Example #1
        public override StateManager.SerializedView saveSerializedView(FacesContext facesContext)
            Object         treeStruct     = getTreeStructureToSave(facesContext);
            Object         compStates     = getComponentStateToSave(facesContext);
            SerializedView serializedView = new SerializedView(this, treeStruct, compStates);

Example #2

    private void Awake()

        SerializedView component = GetComponent <SerializedView>();

        component.AddClick("ButtonMain", () => WindowManager.Instance.Open("UIMain"));
        component.AddClick("ButtonPop", () => WindowManager.Instance.Open("UIPop"));
        component.AddClick("ButtonWidget", () => WindowManager.Instance.Open("UIWidget"));
        protected override void restoreComponentState(FacesContext facesContext,
                                                      javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot uiViewRoot,
                                                      String renderKitId)
            Trace.WriteLine("Entering restoreComponentState");

            Object serializedComponentStates;

            if (isSavingStateInClient(facesContext))
                serializedComponentStates = GetStateFromClient(facesContext, uiViewRoot.getViewId(), renderKitId);
                HttpSession session = (HttpSession)facesContext.getExternalContext().getSession(false);
                if (session == null)
                    serializedComponentStates = null;
                    string         key            = ((IExtendedViewHandler)facesContext.getApplication().getViewHandler()).EncodeNamespace(facesContext, VIEWSTATE);
                    SerializedView serializedView = session.getAttribute(key) as SerializedView;
                    if (serializedView == null)
                        serializedComponentStates = null;
                        serializedComponentStates = serializedView.getState();
            ((UIComponent)uiViewRoot.getChildren().get(0)).processRestoreState(facesContext, serializedComponentStates);

            Trace.WriteLine("Exiting restoreComponentState");
Example #4
    private void Parse(string file, string section = "", string html = "", Dictionary <string, SerializedView> cache = null, bool loadPartials = true)
        SerializedView cached = new SerializedView()
            Elements = new List <ViewElement>()

        Filename = file;
        Data     = new ViewData();
        Section  = section;
        if (file != "")
#if (!DEBUG)
            if (cache == null && ViewCache.cache != null)
                cache = ViewCache.cache;

            if (cache != null)
                if (cache.ContainsKey(file + '/' + section) == true)
                    cached = cache[file + '/' + section];
                    //Data = cached.Data;
                    Elements = cached.Elements;
                    Fields   = cached.Fields;

        //was able to retrieve cached object
        if (cached.Elements.Count != 0)

        //was NOT able to retrieve cached object
        Elements = new List <ViewElement>();

        //try loading file from disk
        if (file != "")
            if (File.Exists(MapPath(file)))
                HTML = File.ReadAllText(MapPath(file));
            HTML = html;
        if (HTML.Trim() == "")

        //next, find the group of code matching the view section name
        if (section != "")
            //find starting tag (optionally with arguments)
            //for example: {{button (name:submit, style:outline)}}
            int[] e = new int[3];
            e[0] = HTML.IndexOf("{{" + section);
            if (e[0] >= 0)
                e[1] = HTML.IndexOf("}", e[0]);
                if (e[1] - e[0] <= 256)
                    e[1] = HTML.IndexOf("{{/" + section + "}}", e[1]);
                    e[0] = -1;

            if (e[0] >= 0 & e[1] > (e[0] + section.Length + 4))
                e[2] = e[0] + 4 + section.Length;
                HTML = HTML.Substring(e[2], e[1] - e[2]);

        //get view from html code
        var         dirty = true;
        var         arr   = HTML.Split("{{");
        var         i     = 0;
        var         s     = 0;
        var         c     = 0;
        var         u     = 0;
        var         u2    = 0;
        ViewElement viewElem;
        while (dirty == true)
            dirty    = false;
            arr      = HTML.Split("{{");
            i        = 0;
            s        = 0;
            c        = 0;
            u        = 0;
            u2       = 0;
            viewElem = new ViewElement();

            //types of view elements

            // {{title}}                        = variable
            // {{address}} {{/address}}         = block
            // {{button "/ui/button-medium"}}   = HTML include
            // {{button "/ui/button" title:"save", onclick="do.this()"}} = HTML include with properties
            // {{page-list path:"blog", length:"5"}} = HTML variable with properties

            //first, load all HTML includes
            for (var x = 0; x < arr.Length; x++)
                if (x == 0 && HTML.IndexOf(arr[x]) == 0)
                    arr[x] = "{!}" + arr[x];
                else if (arr[x].Trim() != "")
                    i = arr[x].IndexOf("}}");
                    s = arr[x].IndexOf(':');
                    u = arr[x].IndexOf('"');
                    if (i > 0 && u > 0 && u < i - 2 && (s == -1 || s > u) && loadPartials == true)
                        //read partial include & load HTML from another file
                        viewElem.Name = arr[x].Substring(0, u - 1).Trim().ToLower();
                        u2            = arr[x].IndexOf('"', u + 2);
                        var partial_path = arr[x].Substring(u + 1, u2 - u - 1);
                        if (partial_path.Length > 0)
                            if (partial_path[0] == '/')
                                partial_path = partial_path.Substring(1);

                            //replace pointer paths with relative paths
                            var pointer = ViewPartialPointers.Paths.Where(a => partial_path.IndexOf(a.Key) == 0).Select(p => new { p.Key, p.Value }).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (pointer != null)
                                partial_path = partial_path.Replace(pointer.Key, pointer.Value);
                            partial_path = '/' + partial_path;

                            //load the view HTML
                            var newScaff = new View(partial_path, "", cache);

                            //check for HTML include variables
                            if (i - u2 > 0)
                                var vars = arr[x].Substring(u2 + 1, i - (u2 + 1)).Trim();
                                if (vars.IndexOf(":") > 0)
                                    //HTML include variables exist
                                        var kv = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, string> >("{" + vars + "}");
                                        foreach (var kvp in kv)
                                            newScaff[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
                                    catch (Exception)

                            //rename child view variables, adding a prefix
                            var ht     = newScaff.Render(newScaff.Data, false);
                            var y      = 0;
                            var prefix = viewElem.Name + "-";
                            while (y >= 0)
                                y = ht.IndexOf("{{", y);
                                if (y < 0)
                                if (ht.Substring(y + 2, 1) == "/")
                                    ht = ht.Substring(0, y + 3) + prefix + ht.Substring(y + 3);
                                    ht = ht.Substring(0, y + 2) + prefix + ht.Substring(y + 2);
                                y += 2;

                            Partials.Add(new ViewPartial()
                                Name = viewElem.Name, Path = partial_path, Prefix = prefix
                            Partials.AddRange(newScaff.Partials.Select(a =>
                                var partial    = a;
                                partial.Prefix = prefix + partial.Prefix;
                            arr[x] = "{!}" + ht + arr[x].Substring(i + 2);
                            //partial not found
                            arr[x] = "{!}" + arr[x].Substring(i + 2);

                        HTML  = JoinHTML(arr);
                        dirty = true; //HTML is dirty, restart loop
            if (dirty == false)
                //next, process variables & blocks
                for (var x = 0; x < arr.Length; x++)
                    if (x == 0 && HTML.IndexOf(arr[0].Substring(3)) == 0)//skip "{!}" using substring
                        //first element is HTML only
                        Elements.Add(new ViewElement()
                            Htm = arr[x].Substring(3), Name = ""
                    else if (arr[x].Trim() != "")
                        i        = arr[x].IndexOf("}}");
                        s        = arr[x].IndexOf(' ');
                        c        = arr[x].IndexOf(':');
                        u        = arr[x].IndexOf('"');
                        viewElem = new ViewElement();
                        if (i > 0)
                            viewElem.Htm = arr[x].Substring(i + 2);

                            //get variable name
                            if (s < i && s > 0)
                                //found space
                                viewElem.Name = arr[x].Substring(0, s).Trim().ToLower();
                                //found tag end
                                viewElem.Name = arr[x].Substring(0, i).Trim().ToLower();
                            //since each variable could have the same name but different parameters,
                            //save the full name & parameters as the name
                            //viewElem.Name = arr[x].Substring(0, i);

                            if (!viewElem.Name.Contains('/'))
                                if (Fields.ContainsKey(viewElem.Name))
                                    //add element index to existing field
                                    var field = Fields[viewElem.Name];
                                    Fields[viewElem.Name] = field.Append(Elements.Count).ToArray();
                                    //add field with element index
                                    Fields.Add(viewElem.Name, new int[] { Elements.Count });
                                //check if view element is a block
                                for (var y = x + 1; y < arr.Length; y++)
                                    if (arr[y].IndexOf("/" + viewElem.Name + "}}") == 0)
                                        viewElem.isBlock  = true;
                                        viewElem.blockEnd = y;
                            if (s < i && s > 0)
                                //get optional variables stored within tag
                                var vars = arr[x].Substring(s + 1, i - s - 1);
                                //clean vars
                                var vi     = 0;
                                var ve     = 0;
                                var inq    = false;//inside quotes
                                var vItems = new List <string>();
                                while (vi < vars.Length)
                                    var a = vars.Substring(vi, 1);
                                    if (a == "\"")
                                        inq = !inq ? true : false;
                                    if ((inq == false && (a == ":" || a == ",")) || vi == vars.Length - 1)
                                        if (vi == vars.Length - 1)
                                            vi = vars.Length;
                                        var r = vars.Substring(ve, vi - ve).Trim();
                                        if (r.Substring(0, 1) != "\"")
                                            r = "\"" + r + "\"";
                                        ve = vi + 1;
                                inq  = false;
                                vars = "";
                                foreach (var item in vItems)
                                    vars += item + (!inq ? ":" : ",");
                                    inq   = !inq ? true : false;
                                if (vars[^ 1] == ',')
Example #5
		public override StateManager.SerializedView saveSerializedView (FacesContext facesContext) {
			Object treeStruct = getTreeStructureToSave (facesContext);
			Object compStates = getComponentStateToSave (facesContext);
			SerializedView serializedView = new SerializedView (this, treeStruct, compStates);
			return serializedView;
Example #6
 private void Awake()
     mTarget = target as SerializedView;