private void UpdateImage_tab4_end_set(bool a) { if (InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(UpdateImage_tab4_end_set); Invoke(d, new object[] { a }); } else { loadingCircle_tab4.Visible = false; loadingCircle_tab4.Active = false; button_back_tab4.Enabled = true; button_next_tab4.Enabled = true; button_savepr.Enabled = true; button_pr.Enabled = true; button_show.Enabled = true; button_print.Enabled = true; numericUpDown1.Enabled = true; button_peview.Enabled = true; label_percentage.Text = TB.L.Phrase["VectorMaster.Word.Complete"]; progressBar1.Value = 0; timer1.Stop(); process_status = 7; CheckStatus(); } }
public static void SetVisible(Control control, bool visible) { if (control.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback callback = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); control.BeginInvoke(callback, new object[] { control, visible }); } else { control.Visible = visible; } }
/// <summary> /// Visibleスイッチのスレッドセーフ /// </summary> /// <param name="tar"></param> /// <param name="sw"></param> public void SetVisible(Control tar, bool sw) { if (tar.InvokeRequired) { var d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); tar.Invoke(d, new object[] { tar, sw }); } else { tar.Visible = sw; } }
//컨트롤의 Visible값을 변경하기 위함 private void SetVisible(Control control, bool flag) { if (control.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); this.Invoke(d, new object[] { control, flag }); } else { control.Visible = flag; } }
public static void SetVisible(Form form, Control ctrl, bool visible) { if (ctrl.InvokeRequired) { var d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); form.Invoke(d, form, ctrl, visible); } else { ctrl.Visible = visible; } }
private void SetVisible(Control ctl, bool vis) { if (ctl.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); Invoke(d, new object[] { ctl, vis }); } else { ctl.Visible = vis; } }
private void setVisible(Control control, bool visible) { if (control.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(setVisible); control.Invoke(d, new object[] { control, visible }); } else { control.Visible = visible; } }
private void SetVisible(bool visible) { if (this.btnPassTurn.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); this.Invoke(d, new object[] { visible }); } else { this.btnPassTurn.Visible = visible; } }
public static void ShowUI(bool isShown) { if ( { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(ShowUI);, new object[] { isShown }); } else { = isShown; } }
private void SetVisible(bool value) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); this.Invoke(d, new object[] { value }); } else { this.Visible = value; } Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; }
private void OnError(bool a) { if (InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(OnError); Invoke(d, new object[] { a }); } else { MessageBox.Show("???????????? ???????????????? ?? ?????????? ????????????:\" " + errorarg + "\"", "????????????", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1; } }
private void SetVisible(Label fs, bool obj) { // InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the // calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread. // If these threads are different, it returns true. if (fs.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); this.Invoke(d, new object[] { fs, obj }); } else { fs.Visible = obj; } }
private void SetVisible(bool value) { // InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the // calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread. // If these threads are different, it returns true. if (this.groupBoxCargando.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); this.Invoke(d, new object[] { value }); } else { this.groupBoxCargando.Visible = value; } }
/// <summary> /// Set enabled property of various controls /// </summary> /// <param name="form">The calling form</param> /// <param name="ctrl"></param> /// <param name="visible"></param> public static void SetVisible(Form form, Control ctrl, bool visible) { // InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the // calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread. // If these threads are different, it returns true. if (ctrl.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); form.Invoke(d, new object[] { form, ctrl, visible }); } else { ctrl.Visible = visible; } }
public static void SetVisible <TObject>(TObject objCtrl, bool isVisible, Form winf) where TObject : System.Windows.Forms.Control { if (objCtrl.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); if (winf.IsDisposed) { return; } winf.Invoke(d, new object[] { objCtrl, isVisible, winf }); } else { objCtrl.Visible = isVisible; } }
private void UpdateImage_tab2_end_set(bool a) { if (InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(UpdateImage_tab2_end_set); Invoke(d, new object[] { a }); } else { button_peview.Enabled = true; loadingCircle_tab2.Active = false; loadingCircle_tab2.Visible = false; button_next_tab2.Enabled = true; button_back_tab2.Enabled = true; } }
public void SetVisible(bool value) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); try { this.Invoke(d, new object[] { value }); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { this.Visible = value; } }
private void ImgPr_end_set(bool a) { if (InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(ImgPr_end_set); Invoke(d, new object[] { a }); } else { loadingCircle_tab1.Visible = false; loadingCircle_tab1.Active = false; button_next_tab1.Enabled = true; button_refreshlist.Enabled = true; button_removepr.Enabled = true; button_preview.Enabled = true; } }
private void UpdateImage_tab3_end_set(bool a) { if (InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(UpdateImage_tab3_end_set); Invoke(d, new object[] { a }); } else { button_peview.Enabled = true; loadingCircle_tab3.Active = false; loadingCircle_tab3.Visible = false; button_next_tab3.Enabled = true; button_back_tab3.Enabled = true; button_update_tab3.Text = TB.L.Phrase["VectorMaster.Word.Update"]; } }
private void End(bool a) { if (InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(End); Invoke(d, new object[] { a }); } else { print.Abort(); Thread.Sleep(1000); label2.Text = string.Format("???? {0:0.##} ??????. ?????? {1:0.##} ??????.", time, time / 60); state = 5; CheckState(); tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 5; } }
private void showPatching() { if (this.pictureBoxProgressBar.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(showPatching); this.Invoke(d, new object[] { }); } else { pictureBoxProgressBar.Width = 0; pictureBoxProgressBar.Visible = true; pictureBoxTotalBar.Visible = true; pictureBoxPatching.Visible = true; pictureBoxChecking.Visible = false; label1.Visible = true; this.Refresh(); } }
internal void SetVisible(Form form, dynamic ctrl, dynamic val) { try { if (ctrl.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); form.Invoke(d, new object[] { form, ctrl, val }); } else { ctrl.Visible = val; } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("# Error setValue \n\n" + e); } }
private void hidePatching() { if (this.pictureBoxProgressBar.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(hidePatching); this.Invoke(d, new object[] { }); } else { pictureBoxProgressBar.Visible = false; pictureBoxTotalBar.Visible = false; pictureBoxPublicServersIndex.Visible = true; pictureBoxNoServersFound.Visible = false; buttonPlay.Visible = true; ServerIndexListBox.Visible = true; pictureBoxPatching.Visible = false; pictureBoxChecking.Visible = false; label1.Visible = false; this.Refresh(); } }
private void button_next_tab1_Click_set(bool a) { if (InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(button_next_tab1_Click_set); Invoke(d, new object[] { a }); } else { radioButton_xsize.Checked = true; comboBox_com.Items.AddRange(SerialPort.GetPortNames()); comboBox_bdrate.SelectedItem = GlobalOptions.Mainbd.ToString(); comboBox_com.SelectedItem = GlobalOptions.Mainport; main_header = pr.Header; bmp = new Bitmap(297, 210); long gdc = Helper.Helper.GCD((int)main_header.Width, (int)main_header.Height); label_ratio.Text = "??????????. ????????????: " + main_header.Height / gdc + '/' + main_header.Width / gdc; textBox_xsize.Text = "50"; loadingCircle1.Visible = false; loadingCircle1.Active = false; bmp = new Bitmap(210, 297); using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) { gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)ysize, (int)xsize); gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, rect); using (Pen thick_pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 0.2f)) { Bitmap tm = new Bitmap(pictureBox_prpreview.Image); //tm.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); gr.DrawRectangle(thick_pen, rect); gr.DrawImage(tm, rect); } } pictureBox1.Image = bmp; pr = null; tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1; button2.Enabled = true; } }
/// <summary> /// 这里就是小师姐要求的心理贴士模块 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void toolStrip_psyTip_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.m_AutoSuggestion.Visible == false) { if (this.m_AutoSuggestion.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); this.Invoke(d); } else { SetVisible(); } } this.m_AutoSuggestion.UpdateEmotionSuggestionContent();//更新数据 }
/// <summary> /// 定时弹出建议窗口 /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void AutoRecommendSuggestion(object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (this.m_AutoSuggestion.Visible == false) { if (this.m_AutoSuggestion.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); this.Invoke(d); } else { SetVisible(); } } this.m_AutoSuggestion.UpdateEmotionSuggestionContent();//更新数据 }
private void SetVisible(Control guiitem, bool visible) { if (guiitem.InvokeRequired) { SetVisibleCallback d = new SetVisibleCallback(SetVisible); this.Invoke(d, new object[] { guiitem, visible }); } else { guiitem.Visible = visible; } }