public JsonResult Select(int pageSize, int pageNumber, bool?isEnabled, int?visible, string branchName, string batchGuid, int sort) { SerchThirdPartyMallModel serch = new SerchThirdPartyMallModel() { PageNumber = pageNumber, PageSize = pageSize, BatchName = branchName, IsEnabled = isEnabled, Visible = visible, Sort = sort }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(batchGuid)) { serch.BatchGuid = new Guid(batchGuid); } else { serch.BatchGuid = null; } var list = ThirdPartyMallConfigManage.SelectThirdMall(serch); return(Json(list)); }
/// <summary> /// 根据总行数 /// </summary> /// <param name="batchId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int SelectCout(SerchThirdPartyMallModel serchMall) { string sql1 = @" SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ( SELECT a.PKID , a.IsEnabled , a.Sort , a.ImageUrl , a.Description , a.StartDateTime , a.EndDateTime , B.BatchGuid , B.BatchName , B.BatchQty , B.StockQty , B.LimitQty , B.Instructions , CASE WHEN ( a.StartDateTime < GETDATE() AND a.EndDateTime > GETDATE() AND B.StockQty > 0 ) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS Visible FROM Configuration.dbo.ThirdPartyMallConfig AS a WITH ( NOLOCK ) JOIN Configuration..ThirdPartyCodeBatchConfig AS B WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON B.BatchGuid = a.BatchGuid WHERE ( @IsEnabled IS NULL OR a.IsEnabled = @IsEnabled ) AND ( @BatchName IS NULL OR B.BatchName LIKE '%' + @BatchName + '%' ) AND ( @BatchGuid IS NULL OR B.BatchGuid = @BatchGuid ) ) T WHERE (@Visible IS NULL OR T.Visible = @Visible) "; var sqlParameters = new[] { new SqlParameter("@IsEnabled", serchMall.IsEnabled), new SqlParameter("@Visible", serchMall.Visible), new SqlParameter("@BatchName", serchMall.BatchName), new SqlParameter("@BatchGuid", serchMall.BatchGuid) }; return((int)SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(Connection, CommandType.Text, sql1, sqlParameters)); }
/// <summary> /// 搜索三方商城记录 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List <ThirdPartyMallModel> SelectThirdMall(SerchThirdPartyMallModel serchMall) { try { return(DalThirdPartyMall.SelectThirdMall(serchMall)); } catch (TuhuBizException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { var exception = new ThirdPartyMallConfigException(1, "SelectThirdMall", ex); Logger.Log(Level.Error, exception, "SelectThirdMall"); throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// 搜索三方商城记录 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List <ThirdPartyMallModel> SelectThirdMall(SerchThirdPartyMallModel serchMall) { string sql1 = @"SELECT B.PKID ,B.UpdateDateTime, B.IsEnabled , B.Sort , B.ImageUrl , B.Description , B.StartDateTime , B.EndDateTime , B.BatchGuid , B.BatchName , B.BatchQty , B.StockQty , B.LimitQty , B.Instructions , B.Visible FROM ( SELECT T.PKID , T.IsEnabled , T.Sort , T.ImageUrl , T.Description , T.StartDateTime , T.EndDateTime , T.BatchGuid , T.BatchName , T.BatchQty , T.StockQty , T.LimitQty , T.Instructions ,T.UpdateDateTime, T.Visible, "; string sql2 = @" FROM ( SELECT a.PKID , a.IsEnabled , a.Sort , a.ImageUrl , a.Description , a.StartDateTime , a.EndDateTime , B.BatchGuid , B.BatchName , B.BatchQty , B.StockQty , B.LimitQty , B.Instructions ,a.UpdateDateTime, CASE WHEN ( a.StartDateTime < GETDATE() AND a.EndDateTime > GETDATE() AND B.StockQty > 0 ) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS Visible FROM Configuration.dbo.ThirdPartyMallConfig AS a WITH ( NOLOCK ) JOIN Configuration..ThirdPartyCodeBatchConfig AS B WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON B.BatchGuid = a.BatchGuid WHERE ( @IsEnabled IS NULL OR a.IsEnabled = @IsEnabled ) AND ( @BatchName IS NULL OR B.BatchName LIKE '%' + @BatchName + '%' ) AND ( @BatchGuid IS NULL OR B.BatchGuid = @BatchGuid ) ) T WHERE ( @Visible IS NULL OR T.Visible = @Visible ) ) AS B WHERE B.RowNumber BETWEEN ( ( @PageNumber - 1 ) * @PageSize + 1 ) AND ( @PageNumber * @PageSize );"; string sqlSort = @" ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY T.UpdateDateTime DESC ) AS RowNumber "; #region 排序方式 switch (serchMall.Sort) { case 10: //批次数量升序 sqlSort = @" ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY T.BatchQty ) AS RowNumber "; break; case 11: //批次数量降序 sqlSort = @"ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY T.BatchQty DESC ) AS RowNumber"; break; case 20: //库存数量升序 sqlSort = @" ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY T.StockQty ) AS RowNumber "; break; case 21: //库存数量降序 sqlSort = @" ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY T.StockQty DESC ) AS RowNumber "; break; case 30: //兑换开始日期升序 sqlSort = @" ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY T.StartDateTime ) AS RowNumber "; break; case 31: //兑换开始日期降序 sqlSort = @" ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY T.StartDateTime DESC ) AS RowNumber "; break; case 40: //兑换结束日期升序 sqlSort = @" ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY T.EndDateTime ) AS RowNumber "; break; case 41: //兑换结束日期降序 sqlSort = @" ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY T.EndDateTime DESC ) AS RowNumber "; break; case 50: //兑换结束日期升序 sqlSort = @" ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY T.Sort ) AS RowNumber "; break; case 51: //兑换结束日期降序 sqlSort = @" ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY T.Sort DESC ) AS RowNumber "; break; } #endregion var sqlParameters = new[] { new SqlParameter("@PageSize", serchMall.PageSize), new SqlParameter("@PageNumber", serchMall.PageNumber), new SqlParameter("@IsEnabled", serchMall.IsEnabled), new SqlParameter("@Visible", serchMall.Visible), new SqlParameter("@BatchName", serchMall.BatchName), new SqlParameter("@BatchGuid", serchMall.BatchGuid) }; return (SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(Connfig, CommandType.Text, sql1 + sqlSort + sql2, sqlParameters) .ConvertTo <ThirdPartyMallModel>() .ToList()); }