static void EraseSessionStateKeys(int min, int max) { for (int i = min; i < max; i++) { SessionState.EraseString(GetSessionStateKey(i)); } }
static void StoreCachedMDStoreInformation() { SessionState.EraseString(k_CachedMDStoreKey); string data = JsonUtility.ToJson(s_CachedMDStoreInformation, true); SessionState.SetString(k_CachedMDStoreKey, data); }
private static T GetNextWorkItem() { T ret = default(T); if (!Instance.HasWorkItems) { return(ret); } string fromJson = SessionState.GetString(Instance.QueueName, "{}"); SessionState.EraseString(Instance.QueueName); Queue queue = JsonUtility.FromJson <Queue>(fromJson); if (queue.workItems.Count <= 0) { return(ret); } ret = queue.workItems[0]; queue.workItems.Remove(ret); if (queue.workItems.Count > 0) { string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(queue); SessionState.SetString(Instance.QueueName, json); } return(ret); }
internal static void Clear() { for (int i = 0; i < NumItems; i++) { SessionState.EraseString(SCPE.ASSET_ABRV + "_LOG_ITEM_" + i); } NumItems = 0; }
protected static void ClearPathsFromSession(string varName, string prefix) { var n = SessionState.GetInt(string.Format(prefix, varName), 0); SessionState.EraseInt(string.Format(prefix, varName)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { SessionState.EraseString(string.Format(prefix + "_{1}", varName, i)); } }
private static void OnPlayModeChanged(PlayModeStateChange obj) { if (obj == PlayModeStateChange.EnteredEditMode) { string lastScene = SessionState.GetString("lastScene", ""); if (lastScene != "") { SessionState.EraseString("lastScene"); EditorSceneManager.OpenScene($"Assets/Scenes/{lastScene}.unity"); } } }
private static void PrepareForEnteringPlayMode() { SessionState.EraseString(EditorBootstrapHandler.LOADED_SCENES_KEY); SessionState.EraseString(EditorBootstrapHandler.SERIALIZED_BOOTSTRAPPER_JSON_KEY); EditorSceneManager.playModeStartScene = null; var bootstrapper = Object.FindObjectOfType <Bootstrapper>(); if (bootstrapper == null || !bootstrapper.isActiveAndEnabled) { return; } FabricLog.Logger.Log(LogTags.FABRIC_CORE, "Running bootstrap helper..."); var bootstrapScene = EditorBuildSettings.scenes.FirstOrDefault( s => AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <SceneAsset>(s.path) != null); if (bootstrapScene == null) { FabricLog.Logger.LogWarning(LogTags.FABRIC_CORE, "No valid first scene in EditorBuildSettings"); } else { var sceneAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <SceneAsset>(bootstrapScene.path); EditorSceneManager.playModeStartScene = sceneAsset; var scenePaths = new List <string>(); for (var i = 0; i < SceneManager.sceneCount; i++) { var scene = SceneManager.GetSceneAt(i); if (scene.buildIndex != 0) { scenePaths.Add(scene.path); } } var scenesString = string.Join( EditorBootstrapHandler.LOADED_SCENES_SEPARATOR.ToString(), scenePaths); SessionState.SetString(EditorBootstrapHandler.LOADED_SCENES_KEY, scenesString); var serializedBootstrapperJson = EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(bootstrapper); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serializedBootstrapperJson)) { SessionState.SetString( EditorBootstrapHandler.SERIALIZED_BOOTSTRAPPER_JSON_KEY, serializedBootstrapperJson); } } }
static LoaderAssignmentRequests GetAllRequestsInQueue(string queueName) { var reqs = new LoaderAssignmentRequests(); reqs.activeRequests = new List <LoaderAssignmentRequest>(); if (XRPackageMetadataStore.SessionStateHasStoredData(queueName)) { string fromJson = SessionState.GetString(queueName, k_DefaultSessionStateString); reqs = JsonUtility.FromJson <LoaderAssignmentRequests>(fromJson); SessionState.EraseString(queueName); } return(reqs); }
public static void ResetAllSessionSettings(string prefix, string settingsDefaults = null) { SessionState.EraseString(string.Format(prefix, k_SessionSettingsName)); // Set the defaults of the settings. // If there exists a Default Preset for the Convert/Export settings, then if the project settings are modified, // the Default Preset will be reloaded instead of the project settings. Therefore, set them explicitely if projects settings desired. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsDefaults)) { SessionState.SetString(string.Format(prefix, k_SessionSettingsName), settingsDefaults); } ClearPathsFromSession(k_SessionFbxPathsName, prefix); SessionState.EraseInt(string.Format(prefix, k_SessionSelectedFbxPathName)); ClearPathsFromSession(k_SessionPrefabPathsName, prefix); SessionState.EraseInt(string.Format(prefix, k_SessionSelectedPrefabPathName)); }
static bool RestoreSessionState() { var json = SessionState.GetString(k_InMemorySceneStateSessionKey, null); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { return(false); } s_CurrentInMemorySceneState = InMemorySceneState.Import(json); s_TempFolderBase = SessionState.GetString(k_TempFolderBaseSessionKey, Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName())); registeredTempFolder = SessionState.GetBool(k_RegisteredTempFolderSessionKey, false); // To make sure that we don't affect future session in case something happens, we delete everything SessionState.EraseString(k_InMemorySceneStateSessionKey); SessionState.EraseString(k_TempFolderBaseSessionKey); SessionState.EraseBool(k_RegisteredTempFolderSessionKey); return(true); }
public void LoadSessionStateKeys_ExcludesMissingKeys() { string ipAddressKey = m_Manager.GetPrivateIpAddressKey(1); m_Manager.Initialize(m_Settings); m_Manager.GlobalProfileVariables.Clear(); m_Manager.GlobalProfileVariables.Add(m_Manager.GetPrivateIpAddressKey(0), ""); m_Manager.GlobalProfileVariables.Add(ipAddressKey, ""); m_Manager.GlobalProfileVariables.Add(m_Manager.GetPrivateIpAddressKey(2), "333.3.3.3"); m_Manager.SaveSessionStateKeys(); m_Manager.GlobalProfileVariables.Clear(); SessionState.EraseString(HostingServicesManager.GetSessionStateKey(1)); m_Manager.LoadSessionStateKeys(); Assert.AreEqual(2, m_Manager.GlobalProfileVariables.Count); Assert.IsFalse(m_Manager.GlobalProfileVariables.ContainsKey(ipAddressKey)); HostingServicesManager.EraseSessionStateKeys(); }
/// <summary> /// Erases the configuration from SessionState and from memory. Will force the configuration to be fetched /// from the server the next time it is requested. /// </summary> public void ClearCache() { SessionState.EraseString(m_SessionStateKey); m_IsConfigurationLoaded = false; m_CachedConfiguration = default; }
public void ToSubGraph() { var graphView = graphEditorView.graphView; string path; string sessionStateResult = SessionState.GetString(k_PrevSubGraphPathKey, k_PrevSubGraphPathDefaultValue); string pathToOriginSG = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(selectedGuid)); if (!sessionStateResult.Equals(k_PrevSubGraphPathDefaultValue)) { path = sessionStateResult; } else { path = pathToOriginSG; } path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("Save Sub Graph", "New Shader Sub Graph", ShaderSubGraphImporter.Extension, "", path); path = path.Replace(Application.dataPath, "Assets"); if (path.Length == 0) { return; } graphObject.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Convert To Subgraph"); var nodes = graphView.selection.OfType <IShaderNodeView>().Where(x => !(x.node is PropertyNode || x.node is SubGraphOutputNode)).Select(x => x.node).Where(x => x.allowedInSubGraph).ToArray(); var bounds = Rect.MinMaxRect(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity); foreach (var node in nodes) { var center =; bounds = Rect.MinMaxRect( Mathf.Min(bounds.xMin, center.x), Mathf.Min(bounds.yMin, center.y), Mathf.Max(bounds.xMax, center.x), Mathf.Max(bounds.yMax, center.y)); } var middle =; =; // Collect graph inputs var graphInputs = graphView.selection.OfType <BlackboardField>().Select(x => x.userData as ShaderInput); // Collect the property nodes and get the corresponding properties var propertyNodes = graphView.selection.OfType <IShaderNodeView>().Where(x => (x.node is PropertyNode)).Select(x => ((PropertyNode)x.node).property); var metaProperties = => propertyNodes.Contains(x)); // Collect the keyword nodes and get the corresponding keywords var keywordNodes = graphView.selection.OfType <IShaderNodeView>().Where(x => (x.node is KeywordNode)).Select(x => ((KeywordNode)x.node).keyword); var metaKeywords = graphView.graph.keywords.Where(x => keywordNodes.Contains(x)); var copyPasteGraph = new CopyPasteGraph(graphView.selection.OfType <ShaderGroup>().Select(x => x.userData), graphView.selection.OfType <IShaderNodeView>().Where(x => !(x.node is PropertyNode || x.node is SubGraphOutputNode)).Select(x => x.node).Where(x => x.allowedInSubGraph).ToArray(), graphView.selection.OfType <Edge>().Select(x => x.userData as Graphing.Edge), graphInputs, metaProperties, metaKeywords, graphView.selection.OfType <StickyNote>().Select(x => x.userData), true); // why do we serialize and deserialize only to make copies of everything in the steps below? // is this just to clear out all non-serialized data? var deserialized = CopyPasteGraph.FromJson(MultiJson.Serialize(copyPasteGraph), graphView.graph); if (deserialized == null) { return; } var subGraph = new GraphData { isSubGraph = true, path = "Sub Graphs" }; var subGraphOutputNode = new SubGraphOutputNode(); { var drawState = subGraphOutputNode.drawState; drawState.position = new Rect(new Vector2(bounds.xMax + 200f, 0f), drawState.position.size); subGraphOutputNode.drawState = drawState; } subGraph.AddNode(subGraphOutputNode); subGraph.outputNode = subGraphOutputNode; // Always copy deserialized keyword inputs foreach (ShaderKeyword keyword in deserialized.metaKeywords) { var copiedInput = (ShaderKeyword)keyword.Copy(); subGraph.SanitizeGraphInputName(copiedInput); subGraph.SanitizeGraphInputReferenceName(copiedInput, keyword.overrideReferenceName); subGraph.AddGraphInput(copiedInput); // Update the keyword nodes that depends on the copied keyword var dependentKeywordNodes = deserialized.GetNodes <KeywordNode>().Where(x => x.keyword == keyword); foreach (var node in dependentKeywordNodes) { node.owner = graphView.graph; node.keyword = copiedInput; } } foreach (GroupData groupData in deserialized.groups) { subGraph.CreateGroup(groupData); } foreach (var node in deserialized.GetNodes <AbstractMaterialNode>()) { var drawState = node.drawState; drawState.position = new Rect(drawState.position.position - middle, drawState.position.size); node.drawState = drawState; // Checking if the group guid is also being copied. // If not then nullify that guid if ( != null && !subGraph.groups.Contains( { = null; } subGraph.AddNode(node); } foreach (var note in deserialized.stickyNotes) { if ( != null && !subGraph.groups.Contains( { = null; } subGraph.AddStickyNote(note); } // figure out what needs remapping var externalOutputSlots = new List <Graphing.Edge>(); var externalInputSlots = new List <Graphing.Edge>(); foreach (var edge in deserialized.edges) { var outputSlot = edge.outputSlot; var inputSlot = edge.inputSlot; var outputSlotExistsInSubgraph = subGraph.ContainsNode(outputSlot.node); var inputSlotExistsInSubgraph = subGraph.ContainsNode(inputSlot.node); // pasting nice internal links! if (outputSlotExistsInSubgraph && inputSlotExistsInSubgraph) { subGraph.Connect(outputSlot, inputSlot); } // one edge needs to go to outside world else if (outputSlotExistsInSubgraph) { externalInputSlots.Add(edge); } else if (inputSlotExistsInSubgraph) { externalOutputSlots.Add(edge); } } // Find the unique edges coming INTO the graph var uniqueIncomingEdges = externalOutputSlots.GroupBy( edge => edge.outputSlot, edge => edge, (key, edges) => new { slotRef = key, edges = edges.ToList() }); var externalInputNeedingConnection = new List <KeyValuePair <IEdge, AbstractShaderProperty> >(); var amountOfProps = uniqueIncomingEdges.Count(); const int height = 40; const int subtractHeight = 20; var propPos = new Vector2(0, -((amountOfProps / 2) + height) - subtractHeight); foreach (var group in uniqueIncomingEdges) { var sr = group.slotRef; var fromNode = sr.node; var fromSlot = sr.slot; var materialGraph = graphObject.graph; var fromProperty = fromNode is PropertyNode fromPropertyNode ? => p == : null; AbstractShaderProperty prop; switch (fromSlot.concreteValueType) { case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture2D: prop = new Texture2DShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture2DArray: prop = new Texture2DArrayShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture3D: prop = new Texture3DShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Cubemap: prop = new CubemapShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4: prop = new Vector4ShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector3: prop = new Vector3ShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector2: prop = new Vector2ShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1: prop = new Vector1ShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Boolean: prop = new BooleanShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2: prop = new Matrix2ShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix3: prop = new Matrix3ShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix4: prop = new Matrix4ShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.SamplerState: prop = new SamplerStateShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Gradient: prop = new GradientShaderProperty(); break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.VirtualTexture: prop = new VirtualTextureShaderProperty() { // also copy the VT settings over from the original property (if there is one) value = (fromProperty as VirtualTextureShaderProperty)?.value ?? new SerializableVirtualTexture() }; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } prop.displayName = fromProperty != null ? fromProperty.displayName : fromSlot.concreteValueType.ToString(); prop.displayName = GraphUtil.SanitizeName(subGraph.addedInputs.Select(p => p.displayName), "{0} ({1})", prop.displayName); subGraph.AddGraphInput(prop); var propNode = new PropertyNode(); { var drawState = propNode.drawState; drawState.position = new Rect(new Vector2(bounds.xMin - 300f, 0f) + propPos, drawState.position.size); propPos += new Vector2(0, height); propNode.drawState = drawState; } subGraph.AddNode(propNode); = prop; foreach (var edge in group.edges) { subGraph.Connect( new SlotReference(propNode, PropertyNode.OutputSlotId), edge.inputSlot); externalInputNeedingConnection.Add(new KeyValuePair <IEdge, AbstractShaderProperty>(edge, prop)); } } var uniqueOutgoingEdges = externalInputSlots.GroupBy( edge => edge.outputSlot, edge => edge, (key, edges) => new { slot = key, edges = edges.ToList() }); var externalOutputsNeedingConnection = new List <KeyValuePair <IEdge, IEdge> >(); foreach (var group in uniqueOutgoingEdges) { var outputNode = subGraph.outputNode as SubGraphOutputNode; AbstractMaterialNode node = group.edges[0].outputSlot.node; MaterialSlot slot = node.FindSlot <MaterialSlot>(group.edges[0].outputSlot.slotId); var slotId = outputNode.AddSlot(slot.concreteValueType); var inputSlotRef = new SlotReference(outputNode, slotId); foreach (var edge in group.edges) { var newEdge = subGraph.Connect(edge.outputSlot, inputSlotRef); externalOutputsNeedingConnection.Add(new KeyValuePair <IEdge, IEdge>(edge, newEdge)); } } if (FileUtilities.WriteShaderGraphToDisk(path, subGraph)) { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path); } // Store path for next time if (!pathToOriginSG.Equals(Path.GetDirectoryName(path))) { SessionState.SetString(k_PrevSubGraphPathKey, Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); } else { // Or continue to make it so that next time it will open up in the converted-from SG's directory SessionState.EraseString(k_PrevSubGraphPathKey); } var loadedSubGraph = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(SubGraphAsset)) as SubGraphAsset; if (loadedSubGraph == null) { return; } var subGraphNode = new SubGraphNode(); var ds = subGraphNode.drawState; ds.position = new Rect(middle - new Vector2(100f, 150f),; subGraphNode.drawState = ds; // Add the subgraph into the group if the nodes was all in the same group group var firstNode = copyPasteGraph.GetNodes <AbstractMaterialNode>().FirstOrDefault(); if (firstNode != null && copyPasteGraph.GetNodes <AbstractMaterialNode>().All(x => == { =; } subGraphNode.asset = loadedSubGraph; graphObject.graph.AddNode(subGraphNode); foreach (var edgeMap in externalInputNeedingConnection) { graphObject.graph.Connect(edgeMap.Key.outputSlot, new SlotReference(subGraphNode, edgeMap.Value.guid.GetHashCode())); } foreach (var edgeMap in externalOutputsNeedingConnection) { graphObject.graph.Connect(new SlotReference(subGraphNode, edgeMap.Value.inputSlot.slotId), edgeMap.Key.inputSlot); } graphObject.graph.RemoveElements( graphView.selection.OfType <IShaderNodeView>().Select(x => x.node).Where(x => x.allowedInSubGraph).ToArray(), new IEdge[] {}, new GroupData[] {}, graphView.selection.OfType <StickyNote>().Select(x => x.userData).ToArray()); graphObject.graph.ValidateGraph(); }
public void ResetState() { Debug.Log("Resetting state"); SessionState.EraseString(PersistentStateKey); }
private static void DuplicatePrefab(TemplateSetting[] settings) { if (settings == null || settings.Length == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("設定ファイルがありません"); return; } var components = new List <Component>(settings.Length); foreach (var setting in settings) { // Load Attach Script var scriptKye = string.Format(TempCreateScriptPathKeyFormat, setting.GetInstanceID()); var scriptPath = SessionState.GetString(scriptKye, null); var mono = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <MonoScript>(scriptPath); SessionState.EraseString(scriptKye); if (mono == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("{0} : スクリプトファイルがありませんでした", scriptPath); return; } var scriptType = mono.GetClass(); if (scriptType == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("{0} : クラスを取得できませんでした。ファイル名とクラス名が違う可能性があります",; return; } components.Add(setting.AttachTarget.AddComponent(scriptType)); } // コピーパスは同じなはずのため、最初のを使用する var prefabPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(settings[0].DuplicatePrefab); var createPath = settings[0].PrefabPath; var prefabName = settings[0].PrefabName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(createPath)) { // 空白の場合はアクティブなパスへ生成 createPath = TemplateUtility.GetActiveFolder(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefabName)) { // 空白の場合はコピー元のプレハブ名 prefabName = Path.GetFileName(prefabPath); } prefabName += Path.GetExtension(prefabName) == string.Empty ? ".prefab" : string.Empty; var createFullPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(Path.Combine(createPath, prefabName)); AssetDatabase.CopyAsset(prefabPath, createFullPath); foreach (var component in components) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(component, true); } }