Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a Hibernate Session, either from the current transaction or
 /// a new one. The latter is only allowed if "allowCreate" is true.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>Note that this is not meant to be invoked from HibernateTemplate code
 /// but rather just in plain Hibernate code. Either rely on a thread-bound
 /// Session (via HibernateInterceptor), or use it in combination with
 /// ReleaseSession.
 /// <para>
 /// In general, it is recommended to use HibernateTemplate, either with
 /// the provided convenience operations or with a custom HibernateCallback
 /// that provides you with a Session to work on. HibernateTemplate will care
 /// for all resource management and for proper exception conversion.
 /// </para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="allowCreate"> if a non-transactional Session should be created when no
 /// transactional Session can be found for the current thread
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>Hibernate session.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="DataAccessResourceFailureException">
 /// If the Session couldn't be created
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
 /// if no thread-bound Session found and allowCreate false
 /// </exception>
 /// <seealso cref="ReleaseSession"/>
 protected ISession DoGetSession(bool allowCreate)
     return(!allowCreate ?
            SessionFactoryUtils.GetSession(SessionFactory, false) :
Example #2
        public void CustomerDaoTests()
            Assert.AreEqual(91, customerDao.GetAll().Count);

            Customer c = new Customer(new DefaultCustomerClassificationCalculator());

            c.Id          = "MPOLL";
            c.CompanyName = "Interface21";
            c = customerDao.Get("MPOLL");
            Assert.AreEqual(c.Id, "MPOLL");
            Assert.AreEqual(c.CompanyName, "Interface21");

            //Without flushing, nothing changes in the database:
            int customerCount = (int)AdoTemplate.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "select count(*) from Customers");

            Assert.AreEqual(91, customerCount);

            //Flush the session to execute sql in the db.
            SessionFactoryUtils.GetSession(sessionFactory, true).Flush();

            //Now changes are visible outside the session but within the same database transaction
            customerCount = (int)AdoTemplate.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "select count(*) from Customers");
            Assert.AreEqual(92, customerCount);

            Assert.AreEqual(92, customerDao.GetAll().Count);

            c.CompanyName = "SpringSource";


            c = customerDao.Get("MPOLL");
            Assert.AreEqual(c.Id, "MPOLL");
            Assert.AreEqual(c.CompanyName, "SpringSource");


            SessionFactoryUtils.GetSession(sessionFactory, true).Flush();
            customerCount = (int)AdoTemplate.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "select count(*) from Customers");
            Assert.AreEqual(92, customerCount);

                c = customerDao.Get("MPOLL");
                Assert.Fail("Should have thrown HibernateObjectRetrievalFailureException when finding customer with Id = MPOLL");
            catch (HibernateObjectRetrievalFailureException e)
                Assert.AreEqual("Customer", e.PersistentClassName);
Example #3
        public void ProductDaoTests()
            Assert.AreEqual(830, orderDao.GetAll().Count);

            Order    order    = new Order();
            Customer customer = customerDao.Get("PICCO");

            order.Customer = customer;
            order.ShipCity = "New York";

            int orderId = order.Id;

            order = orderDao.Get(orderId);
            Assert.AreEqual("PICCO", order.Customer.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("New York", order.ShipCity);

            //SessionFactoryUtils.GetSession(sessionFactory, true).Flush();
            // Required trip to db to get idendity column, so data is visible

            int ordersCount = (int)AdoTemplate.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "select count(*) from Orders");

            Assert.AreEqual(831, ordersCount);

            Assert.AreEqual(831, orderDao.GetAll().Count);

            order.ShipCity = "Sao Paulo";

            order = orderDao.Get(orderId);
            Assert.AreEqual("PICCO", order.Customer.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("Sao Paulo", order.ShipCity);


            //Without flushing, nothing changes in the database:
            SessionFactoryUtils.GetSession(sessionFactory, true).Flush();

            ordersCount = (int)AdoTemplate.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "select count(*) from Orders");
            Assert.AreEqual(830, ordersCount);

                order = orderDao.Get(orderId);
                Assert.Fail("Should have thrown HibernateObjectRetrievalFailureException when finding order with Id = " + orderId);
            catch (HibernateObjectRetrievalFailureException e)
                Assert.AreEqual("Order", e.PersistentClassName);
 private ISession GetSession()
     return(SessionFactoryUtils.GetSession(sessionFactory, true));