Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Modify/Add series into chart XML
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="column_index">Corresponds to the column index that needs to be modified in chart spreadsheet (Ex: A, B, C, ...)</param>
        /// <param name="row_index">Corresponds to the column index that needs to be modified in excel </param>
        /// <param name="new_value">Corresponds to the new value we need to insert to the cell </param>
        protected override void ModifyChartXML_Series(string column_index, uint row_index, string new_value)
            LineChartSeries linechart_series = chart_part.ChartSpace.Descendants <LineChartSeries>().Where(s => string.Compare(s.InnerText, worksheet_name + "!$" + column_index + "$1", true) > 0).FirstOrDefault();

            if (linechart_series != null)    // There exists data on the series --> We only need to modify it
                SeriesText      st = linechart_series.Descendants <SeriesText>().FirstOrDefault();
                StringReference sr = st.Descendants <StringReference>().First();
                StringCache     sc = sr.Descendants <StringCache>().First();
                StringPoint     sp = sc.Descendants <StringPoint>().First();
                NumericValue    nv = sp.Descendants <NumericValue>().First();
                nv.Text = new_value;
            else    // No such series exists --> Consider create a new series
                 * // Find location in XML to append the BarChartSeries
                 * Chart chart = chart_part.ChartSpace.Descendants<Chart>().FirstOrDefault();
                 * PlotArea plot = chart.PlotArea;
                 * // Create new BarChartSeries
                 * barchart_series = new BarChartSeries();
                 * uint index = (uint)plot.Descendants<BarChartSeries>().ToList().Count;
                 * barchart_series.Append(new Index() { Val = index });
                 * barchart_series.Append(new Order() { Val = index });
                 * SeriesText seriesText = new SeriesText();
                 * seriesText.Append(new NumericValue() { Text = new_value });
                 * barchart_series.Append(seriesText);
                 * // Append data
                 * Bar3DChart bar_3dchart = plot.Descendants<Bar3DChart>().FirstOrDefault();
                 * if (bar_3dchart != null)       // Chart is 3D
                 *  bar_3dchart.Append(barchart_series);
                 * else    // Chart is not 3d
                 * {
                 *  BarChart barchart = plot.Descendants<BarChart>().FirstOrDefault();
                 *  barchart.Append(barchart_series);
                 * }
                 * // Append other settings
                 * BarChartSeries barchart_series_template = chart_part.ChartSpace.Descendants<BarChartSeries>().LastOrDefault();
                 * CategoryAxisData cateAxisData = new CategoryAxisData();
                 * StringReference string_ref = new StringReference();
                 * string_ref.Append(new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Formula() { Text = barchart_series.Descendants<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Formula>().FirstOrDefault().Text});
                 * StringCache string_cache = new StringCache();
                 * string_cache.Append(new PointCount() { Val = count });
        /// <summary>
        /// Задать название ряда ссылкой на ячейки
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="series">Ряд значении линейного графика</param>
        /// <param name="newFormula">Формула-ссылка названия ряда</param>
        /// <returns>true - если название успешно задано, false - в обратном случае</returns>
        public static bool Label(this LineChartSeries series, Formula newFormula)
            var seriesText = new SeriesText()
                StringReference = new StringReference()
                    Formula = newFormula

            series.SeriesText = seriesText;
Example #3
        public AiSequence(IStreamReader reader)
            : base(reader)
            //AI = BRAI [SeriesText]

            this.BRAI = (BRAI)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.SeriesText)
                this.SeriesText = (SeriesText)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);
Example #4
        public TSelf SetText(IRange range)
            StringCache stringCache = new StringCache();

            if (range.Width == 1 && range.Height > 0)
                stringCache.PointCount = new PointCount()
                    Val = (uint)range.Height.Value
                for (uint i = 0; i < range.Height; ++i)
                    stringCache.AppendChild(new StringPoint()
                        Index = i, NumericValue = new NumericValue(range[0, i].InnerValue)
            else if (range.Height == 1 && range.Width > 0)
                stringCache.PointCount = new PointCount()
                    Val = (uint)range.Width.Value
                for (uint i = 0; i < range.Width; ++i)
                    stringCache.AppendChild(new StringPoint()
                        Index = i, NumericValue = new NumericValue(range[i, 0].InnerValue)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expected an one-dimensional range.");

            SeriesText seriesText = series.GetFirstChild <SeriesText>() ?? series.AppendChild(new SeriesText());

            seriesText.StringReference = new StringReference()
                Formula     = new Formula(range.Formula),
                StringCache = stringCache

Example #5
        private void SetSeriesText(OpenXmlCompositeElement seriesItem, ChartSeriesElement newSeriesItem, string seriesHeader)
            SeriesText seriesText = seriesItem.Elements <SeriesText>().First();

            seriesText.StringReference.Formula.Text = newSeriesItem.SeriesTextAddress;
            seriesText.StringReference.StringCache.RemoveAllChildren <StringPoint>();
            StringPoint stringReferencePoint = new StringPoint()
                Index = (UInt32Value)((uint)0)
            NumericValue stringReferenceNumericValue = new NumericValue()
                Text = seriesHeader

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the series text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheetName">Name of the sheet.</param>
        /// <param name="chartSeries">The chart series.</param>
        /// <param name="columnName">Name of the column.</param>
        /// <param name="pointCountVal">The point count val.</param>
        /// <param name="stringPointNumericVal">The string point numeric val.</param>
        protected static void UpdateSeriesText(string sheetName, OpenXmlCompositeElement chartSeries, string columnName, int pointCountVal, string stringPointNumericVal)
            if (chartSeries != null)
                SeriesText seriesText = chartSeries.Descendants <SeriesText>().FirstOrDefault();

                if (seriesText == null)
                    seriesText = chartSeries.AppendChild <SeriesText>(new SeriesText());
                    seriesText.RemoveAllChildren <StringReference>();

                StringReference stringReference = GetStringReference(sheetName + "!$" + columnName + "$1", pointCountVal);
                AddStringPoint(stringReference.StringCache, 0, stringPointNumericVal);
        void setChartData(ChartPart chartPart1, ChartDataHolder[] ChartDataSlide)
            ChartSpace chartSpace = chartPart1.ChartSpace;

            DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Chart chart1 = chartSpace.GetFirstChild <DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Chart>();
            PlotArea plotArea1 = chart1.GetFirstChild <PlotArea>();
            BarChart barChart1 = plotArea1.GetFirstChild <BarChart>();

            //BarChartSeries barChartSeries1 = barChart1.Elements<BarChartSeries>().ElementAtOrDefault(2);
            for (int i = 0; i < barChart1.Elements <BarChartSeries>().Count(); i++)
                BarChartSeries barChartSeries = barChart1.Elements <BarChartSeries>().ElementAtOrDefault(i);
                ChartDataSlide dataModel      = ChartDataSlide.ElementAtOrDefault(i).chartData;

                SeriesText seriesText = barChartSeries.Elements <SeriesText>().ElementAtOrDefault(0);
                if (seriesText != null)
                    var stringReference = seriesText.Descendants <StringReference>().FirstOrDefault();
                    var stringCache     = stringReference.Descendants <StringCache>().FirstOrDefault();
                    var stringPoint     = stringCache.Descendants <StringPoint>().FirstOrDefault();
                    var barLabel        = stringPoint.GetFirstChild <NumericValue>();
                    barLabel.Text = ChartDataSlide.ElementAtOrDefault(i).seriesText;

                if (barChartSeries != null)
                    Values          values1          = barChartSeries.GetFirstChild <Values>();
                    NumberReference numberReference1 = values1.GetFirstChild <NumberReference>();
                    NumberingCache  numberingCache1  = numberReference1.GetFirstChild <NumberingCache>();

                    NumericPoint numericPoint1 = numberingCache1.GetFirstChild <NumericPoint>();
                    NumericPoint numericPoint2 = numberingCache1.Elements <NumericPoint>().ElementAt(1);
                    NumericPoint numericPoint3 = numberingCache1.Elements <NumericPoint>().ElementAt(2);

                    NumericValue numericValue1 = numericPoint1.GetFirstChild <NumericValue>();
                    //numericValue1.Text = ".50";
                    if (numericValue1 != null)
                        numericValue1.Text = dataModel.Interaction.ToString();

                    NumericValue numericValue2 = numericPoint2.GetFirstChild <NumericValue>();
                    //numericValue2.Text = ".10";
                    if (numericValue2 != null)
                        numericValue2.Text = dataModel.Knowlegde.ToString();

                    NumericValue numericValue3 = numericPoint3.GetFirstChild <NumericValue>();
                    //numericValue3.Text = ".40";
                    if (numericValue3 != null)
                        numericValue3.Text = dataModel.Image.ToString();

Example #8
        public PieChartSeries GeneratePieChartSeries(string[] labels, double[] data)
            PieChartSeries pieChartSeries1 = new PieChartSeries();
            Index          index1          = new Index()
                Val = (UInt32Value)0U
            Order order1 = new Order()
                Val = (UInt32Value)0U

            SeriesText   seriesText1   = new SeriesText();
            NumericValue numericValue1 = new NumericValue();

            numericValue1.Text = "sreie 1";


            CategoryAxisData categoryAxisData1 = new CategoryAxisData();

            StringLiteral stringLiteral1 = new StringLiteral();
            PointCount    pointCount1    = new PointCount()
                Val = (uint)labels.Length

            //StringPoint stringPoint1 = new StringPoint() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U };
            //NumericValue numericValue2 = new NumericValue();
            //numericValue2.Text = "a";


            //StringPoint stringPoint2 = new StringPoint() { Index = (UInt32Value)1U };
            //NumericValue numericValue3 = new NumericValue();
            //numericValue3.Text = "n";


            //StringPoint stringPoint3 = new StringPoint() { Index = (UInt32Value)2U };
            //NumericValue numericValue4 = new NumericValue();
            //numericValue4.Text = "c";


            //StringPoint stringPoint4 = new StringPoint() { Index = (UInt32Value)3U };
            //NumericValue numericValue5 = new NumericValue();
            //numericValue5.Text = "d";


            //Ajout des etiquette de legendes
            for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++)
                StringPoint stringPoint = new StringPoint()
                    Index = (uint)i
                NumericValue numericValue = new NumericValue();
                numericValue.Text = labels[i];




            DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Values values1 = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Values();

            NumberLiteral numberLiteral1 = new NumberLiteral();
            FormatCode    formatCode1    = new FormatCode();

            formatCode1.Text = "General";
            PointCount pointCount2 = new PointCount()
                Val = (uint)data.Length

            //NumericPoint numericPoint1 = new NumericPoint() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U };
            //NumericValue numericValue6 = new NumericValue();
            //numericValue6.Text = "1";


            //NumericPoint numericPoint2 = new NumericPoint() { Index = (UInt32Value)1U };
            //NumericValue numericValue7 = new NumericValue();
            //numericValue7.Text = "2";


            //NumericPoint numericPoint3 = new NumericPoint() { Index = (UInt32Value)2U };
            //NumericValue numericValue8 = new NumericValue();
            //numericValue8.Text = "3";


            //NumericPoint numericPoint4 = new NumericPoint() { Index = (UInt32Value)3U };
            //NumericValue numericValue9 = new NumericValue();
            //numericValue9.Text = "5";


            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                NumericPoint numericPoint = new NumericPoint()
                    Index = (uint)i
                NumericValue numericValue = new NumericValue();
                numericValue.Text = data[i].ToString();




        protected void modificaChartData(string FormatoValori, string titoloSerie, out SeriesText seriesText1, out CategoryAxisData categoryAxisData1, out Values values1)
            seriesText1 = new SeriesText();

            StringReference stringReference1 = new StringReference();
            Formula         formula1         = new Formula();

            formula1.Text = "Foglio1!$B$1";

            StringCache stringCache1 = new StringCache();
            PointCount  pointCount1  = new PointCount()
                Val = (UInt32Value)1U

            StringPoint stringPoint1 = new StringPoint()
                Index = (UInt32Value)0U
            NumericValue numericValue1 = new NumericValue();

            numericValue1.Text = titoloSerie;





            DataPoint dataPoint1 = new DataPoint();
            Index     index2     = new Index()
                Val = (UInt32Value)2U


            //################################i testi ####################################
            categoryAxisData1 = new CategoryAxisData();

            StringReference stringReference2 = new StringReference();
            Formula         formula2         = new Formula();

            formula2.Text = string.Format("Foglio1!$A$2:$A${0}", valori.Count + 2);

            StringCache stringCache2 = new StringCache();
            UInt32Value nValori      = Convert.ToUInt32(valori.Count);

            PointCount pointCount2 = new PointCount()
                Val = nValori

            StringPoint[] stringPoints = new StringPoint[nValori];
            UInt32Value   n            = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> item in valori)
                stringPoints[n] = new StringPoint()
                    Index = (UInt32Value)n
                NumericValue numericValue2 = new NumericValue();
                numericValue2.Text = item.Key;
                n += 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)



            //################################i valori####################################

            values1 = new Values();

            NumberReference numberReference1 = new NumberReference();
            Formula         formula3         = new Formula();

            formula3.Text = string.Format("Foglio1!$B$2:$B${0}", valori.Count + 2);

            NumberingCache numberingCache1 = new NumberingCache();
            FormatCode     formatCode1     = new FormatCode();

            formatCode1.Text = FormatoValori; //<-----------------------------------------------------------
            PointCount pointCount3 = new PointCount()
                Val = nValori

            NumericPoint[] numericPoints = new NumericPoint[nValori];
            n = 0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> item in valori)
                numericPoints[n] = new NumericPoint()
                    Index = (UInt32Value)n
                NumericValue numericValue = new NumericValue();
                numericValue.Text = item.Value.ToString();
                numericValue.Text = numericValue.Text.Replace(",", "."); // devo forzare il formato americano
                n += 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// draw the 2D bar chart
        /// index start from 1
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startx">index start from 1 for row</param>
        /// <param name="starty">index start from 1 for column</param>
        /// <param name="columnCount"></param>
        /// <param name="rowCount"></param>
        public void InsertChartInSpreadsheet(WorksheetPart sheetpart, string sheetName, int startx, int starty, int columnCount, int rowCount, int chart_pointx, int chart_pointy)
            WorksheetPart worksheetPart = CurrentWorksheetPart;

            #region SDK How to example code
            // Add a new drawing to the worksheet.
            DrawingsPart drawingsPart = worksheetPart.AddNewPart <DrawingsPart>();
            worksheetPart.Worksheet.Append(new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Drawing()
                Id = worksheetPart.GetIdOfPart(drawingsPart)
            // Add a new chart and set the chart language to English-US.
            ChartPart chartPart = drawingsPart.AddNewPart <ChartPart>();
            chartPart.ChartSpace = new ChartSpace();
            chartPart.ChartSpace.Append(new EditingLanguage()
                Val = new StringValue("en-US")
            DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Chart chart = chartPart.ChartSpace.AppendChild <DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Chart>(
                new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Chart());
            // Create a new clustered column chart.
            PlotArea plotArea = chart.AppendChild <PlotArea>(new PlotArea());
            Layout   layout   = plotArea.AppendChild <Layout>(new Layout());
            BarChart barChart = plotArea.AppendChild <BarChart>(new BarChart(new BarDirection()
                Val = new EnumValue <BarDirectionValues>(BarDirectionValues.Column)
                                                                             new BarGrouping()
                Val = new EnumValue <BarGroupingValues>(BarGroupingValues.Clustered)
            string           sheetName     = GetCurrentSheetName();
            string           columnName    = GetColumnName(starty - 1);
            string           formulaString = string.Format("{0}!${1}${2}:${3}${4}", sheetName, columnName, startx + 1, columnName, startx + rowCount - 1);
            CategoryAxisData cad           = new CategoryAxisData();
            cad.StringReference = new StringReference()
                Formula = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Formula(formulaString)
            uint i = 0;
            for (int sIndex = 1; sIndex < columnCount; sIndex++)
                columnName    = GetColumnName(starty + sIndex - 1);
                formulaString = string.Format("{0}!${1}${2}", sheetName, columnName, startx);
                SeriesText st = new SeriesText();
                st.StringReference = new StringReference()
                    Formula = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Formula(formulaString)
                formulaString = string.Format("{0}!${1}${2}:${3}${4}", sheetName, columnName, startx + 1, columnName, startx + rowCount - 1);
                DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Values v = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Values();
                v.NumberReference = new NumberReference()
                    Formula = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Formula(formulaString)
                BarChartSeries barChartSeries = barChart.AppendChild <BarChartSeries>(new BarChartSeries(new Index()
                    Val = new UInt32Value(i)
                                                                                                         new Order()
                    Val = new UInt32Value(i)
                }, st, v));
                if (sIndex == 1)
            #region SDK how to  example Code
            barChart.Append(new AxisId()
                Val = new UInt32Value(48650112u)
            barChart.Append(new AxisId()
                Val = new UInt32Value(48672768u)
            // Add the Category Axis.
            CategoryAxis catAx = plotArea.AppendChild <CategoryAxis>(new CategoryAxis(new AxisId()
                Val = new UInt32Value(48650112u)
                                                                                      new Scaling(new Orientation()
                Val = new EnumValue <DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.OrientationValues>(
                                                                                      new AxisPosition()
                Val = new EnumValue <AxisPositionValues>(AxisPositionValues.Bottom)
                                                                                      new TickLabelPosition()
                Val = new EnumValue <TickLabelPositionValues>(TickLabelPositionValues.NextTo)
                                                                                      new CrossingAxis()
                Val = new UInt32Value(48672768U)
                                                                                      new Crosses()
                Val = new EnumValue <CrossesValues>(CrossesValues.AutoZero)
                                                                                      new AutoLabeled()
                Val = new BooleanValue(true)
                                                                                      new LabelAlignment()
                Val = new EnumValue <LabelAlignmentValues>(LabelAlignmentValues.Center)
                                                                                      new LabelOffset()
                Val = new UInt16Value((ushort)100)
            // Add the Value Axis.
            ValueAxis valAx = plotArea.AppendChild <ValueAxis>(new ValueAxis(new AxisId()
                Val = new UInt32Value(48672768u)
                                                                             new Scaling(new Orientation()
                Val = new EnumValue <DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.OrientationValues>(
                                                                             new AxisPosition()
                Val = new EnumValue <AxisPositionValues>(AxisPositionValues.Left)
                                                                             new MajorGridlines(),
                                                                             new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.NumberFormat()
                FormatCode = new StringValue("General"), SourceLinked = new BooleanValue(true)
                                                                             new TickLabelPosition()
                Val = new EnumValue <TickLabelPositionValues>(TickLabelPositionValues.NextTo)
                                                                             new CrossingAxis()
                Val = new UInt32Value(48650112U)
                                                                             new Crosses()
                Val = new EnumValue <CrossesValues>(CrossesValues.AutoZero)
                                                                             new CrossBetween()
                Val = new EnumValue <CrossBetweenValues>(CrossBetweenValues.Between)
            // Add the chart Legend.
            Legend legend = chart.AppendChild <Legend>(new Legend(new LegendPosition()
                Val = new EnumValue <LegendPositionValues>(LegendPositionValues.Right)
                                                                  new Layout()));
            chart.Append(new PlotVisibleOnly()
                Val = new BooleanValue(true)
            // Save the chart part.
            // Position the chart on the worksheet using a TwoCellAnchor object.
            drawingsPart.WorksheetDrawing = new WorksheetDrawing();
            TwoCellAnchor twoCellAnchor = drawingsPart.WorksheetDrawing.AppendChild <TwoCellAnchor>(new TwoCellAnchor());
            twoCellAnchor.Append(new FromMarker(new ColumnId("9"),
                                                new ColumnOffset("581025"),
                                                new RowId("17"),
                                                new RowOffset("114300")));
            twoCellAnchor.Append(new ToMarker(new ColumnId("17"),
                                              new ColumnOffset("276225"),
                                              new RowId("32"),
                                              new RowOffset("0")));
            // Append a GraphicFrame to the TwoCellAnchor object.
            DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Spreadsheet.GraphicFrame graphicFrame =
                twoCellAnchor.AppendChild <DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Spreadsheet.GraphicFrame>(
                    new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Spreadsheet.GraphicFrame());
            graphicFrame.Macro = "";
            graphicFrame.Append(new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Spreadsheet.NonVisualGraphicFrameProperties(
                                    new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Spreadsheet.NonVisualDrawingProperties()
                Id = new UInt32Value(2u), Name = "Chart 1"
                                    new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Spreadsheet.NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties()));
            graphicFrame.Append(new Transform(new Offset()
                X = 0L, Y = 0L
                                              new Extents()
                Cx = 0L, Cy = 0L
            graphicFrame.Append(new Graphic(new GraphicData(new ChartReference()
                Id = drawingsPart.GetIdOfPart(chartPart)
                Uri = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart"
            twoCellAnchor.Append(new ClientData());
            // Save the WorksheetDrawing object.