Example #1
        public void Linq_Counter_Batch_Test()
            //TODO: Write actual counter statements
            var table = SessionExtensions.GetTable <CounterTestTable1>(GetSession((_, __) => {}));
            var batch = SessionExtensions.CreateBatch(GetSession((_, __) => {}), BatchType.Counter);

            batch.Append(table.Where(ent => ent.RowKey1 == 1 && ent.RowKey2 == 2).Select(_ => new CounterTestTable1 {
                Value = 1
            batch.Append(table.Where(ent => ent.RowKey1 == 3 && ent.RowKey2 == 4).Select(_ => new CounterTestTable1 {
                Value = 1
            Assert.AreEqual(batch.ToString().Replace("\r", ""),
                            @"BEGIN COUNTER BATCH
UPDATE ""CounterTestTable1"" SET ""Value"" = ""Value"" + ? WHERE ""RowKey1"" = ? AND ""RowKey2"" = ?;
UPDATE ""CounterTestTable1"" SET ""Value"" = ""Value"" + ? WHERE ""RowKey1"" = ? AND ""RowKey2"" = ?;
APPLY BATCH".Replace("\r", ""));
Example #2
        public void Linq_Logged_Batch_Test()
            var table = SessionExtensions.GetTable <LinqDecoratedEntity>(GetSession((_, __) => {}));
            var batch = SessionExtensions.CreateBatch(GetSession((_, __) => {}), BatchType.Logged);

            batch.Append(table.Insert(new LinqDecoratedEntity()
                ck1 = 1, ck2 = 2, f1 = 3, pk = "x"
            batch.Append(table.Where(ent => new int[] { 10, 30, 40 }.Contains(ent.ck2)).Select(ent => new { f1 = 1223 }).Update());
            batch.Append(table.Where(ent => new int[] { 10, 30, 40 }.Contains(ent.ck2)).Delete());
            Assert.AreEqual(batch.ToString().Replace("\r", ""),
                            @"BEGIN BATCH
INSERT INTO ""x_t"" (""x_ck1"", ""x_ck2"", ""x_f1"", ""x_pk"") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);
UPDATE ""x_t"" SET ""x_f1"" = ? WHERE ""x_ck2"" IN ?;
DELETE FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_ck2"" IN ?;
APPLY BATCH".Replace("\r", ""));
Example #3
        public void TestCqlFromLinq()
            var table = SessionExtensions.GetTable <TestTable>(null);

                (from ent in table select ent).ToString(),
                @"SELECT * FROM ""x_t"" ALLOW FILTERING");

                (from ent in table select ent.f1).ToString(),
                @"SELECT ""x_f1"" FROM ""x_t"" ALLOW FILTERING");

                (from ent in table where ent.pk == "koko" select ent.f1).ToString(),
                @"SELECT ""x_f1"" FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_pk"" = 'koko' ALLOW FILTERING");

                (from ent in table where ent.pk == "koko" select new { ent.f1, ent.ck2 }).ToString(),
                @"SELECT ""x_f1"", ""x_ck2"" FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_pk"" = 'koko' ALLOW FILTERING");

                (from ent in table where ent.pk == "koko" && ent.ck2 == 10 select new { ent.f1, ent.ck2 }).ToString(),
                @"SELECT ""x_f1"", ""x_ck2"" FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_pk"" = 'koko' AND ""x_ck2"" = 10 ALLOW FILTERING");

                (from ent in table where ent.pk == "koko" && ent.ck2 == 10 select new { ent.f1, ent.ck2 }).Take(10).ToString(),
                @"SELECT ""x_f1"", ""x_ck2"" FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_pk"" = 'koko' AND ""x_ck2"" = 10 LIMIT 10 ALLOW FILTERING");

                (from ent in table where ent.pk == "koko" && ent.ck2 == 10 select new { ent.f1, ent.ck2 }).OrderBy(c => c.ck2).ToString(),
                @"SELECT ""x_f1"", ""x_ck2"" FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_pk"" = 'koko' AND ""x_ck2"" = 10 ORDER BY ""x_ck2"" ASC ALLOW FILTERING");

                (from ent in table where ent.pk == "koko" && ent.ck2 == 10 select new { ent.f1, ent.ck2, ent.ck1 }).OrderBy(c => c.ck2).OrderByDescending(c => c.ck1).ToString(),
                @"SELECT ""x_f1"", ""x_ck2"", ""x_ck1"" FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_pk"" = 'koko' AND ""x_ck2"" = 10 ORDER BY ""x_ck2"" ASC, ""x_ck1"" DESC ALLOW FILTERING");

                (from ent in table where ent.pk == "koko" && ent.ck2 == 10 select new { ent.f1, ent.ck2, ent.ck1 }).OrderBy(c => c.ck2).OrderByDescending(c => c.ck1).ToString(),
                @"SELECT ""x_f1"", ""x_ck2"", ""x_ck1"" FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_pk"" = 'koko' AND ""x_ck2"" = 10 ORDER BY ""x_ck2"" ASC, ""x_ck1"" DESC ALLOW FILTERING");

                (from ent in table where CqlToken.Create(ent.pk, ent.ck2, ent.ck2) > CqlToken.Create("x", 2) select new { ent.f1, ent.ck2, ent.ck1 }).OrderBy(c => c.ck2).OrderByDescending(c => c.ck1).ToString(),
                @"SELECT ""x_f1"", ""x_ck2"", ""x_ck1"" FROM ""x_t"" WHERE token(""x_pk"", ""x_ck2"", ""x_ck2"") > token('x', 2) ORDER BY ""x_ck2"" ASC, ""x_ck1"" DESC ALLOW FILTERING");

                (from ent in table where ent.ck2 > ent.ck1 select ent).ToString(),
                @"SELECT * FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_ck2"" > ""x_ck1"" ALLOW FILTERING");

                (from ent in table select ent).Count().ToString(),
                @"SELECT count(*) FROM ""x_t""");

                (from ent in table select ent).FirstOrDefault().ToString(),
                @"SELECT * FROM ""x_t"" LIMIT 1 ALLOW FILTERING");

                (from ent in table select ent).First().ToString(),
                @"SELECT * FROM ""x_t"" LIMIT 1 ALLOW FILTERING");

                (from ent in table select ent).Where(e => e.pk.CompareTo("a") > 0).First().ToString(),
                @"SELECT * FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_pk"" > 'a' LIMIT 1 ALLOW FILTERING");

                    (from ent in table where ent.pk == "x" || ent.ck2 == 1 select ent).ToString(),
            catch (CqlLinqNotSupportedException) { }

                (from ent in table where new int[] { 10, 30, 40 }.Contains(ent.ck2) select ent).ToString(),
                @"SELECT * FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_ck2"" IN (10, 30, 40) ALLOW FILTERING");

                    (from ent in table where new int[] { }.Contains(ent.ck2) select ent).ToString(),
            catch (CqlArgumentException) { }

                (from ent in table where new int[] { 10, 30, 40 }.Contains(ent.ck2) select ent).Delete().ToString(),
                @"DELETE FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_ck2"" IN (10, 30, 40)");

                (table.Insert(new TestTable()
                ck1 = 1, ck2 = 2, f1 = 3, pk = "x"
                @"INSERT INTO ""x_t""(""x_pk"", ""x_ck1"", ""x_ck2"", ""x_f1"") VALUES ('x', 1, 2, 3)");

                    (from ent in table where new int[] { 10, 30, 40 }.Contains(ent.ck2) select new { x = ent.pk, e = ent }).ToString(),
            catch (CqlLinqNotSupportedException) { }

                var batch = SessionExtensions.CreateBatch(null);
                batch.Append(table.Insert(new TestTable()
                    ck1 = 1, ck2 = 2, f1 = 3, pk = "x"
                batch.Append((from ent in table where new int[] { 10, 30, 40 }.Contains(ent.ck2) select new { f1 = 1223 }).Update());
                batch.Append((from ent in table where new int[] { 10, 30, 40 }.Contains(ent.ck2) select ent).Delete());
                Assert.Equal(batch.ToString().Replace("\r", ""),
                             @"BEGIN BATCH
INSERT INTO ""x_t""(""x_pk"", ""x_ck1"", ""x_ck2"", ""x_f1"") VALUES ('x', 1, 2, 3);
UPDATE ""x_t"" SET ""x_f1"" = 1223 WHERE ""x_ck2"" IN (10, 30, 40);
DELETE FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_ck2"" IN (10, 30, 40);
APPLY BATCH".Replace("\r", ""));

                var batch = SessionExtensions.CreateBatch(null);
                batch.Append(table.Insert(new TestTable()
                    ck1 = 1, ck2 = 2, f1 = 3, pk = "x"
                batch.Append(table.Where(ent => new int[] { 10, 30, 40 }.Contains(ent.ck2)).Select(ent => new { f1 = 1223 }).Update());
                batch.Append(table.Where(ent => new int[] { 10, 30, 40 }.Contains(ent.ck2)).Delete());
                Assert.Equal(batch.ToString().Replace("\r", ""),
                             @"BEGIN BATCH
INSERT INTO ""x_t""(""x_pk"", ""x_ck1"", ""x_ck2"", ""x_f1"") VALUES ('x', 1, 2, 3);
UPDATE ""x_t"" SET ""x_f1"" = 1223 WHERE ""x_ck2"" IN (10, 30, 40);
DELETE FROM ""x_t"" WHERE ""x_ck2"" IN (10, 30, 40);
APPLY BATCH".Replace("\r", ""));