Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds new slot to the UI
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="server"></param>
 public void AddLANServerSlot(LanEntry server)
     if (serverList != null)
         ServerSlot item = Instantiate(serverItem);
Example #2
    private void CreateServerSlot(Region region)
        // Create Obj
        GameObject serverSlotObj = Instantiate(_serverSlotPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        serverSlotObj.transform.SetParent(_serverSlotGrid, false);
        // Set values
        ServerSlot serverSlot = serverSlotObj.GetComponent <ServerSlot>();

        serverSlot.ServerName = region.Code.ToString();
        serverSlot.RegionCode = (uint)region.Code;
        serverSlot.Ping       = region.Ping;
        // Cache
Example #3
    public void OnMatchCreate(bool success, string extendedInfo, List <MatchInfoSnapshot> matchList)
        if (!success || matchList == null)

        foreach (MatchInfoSnapshot match in matchList)
            ServerSlot roomListItem = Instantiate(serverItem);


            if (roomListItem != null)
                roomListItem.SetupWAN(match, JoinRoom);
Example #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles "ready" button action
    /// </summary>
    public void ReadyGame()
        networkDiscovery = FindObjectOfType <OxyniteNetworkDiscovery>();

        if (roomList.Count > 0)
            ServerSlot serverSlot = roomList[Random.Range(0, roomList.Count)];
        else if (networkDiscovery.GetLanEntries() != null)
            List <LanEntry> entries = networkDiscovery.GetLanEntries();
            LanEntry        server  = entries[Random.Range(0, entries.Count)];
        public static void OnPlayerLeft(Player player, ServerSlot slot, bool announced)
            player.active = false;

            if (announced)
                ProgramLog.Log("{0} @ {1}: LEAVE {2}", slot.remoteAddress, slot.Id, player.name);

                var msg = NewNetMessage.PrepareThreadInstance();

                msg.SynchBegin(player.whoAmI, 0 /*inactive*/);

                if (player.DisconnectReason != null)
                    msg.PlayerChat(255, string.Concat(player.Name, " disconnected (", player.DisconnectReason, ")."), 255, 165, 0);
                    msg.PlayerChat(255, string.Concat(player.name, " has left."), 255, 240, 20);


            var ctx = new HookContext
                Player = player,
                Sender = player,

            var args = new HookArgs.PlayerLeftGame
                Slot = slot.Id

            HookPoints.PlayerLeftGame.Invoke(ref ctx, ref args);
        public override void Process(int whoAmI, byte[] readBuffer, int length, int num)
            int  num13 = ReadInt32(readBuffer);
            int  num14 = ReadInt32(readBuffer);
            bool flag3 = true;

            if (num13 == -1 || num14 == -1)
                flag3 = false;
                if (num13 < 10 || num13 > Main.maxTilesX - 10)
                    flag3 = false;
                    if (num14 < 10 || num14 > Main.maxTilesY - 10)
                        flag3 = false;
            int num15 = Netplay.GetSectionX(Main.spawnTileX) - 2;
            int num16 = Netplay.GetSectionY(Main.spawnTileY) - 1;
            int num17 = num15 + 5;
            int num18 = num16 + 3;

            if (num15 < 0)
                num15 = 0;
            if (num17 >= Main.maxSectionsX)
                num17 = Main.maxSectionsX - 1;
            if (num16 < 0)
                num16 = 0;
            if (num18 >= Main.maxSectionsY)
                num18 = Main.maxSectionsY - 1;
            int num19 = (num17 - num15) * (num18 - num16);
            int num20 = -1;
            int num21 = -1;

            if (flag3)
                num13 = Netplay.GetSectionX(num13) - 2;
                num14 = Netplay.GetSectionY(num14) - 1;
                num20 = num13 + 5;
                num21 = num14 + 3;
                if (num13 < 0)
                    num13 = 0;
                if (num20 >= Main.maxSectionsX)
                    num20 = Main.maxSectionsX - 1;
                if (num14 < 0)
                    num14 = 0;
                if (num21 >= Main.maxSectionsY)
                    num21 = Main.maxSectionsY - 1;
                for (int num22 = num13; num22 < num20; num22++)
                    for (int num23 = num14; num23 < num21; num23++)
                        if (num22 < num15 || num22 >= num17 || num23 < num16 || num23 >= num18)

            ServerSlot serverSock = Terraria.Netplay.Clients[whoAmI] as ServerSlot;

            if (serverSock.state == SlotState.SENDING_WORLD)
                serverSock.state = SlotState.SENDING_TILES;
                serverSock.Kick("Invalid operation at this state.");

            NewNetMessage.SendData(9, whoAmI, -1, Lang.inter[44], num19, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0);
            Terraria.Netplay.Clients[whoAmI].StatusText2 = "is receiving tile data";
            Terraria.Netplay.Clients[whoAmI].StatusMax  += num19;
            for (int num24 = num15; num24 < num17; num24++)
                for (int num25 = num16; num25 < num18; num25++)
                    NewNetMessage.SendSection(whoAmI, num24, num25, false);
            if (flag3)
                for (int num26 = num13; num26 < num20; num26++)
                    for (int num27 = num14; num27 < num21; num27++)
                        NewNetMessage.SendSection(whoAmI, num26, num27, true);
                NewNetMessage.SendData(11, whoAmI, -1, String.Empty, num13, (float)num14, (float)(num20 - 1), (float)(num21 - 1), 0);
            NewNetMessage.SendData(11, whoAmI, -1, String.Empty, num15, (float)num16, (float)(num17 - 1), (float)(num18 - 1), 0);
            for (int num28 = 0; num28 < 400; num28++)
                if (Main.item[num28].active)
                    NewNetMessage.SendData(21, whoAmI, -1, String.Empty, num28, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0);
                    NewNetMessage.SendData(22, whoAmI, -1, String.Empty, num28, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0);
            for (int num29 = 0; num29 < 200; num29++)
                if (Main.npc[num29].active)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Sending 23");
                    NewNetMessage.SendData(23, whoAmI, -1, String.Empty, num29, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0);
            for (int num30 = 0; num30 < 1000; num30++)
                if (Main.projectile[num30].active && (Main.projPet[Main.projectile[num30].type] || Main.projectile[num30].netImportant))
                    NewNetMessage.SendData(27, whoAmI, -1, String.Empty, num30, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0);
            NewNetMessage.SendData(49, whoAmI, -1, String.Empty, 0, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0);
            NewNetMessage.SendData(57, whoAmI, -1, String.Empty, 0, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0);
            NewNetMessage.SendData(7, whoAmI, -1, String.Empty, 0, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0);
Example #7
        public override void Process(int whoAmI, byte[] readBuffer, int length, int num)
            int num8 = BitConverter.ToInt32(readBuffer, num);

            num += 4;
            int num9 = BitConverter.ToInt32(readBuffer, num);

            num += 4;

            bool flag3 = !(num8 == -1 ||
                           num8 <10 ||
                                 num8> Main.maxTilesX - 10 ||
                           num9 == -1 ||
                           num9 <10 ||
                                 num9> Main.maxTilesY - 10);

            int num10 = 1350;

            if (flag3)
                num10 *= 2;

            ServerSlot serverSock = NetPlay.slots[whoAmI];

            if (serverSock.state == SlotState.SENDING_WORLD)
                serverSock.state = SlotState.SENDING_TILES;
                serverSock.Kick("Invalid operation at this state.");

            NetMessage.SendData(9, whoAmI, -1, "Receiving tile data", num10);
            serverSock.statusText2 = "is receiving tile data";
            serverSock.statusMax  += num10;
            int sectionX = NetPlay.GetSectionX(Main.spawnTileX);
            int sectionY = NetPlay.GetSectionY(Main.spawnTileY);

            for (int x = sectionX - 1; x < sectionX + 2; x++)
                for (int y = sectionY - 1; y < sectionY + 2; y++)
                    NetMessage.SendSection(whoAmI, x, y);

            if (flag3)
                num8 = NetPlay.GetSectionX(num8);
                num9 = NetPlay.GetSectionY(num9);
                for (int num11 = num8 - 1; num11 < num8 + 2; num11++)
                    for (int num12 = num9 - 1; num12 < num9 + 2; num12++)
                        NetMessage.SendSection(whoAmI, num11, num12);
                NetMessage.SendData(11, whoAmI, -1, "", num8 - 1, (float)(num9 - 1), (float)(num8 + 1), (float)(num9 + 1));

            NetMessage.SendData(11, whoAmI, -1, "", sectionX - 1, (float)(sectionY - 1), (float)(sectionX + 1), (float)(sectionY + 1));

            //Can't switch to a for each because there are 201 items.
            for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < 200; itemIndex++)
                if (Main.item[itemIndex].Active)
                    NetMessage.SendData(21, whoAmI, -1, "", itemIndex);
                    NetMessage.SendData(22, whoAmI, -1, "", itemIndex);

            //Can't switch to a for each because there are 1001 NPCs.
            for (int npcIndex = 0; npcIndex < NPC.MAX_NPCS; npcIndex++)
                if (Main.npcs[npcIndex].Active)
                    NetMessage.SendData(23, whoAmI, -1, "", npcIndex);

            NetMessage.SendData(49, whoAmI);
            NetMessage.SendData(57, whoAmI);

            //Send NPC Names...

            foreach (var npcId in new int[] { 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 38, 54, 107, 108, 124 })
                NetMessage.SendData(56, whoAmI, -1, String.Empty, npcId);