Example #1
        private void PopulateGridviewSchedule(DateTime myDate)
            List <string>      workHoursList = WorkHourDB.GetWorkHoursList();
            List <DateTime>    daysList; //contains the list of dates starting from sunday that fall within the week relative to the myDate variable
            DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi;

            DisplayGridviewHeader(myDate, out daysList, out dtfi);

            int cellNumberToUse = 0;

            foreach (DateTime d in daysList)
                cellNumberToUse = GetTheCellNumberToUse(cellNumberToUse, d);

                // Prevent the user from scheduling previous days
                // disable linkbuttons where the date is < todays date
                if (d < DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddDays(-1))
                    foreach (GridViewRow row in gviewSchedule.Rows)
                        row.Cells[cellNumberToUse].Text = "-";

                // get all appointments that fall on this day
                // STG_ServiceWorkList stg_servWorkList = STG_ServiceWorkManager.GetListByDate(d.Date);
                ServiceWorkList existingServiceWorkList = ServiceWorkManager.GetListByDate(d.Date);
                if (existingServiceWorkList != null)
                    foreach (ServiceWork s in existingServiceWorkList)
                        // find the start time of this service work
                        string myStartTime = s.ServiceStartTime.ToShortTimeString();
                        int    index       = workHoursList.IndexOf(myStartTime.Replace(" ", ""));

                        // determine how long the appointment is, i.e from 10:00AM to 11:00AM and then
                        // calculate the number of 30 minute interval from that range.

                        int myInterval = STG_ServiceWork.CalculateNumberOfIntervals(s.ServiceStartTime, s.ServiceEndTime);

                        if (index != -1)
                            //found a match
                            for (int i = index; i < (myInterval + index); i++)
                                gviewSchedule.Rows[i].Cells[cellNumberToUse].Text    = "Service Work ID: " + s.ServiceWorkID.ToString();
                                gviewSchedule.Rows[i].Cells[cellNumberToUse].ToolTip = "Service Work ID: " + s.ServiceWorkID.ToString();

            // Display the reference date in the textbox
            txtRefDate.Text = myDate.ToString("d", dtfi);
Example #2
        private void SaveSTG_ServiceWork(STG_ServiceWork stg_servWork)
            // Before saving, check for conflicts with existing service works based on service date
            // Retrieve existing service works for a specific date

            ServiceWorkList existingServiceWorkList = ServiceWorkManager.GetListByDate(Convert.ToDateTime(actualServiceDate), ddlServiceStartTime.SelectedValue.ToString());
            bool            foundConflict           = false;
            bool            recordSaved             = false;

            if (existingServiceWorkList != null)
                foreach (ServiceWork existingServiceWork in existingServiceWorkList)
                    while ((foundConflict == false) && (recordSaved == false))
                        if ((stg_servWork.ServiceEndTime.TimeOfDay > existingServiceWork.ServiceStartTime.TimeOfDay))
                            //do not allow the save
                            foundConflict = true;

                            lblBookingMessage.Text = "Cannot book the time. A conflict will occur with booking# " + existingServiceWork.ServiceWorkID;

                            //show the scheduler
                            //save the service appointment
                            stg_servWork.STG_servID = STG_ServiceWorkManager.Save(stg_servWork);
                            recordSaved = true;
                    } //end while loop
                }     //end foreach loop
                //there's no conflict so saving can be made

                //save the service appointment
                stg_servWork.STG_servID = STG_ServiceWorkManager.Save(stg_servWork);