string fs)
            //NOTE: during development,
            //new shader source may not recompile if you don't clear cache or disable cache feature
            //EnableProgramBinaryCache = false;

            if (!LoadCompiledShader())
                if (!_shaderProgram.Build(vs, fs))

            a_position = _shaderProgram.GetAttrV3f("a_position");
            a_texCoord = _shaderProgram.GetAttrV2f("a_texCoord");
            u_matrix   = _shaderProgram.GetUniformMat4("u_mvpMatrix");
            s_texture  = _shaderProgram.GetUniform1("s_texture");
Example #2
        public RadialGradientFillShader(ShaderSharedResource shareRes)
            : base(shareRes)
            //NOTE: during development,
            //new shader source may not recompile if you don't clear cache or disable cache feature
            //EnableProgramBinaryCache = false;

            if (!LoadCompiledShader())
                //vertex shader source
                string vs = @"        
                    attribute vec2 a_position;
                    uniform mat4 u_mvpMatrix;                     
                    void main()
                        gl_Position = u_mvpMatrix* vec4(a_position[0],a_position[1],0,1);  
                //fragment source
                string fs = @"
                        precision mediump float; 
                        uniform vec3 u_center; 
                        uniform sampler2D s_texture;
                        uniform mat3 u_invertedTxMatrix;

                        void main()
                            vec4 pos=gl_FragCoord;                            
                            vec3 new_pos =  u_invertedTxMatrix* vec3(pos.x,pos.y,1.0);                            

                            //float r_distance= sqrt((pos.x-u_center.x)* (pos.x-u_center.x) + (pos.y -u_center.y)*(pos.y-u_center.y))/u_center.z;
                            float r_distance= sqrt((new_pos.x-u_center.x)* (new_pos.x-u_center.x) + (new_pos.y -u_center.y)*(new_pos.y-u_center.y))/(u_center.z);

                            if(r_distance >=0.9){
                               gl_FragColor= texture2D(s_texture,vec2(0.9,0.0));
                               gl_FragColor= texture2D(s_texture,vec2(r_distance,0.0));

                //in fragment shader if we not 'clamp' r_distance
                //  if(r_distance > 1.0) r_distance =1
                //then the pattern will be repeat. ***

                if (!_shaderProgram.Build(vs, fs))
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            a_position         = _shaderProgram.GetAttrV2f("a_position");
            u_matrix           = _shaderProgram.GetUniformMat4("u_mvpMatrix");
            u_center           = _shaderProgram.GetUniform3("u_center");
            s_texture          = _shaderProgram.GetUniform1("s_texture");
            u_invertedTxMatrix = _shaderProgram.GetUniformMat3("u_invertedTxMatrix");
 protected bool BuildProgram(string vs, string fs)
     if (!shaderProgram.Build(vs, fs))
     a_position = shaderProgram.GetAttrV3f("a_position");
     a_texCoord = shaderProgram.GetAttrV2f("a_texCoord");
     u_matrix   = shaderProgram.GetUniformMat4("u_mvpMatrix");
     s_texture  = shaderProgram.GetUniform1("s_texture");
Example #4
        public RectFillShader(ShaderSharedResource shareRes)
            : base(shareRes)
            //NOTE: during development,
            //new shader source may not recompile if you don't clear cache or disable cache feature
            //EnableProgramBinaryCache = false;

            if (!LoadCompiledShader())
                //vertex shader source
                string vs = @"        
                    attribute vec2 a_position;     
                    attribute vec4 a_color;
                    uniform mat4 u_mvpMatrix; 
                    uniform vec2 u_ortho_offset;
                    varying vec4 v_color;
                    void main()
                        gl_Position = u_mvpMatrix* vec4(a_position+ u_ortho_offset,0,1); 
                        v_color= a_color;
                //fragment source
                string fs = @"
                        precision mediump float;
                        varying vec4 v_color; 
                        void main()
                            gl_FragColor = v_color;
                if (!_shaderProgram.Build(vs, fs))
                    throw new NotSupportedException();


            a_position     = _shaderProgram.GetAttrV2f("a_position");
            u_ortho_offset = _shaderProgram.GetUniform2("u_ortho_offset");
            a_color        = _shaderProgram.GetAttrV4f("a_color");
            u_matrix       = _shaderProgram.GetUniformMat4("u_mvpMatrix");
Example #5
        public GlyphFillShader(CanvasToShaderSharedResource canvasShareResource)
            : base(canvasShareResource)
            //vertex shader source
            string vs = @"        
            attribute vec2 a_position; 
            uniform mat4 u_mvpMatrix;
            uniform vec4 u_solidColor;              
            uniform vec2 u_2d_offset;           
            varying vec4 v_color;
            void main()
                gl_Position = u_mvpMatrix* vec4(a_position[0] +u_2d_offset[0],a_position[1]+ u_2d_offset[1],0,1); 
                v_color= u_solidColor;
            //fragment source
            string fs = @"
                precision mediump float;
                varying vec4 v_color; 
                void main()
                    gl_FragColor = v_color;

            if (!shaderProgram.Build(vs, fs))
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            a_position   = shaderProgram.GetAttrV2f("a_position");
            u_matrix     = shaderProgram.GetUniformMat4("u_mvpMatrix");
            u_solidColor = shaderProgram.GetUniform4("u_solidColor");
            u_2d_offset  = shaderProgram.GetUniform2("u_2d_offset");
        public RectFillShader(ShaderSharedResource shareRes)
            : base(shareRes)
            //vertex shader source
            string vs = @"        
            attribute vec2 a_position;     
            attribute vec4 a_color;
            uniform mat4 u_mvpMatrix; 
            varying vec4 v_color;
            void main()
                gl_Position = u_mvpMatrix* vec4(a_position[0],a_position[1],0,1); 
                v_color= a_color;
            //fragment source
            string fs = @"
                precision mediump float;
                varying vec4 v_color; 
                void main()
                    gl_FragColor = v_color;

            if (!shaderProgram.Build(vs, fs))
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            a_position = shaderProgram.GetAttrV2f("a_position");
            a_color    = shaderProgram.GetAttrV4f("a_color");
            u_matrix   = shaderProgram.GetUniformMat4("u_mvpMatrix");
Example #7
        protected override void OnReadyForInitGLShaderProgram()
            //vertex shader source
            string vs = @"        
            precision mediump float;
            attribute vec2 a_position;
            attribute vec3 a_color; 
            attribute vec2 a_texcoord;
            uniform mat4 u_mvpMatrix;
            uniform vec4 u_solidColor;
            uniform int u_useSolidColor;            

            varying vec4 v_color;
            varying vec2 v_texcoord;
            void main()
                gl_Position = u_mvpMatrix* vec4(a_position[0],a_position[1],0.0,1.0);
                if(u_useSolidColor !=0)
                    v_color= u_solidColor;                                       
                    v_color = vec4(a_color,1.0);
                v_texcoord= a_texcoord;
            //fragment source
            string fs = @"
                precision mediump float;
                varying vec4 v_color; 
                varying vec2 v_texcoord;                 
                void main()
                    //gl_FragColor = vec4(1,v_texcoord.y,0,1);
                    gl_FragColor= v_color;

            if (!shaderProgram.Build(vs, fs))
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            a_position      = shaderProgram.GetAttrV2f("a_position");
            a_color         = shaderProgram.GetAttrV3f("a_color");
            a_textureCoord  = shaderProgram.GetAttrV2f("a_texcoord");
            u_matrix        = shaderProgram.GetUniformMat4("u_mvpMatrix");
            u_useSolidColor = shaderProgram.GetUniform1("u_useSolidColor");
            u_solidColor    = shaderProgram.GetUniform4("u_solidColor");
            GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
            GL.ClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
            //setup viewport size
            int max = Math.Max(this.Width, this.Height);

            //square viewport
            GL.Viewport(0, 0, max, max);
            orthoView = MyMat4.ortho(0, max, 0, max, 0, 1);

            //load image