Example #1
 void proxy_getServiceQoSHistoricalInfoCompleted(object sender, getServiceQoSHistoricalInfoCompletedEventArgs e)
     if (e.Error != null)
         ServiceQoSInfoForHistory results = e.Result;
         //if (results != null)
             App       app       = (App)Application.Current;
             UIElement uiElement = app.RootVisual;
             if (uiElement is UserControl)
                 UserControl control = uiElement as UserControl;
                 UIElement   root    = control.Content;
                 if (root is SearchingResultPage)
                     SearchingResultPage srp = root as SearchingResultPage;
                     //if user trigger new search during current search stage, current search results will be ignored and this iterative search will be ended.
                     //if not, these search results will be add to current result page
                     if (SearchingResultPage.ID == ID)
                         SearchingResultPage.showQoSDetailInformationInControls(results, view);
Example #2
        public void showServicePerformanceInfo(ServiceQoSInfoForHistory results)
            StartDateTime_ForService = results.startDateTime;
            EndDateTime_ForService   = results.endDateTime;

            setServiceQoSDateTimeFromAndTo(FromDateTime_ForService, ToDateTime_ForService);

            datePicker_From_ForService.DisplayDateStart = StartDateTime_ForService;
            datePicker_From_ForService.DisplayDateEnd   = EndDateTime_ForService;

            StackPanel_ServiceQoS_Chart.DataContext = results.measurementInfoList;
            if (latestMeasurementInfoList_ForService == null)
                latestMeasurementInfoList_ForService = results.measurementInfoList;

            foreach (Series s in FGDCScoreChart_ServiceQoS.Series)
                if (s is ColumnSeries)
                    ColumnSeries cs         = s as ColumnSeries;
                    var          labelStyle = new Style(typeof(AxisLabel));
                    //when the num of measurement info is larger than 12, we will change FGDC Score Chart's view style
                    if (results != null && results.measurementInfoList.Count > 12)
                        //cs.IndependentValueBinding.StringFormat = "";
                        labelStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(AxisLabel.StringFormatProperty, ""));
                        cs.IndependentAxis = new CategoryAxis {
                            Orientation = AxisOrientation.X
                        labelStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(AxisLabel.StringFormatProperty, "{0:M}"));
                        cs.IndependentAxis = new CategoryAxis {
                            Orientation = AxisOrientation.X
                    CategoryAxis axis = (CategoryAxis)cs.IndependentAxis;
                    axis.AxisLabelStyle = labelStyle;

                    //Style dps = cs.DataPointStyle;
                    ////DependencyObject DO =  VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(cs, 0);
                    ////Border b = (Border)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(dps, 0);
                    //ToolTip tt = new ToolTip();
                    //tt.Content = "dfdsfs";
                    //Style tstyle = (Style)Application.Current.Resources["ToolTipTemplate"];
                    //tt.Style = tstyle;

                    ////cs.SetValue(ToolTipService.ToolTipProperty, tt);
                    //ControlTemplate ct = cs.Template;

                    //ct.SetValue(ToolTipService.ToolTipProperty, tt);
                    //dps.SetValue(ToolTipService.ToolTipProperty, tt);

                    //object o1 = dps.GetValue(ToolTipService.ToolTipProperty);
                    //dps.SetValue(ToolTipService.ToolTipProperty, tt);

                    //foreach (Setter m in dps.Setters)
                    //    if (m.Value is ControlTemplate)
                    //    {
                    //        ControlTemplate ct = m.Value as ControlTemplate;
                    //        //DependencyProperty SpeciesProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("", typeof(Grid), typeof(UserControl), null);
                    //        object o = ct.GetValue(ToolTipService.ToolTipProperty);
                    //        //object o = ct.GetValue(DependencyProperty );
                    //        //ct.SetValue(ToolTipService.ToolTipProperty, tt);

                    //        DependencyProperty property = DependencyProperty.Register("Template", typeof(ControlTemplate), typeof(Style), new PropertyMetadata(null));
                    //        object o2 = ct.GetValue(property);
                    //        //object o3 = ct.GetValue(System.Windows.CoreDependencyProperty);

                    //        DependencyObject vc = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(dps, 0);

                    //        //DependencyObject t = dps.Template.LoadContent();

                    //        //var fis = LogicalTreeHelperEx.GetChildrenByType<TextBlock>(t, true);
                    //        //var fis = VisualTreeHelperEx.GetChildsByType<TextBlock>(vc, true);

                    //    }

            //when the timespan excess 12 day, we will change ResponeTime Chart for Service's view style
            int num = (ToDateTime_ForService - FromDateTime_ForService).Days;

            foreach (Axis a in ResponeTimeChart_ServiceQoS.Axes)
                if (a is DateTimeAxis)
                    DateTimeAxis da       = a as DateTimeAxis;
                    double       interval = 20;
                    if (results != null)
                        interval = getInterval_DateTimeAxis_LineSeriesChart(num, results.measurementInfoList.Count);
                        interval = getInterval_DateTimeAxis_LineSeriesChart(num, 0);
                    da.Interval = interval;