Example #1
        public void InitializeSettings()
            _settings = new SettingsObject();

            cDMult.SelectedIndex      = 0;
            cDType.SelectedIndex      = 0;
            cGravity.SelectedIndex    = 0;
            cFloors.SelectedIndex     = 0;
            cMode.SelectedIndex       = 0;
            cLink.SelectedIndex       = 0;
            cTatl.SelectedIndex       = 0;
            cClockSpeed.SelectedIndex = 0;
            cSpoiler.Checked          = true;
            cSoS.Checked    = true;
            cGossip.Checked = true;

            bTunic.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0x1E, 0x69, 0x1B);

            _settings.GenerateROM          = true;
            _settings.GenerateSpoilerLog   = true;
            _settings.ExcludeSongOfSoaring = true;
            _settings.EnableGossipHints    = true;
            _settings.TunicColor           = bTunic.BackColor;
            _settings.Seed = Math.Abs(Environment.TickCount);

            tSeed.Text = _settings.Seed.ToString();

            var oldSettingsString = tSString.Text;

            _oldSettingsString = oldSettingsString;
Example #2
        public Settings(string connString1, string resultPath, string dbType)
            Logger.Info("Creating settings object");

            ConnString1 = connString1;

            ConfigPath = resultPath;
            var listStrings = new List <DatabaseConnection>();

            switch (dbType.ToLower())
            case "mssql":
                listStrings.Add(GetMsDatabaseConnection(connString1, dbType));
                SettingsObject = new SettingsObject
                    DatabaseConnections = listStrings,
                    ResultPath          = resultPath

            case "mysql":

                listStrings.Add(GetMyDatabaseConnection(connString1, dbType));
                SettingsObject = new SettingsObject
                    DatabaseConnections = listStrings,
                    ResultPath          = resultPath

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
Example #3
    ///Sets the whole dictionary to the values in a given settings
    public void SetDict(SettingsObject settings)
        GameEnum flag = GameEnum.Temperature;

        while (flag != GameEnum.Null)
            float value;
            switch (flag)
            case GameEnum.Temperature:
                value = settings.temperature;

            case GameEnum.Brightness:
                value = settings.brightness;

            case GameEnum.Volume:
                value = settings.volume;

                throw new System.Exception("Calvin: Enum has not yet been integrated into dictionary.");
            game_dict[flag] = value;
Example #4
    // Use this for initialization

    protected virtual void Start()
        GameObject so = Resources.Load("Settings Object") as GameObject;
        GameObject op = Resources.Load("Object Pool") as GameObject;

        op          = Instantiate(op);
        objectPool  = op.GetComponent <ObjectPool>();
        menuButtons = new List <MenuButton>(FindObjectsOfType <MenuButton>());

        if (GameStorage.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + SaveKey.PLAYERDATA_KEY))
            currentSaveData = GameStorage.Load <PlayerSaveData>(Application.persistentDataPath + SaveKey.PLAYERDATA_KEY);
            for (int i = 0; i < menuButtons.Count; i++)
            currentSaveData       = new PlayerSaveData(Application.persistentDataPath + SaveKey.PLAYERDATA_KEY);
            playerShouldBeTutored = true;

        SceneNavigation.singleton.saveGameContent += SaveGameData;

        settingsObject = objectPool.registerObject <SettingsObject>(so);
Example #5
        public static void CreateSpoilerLog(RandomizedResult randomized, SettingsObject settings)
            var itemList = randomized.ItemList
                           .Where(io => !io.Item.IsFake())
                           .Select(u => new SpoilerItem(u));
            var settingsString = settings.ToString();

            var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(settings.OutputROMFilename);
            var filename  = $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(settings.OutputROMFilename)}";

            var     plainTextRegex = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9' .\\-]+");
            Spoiler spoiler        = new Spoiler()
                Version                      = MainForm.AssemblyVersion.Substring(26),
                SettingsString               = settingsString,
                Seed                         = settings.Seed,
                RandomizeDungeonEntrances    = settings.RandomizeDungeonEntrances,
                ItemList                     = itemList.Where(u => !u.Item.IsFake()).ToList(),
                NewDestinationIndices        = randomized.NewDestinationIndices,
                Logic                        = randomized.Logic,
                CustomItemListString         = settings.UseCustomItemList ? settings.CustomItemListString : null,
                CustomStartingItemListString = settings.CustomStartingItemList.Any() ? settings.CustomStartingItemListString : null,
                GossipHints                  = randomized.GossipQuotes?.ToDictionary(me => (GossipQuote)me.Id, (me) =>
                    var message     = me.Message.Substring(1);
                    var soundEffect = message.Substring(0, 2);
                    message         = message.Substring(2);
                    if (soundEffect == "\x69\x0C")
                        // real
                    else if (soundEffect == "\x69\x0A")
                        // fake
                        message = "FAKE - " + message;
                        // junk
                        message = "JUNK - " + message;
                    return(plainTextRegex.Replace(message.Replace("\x11", " "), ""));

            if (settings.GenerateHTMLLog)
                filename += "_SpoilerLog.html";
                using (StreamWriter newlog = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(directory, filename)))
                    Templates.HtmlSpoiler htmlspoiler = new Templates.HtmlSpoiler(spoiler);
                filename += "_SpoilerLog.txt";
                CreateTextSpoilerLog(spoiler, Path.Combine(directory, filename));
Example #6
        private bool SetConfiguration(XElement configurationXml)
            // Check for null
            if (configurationXml == null)
                SetError("'configurationXML' of the MainViewModel was null.");

            // Try parse configuration xml
                Configuration = new Settings.Configuration(configurationXml);
                Configuration.PropertyChanged += ConfigurationPropertyChanged;
            catch (Exception)
                SetError(string.Format("Error parsing '{0}' input.", configurationXml));

            // Try create settings graph
                SettingsObjects = SettingsObject.BuildGraph(Configuration);
            catch (Exception)
                SetError(string.Format("Error building settings graph from '{0}'.", configurationXml));

            _initConfigXml = configurationXml;
Example #7
        public void LoadSettingsFromJson()
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsJSON != "")
                SettingsObject settingsLoaded = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SettingsObject>(Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsJSON);

                txtAccount.Text       = settingsLoaded.Account;
                txtSignInCode.Text    = settingsLoaded.SignInCode;
                chkFullscreen.Checked = settingsLoaded.FullScreen;
                chkWindowed.Checked   = settingsLoaded.Windowed;
                chkVsync.Checked      = settingsLoaded.vSync;
                chkNoLauncher.Checked = settingsLoaded.NoLauncher;
                chkShowFps.Checked    = settingsLoaded.ShowFps;
                chkD3d9.Checked       = settingsLoaded.D3d9;
                chkNod3d9.Checked     = settingsLoaded.NoD3d9;
                if (settingsLoaded.Width != 0)
                    txtWidth.Text = settingsLoaded.Width.ToString();
                if (settingsLoaded.Height != 0)
                    txtHeight.Text = settingsLoaded.Height.ToString();
                spinAdapter.Value           = settingsLoaded.Adapter;
                cbEnvironment.SelectedIndex = settingsLoaded.Environment;
Example #8
        private static SettingsObject SanityCheck(SettingsObject settings)
            if (settings.EnableIPLookup && string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.IPLookupURL))
                settings.IPLookupURL = Common.Constants.FALLBACK_LOOKUPURL;

        /// <summary>
        /// Write new settings to the JSON file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        private void WriteSettings(SettingsObject settings)
            string path     = GetSettingsDirectory();
            string logsPath = GetDefaultLogsDirectory();

            Directory.CreateDirectory(path); // Create directories and subdirectories if they don't already exist
            File.WriteAllText(GetSettingsFilePath(), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(settings, Formatting.Indented));
Example #10
        private DeviceCreationInfo CreateTestInfo()
            dynamic settings = new SettingsObject();

            settings.name        = "ProperDeviceName";
            settings.displayName = "ProperDisplayName";

            return(new Module.DeviceCreationInfo(settings, new Module.ServiceManager(), new Module.DeviceManager()));
Example #11
    /// Returns true if the current settings are exactly the same as a given SettingsObject.
    public bool isSettingsSame(SettingsObject settings)
        GameEnum flag = GameEnum.Temperature;

        while (flag != GameEnum.Null)
            float value;
            switch (flag)
            case GameEnum.Temperature:
                value = settings.temperature;

            case GameEnum.Brightness:
                value = settings.brightness;

            case GameEnum.Volume:
                value = settings.volume;

            case GameEnum.RedX:
                value = settings.redX;

            case GameEnum.RedY:
                value = settings.redY;

            case GameEnum.BlueX:
                value = settings.blueX;

            case GameEnum.BlueY:
                value = settings.blueY;

            case GameEnum.YellowX:
                value = settings.yellowX;

            case GameEnum.YellowY:
                value = settings.yellowY;

                throw new System.Exception("Calvin: Enum has not yet been integrated into dictionary.");
            if (!isSimilar(value, GetValue(flag)))
Example #12
        public static dynamic GetDefaultDeviceConfig(Type deviceType)
            dynamic config = new SettingsObject();

            config.name      = "ProperDeviceName";
            config.voiceName = "ProperDeviceVoiceName";
            config.type      = deviceType.AssemblyQualifiedName;

Example #13
        public void SaveLoadTest()
            SettingsObject.Instance.Common.ClearTmpFolder = true;
            SettingsObject settingsObject = SettingsObject.Load();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, settingsObject.Common.ClearTmpFolder);

            SettingsObject.Instance.Common.ClearTmpFolder = false;
            settingsObject = SettingsObject.Load();
            Assert.AreEqual(false, settingsObject.Common.ClearTmpFolder);
Example #14
 public override void SetQuickAccessProperties()
     //Create QuickAccessProperties - Are set as SettingsObject<T> so it doesn't need to be reapplied on Changing Settings
     //Usable like Settings.RightKey
     //Use this:
     UpKey    = GetSetting <Keys>("upKey");
     DownKey  = GetSetting <Keys>("downKey");
     LeftKey  = GetSetting <Keys>("leftKey");
     RightKey = GetSetting <Keys>("rightKey");
     ExitKey  = GetSetting <Keys>("exitKey");
Example #15
        private void ShowOptions(object arg)
            SettingsObject settings = Documents.FirstOrDefault(x => x is SettingsObject) as SettingsObject;

            if (settings == null)

            ActiveDocument = SettingsObject.Instance;
Example #16
        private EventService CreateEventService()
            var util = new TestUtil();

            dynamic config = new SettingsObject();

            config.Name = "EventService";
            config.Type = typeof(EventService).AssemblyQualifiedName;

 private void SetDefaults(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Adjust settings and reset sliders
     localSettings = new SettingsObject(null);
     sliderBPMGain.Value        = 20;
     sliderDuration.Value       = 30;
     pickLiftType.SelectedIndex = (int)localSettings.OneTapType;
     AdjustPicker(null, null);
Example #18
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack && Request.Cookies["CIS3342_Cookie"] != null)
                HttpCookie cookieE = Request.Cookies["CIS3342_Cookie"];
                lblFirstName.Text  = cookieE.Values["firstName"].ToString() + " ";
                lblFirstName.Text += cookieE.Values["lastName"].ToString();

                FillALlRecordsFromGetUserFriendsTable(); //populates ArrayList with all friend requests
                NewFeedAndWall();                        //populates your wall and newfeed
            else if (!IsPostBack && Request.Cookies["CIS3342_Cookie"] == null)

            if (!IsPostBack && Request.Cookies["CIS3342_CookieCustom"] != null)
                //code here to deserialize the user's loginPreferences and background color
                HttpCookie cookieE = Request.Cookies["CIS3342_Cookie"];
                int        userID  = int.Parse(cookieE.Values["userID"]);

                SettingsObject tempSettingsObject = SerializeAndDeserializing.Deserializing(userID);
                HttpCookie     myCookieTheme      = new HttpCookie("CIS3342_CookieCustom");
                myCookieTheme.Values["backgroundColors"] = tempSettingsObject.BackGroundColor;

                //String backgroundColors  = myCookieTheme.Values["backgroundColors"];
                //PageBody.Attributes.Add("style", backgroundColors);

                //code here to deserialize the user's loginPreferences and background color
                //code here to deserialize the user's loginPreferences and background color
                HttpCookie cookieE = Request.Cookies["CIS3342_Cookie"];
                int        userID  = int.Parse(cookieE.Values["userID"]);

                SettingsObject tempSettingsObject = SerializeAndDeserializing.Deserializing(userID);

                HttpCookie myCookieTheme = new HttpCookie("CIS3342_CookieCustom");
                myCookieTheme.Values["backgroundColors"] = tempSettingsObject.BackGroundColor;

                //String backgroundColors  = myCookieTheme.Values["backgroundColors"];
                //PageBody.Attributes.Add("style", backgroundColors);

                //code here to deserialize the user's loginPreferences and background color
            imgAJAX.ImageUrl = "../IMG/city.jpg";
Example #19
        public void InitializeSettings()
            _settings = new SettingsObject();

            cDMult.SelectedIndex         = 0;
            cDType.SelectedIndex         = 0;
            cGravity.SelectedIndex       = 0;
            cFloors.SelectedIndex        = 0;
            cMode.SelectedIndex          = 0;
            cLink.SelectedIndex          = 0;
            cTatl.SelectedIndex          = 0;
            cGossipHints.SelectedIndex   = 0;
            cClockSpeed.SelectedIndex    = 0;
            cBlastCooldown.SelectedIndex = 0;
            cMusic.SelectedIndex         = 0;
            cSpoiler.Checked             = true;
            cSoS.Checked             = true;
            cNoDowngrades.Checked    = true;
            cShopAppearance.Checked  = true;
            cEponaSword.Checked      = true;
            cCutsc.Checked           = true;
            cQText.Checked           = true;
            cUpdateChests.Checked    = true;
            cAdditional.Checked      = true;
            cNoStartingItems.Checked = true;

            bTunic.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0x1E, 0x69, 0x1B);

            _settings.GenerateROM          = true;
            _settings.GenerateSpoilerLog   = true;
            _settings.ExcludeSongOfSoaring = true;
            _settings.PreventDowngrades    = true;
            _settings.UpdateShopAppearance = true;
            _settings.FixEponaSword        = true;
            _settings.ShortenCutscenes     = true;
            _settings.QuickTextEnabled     = true;
            _settings.UpdateChests         = true;
            _settings.AddOther             = true;
            _settings.NoStartingItems      = true;
            _settings.TunicColor           = bTunic.BackColor;
            _settings.Seed = Math.Abs(Environment.TickCount);

            tSeed.Text = _settings.Seed.ToString();

            tbUserLogic.Enabled = false;
            bLoadLogic.Enabled  = false;

            var oldSettingsString = tSString.Text;

            _oldSettingsString = oldSettingsString;
Example #20
        private void UpdateSettingsView(SettingsObject settingsObject)
            if (!settingsObject.IsSelected)
                settingsObject.IsSelected = true;

            // Instantiate view model
            var vm = CreateViewModel(settingsObject.ViewModel, settingsObject.Object);

Example #21
        public override void DeleteSetting(SettingsObject settings)
            var settingType = settings.GetType();

            foreach (var field in GetSettingsFields(settingType))
                DeletePropertyValue(settingType, settings.ID, field.Name);

            foreach (var property in GetSettingsProperties(settings.GetType()))
                DeletePropertyValue(settingType, settings.ID, property.Name);
Example #22
        private static SettingsObject LoadSettings()
            SettingsObject settings = null;

            if (File.Exists(JsonFile))
                settings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SettingsObject>(File.ReadAllText(JsonFile));
            if (settings == null)
                settings = new SettingsObject(true);
Example #23
        private LampDevice CreateLampDevice()
            var util = new TestUtil();

            dynamic config = new SettingsObject();

            config.Name = "LampTest";
            config.Type = typeof(LampServiceMock).AssemblyQualifiedName;

            var deviceConfiguration = GetDeviceConfiguration();

Example #24
        public void LoadDefaultSettings()
            Settings          = new SettingsObject();
            Settings.Key      = "";
            Settings.Secret   = "";
            Settings.FirstUse = true;

            Settings.AppRequestMode       = BtcE.Filtering.RequestModes.SmoothHttpRequest;
            Settings.AutoStart            = true;
            Settings.UpdateIntervalms     = 10000;
            Settings.AllowTrade           = false;
            Settings.AllowSell            = false;
            Settings.AllowBuy             = false;
            Settings.BuyDeltaThreshold    = 0.1m;
            Settings.SellDeltaThreshold   = -0.1m;
            Settings.BuyProfit            = 0.002m;
            Settings.SellProfit           = 0.002m;
            Settings.BuyAmount            = "0.0104";
            Settings.SellAmount           = "0.0104";
            Settings.CancelOrders         = true;
            Settings.CancelOrderTimeoutms = 10000;
            Settings.AutoCheckForUpdate   = true;
            Settings.AmountRoundDigits    = 8;
            Settings.RateRoundDigits      = 3;

            Settings.ConsiderFeeInSell = true;
            Settings.ConsiderFeeInBuy  = true;
            Settings.Username          = "";
            Settings.Password          = "";
            Settings.SeperateDays      = true;

            Settings.LimitBuyOrders          = true;
            Settings.LimitBuyOrdersValue     = 1;
            Settings.LimitSellOrders         = true;
            Settings.LimitSellOrdersValue    = 1;
            Settings.CancelBuyOrders         = false;
            Settings.CancelBuyOrdersTimeout  = 240m;
            Settings.CancelSellyOrders       = false;
            Settings.CancelSellOrdersTimeout = 240m;

            Settings.BuyCondition  = true;  //True: > , False : <
            Settings.SellCondition = false; //True : > , False : <

            Settings.UseTrueTruePermission = true;
            Settings.activePair            = BtcE.BtcePairHelper.FromString("btc_usd");

            Settings.History = new List <LogObj>();
Example #25
        private int CheckIfFileExistsAlready(string name)
            SettingsObject s    = SettingsObject.GetInstance;
            string         path = Path.Combine(s.OutPutDir, name);

            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(s.OutPutDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            foreach (string f in files)
                if (f.Contains(name))
        public void BuildGraphWhereObjectsContainCircularReferencesExpectedCircularReferencesAreIgnored()
            // Create object graph
            MockSettingsObjectA settingsObjectA = new MockSettingsObjectA
                SettingsC = new MockSettingsObjectC(),

            settingsObjectA.SettingsC.SettingsA = settingsObjectA;

            List <SettingsObject> settingsGraph = SettingsObject.BuildGraph(settingsObjectA);

            Assert.AreEqual(settingsObjectA.SettingsC, settingsGraph[0].Object, "Properties at root level aren't being found.");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, settingsGraph[0].Children.Count, "settingsObjectA.SettingsC should have no children because this would be a circular reference.");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, settingsGraph.Count, "One root node was expected for settingsObjectA.SettingsC.");
Example #27
        protected override void SaveInternal(SettingsObject settings)
            var settingType = settings.GetType();

            foreach (var field in GetSettingsFields(settings.GetType()))
                SavePropertyValue(settingType, settings.ID, field.Name, field.GetValue(settings));

            foreach (var property in GetSettingsProperties(settings.GetType()))
                SavePropertyValue(settingType, settings.ID, property.Name, property.GetValue(settings, null));

Example #28
        public SettingsManager()
            if (File.Exists(SETTINGS_FILENAME))
                SettingsObject = LoadFile(SETTINGS_FILENAME);

            if (SettingsObject != null)

            SettingsObject = InitializeDefaultSettings();

 public string Execute(string[] args, out bool result)
         SettingsObject settings  = SettingsObject.GetInstance;
         string[]       arguments = new string[1];
         arguments[0] = settings.ToJson();
         CommandRecievedEventArgs c = new CommandRecievedEventArgs((int)CommandEnum.GetConfigCommand, arguments, null);
         result = true;
     catch (Exception e)
         result = false;
Example #30
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            txtHaloOnlineDir.Text = PathAddBackslash(txtHaloOnlineDir.Text);
            if (checkInstallDir(txtHaloOnlineDir.Text))
                SettingsObject settingsSave = new SettingsObject
                    Account    = txtAccount.Text,
                    SignInCode = txtSignInCode.Text,
                    FullScreen = chkFullscreen.Checked,
                    Windowed   = chkWindowed.Checked,
                    vSync      = chkVsync.Checked,
                    NoLauncher = chkNoLauncher.Checked,
                    ShowFps    = chkShowFps.Checked,
                    D3d9       = chkD3d9.Checked,
                    NoD3d9     = chkNod3d9.Checked,
                    Adapter    = Convert.ToInt32(spinAdapter.Value),
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtWidth.Text))
                    settingsSave.Width = Convert.ToInt32(txtWidth.Text);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtHeight.Text))
                    settingsSave.Height = Convert.ToInt32(txtHeight.Text);
                if (cbEnvironment.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                    settingsSave.Environment = cbEnvironment.SelectedIndex;
                string jsonSaveSettings = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(settingsSave, Formatting.Indented);

                Properties.Settings.Default.BetaOptIn           = chkBranch.Checked;
                Properties.Settings.Default.HaloLaunchArguments = launchString;
                Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsJSON        = jsonSaveSettings;
                Properties.Settings.Default.HaloOnlineFolder    = txtHaloOnlineDir.Text;

                DarkPluginLib.DarkSettings.HaloOnlineFolder = Properties.Settings.Default.HaloOnlineFolder;
                ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Saved Settings.");
                DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraMessageBox.Show("Settings Saved!");
Example #31
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds or updates a settings entry with a new settings object
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="settings_object">The object to add to the settings objects lsit</param>
		public static void AddSettings(object settings_object)
			//is the object serializable
			if (!settings_object.GetType().IsSerializable)
				throw new Exception("The provided settings object is not serializable");

			// look for an existing settings object instance matching the object type name
			SettingsObject object_entry = SettingsObjects.Find(
				delegate(SettingsObject obj)
					return obj.ObjectTypeName == settings_object.GetType().Name;

			int version = GetSettingsVersion(settings_object);

			// if the version does not match, delete it
			if ((object_entry != null) && (object_entry.SettingsVersion != version))
				object_entry = null;

			// if no matching entry was found, create a new one and add it to the list
			if (object_entry == null)
				object_entry = new SettingsObject();

				object_entry.ObjectTypeName = settings_object.GetType().Name;

			// set the object instance of the settings entry
			object_entry.ObjectInstance = settings_object;
			object_entry.SettingsVersion = GetSettingsVersion(settings_object);
Example #32
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            txtHaloOnlineDir.Text = PathAddBackslash(txtHaloOnlineDir.Text);
            if (checkInstallDir(txtHaloOnlineDir.Text))
                SettingsObject settingsSave = new SettingsObject
                    Account = txtAccount.Text,
                    SignInCode = txtSignInCode.Text,
                    FullScreen = chkFullscreen.Checked,
                    Windowed = chkWindowed.Checked,
                    vSync = chkVsync.Checked,
                    NoLauncher = chkNoLauncher.Checked,
                    ShowFps = chkShowFps.Checked,
                    D3d9 = chkD3d9.Checked,
                    NoD3d9 = chkNod3d9.Checked,
                    Adapter = Convert.ToInt32(spinAdapter.Value),
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtWidth.Text))
                    settingsSave.Width = Convert.ToInt32(txtWidth.Text);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtHeight.Text))
                    settingsSave.Height = Convert.ToInt32(txtHeight.Text);
                if (cbEnvironment.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                    settingsSave.Environment = cbEnvironment.SelectedIndex;
                string jsonSaveSettings = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(settingsSave, Formatting.Indented);

                Properties.Settings.Default.BetaOptIn = chkBranch.Checked;
                Properties.Settings.Default.HaloLaunchArguments = launchString;
                Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsJSON = jsonSaveSettings;
                Properties.Settings.Default.HaloOnlineFolder = txtHaloOnlineDir.Text;

                DarkPluginLib.DarkSettings.HaloOnlineFolder = Properties.Settings.Default.HaloOnlineFolder;
                ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Saved Settings.");
                DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraMessageBox.Show("Settings Saved!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Container Class for all the properties for organization.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        public TorqueScriptTemplate(ref dnTorque c)
            m_ts = c;
            _mConsoleobject = new ConsoleObject(ref c);
            _mMathobject = new tMath(ref c);
            	_mUtil = new UtilObject(ref c);
	_mHTTPObject = new HTTPObjectObject(ref c);
	_mTCPObject = new TCPObjectObject(ref c);
	_mDynamicConsoleMethodComponent = new DynamicConsoleMethodComponentObject(ref c);
	_mSimComponent = new SimComponentObject(ref c);
	_mArrayObject = new ArrayObjectObject(ref c);
	_mConsoleLogger = new ConsoleLoggerObject(ref c);
	_mFieldBrushObject = new FieldBrushObjectObject(ref c);
	_mPersistenceManager = new PersistenceManagerObject(ref c);
	_mSimDataBlock = new SimDataBlockObject(ref c);
	_mSimObject = new SimObjectObject(ref c);
	_mSimPersistSet = new SimPersistSetObject(ref c);
	_mSimSet = new SimSetObject(ref c);
	_mSimXMLDocument = new SimXMLDocumentObject(ref c);
	_mFileObject = new FileObjectObject(ref c);
	_mFileStreamObject = new FileStreamObjectObject(ref c);
	_mStreamObject = new StreamObjectObject(ref c);
	_mZipObject = new ZipObjectObject(ref c);
	_mDecalRoad = new DecalRoadObject(ref c);
	_mMeshRoad = new MeshRoadObject(ref c);
	_mRiver = new RiverObject(ref c);
	_mScatterSky = new ScatterSkyObject(ref c);
	_mSkyBox = new SkyBoxObject(ref c);
	_mSun = new SunObject(ref c);
	_mGuiRoadEditorCtrl = new GuiRoadEditorCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mForest = new ForestObject(ref c);
	_mForestWindEmitter = new ForestWindEmitterObject(ref c);
	_mForestBrush = new ForestBrushObject(ref c);
	_mForestBrushTool = new ForestBrushToolObject(ref c);
	_mForestEditorCtrl = new ForestEditorCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mForestSelectionTool = new ForestSelectionToolObject(ref c);
	_mCubemapData = new CubemapDataObject(ref c);
	_mDebugDrawer = new DebugDrawerObject(ref c);
	_mGuiTSCtrl = new GuiTSCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiBitmapButtonCtrl = new GuiBitmapButtonCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiButtonBaseCtrl = new GuiButtonBaseCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiCheckBoxCtrl = new GuiCheckBoxCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiIconButtonCtrl = new GuiIconButtonCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiSwatchButtonCtrl = new GuiSwatchButtonCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiToolboxButtonCtrl = new GuiToolboxButtonCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiAutoScrollCtrl = new GuiAutoScrollCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiDynamicCtrlArrayControl = new GuiDynamicCtrlArrayControlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiFormCtrl = new GuiFormCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiFrameSetCtrl = new GuiFrameSetCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiPaneControl = new GuiPaneControlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiRolloutCtrl = new GuiRolloutCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiScrollCtrl = new GuiScrollCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiStackControl = new GuiStackControlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiTabBookCtrl = new GuiTabBookCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiBitmapCtrl = new GuiBitmapCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiColorPickerCtrl = new GuiColorPickerCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiDirectoryFileListCtrl = new GuiDirectoryFileListCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiFileTreeCtrl = new GuiFileTreeCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiGameListMenuCtrl = new GuiGameListMenuCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiGameListOptionsCtrl = new GuiGameListOptionsCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiGradientCtrl = new GuiGradientCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiListBoxCtrl = new GuiListBoxCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiMaterialCtrl = new GuiMaterialCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiMLTextCtrl = new GuiMLTextCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiPopUpMenuCtrl = new GuiPopUpMenuCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiPopUpMenuCtrlEx = new GuiPopUpMenuCtrlExObject(ref c);
	_mGuiSliderCtrl = new GuiSliderCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiTabPageCtrl = new GuiTabPageCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiTextCtrl = new GuiTextCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiTextEditCtrl = new GuiTextEditCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiTextListCtrl = new GuiTextListCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiTreeViewCtrl = new GuiTreeViewCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiCanvas = new GuiCanvasObject(ref c);
	_mGuiControl = new GuiControlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiControlProfile = new GuiControlProfileObject(ref c);
	_mDbgFileView = new DbgFileViewObject(ref c);
	_mGuiEditCtrl = new GuiEditCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiFilterCtrl = new GuiFilterCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiGraphCtrl = new GuiGraphCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiImageList = new GuiImageListObject(ref c);
	_mGuiInspector = new GuiInspectorObject(ref c);
	_mGuiInspectorTypeFileName = new GuiInspectorTypeFileNameObject(ref c);
	_mGuiInspectorTypeBitMask32 = new GuiInspectorTypeBitMask32Object(ref c);
	_mGuiMenuBar = new GuiMenuBarObject(ref c);
	_mGuiParticleGraphCtrl = new GuiParticleGraphCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiShapeEdPreview = new GuiShapeEdPreviewObject(ref c);
	_mGuiInspectorDynamicField = new GuiInspectorDynamicFieldObject(ref c);
	_mGuiInspectorDynamicGroup = new GuiInspectorDynamicGroupObject(ref c);
	_mGuiInspectorField = new GuiInspectorFieldObject(ref c);
	_mGuiVariableInspector = new GuiVariableInspectorObject(ref c);
	_mGuiMessageVectorCtrl = new GuiMessageVectorCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiProgressBitmapCtrl = new GuiProgressBitmapCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiTickCtrl = new GuiTickCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiTheoraCtrl = new GuiTheoraCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mMessageVector = new MessageVectorObject(ref c);
	_mEditTSCtrl = new EditTSCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mGuiMissionAreaCtrl = new GuiMissionAreaCtrlObject(ref c);
	_mMECreateUndoAction = new MECreateUndoActionObject(ref c);
	_mMEDeleteUndoAction = new MEDeleteUndoActionObject(ref c);
	_mWorldEditor = new WorldEditorObject(ref c);
	_mLangTable = new LangTableObject(ref c);
	_mPathedInterior = new PathedInteriorObject(ref c);
	_mMaterial = new MaterialObject(ref c);
	_mSimResponseCurve = new SimResponseCurveObject(ref c);
	_mMenuBar = new MenuBarObject(ref c);
	_mPopupMenu = new PopupMenuObject(ref c);
	_mFileDialog = new FileDialogObject(ref c);
	_mPostEffect = new PostEffectObject(ref c);
	_mRenderBinManager = new RenderBinManagerObject(ref c);
	_mRenderPassManager = new RenderPassManagerObject(ref c);
	_mRenderPassStateToken = new RenderPassStateTokenObject(ref c);
	_mSceneObject = new SceneObjectObject(ref c);
	_mSFXController = new SFXControllerObject(ref c);
	_mSFXParameter = new SFXParameterObject(ref c);
	_mSFXProfile = new SFXProfileObject(ref c);
	_mSFXSource = new SFXSourceObject(ref c);
	_mActionMap = new ActionMapObject(ref c);
	_mNetConnection = new NetConnectionObject(ref c);
	_mNetObject = new NetObjectObject(ref c);
	_mAIClient = new AIClientObject(ref c);
	_mAIConnection = new AIConnectionObject(ref c);
	_mAIPlayer = new AIPlayerObject(ref c);
	_mCamera = new CameraObject(ref c);
	_mDebris = new DebrisObject(ref c);
	_mGroundPlane = new GroundPlaneObject(ref c);
	_mGuiMaterialPreview = new GuiMaterialPreviewObject(ref c);
	_mGuiObjectView = new GuiObjectViewObject(ref c);
	_mItem = new ItemObject(ref c);
	_mLightBase = new LightBaseObject(ref c);
	_mLightDescription = new LightDescriptionObject(ref c);
	_mLightFlareData = new LightFlareDataObject(ref c);
	_mMissionArea = new MissionAreaObject(ref c);
	_mSpawnSphere = new SpawnSphereObject(ref c);
	_mPathCamera = new PathCameraObject(ref c);
	_mPhysicalZone = new PhysicalZoneObject(ref c);
	_mPlayer = new PlayerObject(ref c);
	_mPortal = new PortalObject(ref c);
	_mProjectile = new ProjectileObject(ref c);
	_mProximityMine = new ProximityMineObject(ref c);
	_mShapeBaseData = new ShapeBaseDataObject(ref c);
	_mShapeBase = new ShapeBaseObject(ref c);
	_mStaticShape = new StaticShapeObject(ref c);
	_mTrigger = new TriggerObject(ref c);
	_mTSStatic = new TSStaticObject(ref c);
	_mZone = new ZoneObject(ref c);
	_mRenderMeshExample = new RenderMeshExampleObject(ref c);
	_mLightning = new LightningObject(ref c);
	_mParticleData = new ParticleDataObject(ref c);
	_mParticleEmitterData = new ParticleEmitterDataObject(ref c);
	_mParticleEmitterNode = new ParticleEmitterNodeObject(ref c);
	_mPrecipitation = new PrecipitationObject(ref c);
	_mGameBase = new GameBaseObject(ref c);
	_mGameConnection = new GameConnectionObject(ref c);
	_mPhysicsDebrisData = new PhysicsDebrisDataObject(ref c);
	_mPhysicsForce = new PhysicsForceObject(ref c);
	_mPhysicsShape = new PhysicsShapeObject(ref c);
	_mAITurretShape = new AITurretShapeObject(ref c);
	_mTurretShape = new TurretShapeObject(ref c);
	_mFlyingVehicle = new FlyingVehicleObject(ref c);
	_mWheeledVehicle = new WheeledVehicleObject(ref c);
	_mTerrainBlock = new TerrainBlockObject(ref c);
	_mSettings = new SettingsObject(ref c);
	_mCompoundUndoAction = new CompoundUndoActionObject(ref c);
	_mUndoManager = new UndoManagerObject(ref c);
	_mUndoAction = new UndoActionObject(ref c);
	_mEventManager = new EventManagerObject(ref c);
	_mMessage = new MessageObject(ref c);
 private void SetDimensionsFromSettings(SettingsObject settings)
     WindowWidth = settings.WindowWidth;
     WindowHeight = settings.WindowHeight;