Example #1
    void OnGUI()
        if (Time.time % 2 < 1)
            success = callBack.getResult();

        // For Setting Up ResponseBox.
        GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10, 5, 1300, 175), success);


        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 200, 200, 30), "CreateMailConfiguration"))

            emailService = sp.BuildEmailService();              // Initializing Email Service.
            emailService.CreateMailConfiguration(cons.emailHost, cons.emailPort, cons.mailId, cons.emailPassword, cons.isSSL, callBack);


        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(260, 200, 200, 30), "RemoveEmailConfiguration"))
            emailService = sp.BuildEmailService();              // Initializing Email Service.
            emailService.RemoveEmailConfiguration(cons.mailId, callBack);


        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(470, 200, 200, 30), "GetEmailConfigurations"))
            emailService = sp.BuildEmailService();              // Initializing Email Service.


        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(680, 200, 200, 30), "SendMail"))
            emailService = sp.BuildEmailService();              // Initializing Email Service.
            emailService.SendMail(cons.sendTo, cons.sendSubject, cons.sendMsg, cons.mailId, EmailMIME.PLAIN_TEXT_MIME_TYPE, callBack);
Example #2
    void Start()
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = Validator;

        // Connect to the app service
        serviceAPI = new ServiceAPI(Constants.apiKey, Constants.secretKey);

        // Build the log service
        logService = serviceAPI.BuildLogService();

        // Build Email Service
        emailService = serviceAPI.BuildEmailService();

        // Log the event
        logService.SetEvent("[DEMO] Contact", "Landed", logCallBack);
        #region GUI stuff
        containerRect = new Rect(Screen.width * ((1 - containerWidth) / 2),
                                 Screen.height * ((1 - containerHeight) / 2),
                                 Screen.width * containerWidth,
                                 Screen.height * containerHeight);

        // Set the header style
        headerStyle               = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.customStyles[0]);
        headerStyle.fontSize      = (int)(Screen.height * headerFontScaling);
        headerStyle.padding.left  = (int)(containerRect.width * labelHorPadding);
        headerStyle.padding.right = (int)(containerRect.width * labelHorPadding);

        // Set the label style
        labelStyle               = activeSkin.label;
        labelStyle.fontSize      = (int)(Screen.height * labelFontScaling);
        labelStyle.padding.left  = (int)(containerRect.width * labelHorPadding);
        labelStyle.padding.right = (int)(containerRect.width * labelHorPadding);

        // set the error msg style
        alertMsgStyle               = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.customStyles[1]);
        alertMsgStyle.fontSize      = labelStyle.fontSize;
        alertMsgStyle.padding.left  = (int)(containerRect.width * labelHorPadding);
        alertMsgStyle.padding.right = (int)(containerRect.width * labelHorPadding);

        // Set the textArea style
        txtAreaStyle                = activeSkin.textArea;
        txtAreaStyle.fontSize       = (int)(Screen.height * txtAreaFontScaling);
        txtAreaStyle.padding.top    = (int)(txtAreaStyle.fontSize * txtAreaTopPadding);
        txtAreaStyle.padding.bottom = (int)(txtAreaStyle.fontSize * txtAreaBtmPadding);

        // Set the button styles
        btnWidth  = Screen.width * 0.3f;
        btnHeight = btnWidth * ((float)activeSkin.button.normal.background.height /

        // Font scaling
        activeSkin.button.fontSize = (int)(btnHeight * buttonFontScaling);
        // Padding Scaling
        activeSkin.button.padding.top = (int)(activeSkin.button.fontSize * buttonTopPadding);

        A_btnStyle = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.button);
        B_btnStyle = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.button);

        // Calculate positions
        #region positioning

        // initialise variable to calculate total height
        float totalHeight = 0;
        float frameWidth  = Screen.width * innerFrameWidth;

        // header label
        labelHeight  = headerStyle.fontSize * fontHeightScale + headerStyle.padding.top + headerStyle.padding.bottom;
        headerRect   = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, labelHeight);
        totalHeight += labelHeight;

        // name label
        labelHeight    = labelStyle.fontSize * fontHeightScale + labelStyle.padding.top + labelStyle.padding.bottom;
        label_NameRect = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, labelHeight);
        totalHeight   += labelHeight;

        // sender's name
        txtAreaHeight    = txtAreaStyle.fontSize * fontHeightScale + txtAreaStyle.padding.top + txtAreaStyle.padding.bottom;
        txtArea_NameRect = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, txtAreaHeight);
        totalHeight     += txtAreaHeight;

        // email label
        labelHeight     = labelStyle.fontSize * fontHeightScale + labelStyle.padding.top + labelStyle.padding.bottom;
        label_EmailRect = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, labelHeight);
        totalHeight    += labelHeight;

        // sender's email
        txtAreaHeight     = txtAreaStyle.fontSize * fontHeightScale + txtAreaStyle.padding.top + txtAreaStyle.padding.bottom;
        txtArea_EmailRect = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, txtAreaHeight);
        totalHeight      += txtAreaHeight;

        // email subject label
        labelHeight            = labelStyle.fontSize * fontHeightScale + labelStyle.padding.top + labelStyle.padding.bottom;
        label_EmailSubjectRect = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, labelHeight);
        totalHeight           += labelHeight;

        // email subject
        txtAreaHeight            = txtAreaStyle.fontSize * fontHeightScale + txtAreaStyle.padding.top + txtAreaStyle.padding.bottom;
        txtArea_EmailSubjectRect = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, txtAreaHeight);
        totalHeight += txtAreaHeight;

        // email body
        txtAreaHeight         = (txtAreaStyle.fontSize * fontHeightScale) * 5 + txtAreaStyle.padding.top + txtAreaStyle.padding.bottom;
        txtArea_EmailBodyRect = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, txtAreaHeight);
        totalHeight          += txtAreaHeight;

        // main menu and submit buttons
        A_btnRect    = new Rect(0, totalHeight, btnWidth, btnHeight);
        B_btnRect    = new Rect(frameWidth - btnWidth, totalHeight, btnWidth, btnHeight);
        totalHeight += btnHeight;

        // Initialise button scalers
        A_btnScale = new ButtonHandler(A_btnRect, gameObject, 0.9f, "A_ScaleButton");
        B_btnScale = new ButtonHandler(B_btnRect, gameObject, 0.9f, "B_ScaleButton");


        innerFrameRect   = new Rect(0, 0, frameWidth, totalHeight);
        innerFrameHeight = totalHeight;
