Example #1
        public async Task SetupNotificationsInteractive <T>(EventContext e, DatabaseSettingId settingId)
            List <string> options = Enum.GetNames(typeof(T))
                                    .Select(x => x.ToLower()
                                            .Replace('_', ' '))

            string settingName = settingId.ToString().ToLower().Replace('_', ' ');

            var sEmbed = SettingsBaseEmbed;

            sEmbed.Description = ($"What kind of {settingName} do you want");
            sEmbed.AddInlineField("Options", string.Join("\n", options));
            var sMsg = await sEmbed.ToEmbed().SendToChannel(e.Channel);

            int newSetting;

            IDiscordMessage msg = null;

            while (true)
                msg = await e.EventSystem.GetCommandHandler <MessageListener>().WaitForNextMessage(e.CreateSession());

                if (Enum.TryParse <LevelNotificationsSetting>(msg.Content.Replace(" ", "_"), true, out var setting))
                    newSetting = (int)setting;

                await sMsg.EditAsync(new EditMessageArgs()
                    embed = e.ErrorEmbed("Oh, that didn't seem right! Try again")
                            .AddInlineField("Options", string.Join("\n", options))

            sMsg = await SettingsBaseEmbed
                   .SetDescription("Do you want this to apply for every channel? say `yes` if you do.")
                   .ToEmbed().SendToChannel(e.Channel as IDiscordGuildChannel);

            msg = await e.EventSystem.GetCommandHandler <MessageListener>().WaitForNextMessage(e.CreateSession());

            bool global = (msg.Content.ToLower()[0] == 'y');

            await SettingsBaseEmbed
            .SetDescription($"Setting `{settingName}` Updated!")
            .ToEmbed().SendToChannel(e.Channel as IDiscordGuildChannel);

            if (!global)
                await Setting.UpdateAsync(e.Channel.Id, settingId, newSetting);
                await Setting.UpdateGuildAsync(e.Guild, settingId, newSetting);
Example #2
        public async Task SetupNotificationsInteractive <T>(EventContext e, DatabaseSettingId settingId)
            List <string> options = Enum.GetNames(typeof(T))
                                    .Select(x => x.ToLower()
                                            .Replace('_', ' '))

            string settingName = settingId.ToString().ToLower().Replace('_', ' ');

            var sMsg = await SettingsBaseEmbed
                       .SetDescription($"What kind of {settingName} do you want")
                       .AddInlineField("Options", string.Join("\n", options))

            int newSetting;

            while (true)
                var msg = await EventSystem.Instance.ListenNextMessageAsync(e.Channel.Id, e.Author.Id);

                if (Enum.TryParse <LevelNotificationsSetting>(msg.Content.Replace(" ", "_"), true, out var setting))
                    newSetting = (int)setting;

                sMsg.Modify(null, e.ErrorEmbed("Oh, that didn't seem right! Try again")
                            .AddInlineField("Options", string.Join("\n", options)));

            sMsg = await SettingsBaseEmbed
                   .SetDescription("Do you want this to apply for every channel? say `yes` if you do.")

            var cMsg = await EventSystem.Instance.ListenNextMessageAsync(e.Channel.Id, e.Author.Id);

            bool global = (cMsg.Content.ToLower()[0] == 'y');

            await SettingsBaseEmbed
            .SetDescription($"Setting `{settingName}` Updated!")

            if (!global)
                await Setting.UpdateAsync(e.Channel.Id, settingId, newSetting);
                await Setting.UpdateGuildAsync(e.Guild, settingId, newSetting);