Example #1
        public static ValueEventPoller <T> Create <T>(IValueDataProvider <T> dataProvider, ISequencer sequencer, Sequence sequence, Sequence cursorSequence, params ISequence[] gatingSequences)
            where T : struct
            var gatingSequence = SequenceGroups.CreateReadOnlySequence(cursorSequence, gatingSequences);

            return(new ValueEventPoller <T>(dataProvider, sequencer, sequence, gatingSequence));
Example #2
        public void Write(Stream stream)
            if (!stream.CanWrite || !stream.CanSeek)
                throw new InvalidDataException($"Write and seek must be supported.");

            var sequenceProperties = SequenceGroups
                                     .SelectMany(x => x.Sequences)
            var header = new Header
                MagicCode     = MagicCodeValidator,
                Version       = SupportedVersion,
                L1Count       = sequenceProperties.Count,
                L2Count       = SequenceGroups.Count,
                SequenceCount = SequenceItems.Count,

            stream.Position = MinimumLength;
            header.L1Offset = (int)stream.Position;
            header.L2Offset = stream.WriteList(sequenceProperties) + header.L1Offset;

            var oldPosition = stream.Position;
            var index       = 0;

            foreach (var item in SequenceGroups)
                BinaryMapping.WriteObject(stream, new RawSequenceGroup
                    L1Index   = (short)index,
                    L1Count   = (short)item.Sequences.Count,
                    Unknown04 = item.Unknown04,
                    Unknown08 = item.Unknown08,
                    Unknown0c = item.Unknown0c,
                    Unknown10 = item.Unknown10,

                index += item.Sequences.Count;
            header.SequenceOffset = (int)(stream.Position - oldPosition + header.L2Offset);

            stream.Position = 0;
            BinaryMapping.WriteObject(stream, header);
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove the specified sequence from this sequencer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sequence">to be removed.</param>
 /// <returns>true if this sequence was found, false otherwise.</returns>
 public bool RemoveGatingSequence(ISequence sequence)
     return(SequenceGroups.RemoveSequence(ref _gatingSequences, sequence));
 /// <summary>
 /// Add the specified gating sequences to this instance of the Disruptor.  They will
 /// safely and atomically added to the list of gating sequences.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gatingSequences">The sequences to add.</param>
 public void AddGatingSequences(params ISequence[] gatingSequences)
     SequenceGroups.AddSequences(ref _gatingSequences, this, gatingSequences);
Example #5
        private void Read(BinaryReader br, Dictionary <string, BinaryReader> sequenceGroups)
            Header = new Header
                ID             = ID.Idst,
                Version        = Version.Goldsource,
                Name           = br.ReadFixedLengthString(Encoding.ASCII, 64),
                Size           = br.ReadInt32(),
                EyePosition    = br.ReadVector3(),
                HullMin        = br.ReadVector3(),
                HullMax        = br.ReadVector3(),
                BoundingBoxMin = br.ReadVector3(),
                BoundingBoxMax = br.ReadVector3(),
                Flags          = br.ReadInt32()

            // Read all the nums/offsets from the header
            var sections = new int[(int)Section.NumSections][];

            for (var i = 0; i < (int)Section.NumSections; i++)
                var sec = (Section)i;

                int indexNum;
                if (sec == Section.Texture || sec == Section.Skin)
                    indexNum = 3;
                    indexNum = 2;

                sections[i] = new int[indexNum];
                for (var j = 0; j < indexNum; j++)
                    sections[i][j] = br.ReadInt32();

            // Bones
            var num      = SeekToSection(br, Section.Bone, sections);
            var numBones = num;

            for (var i = 0; i < num; i++)
                var bone = new Bone
                    Name          = br.ReadFixedLengthString(Encoding.ASCII, 32),
                    Parent        = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Flags         = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Controllers   = br.ReadIntArray(6),
                    Position      = br.ReadVector3(),
                    Rotation      = br.ReadVector3(),
                    PositionScale = br.ReadVector3(),
                    RotationScale = br.ReadVector3()

            // Bone controllers
            num = SeekToSection(br, Section.BoneController, sections);
            for (var i = 0; i < num; i++)
                var boneController = new BoneController
                    Bone  = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Type  = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Start = br.ReadSingle(),
                    End   = br.ReadSingle(),
                    Rest  = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Index = br.ReadInt32()

            // Hitboxes
            num = SeekToSection(br, Section.Hitbox, sections);
            for (var i = 0; i < num; i++)
                var hitbox = new Hitbox
                    Bone  = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Group = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Min   = br.ReadVector3(),
                    Max   = br.ReadVector3()

            // Sequence groups
            num = SeekToSection(br, Section.SequenceGroup, sections);
            for (var i = 0; i < num; i++)
                var group = new SequenceGroup
                    Label = br.ReadFixedLengthString(Encoding.ASCII, 32),
                    Name  = br.ReadFixedLengthString(Encoding.ASCII, 64)
                br.ReadBytes(8); // unused

            // Sequences
            num = SeekToSection(br, Section.Sequence, sections);
            for (var i = 0; i < num; i++)
                var sequence = new Sequence
                    Name                  = br.ReadFixedLengthString(Encoding.ASCII, 32),
                    Framerate             = br.ReadSingle(),
                    Flags                 = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Activity              = br.ReadInt32(),
                    ActivityWeight        = br.ReadInt32(),
                    NumEvents             = br.ReadInt32(),
                    EventIndex            = br.ReadInt32(),
                    NumFrames             = br.ReadInt32(),
                    NumPivots             = br.ReadInt32(),
                    PivotIndex            = br.ReadInt32(),
                    MotionType            = br.ReadInt32(),
                    MotionBone            = br.ReadInt32(),
                    LinearMovement        = br.ReadVector3(),
                    AutoMovePositionIndex = br.ReadInt32(),
                    AutoMoveAngleIndex    = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Min            = br.ReadVector3(),
                    Max            = br.ReadVector3(),
                    NumBlends      = br.ReadInt32(),
                    AnimationIndex = br.ReadInt32(),
                    BlendType      = br.ReadIntArray(2),
                    BlendStart     = br.ReadSingleArray(2),
                    BlendEnd       = br.ReadSingleArray(2),
                    BlendParent    = br.ReadInt32(),
                    SequenceGroup  = br.ReadInt32(),
                    EntryNode      = br.ReadInt32(),
                    ExitNode       = br.ReadInt32(),
                    NodeFlags      = br.ReadInt32(),
                    NextSequence   = br.ReadInt32()

                var seqGroup = SequenceGroups[sequence.SequenceGroup];

                // Only load seqence group 0 for now (others are in other files)
                if (sequence.SequenceGroup == 0)
                    var pos = br.BaseStream.Position;
                    sequence.Blends        = LoadAnimationBlends(br, sequence, numBones);
                    br.BaseStream.Position = pos;
                else if (sequenceGroups.ContainsKey(seqGroup.Name))
                    var reader = sequenceGroups[seqGroup.Name];
                    sequence.Blends = LoadAnimationBlends(reader, sequence, numBones);


            // Textures
            num = SeekToSection(br, Section.Texture, sections);
            var firstTextureIndex = Textures.Count;

            for (var i = 0; i < num; i++)
                var texture = new Texture
                    Name   = br.ReadFixedLengthString(Encoding.ASCII, 64),
                    Flags  = (TextureFlags)br.ReadInt32(),
                    Width  = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Height = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Index  = br.ReadInt32()

            // Texture data
            for (var i = firstTextureIndex; i < firstTextureIndex + num; i++)
                var t = Textures[i];
                br.BaseStream.Position = t.Index;
                t.Data      = br.ReadBytes(t.Width * t.Height);
                t.Palette   = br.ReadBytes(256 * 3);
                Textures[i] = t;

            // Skins
            var skinSection     = sections[(int)Section.Skin];
            var numSkinRefs     = skinSection[0];
            var numSkinFamilies = skinSection[1];

            br.BaseStream.Seek(skinSection[2], SeekOrigin.Begin);
            for (var i = 0; i < numSkinFamilies; i++)
                var skin = new SkinFamily
                    Textures = br.ReadShortArray(numSkinRefs)

            // Body parts
            num = SeekToSection(br, Section.BodyPart, sections);
            for (var i = 0; i < num; i++)
                var part = new BodyPart
                    Name       = br.ReadFixedLengthString(Encoding.ASCII, 64),
                    NumModels  = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Base       = br.ReadInt32(),
                    ModelIndex = br.ReadInt32()
                var pos = br.BaseStream.Position;
                part.Models            = LoadModels(br, part);
                br.BaseStream.Position = pos;

            // Attachments
            num = SeekToSection(br, Section.Attachment, sections);
            for (var i = 0; i < num; i++)
                var attachment = new Attachment
                    Name    = br.ReadFixedLengthString(Encoding.ASCII, 32),
                    Type    = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Bone    = br.ReadInt32(),
                    Origin  = br.ReadVector3(),
                    Vectors = br.ReadVector3Array(3)

            // Transitions

            // Sounds & Sound groups aren't used
Example #6
        public static EventPoller <T> Create <T>(IDataProvider <T> dataProvider, ISequencer sequencer, Sequence sequence, Sequence cursorSequence, params ISequence[] gatingSequences)
            var gatingSequence = SequenceGroups.CreateReadOnlySequence(cursorSequence, gatingSequences);

            return(new EventPoller <T>(dataProvider, sequencer, sequence, gatingSequence));
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a sequence to the sequence group after threads have started to publish to
 /// the Disruptor.It will set the sequences to cursor value of the ringBuffer
 /// just after adding them.  This should prevent any nasty rewind/wrapping effects.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cursored">The data structure that the owner of this sequence group will be pulling it's events from</param>
 /// <param name="sequence">The sequence to add</param>
 public void AddWhileRunning(ICursored cursored, Sequence sequence)
     SequenceGroups.AddSequences(ref _sequences, cursored, sequence);