Example #1
        public void ServicesCreatedFromCustomOpenGenericFactoryMustInvokeIInitialize()
            var mockFactory     = new Mock <IFactory>();
            var serviceInstance = new SampleGenericImplementation <int>();

            mockFactory.Expect(f => f.CreateInstance(It.IsAny <IFactoryRequest>()))

            var container = new ServiceContainer();

            container.LoadFrom(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "LinFu*.dll");
            container.AddFactory("MyService", typeof(ISampleGenericService <>), mockFactory.Object);

            var  result  = container.GetService <ISampleGenericService <int> >("MyService");
            bool areSame = ReferenceEquals(serviceInstance, result);

            Assert.AreSame(serviceInstance, result);

            // Make sure that the IInitialize instance is called
            // on the sample class

Example #2
        public void ContainerMustSupportGenericAddFactoryMethod()
            var container   = new ServiceContainer();
            var mockFactory = new Mock <IFactory <ISerializable> >();
            var mockService = new Mock <ISerializable>();

            mockFactory.Expect(f => f.CreateInstance(It.Is <IFactoryRequest>(request => request.Container == container))).Returns(mockService.Object);

            Assert.IsNotNull(container.GetService <ISerializable>());
Example #3
        public void ContainerMustHoldAnonymousFactoryInstance()
            var mockFactory = new Mock <IFactory>();
            var container   = new ServiceContainer();

            // Give it a random service interface type
            Type serviceType = typeof(IDisposable);

            // Manually add the factory instance
            container.AddFactory(serviceType, mockFactory.Object);
            Assert.IsTrue(container.Contains(serviceType), "The container needs to have a factory for service type '{0}'", serviceType);
Example #4
        public void ContainerMustSupportGenericGetServiceMethod()
            var mockService = new Mock <ISerializable>();
            var mockFactory = new Mock <IFactory>();
            var container   = new ServiceContainer();

            container.AddFactory(typeof(ISerializable), mockFactory.Object);
            container.AddFactory("MyService", typeof(ISerializable), mockFactory.Object);

            // Return the mock ISerializable instance
            mockFactory.Expect(f => f.CreateInstance(
                                   It.Is <IFactoryRequest>(request => request.Container == container &&
                                                           request.ServiceType == typeof(ISerializable)))).Returns(mockService.Object);

            // Test the syntax
            var result = container.GetService <ISerializable>();

            Assert.AreSame(mockService.Object, result);

            result = container.GetService <ISerializable>("MyService");
            Assert.AreSame(mockService.Object, result);
Example #5
        public void ContainerMustAllowInjectingCustomFactoriesForOpenGenericTypeDefinitions()
            var container = new ServiceContainer();
            var factory   = new SampleOpenGenericFactory();

            container.AddFactory(typeof(ISampleGenericService <>), factory);

            // The container must report that it *can* create
            // the generic service type
            Assert.IsTrue(container.Contains(typeof(ISampleGenericService <int>)));

            var result = container.GetService <ISampleGenericService <int> >();

            Assert.IsTrue(result.GetType() == typeof(SampleGenericImplementation <int>));
Example #6
        public void ContainerMustUseUnnamedContainsMethodIfNameIsNull()
            var mockFactory = new Mock <IFactory>();
            var mockService = new Mock <ISerializable>();
            var container   = new ServiceContainer();

            Type serviceType = typeof(ISerializable);

            // Use unnamed AddFactory method
            container.AddFactory(serviceType, mockFactory.Object);

            // The container should use the
            // IContainer.Contains(Type) method instead of the
            // IContainer.Contains(string, Type) method if the
            // service name is blank
            Assert.IsTrue(container.Contains(null, typeof(ISerializable)));
Example #7
        public void ContainerMustUseUnnamedGetServiceMethodIfNameIsNull()
            var mockFactory = new Mock <IFactory>();
            var mockService = new Mock <ISerializable>();
            var container   = new ServiceContainer();

            Type serviceType = typeof(ISerializable);

            mockFactory.Expect(f => f.CreateInstance(It.Is <IFactoryRequest>(request => request.ServiceType == serviceType)))
            container.AddFactory(serviceType, mockFactory.Object);

            object result = container.GetService(null, serviceType);

            Assert.AreSame(mockService.Object, result);
Example #8
        public void ContainerMustHoldNamedFactoryInstance()
            var mockFactory = new Mock <IFactory>();
            var container   = new ServiceContainer();

            // Randomly assign an interface type
            // NOTE: The actual interface type doesn't matter
            Type serviceType = typeof(ISerializable);

            container.AddFactory("MyService", serviceType, mockFactory.Object);
            Assert.IsTrue(container.Contains("MyService", serviceType), "The container is supposed to contain a service named 'MyService'");

            var instance = new object();

            mockFactory.Expect(f => f.CreateInstance(
                                   It.Is <IFactoryRequest>(request => request.ServiceName == "MyService" && request.ServiceType == serviceType)))

            Assert.AreSame(instance, container.GetService("MyService", serviceType));
Example #9
        public void ContainerMustInjectFactoryInstances()
            var mockFactory = new Mock <IFactory <ISampleService> >();

            mockFactory.Expect(f => f.CreateInstance(It.IsAny <IFactoryRequest>())).Returns(new SampleClass());

            var container = new ServiceContainer();


            var instance =


            IFactory <ISampleService> factory = instance.Factory;


Example #10
        public void ContainerMustReturnServiceInstance()
            var mockFactory = new Mock <IFactory>();
            var container   = new ServiceContainer();

            Type serviceType = typeof(ISerializable);
            var  instance    = new object();

            container.AddFactory(serviceType, mockFactory.Object);

            // The container must call the IFactory.CreateInstance method
            mockFactory.Expect(f => f.CreateInstance(It.Is <IFactoryRequest>(request => request.ServiceType == serviceType &&
                                                                             request.Container == container))).Returns(instance);

            object result = container.GetService(serviceType);

            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "The container failed to return the given service instance");
            Assert.AreSame(instance, result, "The service instance returned does not match the given instance");

Example #11
        public void ContainerMustUseUnnamedAddFactoryMethodIfNameIsNull()
            var mockFactory = new Mock <IFactory>();
            var mockService = new Mock <ISerializable>();

            var container = new ServiceContainer();

            Type serviceType = typeof(ISerializable);

            // Add the service using a null name;
            // the container should register this factory
            // as if it had no name
            container.AddFactory(null, serviceType, mockFactory.Object);
            mockFactory.Expect(f => f.CreateInstance(
                                   It.Is <IFactoryRequest>(request => request.Container == container &&
                                                           request.ServiceType == serviceType))).Returns(mockService.Object);

            // Verify the result
            var result = container.GetService <ISerializable>();

            Assert.AreSame(mockService.Object, result);
Example #12
        public void ContainerMustCallIInitializeOnServicesCreatedFromCustomFactory()
            var mockFactory    = new Mock <IFactory>();
            var mockInitialize = new Mock <IInitialize>();

            mockFactory.Expect(f => f.CreateInstance(It.IsAny <IFactoryRequest>()))

            // The IInitialize instance must be called once it
            // leaves the custom factory
            mockInitialize.Expect(i => i.Initialize(It.IsAny <IServiceContainer>()));

            var container = new ServiceContainer();

            container.LoadFrom(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "LinFu*.dll");
            container.AddFactory(typeof(IInitialize), mockFactory.Object);

            var result = container.GetService <IInitialize>();

        public void ContainerMustReturnServiceInstance()
            var mockFactory = new Mock <IFactory>();
            var container   = new ServiceContainer();

            var serviceType = typeof(ISerializable);
            var instance    = new object();

            container.AddFactory(serviceType, mockFactory.Object);

            // The container must call the IFactory.CreateInstance method
                f => f.CreateInstance(It.Is <IFactoryRequest>(request => request.ServiceType == serviceType &&
                                                              request.Container == container))).Returns(

            var result = container.GetService(serviceType);

            Assert.Same(instance, result);
