Example #1
 private static Sequence MockSequence(Sequence.Animation animation)
     return(new Sequence
         AnimationGroups = new List <Sequence.AnimationGroup>()
             new Sequence.AnimationGroup
                 AnimationIndex = 0,
                 Count = 1,
         Animations = new List <Sequence.Animation>()
         FrameGroups = new List <Sequence.FrameGroup>()
             new Sequence.FrameGroup
                 Start = 0,
                 Count = 1
         FramesEx = new List <Sequence.FrameEx>()
             new Sequence.FrameEx
                 Left = 0,
                 Top = 0,
                 Right = 512,
                 Bottom = 512,
         Frames = new List <Sequence.Frame>()
             new Sequence.Frame
                 Unknown00 = 0,
                 Left = 0,
                 Top = 0,
                 Right = 512,
                 Bottom = 512,
                 UTranslation = 0,
                 VTranslation = 0,
                 ColorLeft = 0x80808080,
                 ColorTop = 0x80808080,
                 ColorRight = 0x80808080,
                 ColorBottom = 0x80808080,
Example #2
 private static Sequence MockSequence(Sequence.Animation animation) => new Sequence
     AnimationGroups = new List <Sequence.AnimationGroup>()
         new Sequence.AnimationGroup
             Animations = new List <Sequence.Animation>()
             DoNotLoop = 1,
     SpriteGroups = new List <List <Sequence.SpritePart> >()
         new List <Sequence.SpritePart>()
             new Sequence.SpritePart
                 Left   = 0,
                 Top    = 0,
                 Right  = 512,
                 Bottom = 512,
     Sprites = new List <Sequence.Sprite>()
         new Sequence.Sprite
             Left         = 0,
             Top          = 0,
             Right        = 512,
             Bottom       = 512,
             UTranslation = 0,
             VTranslation = 0,
             ColorLeft    = 0x80808080,
             ColorTop     = 0x80808080,
             ColorRight   = 0x80808080,
             ColorBottom  = 0x80808080,
Example #3
 public static Sequence.Animation Clone(this Sequence.Animation anim) => new Sequence.Animation
     Flags            = anim.Flags,
     SpriteGroupIndex = anim.SpriteGroupIndex,
     FrameStart       = anim.FrameStart,
     FrameEnd         = anim.FrameEnd,
     TranslateXStart  = anim.TranslateXStart,
     TranslateXEnd    = anim.TranslateXEnd,
     TranslateYStart  = anim.TranslateYStart,
     TranslateYEnd    = anim.TranslateYEnd,
     PivotXStart      = anim.PivotXStart,
     PivotXEnd        = anim.PivotXEnd,
     PivotYStart      = anim.PivotYStart,
     PivotYEnd        = anim.PivotYEnd,
     RotationXStart   = anim.RotationXStart,
     RotationXEnd     = anim.RotationXEnd,
     RotationYStart   = anim.RotationYStart,
     RotationYEnd     = anim.RotationYEnd,
     RotationZStart   = anim.RotationZStart,
     RotationZEnd     = anim.RotationZEnd,
     ScaleStart       = anim.ScaleStart,
     ScaleEnd         = anim.ScaleEnd,
     ScaleXStart      = anim.ScaleXStart,
     ScaleXEnd        = anim.ScaleXEnd,
     ScaleYStart      = anim.ScaleYStart,
     ScaleYEnd        = anim.ScaleYEnd,
     CurveXStart      = anim.CurveXStart,
     CurveYStart      = anim.CurveYStart,
     CurveXEnd        = anim.CurveXEnd,
     CurveYEnd        = anim.CurveYEnd,
     BounceXStart     = anim.BounceXStart,
     BounceXEnd       = anim.BounceXEnd,
     BounceYStart     = anim.BounceYStart,
     BounceYEnd       = anim.BounceYEnd,
     BounceXCount     = anim.BounceXCount,
     BounceYCount     = anim.BounceYCount,
     ColorBlend       = anim.ColorBlend,
     ColorStart       = anim.ColorStart,
     ColorEnd         = anim.ColorEnd,
Example #4
 public static Sequence.Animation Clone(this Sequence.Animation anim) => new Sequence.Animation
     Flags            = anim.Flags,
     SpriteGroupIndex = anim.SpriteGroupIndex,
     FrameStart       = anim.FrameStart,
     FrameEnd         = anim.FrameEnd,
     TranslateXStart  = anim.TranslateXStart,
     TranslateXEnd    = anim.TranslateXEnd,
     TranslateYStart  = anim.TranslateYStart,
     TranslateYEnd    = anim.TranslateYEnd,
     PivotXStart      = anim.PivotXStart,
     PivotXEnd        = anim.PivotXEnd,
     PivotYStart      = anim.PivotYStart,
     PivotYEnd        = anim.PivotYEnd,
     RotationXStart   = anim.RotationXStart,
     RotationXEnd     = anim.RotationXEnd,
     RotationYStart   = anim.RotationYStart,
     RotationYEnd     = anim.RotationYEnd,
     RotationZStart   = anim.RotationZStart,
     RotationZEnd     = anim.RotationZEnd,
     ScaleStart       = anim.ScaleStart,
     ScaleEnd         = anim.ScaleEnd,
     ScaleXStart      = anim.ScaleXStart,
     ScaleXEnd        = anim.ScaleXEnd,
     ScaleYStart      = anim.ScaleYStart,
     ScaleYEnd        = anim.ScaleYEnd,
     Unknown60        = anim.Unknown60,
     Unknown64        = anim.Unknown64,
     Unknown68        = anim.Unknown68,
     Unknown6c        = anim.Unknown6c,
     BounceXStart     = anim.BounceXStart,
     BounceXEnd       = anim.BounceXEnd,
     BounceYStart     = anim.BounceYStart,
     BounceYEnd       = anim.BounceYEnd,
     BounceXSpeed     = anim.BounceXSpeed,
     BounceYSpeed     = anim.BounceYSpeed,
     ColorBlend       = anim.ColorBlend,
     ColorStart       = anim.ColorStart,
     ColorEnd         = anim.ColorEnd,
Example #5
        public static Rectangle GetVisibilityRectangleFromAnimation(
            this Sequence sequence, Sequence.Animation animation)
            var rect = sequence.GetVisibilityRectangleForFrameGroup(animation.SpriteGroupIndex);

            var minXPos   = animation.TranslateXStart;
            int maxXPos   = animation.TranslateXEnd;
            var minYPos   = animation.TranslateYStart;
            int maxYPos   = animation.TranslateYEnd;
            var minXScale = animation.ScaleStart * animation.ScaleXStart;
            var maxXScale = animation.ScaleEnd * animation.ScaleXEnd;
            var minYScale = animation.ScaleStart * animation.ScaleYStart;
            var maxYScale = animation.ScaleEnd * animation.ScaleYEnd;

            var minRect = rect
                          .Multiply(minXScale, minYScale)
                          .Traslate(minXPos, minYPos);

            var maxRect = rect
                          .Multiply(maxXScale, maxYScale)
                          .Traslate(maxXPos, maxYPos);

Example #6
        private void DrawAnimation(Context contextParent, Sequence.Animation animation, int index)
            // 0000 0001 = (0 = EASE IN/OUT INTERPOLATION, 1 = LINEAR INTERPOLATION)
            // 0000 0008 = (0 = BOUNCING START FROM CENTER, 1 = BOUNCING START FROM X / MOVE FROM Y)
            // 0000 0010 = (0 = ENABLE BOUNCING, 1 = IGNORE BOUNCING)
            // 0000 0020 = (0 = ENABLE ROTATION, 1 = IGNORE ROTATION)
            // 0000 0040 = (0 = ENABLE SCALING, 1 = IGNORE SCALING)
            // 0000 0080 = (0 = ENABLE COLOR FADING, 1 = IGNORE COLOR FADING)
            // 0000 0400 = (0 = ENABLE COLOR MASKING, 1 = IGNORE COLOR MASKING)
            // 0000 4000 = (0 = ENABLE XYB, 1 = IGNORE XYB)

            if (contextParent.FrameIndex < animation.FrameStart || contextParent.FrameIndex > animation.FrameEnd)

            var context = contextParent.Clone();
            var delta   = (double)(context.FrameIndex - animation.FrameStart) / (animation.FrameEnd - animation.FrameStart);

            float t;

            // loc_23B030
            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.LinearInterpolationFlag) != 0)
                t = (float)delta;
                t = (float)((Math.Sin(delta * Math.PI - Math.PI / 2.0) + 1.0) / 2.0);

            context.ColorBlendMode = animation.ColorBlend;

            var translateX = Lerp(t, animation.TranslateXStart, animation.TranslateXEnd);
            var translateY = Lerp(t, animation.TranslateYStart, animation.TranslateYEnd);

            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.TranslationFlag) == 0)
                context.PositionX += translateX;
                context.PositionY += translateY;
                context.PositionX += animation.TranslateXStart;
                context.PositionY += animation.TranslateYStart;

            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.ScalingFlag) == 0)
                var scale  = Lerp(t, animation.ScaleStart, animation.ScaleEnd);
                var scaleX = Lerp(t, animation.ScaleXStart, animation.ScaleXEnd);
                var scaleY = Lerp(t, animation.ScaleYStart, animation.ScaleYEnd);
                context.ScaleX = scale * scaleX;
                context.ScaleY = scale * scaleY;
                context.ScaleX = 1.0f;
                context.ScaleY = 1.0f;

            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.ColorMaskingFlag) == 0)
                if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.ColorInterpolationFlag) == 0)
                    context.Color *= Lerp(t,
                    context.Color *= ConvertColor(animation.ColorStart);
                context.Color *= new ColorF(1, 1, 1, 1);

            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.RotationFlag) == 0)
                context.RotationX = Lerp(t, animation.RotationXStart, animation.RotationXEnd);
                context.RotationY = Lerp(t, animation.RotationYStart, animation.RotationYEnd);
                context.RotationZ = Lerp(t, animation.RotationZStart, animation.RotationZEnd);

            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.PivotFlag) == 0)
                context.PivotX += Lerp(t, animation.PivotXStart, animation.PivotXEnd);
                context.PivotY += Lerp(t, animation.PivotYStart, animation.PivotYEnd);

            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.BouncingFlag) == 0)
                var bounceXValue = (float)Math.Sin(Lerp(delta * animation.BounceXSpeed, 0, Math.PI));
                var bounceYValue = (float)Math.Sin(Lerp(delta * animation.BounceYSpeed, 0, Math.PI));

                context.PositionX += bounceXValue * Lerp(t, animation.BounceXStart, animation.BounceXEnd);
                context.PositionY += bounceYValue * Lerp(t, animation.BounceYStart, animation.BounceYEnd);

            context.Color *= DebugSequenceRenderer.GetAnimationBlendColor(index);

            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.CanHostChildFlag) != 0)
                CurrentChildContext.PositionX = context.PositionX + context.PivotX;
                CurrentChildContext.PositionY = context.PositionY + context.PivotY;
                CurrentChildContext.Color     = context.Color;

                // Horrible hack. Basically if TranslationFlag disallow to us the translation
                // animation, the frame group just uses Translate*Start, but the attached
                // child context still needs to use the animation.
                if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.TranslationFlag) != 0)
                    CurrentChildContext.PositionX += translateX - animation.TranslateXStart;
                    CurrentChildContext.PositionY += translateY - animation.TranslateYStart;

            DrawFrameGroup(context, Sequence.SpriteGroups[animation.SpriteGroupIndex]);
Example #7
        private void DrawAnimation(Context contextParent, Sequence.Animation animation, int index)
            // 0000 0001 = (0 = CUBIC INTERPOLATION, 1 = LINEAR INTERPOLATION)
            // 0000 0008 = (0 = BOUNCING START FROM CENTER, 1 = BOUNCING START FROM X / MOVE FROM Y)
            // 0000 0010 = (0 = ENABLE BOUNCING, 1 = IGNORE BOUNCING)
            // 0000 0020 = (0 = ENABLE ROTATION, 1 = IGNORE ROTATION)
            // 0000 0040 = (0 = ENABLE SCALING, 1 = IGNORE SCALING)
            // 0000 0080 = (0 = ENABLE COLOR FADING, 1 = IGNORE COLOR FADING)
            // 0000 0400 = (0 = ENABLE COLOR MASKING, 1 = IGNORE COLOR MASKING)
            // 0000 4000 = (0 = ENABLE XYB, 1 = IGNORE XYB)

            if (contextParent.FrameIndex < animation.FrameStart || contextParent.FrameIndex > animation.FrameEnd)

            var context = contextParent.Clone();
            var delta   = (double)(context.FrameIndex - animation.FrameStart) / (animation.FrameEnd - animation.FrameStart);

            float t;

            // loc_23B030
            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.LinearInterpolationFlag) != 0)
                t = (float)delta;
                t = (float)(delta * delta * delta);

            context.PositionX     += Lerp(t, animation.TranslateXStart, animation.TranslateXEnd);
            context.PositionY     += Lerp(t, animation.TranslateYStart, animation.TranslateYEnd);
            context.ColorBlendMode = animation.ColorBlend;

            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.ScalingFlag) == 0)
                var scale  = Lerp(t, animation.ScaleStart, animation.ScaleEnd);
                var scaleX = Lerp(t, animation.ScaleXStart, animation.ScaleXEnd);
                var scaleY = Lerp(t, animation.ScaleYStart, animation.ScaleYEnd);
                context.ScaleX = scale * scaleX;
                context.ScaleY = scale * scaleY;
                context.ScaleX = 1.0f;
                context.ScaleY = 1.0f;

            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.ColorMaskingFlag) == 0)
                if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.ColorInterpolationFlag) == 0)
                    context.Color = Lerp(t,
                    context.Color = ConvertColor(animation.ColorStart);
                context.Color = new ColorF(1, 1, 1, 1);

            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.RotationFlag) == 0)
                context.RotationX = Lerp(t, animation.RotationXStart, animation.RotationXEnd);
                context.RotationY = Lerp(t, animation.RotationYStart, animation.RotationYEnd);
                context.RotationZ = Lerp(t, animation.RotationZStart, animation.RotationZEnd);

            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.PivotFlag) == 0)
                context.PivotX += Lerp(t, animation.PivotXStart, animation.PivotXEnd);
                context.PivotY += Lerp(t, animation.PivotYStart, animation.PivotYEnd);

            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.BouncingFlag) == 0)
                var bounceXValue = (float)Math.Sin(Lerp(delta * animation.BounceXSpeed, 0, Math.PI));
                var bounceYValue = (float)Math.Sin(Lerp(delta * animation.BounceYSpeed, 0, Math.PI));

                context.PositionX += bounceXValue * Lerp(t, animation.BounceXStart, animation.BounceXEnd);
                context.PositionY += bounceYValue * Lerp(t, animation.BounceYStart, animation.BounceYEnd);

            context.Color *= DebugSequenceRenderer.GetAnimationBlendColor(index);

            if ((animation.Flags & Sequence.AttachTextFlag) != 0)
                if (_textContext == null)
                    _textContext = context.Clone();

            DrawFrameGroup(context, Sequence.SpriteGroups[animation.SpriteGroupIndex]);
        private void DrawAnimation(Context contextParent, Sequence.Animation animation)
            // 0000 0001 = (0 = CUBIC INTERPOLATION, 1 = LINEAR INTERPOLATION)
            // 0000 0008 = (0 = BOUNCING START FROM CENTER, 1 = BOUNCING START FROM X / MOVE FROM Y)
            // 0000 0010 = (0 = ENABLE BOUNCING, 1 = IGNORE BOUNCING)
            // 0000 0020 = (0 = ENABLE ROTATION, 1 = IGNORE ROTATION)
            // 0000 0040 = (0 = ENABLE SCALING, 1 = IGNORE SCALING)
            // 0000 0080 = (0 = ENABLE COLOR FADING, 1 = IGNORE COLOR FADING)
            // 0000 0400 = (0 = ENABLE COLOR MASKING, 1 = IGNORE COLOR MASKING)
            // 0000 4000 = (0 = ENABLE XYB, 1 = IGNORE XYB)

            if (contextParent.FrameIndex < animation.FrameStart || contextParent.FrameIndex > animation.FrameEnd)

            var context = contextParent.Clone();
            var delta   = (double)(context.FrameIndex - animation.FrameStart) / (animation.FrameEnd - animation.FrameStart);

            float t;

            // loc_23B030
            if ((animation.Flags & LinearInterpolationFlag) != 0)
                t = (float)delta;
                t = (float)(delta * delta * delta);

            context.PositionX     += Lerp(t, animation.Xa0, animation.Xa1);
            context.PositionY     += Lerp(t, animation.Ya0, animation.Ya1);
            context.ColorBlendType = animation.ColorBlend;

            if ((animation.Flags & ScalingFlag) == 0)
                var scale  = Lerp(t, animation.ScaleStart, animation.ScaleEnd);
                var scaleX = Lerp(t, animation.ScaleXStart, animation.ScaleXEnd);
                var scaleY = Lerp(t, animation.ScaleYStart, animation.ScaleYEnd);
                context.ScaleX = scale * scaleX;
                context.ScaleY = scale * scaleY;
                context.ScaleX = 1.0f;
                context.ScaleY = 1.0f;

            if ((animation.Flags & ColorMaskingFlag) == 0)
                if ((animation.Flags & ColorInterpolationFlag) == 0)
                    context.Color = Lerp(t,
                    context.Color = ConvertColor(animation.ColorStart);
                context.Color = ConvertColor(animation.ColorStart);

            if ((animation.Flags & TraslateFlag) == 0)
                context.PositionX += Lerp(t, animation.Xb0, animation.Xb1);
                context.PositionY += Lerp(t, animation.Yb0, animation.Yb1);

            DrawFrameGroup(context, sequence.FrameGroups[animation.FrameGroupIndex]);