Example #1
        private static void LabUsingLinqCreateContacts(IOrganizationService service)
            using (var orgContext = new ServiceContext(service))
                var contact = new Contact()
                    FirstName = "Alan",
                    LastName  = "Smith"


                var contact2 = new Contact()
                    FirstName = "Ben",
                    LastName  = "Andrews"

                var contact3 = new Contact()
                    FirstName = "Colin",
                    LastName  = "Wilcox"

        public void Add(TimeoutData timeout)
            var context = new ServiceContext(account.TableEndpoint.ToString(), account.Credentials);
            var hash = Hash(timeout);
            TimeoutDataEntity timeoutDataEntity;
            if (TryGetTimeoutData(context, hash, string.Empty, out timeoutDataEntity)) return;

            var stateAddress = Upload(timeout.State, hash);
            var headers = Serialize(timeout.Headers);

            if (!TryGetTimeoutData(context, timeout.Time.ToString(partitionKeyScope), stateAddress, out timeoutDataEntity))
                                      new TimeoutDataEntity(timeout.Time.ToString(partitionKeyScope), stateAddress)
                                              Destination = timeout.Destination.ToString(),
                                              SagaId = timeout.SagaId,
                                              StateAddress = stateAddress,
                                              Time = timeout.Time,
                                              CorrelationId = timeout.CorrelationId,
                                              OwningTimeoutManager = timeout.OwningTimeoutManager,
                                              Headers = headers

            if (timeout.SagaId != default(Guid) && !TryGetTimeoutData(context, timeout.SagaId.ToString(), stateAddress, out timeoutDataEntity))
                                      new TimeoutDataEntity(timeout.SagaId.ToString(), stateAddress)
                                          Destination = timeout.Destination.ToString(),
                                          SagaId = timeout.SagaId,
                                          StateAddress = stateAddress,
                                          Time = timeout.Time,
                                          CorrelationId = timeout.CorrelationId,
                                          OwningTimeoutManager = timeout.OwningTimeoutManager,
                                          Headers = headers

                                new TimeoutDataEntity(stateAddress, string.Empty)
                                    Destination = timeout.Destination.ToString(),
                                    SagaId = timeout.SagaId,
                                    StateAddress = stateAddress,
                                    Time = timeout.Time,
                                    CorrelationId = timeout.CorrelationId,
                                    OwningTimeoutManager = timeout.OwningTimeoutManager,
                                    Headers = headers

Example #3
        public void AddObject(string entityName, object entity)
            var entitySets = EdmModel.EntityContainers().SelectMany(container => container.EntitySets());

            var entitySet = entitySets.First(es => es.Name == entityName.InflectTo().Pluralized);

            ServiceContext.AddObject(entitySet.Name, entity);
Example #4
        public void AddObject(string entityName, object entity)
            var entitySets = EdmModel.EntityContainers().SelectMany(container => container.EntitySets());

            var entitySet = entitySets.First(es => es.Name == entityName.InflectTo().Pluralized);

            ServiceContext.AddObject(entitySet.Name, entity);

            _changeTrackingEnabled = true;
            if (entity != null)
                ToggleChangeTracker(entity, true);
        public void Notify(MessageContracts.StockNotifyRequestMessage request)
            using (OrganizationServiceProxy proxy = CRMHelper.Connect())
                ServiceContext context = new ServiceContext(proxy);

                foreach(StockItemDataContract item in request.Items)
                    bool add = false;

                    new_stock record = (from a in context.new_stockSet
                                           where a.new_vinnumber == item.Stock.new_vinnumber
                                           select a).FirstOrDefault();

                    if(record == null)
                        add = true;

                        record = new new_stock();

                    record.new_internalvehiclenumber = item.Stock.new_internalvehiclenumber;
                    record.new_vinnumber = item.Stock.new_vinnumber;
                    record.new_enginenumber = item.Stock.new_enginenumber;
                    record.new_sapvehiclemodelcode = item.Stock.new_sapvehiclemodelcode;
                    record.new_plantsap = item.Stock.new_plantsap;
                    record.new_storagelocation = item.Stock.new_storagelocation;
                    record.new_stockvalue = item.Stock.new_stockvalue;
                    record.new_status = item.Stock.new_status;
                    record.new_vehicleguid = item.Stock.new_vehicleguid;


Example #6
        private void ConfigureActivityFeeds()
            Console.WriteLine("== Configuring Activity Feeds ==");

            // Get the original systemuser config in order to keep a copy for reverting
            // after the sample has completed.
            _originalSystemUserConfig =
                (from c in _serviceContext.msdyn_PostConfigSet
                 where c.msdyn_EntityName == SystemUser.EntityLogicalName
                 select new msdyn_PostConfig
                msdyn_PostConfigId = c.msdyn_PostConfigId,
                msdyn_ConfigureWall = c.msdyn_ConfigureWall,
                msdyn_EntityName = c.msdyn_EntityName

            // Retrieve or Create an instance of msdyn_PostConfig to enable activity
            // feeds for leads (or make sure they are already enabled).
            // If a new msdyn_PostConfig record gets created, activity feeds for
            // systemusers will be enabled automatically.
            _leadConfig =
                (from c in _serviceContext.msdyn_PostConfigSet
                 where c.msdyn_EntityName == Lead.EntityLogicalName
                 select new msdyn_PostConfig
                msdyn_PostConfigId = c.msdyn_PostConfigId,
                msdyn_EntityName = c.msdyn_EntityName,
                msdyn_ConfigureWall = c.msdyn_ConfigureWall

            if (_leadConfig == null)
                // Create the configuration record for leads.
                _leadConfig = new msdyn_PostConfig
                    msdyn_EntityName    = Lead.EntityLogicalName,
                    msdyn_ConfigureWall = true

                    "  The lead activity feed wall configuration was created.");
                // Store the original Lead Config so that we can revert changes later.
                _originalLeadConfig = CloneRelevantConfiguration(_leadConfig);

                if (!_leadConfig.msdyn_ConfigureWall.HasValue ||
                    _leadConfig.msdyn_ConfigureWall = true;

                        "  The lead activity feed wall was enabled.");

            // Get the original systemuser config in order to keep a copy for reverting
            // after the sample has completed.
            _systemuserConfig =
                (from c in _serviceContext.msdyn_PostConfigSet
                 where c.msdyn_EntityName == SystemUser.EntityLogicalName
                 select new msdyn_PostConfig
                msdyn_PostConfigId = c.msdyn_PostConfigId,
                msdyn_ConfigureWall = c.msdyn_ConfigureWall,
                msdyn_EntityName = c.msdyn_EntityName

            // Ensure that the wall for systemuser is enabled if there is already a
            // systemuser configuration defined.
            if (_systemuserConfig != null &&
                (!_systemuserConfig.msdyn_ConfigureWall.HasValue ||
                _systemuserConfig.msdyn_ConfigureWall = true;

                Console.WriteLine("  The systemuser activity feed wall was enabled.");

            // Publish the lead and systemuser entities so that they will have record
            // walls on their forms.

            // Activate the auto post rule configurations. New Lead qualified should be
            // activated automatically when the rule is generated by CRM.
            var leadRules =
                (from r in _serviceContext.msdyn_PostRuleConfigSet
                 where r.msdyn_RuleId == "LeadQualify.Yes.Rule" ||
                 r.msdyn_RuleId == "LeadCreate.Rule"
                 select r).ToList();

            if (leadRules.Count() != 2)
                throw new InvalidSampleExecutionException(
                          "  One or both of the lead config rules do not exist. This can be fixed by deleting the lead post config.");
            foreach (var configRule in leadRules)
        public void Notify(Toyota.Tsusho.CRM.API.MessageContracts.OrderNotifyRequestMessage request)
            using (OrganizationServiceProxy proxy = CRMHelper.Connect())
                ServiceContext context = new ServiceContext(proxy);

                foreach (OrderItemDataContract item in request.Items)
                    bool add = false;

                    Entity entity = null;

                    Invoice record = (from a in context.InvoiceSet
                                      where a.new_saporderno == item.Invoice.new_saporderno
                                      select a).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (record == null)
                        add = true;

                        record = new Invoice();

                    //CustomerId Lookup

                    Contact contact = (from c in context.ContactSet
                                       where c.new_customeraccountnumber == item.Invoice.CustomerId.Name
                                       select c).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (contact == null)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("No Contact could be retrieved for {0}", item.Invoice.CustomerId.Name));


                    SalesOrder order = null;

                    if (item.Invoice.SalesOrderId != null)
                        order = (from o in context.SalesOrderSet
                                            where o.new_DBMOrderNumber == item.Invoice.SalesOrderId.Name
                                            select o).FirstOrDefault();


                    Territory salesOffice = null;

                    if (item.Invoice.new_salesoffice != null)
                        entity = (from s in context.CreateQuery("territory")
                                     where s["new_sapcode"] == item.Invoice.new_salesoffice.Name
                                     select s).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (entity != null)
                            salesOffice = entity.ToEntity<Territory>();


                   entity = (from p in context.CreateQuery("territory")
                                     where p["new_sapcode"] == item.Invoice.new_plant.Name
                                     select p).FirstOrDefault();

                   Territory plant = null;

                    if(entity != null)
                        plant = entity.ToEntity<Territory>();


                    new_invoicetype invoiceType = null;

                    if(item.Invoice.new_invoicetype != null)
                        entity = (from it in context.CreateQuery("new_invoicetype")
                                     where it["new_typeidinvoice"] == item.Invoice.new_invoicetype.Name
                                     select it).FirstOrDefault();

                        if(entity != null)
                            invoiceType = entity.ToEntity<new_invoicetype>();

                    //Populate Order Fields

                    record.new_saporderno = item.Invoice.new_saporderno;

                    record.new_client = item.Invoice.new_client;

                    if (contact != null)
                        record.CustomerId = contact.ToEntityReference();

                    if (order != null)
                        record.SalesOrderId = order.ToEntityReference();

                    record.new_precedingdocument = item.Invoice.new_precedingdocument;

                    if (salesOffice != null)
                        record.new_salesoffice = salesOffice.ToEntityReference();

                    if(plant != null)
                        record.new_plant = plant.ToEntityReference();

                    record.new_customeradviser = item.Invoice.new_customeradviser;
                    record.new_billingdate = item.Invoice.new_billingdate;
                    record.new_licenseplatenumber = item.Invoice.new_licenseplatenumber;
                    record.new_country = item.Invoice.new_country;
                    record.new_counterreading = item.Invoice.new_counterreading;
                    record.new_counterunit = item.Invoice.new_counterunit;
                    record.new_orderstatus = item.Invoice.new_orderstatus;
                    record.new_netvalue = item.Invoice.new_netvalue;
                    record.new_vehicleguid = item.Invoice.new_vehicleguid;

                    if (invoiceType != null)
                        record.new_invoicetype = invoiceType.ToEntityReference();

                    if (add)

                    //Invoice Detail

                    //We will nowdelete all line item s and readd them
                    //if we do not do this we will get duplicate records.

                    if (record.invoice_details != null)
                        foreach (InvoiceDetail detail in record.invoice_details)

                    foreach (InvoiceDetail lineItem in item.InvoiceDetails)
                        InvoiceDetail detail = new InvoiceDetail();


                        new_modelsalescode material = null;

                        if(detail.new_material != null)
                            material = (from m in context.new_modelsalescodeSet
                                            where m.new_name == lineItem.new_material.Name
                                        select m).FirstOrDefault();


                        Territory detailPlant = null;

                        if (lineItem.new_plant != null)
                            entity = (from p in context.CreateQuery("territory")
                                      where p["new_sapcode"] == lineItem.new_plant.Name
                                      select p).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (entity != null)
                                detailPlant = entity.ToEntity<Territory>();

                        //Populate Invoice Detail

                        detail.LineItemNumber = lineItem.LineItemNumber;
                        detail.new_pricingreferencematerial = lineItem.new_pricingreferencematerial;
                        detail.new_lvhierno = lineItem.new_lvhierno;

                        if (material != null)
                            detail.new_material = material.ToEntityReference();

                        detail.new_materialgroup = lineItem.new_materialgroup;
                        detail.ProductDescription = lineItem.ProductDescription;
                        detail.IsPriceOverridden = lineItem.IsPriceOverridden;
                        detail.IsProductOverridden = lineItem.IsProductOverridden;
                        detail.new_description1 = lineItem.new_description1;
                        detail.new_itemcategory = lineItem.new_itemcategory;
                        detail.new_deleteitem = lineItem.new_deleteitem;
                        detail.Quantity = lineItem.Quantity;
                        detail.new_targetqtyuom = lineItem.new_targetqtyuom;
                        detail.new_baseunit = lineItem.new_baseunit;
                        detail.new_targetqtyuom = lineItem.new_targetqtyuom;
                        detail.new_division = lineItem.new_division;
                        detail.PricePerUnit = lineItem.PricePerUnit;
                        detail.new_salesunit = lineItem.new_salesunit;

                        if (detailPlant != null)
                            detail.new_plant = detailPlant.ToEntityReference();

                        detail.new_storagelocation = lineItem.new_storagelocation;

                        context.AddRelatedObject(record, new Relationship("invoice_details"), detail);

        private void UpdateSuccesfullRead(ServiceContext context, TimeoutManagerDataEntity read)
            if (read == null)
                read = new TimeoutManagerDataEntity(Configure.EndpointName, string.Empty){
                               LastSuccessfullRead = DateTime.UtcNow

                context.AddObject(ServiceContext.TimeoutManagerDataEntityTableName, read);
                read.LastSuccessfullRead = DateTime.UtcNow;

        private void MigrateExistingTimeouts(ServiceContext context)
            var existing = (from c in context.TimeoutData
                          where c.PartitionKey == "TimeoutData"
                          select c).ToList();

            foreach(var timeout in existing)
                TimeoutDataEntity timeoutDataEntity;

                if (!TryGetTimeoutData(context, timeout.Time.ToString(partitionKeyScope), timeout.RowKey, out timeoutDataEntity))
                                      new TimeoutDataEntity(timeout.Time.ToString(partitionKeyScope), timeout.RowKey)
                                              Destination = timeout.Destination,
                                              SagaId = timeout.SagaId,
                                              StateAddress = timeout.RowKey,
                                              Time = timeout.Time,
                                              CorrelationId = timeout.CorrelationId,
                                              OwningTimeoutManager = timeout.OwningTimeoutManager

                if (!TryGetTimeoutData(context, timeout.SagaId.ToString(), timeout.RowKey, out timeoutDataEntity))
                                          new TimeoutDataEntity(timeout.SagaId.ToString(), timeout.RowKey)
                                              Destination = timeout.Destination,
                                              SagaId = timeout.SagaId,
                                              StateAddress = timeout.RowKey,
                                              Time = timeout.Time,
                                              CorrelationId = timeout.CorrelationId,
                                              OwningTimeoutManager = timeout.OwningTimeoutManager

                if (!TryGetTimeoutData(context, timeout.RowKey, string.Empty, out timeoutDataEntity))
                                      new TimeoutDataEntity(timeout.RowKey, string.Empty)
                                              Destination = timeout.Destination,
                                              SagaId = timeout.SagaId,
                                              StateAddress = timeout.RowKey,
                                              Time = timeout.Time,
                                              CorrelationId = timeout.CorrelationId,
                                              OwningTimeoutManager = timeout.OwningTimeoutManager

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates any entity records that this sample requires.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateRequiredRecords()
            #region create kb articles

            Console.WriteLine("  Creating KB Articles");

            _subjectId = (
                from subject in _context.SubjectSet
                where subject.Title == "Default Subject"
                select subject.Id

            var kbArticleTemplateId = (
                from articleTemplate in _context.KbArticleTemplateSet
                where articleTemplate.Title == "Standard KB Article"
                select articleTemplate.Id

            if (kbArticleTemplateId != Guid.Empty)
                // create a KB article
                _articles[0] = new KbArticle()
                    // set the article properties
                    Title      = "Searching the knowledge base",
                    ArticleXml = @"
                    <section id='0'>
                        <content><![CDATA[This is a sample article about searching the knowledge base.]]></content>
                    <section id='1'>
                        <content><![CDATA[Knowledge bases contain information useful for various people.]]></content>
                    // use the built-in "Standard KB Article" template
                    KbArticleTemplateId = new EntityReference(KbArticleTemplate.EntityLogicalName,
                    // use the default subject
                    SubjectId = new EntityReference(Subject.EntityLogicalName, _subjectId),
                    KeyWords  = "Searching Knowledge base"

                _articles[1] = new KbArticle()
                    Title               = "What's in a knowledge base",
                    ArticleXml          = @"
                                <section id='0'>
                                    <content><![CDATA[This is a sample article about what would be in a knowledge base.]]></content>
                                <section id='1'>
                                    <content><![CDATA[This section contains more information.]]></content>
                    KbArticleTemplateId = new EntityReference(KbArticleTemplate.EntityLogicalName,
                    SubjectId = new EntityReference(Subject.EntityLogicalName, _subjectId),
                    KeyWords  = "Knowledge base"

                _articles[2] = new KbArticle()
                    Title               = "Searching the knowledge base from code",
                    ArticleXml          = @"
                                <section id='0'>
                                    <content><![CDATA[This article covers searching the knowledge base from code.]]></content>
                                <section id='1'>
                                    <content><![CDATA[This section contains more information.]]></content>
                    KbArticleTemplateId = new EntityReference(KbArticleTemplate.EntityLogicalName,
                    SubjectId = new EntityReference(Subject.EntityLogicalName, _subjectId),
                    KeyWords  = "Knowledge base code"
                throw new ArgumentException("Standard Article Templates are missing");

            #region Submit the articles

            Console.WriteLine("  Submitting the articles");

            foreach (var article in _articles)
                _context.Execute(new SetStateRequest
                    EntityMoniker = article.ToEntityReference(),
                    State         = new OptionSetValue((int)KbArticleState.Unapproved),
                    Status        = new OptionSetValue((int)kbarticle_statuscode.Unapproved)


            #region Approve and Publish the article

            Console.WriteLine("  Publishing articles");

            foreach (var article in _articles)
                _context.Execute(new SetStateRequest
                    EntityMoniker = article.ToEntityReference(),
                    State         = new OptionSetValue((int)KbArticleState.Published),
                    Status        = new OptionSetValue((int)kbarticle_statuscode.Published)


            #region Waiting for publishing to finish

            // Wait 20 seconds to ensure that data will be available
            // Full-text indexing
            Console.WriteLine("  Waiting 20 seconds to ensure indexing has completed on the new records.");


            #region Add cases to KbArticles

            // Create UoM
            _uomSchedule = new UoMSchedule()
                Name        = "Sample unit group",
                BaseUoMName = "Sample base unit"

            _uom = (from uom in _context.UoMSet
                    where uom.Name == _uomSchedule.BaseUoMName
                    select uom).First();

            Console.WriteLine("  Creating an account and incidents for the KB articles");
            var whoami = (WhoAmIResponse)_context.Execute(new WhoAmIRequest());

            _account = new Account()
                Name = "Coho Winery",

            _product = new Product()
                Name                 = "Sample Product",
                ProductNumber        = "0",
                ProductStructure     = new OptionSetValue(1),
                DefaultUoMScheduleId = _uomSchedule.ToEntityReference(),
                DefaultUoMId         = _uom.ToEntityReference()


            // Publish Product
            SetStateRequest publishRequest = new SetStateRequest
                EntityMoniker = new EntityReference(Product.EntityLogicalName, _product.Id),
                State         = new OptionSetValue((int)ProductState.Active),
                Status        = new OptionSetValue(1)

            _incident = new Incident()
                Title       = "A sample incident",
                OwnerId     = new EntityReference(SystemUser.EntityLogicalName, whoami.UserId),
                KbArticleId = _articles[0].ToEntityReference(),
                CustomerId  = _account.ToEntityReference(),
                SubjectId   = new EntityReference(Subject.EntityLogicalName, _subjectId),
                ProductId   = _product.ToEntityReference()

 public void Insert(PerformanceLog item)
     ServiceContext.AddObject(PerformanceLogContext.PerformanceLogTableName, item);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// This method creates any entity records that this sample requires.
        /// Creates the email activity.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreateRequiredRecords(CrmServiceClient service)
            // Create leads for relating activity feed records to. Since there is an
            // active post rule config for creation of a new lead, creating the leads
            // should add an auto post to the record wall for each of the leads.
            _lead1 = new Lead
                CompanyName = "A. Datum Corporation",
                FirstName   = "Henriette",
                MiddleName  = "Thaulow",
                LastName    = "Andersen",
                Subject     = "Activity Feeds Sample 1"

            _lead2 = new Lead
                CompanyName = "Adventure Works",
                FirstName   = "Mary",
                MiddleName  = "Kay",
                LastName    = "Andersen",
                Subject     = "Activity Feeds Sample 2"

            _lead3 = new Lead
                CompanyName = "Fabrikam, Inc.",
                FirstName   = "Andrew",
                LastName    = "Sullivan",
                Subject     = "Activity Feeds Sample 3"


            var columnSet = new ColumnSet(true);

            _lead1 = (Lead)service.Retrieve(
                Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead1.Id, columnSet);
            _lead2 = (Lead)service.Retrieve(
                Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead2.Id, columnSet);
            _lead3 = (Lead)service.Retrieve(
                Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead3.Id, columnSet);

            Console.WriteLine("Required records have been created.");