/// <summary>
 /// Register a typeof struct or class to be sent over the network
 /// </summary>
 public void RegisterPacket(Type type)
Example #2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
             * First we initialize our server by creating a HybridNetworkLib.Server.ServerNetManager
             * This example passes in an array of transports, composed of the built-in Telepathy & MiniUDP
             * We're also using the built-in CobblestoneSerializer
             * Important note: For any server and client to be connected, they must pass in the exact same transport layers & ports
             * new ServerNetManager(ITransportLayer[], IObjectSerializer);
            var server = new ServerNetManager
                new []
                new TransportLayerInfo(new TelepathyTransport(), 1337),
                new TransportLayerInfo(new MiniUdpTransport(), 1447)
                new CobblestoneSerializer()

             * All packets must be registered with the serializer before being sent.
             * It's important they're registered in the *same* order on both the server & client(s).

             * Subscribe this method to incoming packets
            server.Subscribe((packet, sender) =>
                if (packet is PacketMessage message)
                    Logger.Log(sender.Address + ": " + message.text);

             * Starts the server on the corresponding ports for each transport layer.

             * A simple forever-loop for this console application
            while (true)
                if (Console.KeyAvailable)
                    var key = Console.ReadKey(true).Key;

                    if (key == ConsoleKey.A)
                         * Send a packet on channel#0, which in our case is Telepathy
                        server.Send(new PacketMessage("Hey there, clients!"), 0);
                    else if (key == ConsoleKey.B)
                         * Send a packet on channel#1, which in our case is MiniUDP
                        server.Send(new PacketMessage("I'm gonna do what's called a pro-gamer move..."), 1);
                    else if (key == ConsoleKey.Q)
                         * Stop the server before quitting

                 * Update checks for incoming connections & packets.

                Thread.Sleep(16); // Simple ~60fps loop. If using Unity, make sure the code above is in FixedUpdate()