Example #1
    // Build a job chain with a given scanner.
    JobHandle BuildJobChain(float3 origin, Scanner scanner, JobHandle deps)
        // Transform output destination
        var transforms = _voxelGroup.GetComponentDataArray <LocalToWorld>();

        if (transforms.Length == 0)

        if (_pTransformCount == null)
            // Initialize the transform counter.
            _pTransformCount = (int *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(
                sizeof(int), sizeof(int), Allocator.Persistent);
            *_pTransformCount = 0;
            // Wrap around the transform counter to avoid overlfow.
            *_pTransformCount %= transforms.Length;

        // Total count of rays
        var total = scanner.Resolution.x * scanner.Resolution.y;

        // Ray cast command/result array
        var commands = new NativeArray <RaycastCommand>(total, Allocator.TempJob);
        var hits     = new NativeArray <RaycastHit>(total, Allocator.TempJob);

        // 1: Set-up jobs
        var setupJob = new SetupJob {
            Commands   = commands,
            Origin     = origin,
            Extent     = scanner.Extent,
            Resolution = scanner.Resolution

        deps = setupJob.Schedule(total, 64, deps);

        // 2: Raycast jobs
        deps = RaycastCommand.ScheduleBatch(commands, hits, 16, deps);

        // 3: Transfer jobs
        var transferJob = new TransferJob {
            RaycastCommands = commands,
            RaycastHits     = hits,
            Scale           = scanner.Extent.x * 2 / scanner.Resolution.x,
            Transforms      = transforms,
            pCounter        = _pTransformCount

        deps = transferJob.Schedule(total, 64, deps);

Example #2
    // Build a job chain with a given scanner.
    JobHandle BuildJobChain(float3 origin, Scanner scanner, JobHandle deps)
        // Transform output destination
        //var transforms = _voxelGroup.GetComponentDataArray<TransformMatrix>();
        var positions = _voxelGroup.ToComponentDataArray <Translation>(Allocator.TempJob);
        var scales    = _voxelGroup.ToComponentDataArray <Scale>(Allocator.TempJob);

        //Debug.Log("positions.Length:" + positions.Length + ",scales.Length:" + scales.Length);
        if (positions.Length == 0)

        if (m_preTranslation.Length != 0)
        m_preTranslation = positions;
        m_preScale       = scales;

        if (_pTransformCount == null)
            // Initialize the transform counter.
            _pTransformCount = (int *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(
                sizeof(int), sizeof(int), Allocator.Persistent);
            *_pTransformCount = 0;
            // Wrap around the transform counter to avoid overlfow.
            *_pTransformCount %= positions.Length;

        // Total count of rays
        var total = scanner.Resolution.x * scanner.Resolution.y;

        // Ray cast command/result array
        var commands = new NativeArray <RaycastCommand>(total, Allocator.TempJob);
        var hits     = new NativeArray <RaycastHit>(total, Allocator.TempJob);

        // 1: Set-up jobs
        var setupJob = new SetupJob {
            Commands   = commands,
            Origin     = origin,
            Extent     = scanner.Extent,
            Resolution = scanner.Resolution

        deps = setupJob.Schedule(total, 64, deps);

        // 2: Raycast jobs
        deps = RaycastCommand.ScheduleBatch(commands, hits, 16, deps);

        // 3: Transfer jobs
        var transferJob = new TransferJob {
            RaycastCommands = commands,
            RaycastHits     = hits,
            Scale           = scanner.Extent.x * 2 / scanner.Resolution.x,
            Positions       = positions,
            Scales          = scales,
            pCounter        = _pTransformCount

        deps = transferJob.Schedule(total, 64, deps);

        // 4: SetTranslationAndScale jobs
        var setJob = new SetTranslationAndScale
            targetTranslations = positions,
            targetScales       = scales

        deps = setJob.Schedule(_voxelGroup, deps);
