public static void Initialize() { log = Serilog.Log.ForContext <Scheduler>(); JobManager.JobException += msg => log.Error(msg.Exception, "Scheduling error with job {jobname}:", msg.Name); JobManager.JobStart += info => log.Debug("Started job: {jobname}", info.Name); JobManager.JobEnd += info => log.Debug("Ended job: {jobname}", info.Name); JobManager.Initialize(new RealmJobRegistry()); }
public static void SetRegistryValue(this RegistryHive registryHive, string key, string valueName, string value) { Log.Debug("Setting registry value '{0}\\{1}' => '{2}' = '{3}'", registryHive, key, valueName, value); using (var registry = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(registryHive, RegistryView.Default)) { using (var registryKey = registry.CreateSubKey(key)) { registryKey.SetValue(valueName, value); } } }
public void Handle(SystemMessage.StateChangeMessage message) { _state = message.State; if (message.State == VNodeState.Leader) { return; } Log.Debug("Persistent subscriptions received state change to {state}. Stopping listening", _state); ShutdownSubscriptions(); Stop(); }
////must be "" rather than null... private void ExecuteCommand(string commandName, string commandArgs = "") { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); Log.Verbose("ExecuteCommand={CommandName} CommandArgs={commandArgs}", commandName, commandArgs); var dte = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(DTE)) as DTE; if (dte == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dte)); } dte.ExecuteCommand(commandName, commandArgs); Log.Debug("ExecuteCommand={CommandName} CommandArgs={commandArgs} Success", commandName, commandArgs); }
public List <string> CheckValidRoutes(IEnumerable <JobPlan> jobs) { var logMessages = new List <string>(); MazakAllData mazakData; if (!OpenDatabaseKitDB.MazakTransactionLock.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2), true)) { throw new Exception("Unable to obtain mazak database lock"); } try { mazakData = readDatabase.LoadAllData(); } finally { OpenDatabaseKitDB.MazakTransactionLock.ReleaseMutex(); } try { Log.Debug("Check valid routing info"); //The reason we create the clsPalletPartMapping is to see if it throws any exceptions. We therefore //need to ignore the warning that palletPartMap is not used. #pragma warning disable 168, 219 var mazakJobs = ConvertJobsToMazakParts.JobsToMazak( jobs, 1, mazakData, new HashSet <string>(), writeDb.MazakType, CheckPalletsUsedOnce, fmsSettings, logMessages); #pragma warning restore 168, 219 } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.StartsWith("Invalid pallet->part mapping")) { logMessages.Add(ex.Message); } else { throw; } } return(logMessages); }
public LogDataWeb(string path, BlackMaple.MachineFramework.JobLogDB log, BlackMaple.MachineFramework.JobDB jobDB, BlackMaple.MachineFramework.ISendMaterialToExternalQueue sendToExternal, IReadDataAccess readDB, MazakQueues queues, BlackMaple.MachineFramework.FMSSettings settings) { _path = path; _log = log; _jobDB = jobDB; _readDB = readDB; _queues = queues; _settings = settings; _sendToExternal = sendToExternal; _shutdown = new AutoResetEvent(false); _newLogFile = new AutoResetEvent(false); _recheckQueues = new AutoResetEvent(false); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path)) { _thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadFunc)); _thread.Start(); _watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(_path); _watcher.Filter = "*.csv"; _watcher.Created += (sender, evt) => _newLogFile.Set(); //_watcher.Changed += (sender, evt) => _newLogFile.Set(); _watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; Log.Debug("Watching {path} for new CSV files", _path); } }
public void Save(MazakWriteData data, string prefix) { CheckReadyForConnect(); int checkInterval = data.Schedules.Count() + data.Pallets.Count() + 2 * data.Parts.Count() + data.Fixtures.Count() + data.Programs.Count(); Log.Debug("Writing {@data} to transaction db", data); foreach (var prog in data.Programs) { if (prog.Command == MazakWriteCommand.Add) { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(prog.MainProgram, prog.ProgramContent); } } try { using (var conn = CreateConnection()) { var trans = conn.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); try { ClearTransactionDatabase(conn, trans); SaveData(data, conn, trans); trans.Commit(); } catch { trans.Rollback(); throw; } for (int i = 0; i <= WaitCount; i++) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(checkInterval)); if (CheckTransactionErrors(conn, prefix)) { return; } } throw new Exception("Timeout during download: open database kit is not running or responding"); } #if USE_OLEDB } catch (OleDbException ex) { throw new Exception(ex.ToString()); #endif } finally { } }
public void AddFolder(string folderPath) { log.Debug("Using package versions from folder: {FolderPath:l}", folderPath); foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, "*.nupkg", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { log.Debug("Package file: {File:l}", file); PackageIdentity packageIdentity; if (TryReadPackageIdentity(file, out packageIdentity)) { Add(packageIdentity.Id, packageIdentity.Version.ToString()); } } }
private void EnsureRootPartitionIsWritten() { // below code only takes into account offline truncation if (!RootTypeId.HasValue) { RootTypeId = Guid.NewGuid(); long pos = _writer.Checkpoint.ReadNonFlushed(); var rootPartitionType = _recordFactory.CreatePartitionTypeRecord( timeStamp: DateTime.UtcNow, logPosition: pos, partitionTypeId: RootTypeId.Value, partitionId: Guid.Empty, name: RootPartitionTypeName); if (!_writer.Write(rootPartitionType, out pos)) { throw new Exception($"Failed to write root partition type!"); } _writer.Flush(); _log.Debug("Root partition type created, id: {id}", RootTypeId); } if (!RootId.HasValue) { RootId = Guid.NewGuid(); long pos = _writer.Checkpoint.ReadNonFlushed(); var rootPartition = _recordFactory.CreatePartitionRecord( timeStamp: DateTime.UtcNow, logPosition: pos, partitionId: RootId.Value, partitionTypeId: RootTypeId.Value, parentPartitionId: Guid.Empty, flags: 0, referenceNumber: 0, name: RootPartitionName); if (!_writer.Write(rootPartition, out pos)) { throw new Exception($"Failed to write root partition!"); } _writer.Flush(); _recordFactory.SetRootPartitionId(RootId.Value); _log.Debug("Root partition created, id: {id}", RootId); } }
public async Task Handle(InitiativeCreatedDomainEvent notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _logger.Debug("New Initiative Created, will post message to service bus"); try { var initiative = await _initiativeRepository.GetInitiativeAsync(notification.InitiativeId); if (initiative == null) { _logger.Error("Received new initiave event but couldn't get initiative with id {InitiativeUid}", notification.InitiativeId); throw new Exception($"Received new initiave event but couldn't get initiative with id {notification.InitiativeId}"); } else { _logger.Information("Posting NewInitiativeCreated event to service bus for Initiative {InitiativeId}", initiative.Id); } await _initiativeMessageSender.SendInitiativeCreatedAsync(new InitiativeCreatedEventArgs() { Initiative = initiative, Owner = _currentUserAccessor.User, SkipEmailNotification = notification.SkipEmailNotification }); } catch (Exception err) { _logger.Error(err, "Error posting Initative Created event to Service Bus: {ErrorMessage}", err.Message); } }
public void Execute() { _log = Serilog.Log.ForContext <LocationInventoryDecay>(); using (var session = Db.DocStore.OpenSession()) { var locs = session.Query <Location>() .Where(l => l.LocationInventory.Count > 0) .ToList(); foreach (var loc in locs) { int removed = loc.LocationInventory.RemoveAll(i => i.DecaysOn < DateTime.Now); if (removed > 0) { _log.Debug("Removed {nr} decayed inventory from {locname}", removed, loc.Id); } } if (session.Advanced.HasChanges) { session.SaveChanges(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Logs the specified log event. /// </summary> /// <param name="logEvent">The <see cref="T:Swan.LogMessageReceivedEventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param> public void Log(LogMessageReceivedEventArgs logEvent) { switch (logEvent.MessageType) { case LogLevel.None: break; case LogLevel.Info: _logger.Information("{@logEvent}", logEvent); break; case LogLevel.Trace: _logger.Verbose("{@logEvent}", logEvent); break; case LogLevel.Debug: _logger.Debug("{@logEvent}", logEvent); break; case LogLevel.Warning: _logger.Warning("{@logEvent}", logEvent); break; case LogLevel.Error: _logger.Error("{@logEvent}", logEvent); break; case LogLevel.Fatal: _logger.Fatal("{@logEvent}", logEvent); break; } }
private static EsDriveInfo GetEsDriveInfoUnix(string directory, ILogger log) { // // example // Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on // /dev/sda1 153599996 118777100 34822896 78% /media/CC88FD3288FD1C20 try { if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) { return(null); } var driveInfo = ShellExecutor.GetOutput("df", string.Format("-P {0}", directory)); var driveInfoLines = driveInfo.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (driveInfoLines.Length == 0) { return(null); } var ourline = driveInfoLines[1]; var trimmedLine = SystemStatsHelper.SpacesRegex.Replace(ourline, " "); var info = trimmedLine.Split(' '); var totalBytes = long.Parse(info[1].Trim()) * 1024; // the '1024-blocks' column var availableBytes = long.Parse(info[3].Trim()) * 1024; // the 'Available' column var mountPoint = info[5]; // the 'Mounted on' column return(new EsDriveInfo(mountPoint, totalBytes, availableBytes)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex, "Could not get drive name for directory '{directory}' on Unix.", directory); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new segment, makes buffers available /// </summary> private void CreateNewSegment(bool forceCreation) { if (!_allowedToCreateMemory) { throw new UnableToCreateMemoryException(); } lock (_creatingNewSegmentLock) { if (!forceCreation && _buffers.Count > _segmentChunks / 2) { return; } var bytes = new byte[_segmentSize]; _segments.Add(bytes); for (int i = 0; i < _segmentChunks; i++) { var chunk = new ArraySegment <byte>(bytes, i * _chunkSize, _chunkSize); _buffers.Push(chunk); } Log.Debug("Segments count: {segments}, buffers count: {buffers}, should be when full: {full}", _segments.Count, _buffers.Count, _segments.Count * _segmentChunks); } }
public void Publish(Message message) { //if (message == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("message"); var handlers = _handlers[message.MsgTypeId]; for (int i = 0, n = handlers.Count; i < n; ++i) { var handler = handlers[i]; if (_watchSlowMsg) { var start = DateTime.UtcNow; handler.TryHandle(message); var elapsed = DateTime.UtcNow - start; if (elapsed > _slowMsgThreshold) { Log.Debug("SLOW BUS MSG [{bus}]: {message} - {elapsed}ms. Handler: {handler}.", Name, message.GetType().Name, (int)elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, handler.HandlerName); if (elapsed > QueuedHandler.VerySlowMsgThreshold && !(message is SystemMessage.SystemInit)) { Log.Error("---!!! VERY SLOW BUS MSG [{bus}]: {message} - {elapsed}ms. Handler: {handler}.", Name, message.GetType().Name, (int)elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, handler.HandlerName); } } } else { handler.TryHandle(message); } } }
/// <summary> /// Write a message with the given severity to the logs. Takes a StringBuilder to allow for minimal allocation. /// </summary> /// <param name="logLevel">The severity level of the log message.</param> /// <param name="logMessage">The log message itself in StringBuilder form for manipulation.</param> /// <param name="callerName">The name of the calling method.</param> /// <param name="callerSourceFile">The name of the source file of the caller.</param> /// <param name="callerLineNumber">The line number where the log is being called.</param> private void Write( LogLevel logLevel, StringBuilder logMessage, [CallerMemberName] string callerName = null, [CallerFilePath] string callerSourceFile = null, [CallerLineNumber] int callerLineNumber = 0) { string indentedLogMsg = IndentMsg(logMessage); string logLevelName = logLevel.ToString().ToUpper(); int threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; switch (logLevel) { case LogLevel.Diagnostic: _logger.Verbose(s_logMessageTemplate, logLevelName, threadId, callerName, callerSourceFile, callerLineNumber, indentedLogMsg); return; case LogLevel.Verbose: _logger.Debug(s_logMessageTemplate, logLevelName, threadId, callerName, callerSourceFile, callerLineNumber, indentedLogMsg); return; case LogLevel.Normal: _logger.Information(s_logMessageTemplate, logLevelName, threadId, callerName, callerSourceFile, callerLineNumber, indentedLogMsg); return; case LogLevel.Warning: _logger.Warning(s_logMessageTemplate, logLevelName, threadId, callerName, callerSourceFile, callerLineNumber, indentedLogMsg); return; case LogLevel.Error: _logger.Error(s_logMessageTemplate, logLevelName, threadId, callerName, callerSourceFile, callerLineNumber, indentedLogMsg); return; } }
private Task Log(LogMessage logMessage) { switch (logMessage.Severity) { case LogSeverity.Critical: _logger.Fatal(logMessage.ToString()); break; case LogSeverity.Error: _logger.Error(logMessage.ToString()); break; case LogSeverity.Warning: _logger.Warning(logMessage.ToString()); break; case LogSeverity.Info: _logger.Information(logMessage.ToString()); break; case LogSeverity.Verbose: case LogSeverity.Debug: _logger.Debug(logMessage.ToString()); break; default: _logger.Fatal(logMessage.ToString()); break; } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public void Log(object sender, LogEventArgs e) { switch (e.Severity) { case LogSeverity.Debug: var debugMsg = CreatetMessage(e.Message); _logger.Debug(debugMsg); break; case LogSeverity.Info: var infoMsg = CreatetMessage(e.Message); _logger.Information(infoMsg); break; case LogSeverity.Warning: var warningMsg = CreatetMessage(e.Message); _logger.Warning(warningMsg); break; case LogSeverity.Error: var errorMsg = CreatetMessage(e.Message, e.Exception); _logger.Error(errorMsg); break; case LogSeverity.Fatal: var fatalMsg = CreatetMessage(e.Message); _logger.Fatal(fatalMsg); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Loads and returns an aggregate by id, from the store. /// </summary> public async Task <T> Load <T>(string aggregateId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : Aggregate, new() { if (IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aggregateId)) { throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or whitespace.", nameof(aggregateId)); } var stream = _getStreamName(typeof(T), aggregateId); var aggregate = new T(); var nextPageStart = 0L; do { var page = await _connection.ReadStreamEventsForwardAsync( stream, nextPageStart, MaxReadSize, false, _userCredentials); if (page.Events.Length > 0) { aggregate.Load( page.Events.Last().Event.EventNumber, page.Events.Select(re => _serializer.Deserialize( re.Event.Data, _typeMapper.GetType(re.Event.EventType) )).ToArray()); } nextPageStart = !page.IsEndOfStream ? page.NextEventNumber : -1; } while (nextPageStart != -1); Log.Debug("Loaded {aggregate} changes from stream {stream}", aggregate, stream); return(aggregate); }
private void ConnectToApp() { Console.Write("/rAttempting to connect to {0}", _pipeName); int k = 0; while (true) { if (DoesNamedPipeExist(_pipeName)) { try { _pipeMessages.Connect(500); break; } catch (TimeoutException) { } } switch (k++ % 5) { case 1: Console.Write("\rAttempting to connect to '" + _pipeName + "' /"); break; case 2: Console.Write("\rAttempting to connect to '" + _pipeName + "' -"); break; case 3: Console.Write("\rAttempting to connect to '" + _pipeName + "' |"); break; case 4: Console.Write("\rAttempting to connect to '" + _pipeName + "' \\"); break; } Thread.Sleep(500); } Console.Clear(); _logger.Debug("Connected"); }
private async Task <string> GetNextOwnerUserIdAsync(Workflow wf, string proposedOwnerUserName, string nextActivityKey = null) { Requires.NonNull(wf, nameof(wf)); nextActivityKey = nextActivityKey ?? wf.CurrentWorkflowActivityKey; string proposedOwnerUserId = null; if (proposedOwnerUserName != null) { proposedOwnerUserId = PortalHelpers.GetUserId(proposedOwnerUserName); if (proposedOwnerUserId == null) { throw new Exception($"Could not find user=[{proposedOwnerUserName}]"); } } var output = new ObjectParameter("nextOwnerId", typeof(string)); DB.Database.Log = s => Log.Debug(s); DB.GetNextLevelOwnerId(proposedOwnerUserId, wf.WorkflowId, nextActivityKey, null, output, false); Log.Information($"DB.GetNextLevelOwnerId('{proposedOwnerUserId}', {wf.WorkflowId}, '{nextActivityKey}')=>{output.Value}"); if (output.Value == DBNull.Value) { return(await Task.FromResult((string)null)); } return(await Task.FromResult(output.Value.ToString())); }
protected async override Task <HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken); logger.Debug("Request completed: {route} {method} {code} {headers}", request.RequestUri.Host, request.Method, response.StatusCode, request.Headers); return(response); }
public bool ShouldInterceptMethod(Type type, MethodInfo methodInfo) { var intercept = Once.Has(methodInfo); Logger.Debug("{method}: {intercept}", methodInfo, intercept); return(intercept); }
public void Log(LogEntry entry) { switch (entry.Severity) { case LoggingEventType.Verbose: _logger.Verbose(entry.Exception, entry.Message, entry.Args); break; case LoggingEventType.Debug: _logger.Debug(entry.Exception, entry.Message, entry.Args); break; case LoggingEventType.Information: _logger.Information(entry.Exception, entry.Message, entry.Args); break; case LoggingEventType.Warning: _logger.Warning(entry.Exception, entry.Message, entry.Args); break; case LoggingEventType.Error: _logger.Error(entry.Exception, entry.Message, entry.Args); break; case LoggingEventType.Fatal: _logger.Fatal(entry.Exception, entry.Message, entry.Args); break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"Severity {entry.Severity} is not supported by SerilogAdapter", "Severity"); } }
private static List <string> GetSubjectAlternativeName(X509Certificate2 cert, Serilog.ILogger logger) { var result = new List <string>(); var subjectAlternativeName = cert.Extensions.Cast <X509Extension>() .Where(n => n.Oid.Value == "") //n.Oid.FriendlyName=="Subject Alternative Name") .Select(n => new AsnEncodedData(n.Oid, n.RawData)) .Select(n => n.Format(true)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (subjectAlternativeName != null) { var alternativeNames = subjectAlternativeName.Split(new[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var alternativeName in alternativeNames) { logger.Debug($"Found subject alternative name: {alternativeName}"); var groups = Regex.Match(alternativeName, @"^(.*)[=,:](.*)").Groups; // @"^DNS Name=(.*)").Groups; if (groups.Count > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(groups[2].Value)) { result.Add(groups[2].Value); } } } return(result); }
private ISafeguardConnection GetSgConnection() { var sppAddress = _configDb.SafeguardAddress; var userCertificate = _configDb.UserCertificateBase64Data; var passPhrase = _configDb.UserCertificatePassphrase?.ToSecureString(); var apiVersion = _configDb.ApiVersion ?? WellKnownData.DefaultApiVersion; var ignoreSsl = _configDb.IgnoreSsl ?? true; if (sppAddress != null && userCertificate != null) { try { _logger.Debug("Connecting to Safeguard: {address}", sppAddress); var connection = ignoreSsl ? Safeguard.Connect(sppAddress, Convert.FromBase64String(userCertificate), passPhrase, apiVersion, true) : Safeguard.Connect(sppAddress, Convert.FromBase64String(userCertificate), passPhrase, CertificateValidationCallback, apiVersion); return(connection); } catch (SafeguardDotNetException ex) { _logger.Error(ex, $"Failed to connect to Safeguard at '{sppAddress}': {ex.Message}"); } } return(null); }
public async Task Project(object @event) { Log.Debug($"Upcasting {{event}} to {StreamName}", @event); switch (@event) { case Events.ClassifiedAdPublished e: var photoUrl = await _getUserPhoto(e.OwnerId); var newEvent = new ClassifiedAdUpcastedEvents.V1.ClassifiedAdPublished { Id = e.Id, OwnerId = e.OwnerId, ApprovedBy = e.ApprovedBy, SellersPhotoUrl = photoUrl }; await _eventStoreConnection.AppendEvents( StreamName, ExpectedVersion.Any, newEvent ); break; } }
private IEnumerable <LoadAction> LoadActions(SqlConnection conn) { var qry = "SELECT a9_prcnum, a9_ptnam, a9_fixqty, a6_pos, a1_schcom " + "FROM A9_FixWork " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN M4_PalletData ON M4_PalletData.PalletDataID = a9_PalletDataID_ra " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN A6_PositionData ON a6_pltnum = m4_pltnum " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN A1_Schedule ON A1_Schedule.ScheduleID = a9_ScheduleID"; var ret = new List <LoadAction>(); var elems = conn.Query(qry); foreach (var e in conn.Query <FixWork>(qry)) { Log.Debug("Received load action {@action}", e); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.a9_ptnam) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.a6_pos)) { continue; } int stat; if (e.a6_pos.StartsWith("LS")) { if (!int.TryParse(e.a6_pos.Substring(2, 2), out stat)) { continue; } } else { continue; } string part = e.a9_ptnam; string comment = e.a1_schcom; int idx = part.IndexOf(':'); if (idx >= 0) { part = part.Substring(0, idx); } int proc = e.a9_prcnum; int qty = e.a9_fixqty; ret.Add(new LoadAction(true, stat, part, comment, proc, qty)); } Log.Debug("Parsed load actions to {@actions}", ret); return(ret); }
IDocumentStore ConfigureRaven() { var store = new DocumentStore { Urls = new[] { Configuration["RavenDb:Url"] }, Database = Configuration["RavenDb:Database"] }; if (Environment.IsDevelopment()) { store.OnBeforeQuery += (_, args) => args.QueryCustomization .WaitForNonStaleResults() .AfterQueryExecuted(result => { Log.ForContext("SourceContext", "Raven").Debug("{index} took {duration}", result.IndexName, result.DurationInMs); }); } try { store.Initialize(); Log.Information("Connection to {url} document store established.", store.Urls[0]); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException( $"Failed to establish connection to \"{store.Urls[0]}\" document store!" + $"Please check if https is properly configured in order to use the certificate.", ex); } try { var record = store.Maintenance.Server.Send(new GetDatabaseRecordOperation(store.Database)); if (record == null) { store.Maintenance.Server .Send(new CreateDatabaseOperation(new DatabaseRecord(store.Database))); Log.Debug("{database} document store database created.", store.Database); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException( $"Failed to ensure that \"{store.Database}\" document store database exists!", ex); } try { IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), store); Log.Information("{database} document store database indexes created or updated.", store.Database); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException($"Failed to create or update \"{store.Database}\" document store database indexes!", ex); } return(store); }
public void BuildPackage(string basePath, IList <string> includes, ManifestMetadata metadata, string outFolder, bool overwrite) { var filename = metadata.Id + "." + metadata.Version + ".zip"; var output = fileSystem.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(outFolder, filename)); if (fileSystem.FileExists(output) && !overwrite) { throw new CommandException("The package file already exists and --overwrite was not specified"); } log.Information("Saving {Filename} to {OutFolder}...", filename, outFolder); fileSystem.EnsureDirectoryExists(outFolder); var basePathLength = fileSystem.GetFullPath(basePath).Length; using (var stream = fileSystem.OpenFile(output, FileAccess.Write)) using (var archive = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Create)) { foreach (var pattern in includes) { log.Debug("Adding files from {Path} matching pattern {Pattern}", basePath, pattern); foreach (var file in PathResolver.PerformWildcardSearch(basePath, pattern)) { var fullFilePath = fileSystem.GetFullPath(file); if (string.Equals(fullFilePath, output, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { continue; } var relativePath = UseCrossPlatformDirectorySeparator( fullFilePath.Substring(basePathLength).TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar)); log.Debug("Adding file: {Path}", relativePath); var entry = archive.CreateEntry(relativePath, CompressionLevel.Optimal); entry.LastWriteTime = new DateTimeOffset(new FileInfo(file).LastWriteTime); using (var entryStream = entry.Open()) using (var sourceStream = File.OpenRead(file)) { sourceStream.CopyTo(entryStream); } } } } }