Example #1
        public void given_versionOne_specific_settings_are_saved_in_the_file()
            const string userName           = "******";
            const string password           = "******";
            const string v1Url              = "https://www14.v1host.com/v1sdktesting/";
            const string tfsurl             = "http://vsts2012:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/";
            const string tfsListenerUrl     = "http://localhost:5050/servicesRus.svc";
            const string tfsuser            = "******";
            const string tfspass            = "******";
            const string configUrl          = "http://locahost:8181/";
            const string baseListenerUrl    = "http://localhost:9090/";
            const bool   useWindowsSecurity = false;

            before = () =>
                _target = new ConfigurationProvider();

                SettingsFileAdapter.SaveSettings(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { AppSettingKeys.VersionOneUserName, userName },
                    { AppSettingKeys.VersionOnePassword, password },
                    { AppSettingKeys.VersionOneUrl, v1Url },
                    { AppSettingKeys.IsWindowsIntegratedSecurity, useWindowsSecurity.ToString() },
                    { AppSettingKeys.TfsUrl, tfsurl.ToString() },
                    { AppSettingKeys.TfsListenerUrl, tfsListenerUrl.ToString() },
                    { AppSettingKeys.TfsUserName, tfsuser },
                    { AppSettingKeys.TfsPassword, tfspass },
                    { AppSettingKeys.ConfigurationUrl, configUrl },
                    { AppSettingKeys.BaseListenerUrl, baseListenerUrl }
                }, Paths.ConfigurationDirectory, FileName);

            context["when i retrieve versionone specific settings"] = () =>
                it["then the expected settings are returned"] = () =>
                    _target = new ConfigurationProvider();
Example #2
        public void given_settings_are_being_saved_to_a_file()
            context["when a dictionary of strings is saved to the settings file"] = () =>
                var          directory = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "V1TFSServerTests");
                const string fileName  = "settings.ini";
                var          settings  = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "Setting1", "Value1" }, { "Setting2", "Value2" }
                var qualifiedPath = Path.Combine(directory, fileName);
                if (File.Exists(qualifiedPath))
                SettingsFileAdapter.SaveSettings(settings, directory, fileName);

                it["then the file exists"] = () => File.Exists(qualifiedPath).should_be(true);

                it["and the expected settings are present"] = () =>
                    var retrievedSettings = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(qualifiedPath))
                        string commaDelimitedLine;
                        while ((commaDelimitedLine = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                            var parsedValues = commaDelimitedLine.Split(Seperators.Primary);
                            retrievedSettings.Add(parsedValues[0], parsedValues[1]);


        public void given_versionOne_specific_settings_are_saved_in_the_web_config()
            const string proxyIsEnabled = "false";
            const string proxyDomain    = "DOMAIN5000";
            const string proxyUrl       = "http://myProxyUrl:9192/login/";
            const string proxyUserName  = "******";
            const string proxyPassword  = "******";

            before = () =>
                var settings = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { AppSettingKeys.ProxyIsEnabled, proxyIsEnabled },
                    { AppSettingKeys.ProxyDomain, proxyDomain },
                    { AppSettingKeys.ProxyUrl, proxyUrl },
                    { AppSettingKeys.ProxyUserName, proxyUserName },
                    { AppSettingKeys.ProxyPassword, proxyPassword }

                _target   = new ProxySettingsProvider(settings);
                _defaults = new DefaultProxySettingsProvider();
                new ConfigurationProvider().ClearAllSettings();

                SettingsFileAdapter.SaveSettings(settings, Paths.ConfigurationDirectory, Paths.ConfigurationFileName);

            context["when i retrieve versionone specific settings"] = () =>
                it["then the saved values are returned"] = () =>
                    _target.Uri.ToString().should_be(proxyUrl.ToLower());         //uri object stores url string in all lowercase