private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string dbname = txtDBName.Text.Trim();

            if (AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfig.seqDBs.ContainsKey(dbname)) // This can only be checked after we know the name of the db.
                if (MessageBox.Show("There is already a database named " + dbname + ". Do you want to replace it?",
                                    "Replace database?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) != DialogResult.OK)

                SeqDB db = AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfig.seqDBs[dbname];
                if (db != null && db.DBPath == txtDBPath.Text + "/" + dbname)
                    if (MessageBox.Show("The database path " + db.DBPath + " already exists. Do you want to replace it?",
                                        "Overwrite database?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) != DialogResult.OK)

            // Update config to reflect selection.
            AppConfigHelper.NewDatabase(dbname, txtDBPath.Text.Trim(), chkImportFasta.Checked, txtInputPath.Text.Trim(), txtStandardReferenceGenome.Text.Trim());
        // Build a new database. Treat the new database as the selected database if all goes well and update config.
        // If there is already a database by the specified name, prompt to overwrite.

        public BioSeqNewDB()
            btnOK.Enabled = false;

            string dbPath = AppConfigHelper.NewDBPath;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbPath))
                SeqDB db = AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfigGlobal.Current();
                if (db != null) // Default the new database path to the same as the current db.
                    txtDBPath.Text = AppConfigHelper.GetDirectoryName(AppConfigHelper.NormalizePathToWindows(DirectoryHelper.UnCleanPath(db.DBPath)));
                    txtDBPath.Text = AppConfigHelper.NormalizePathToLinux(AppConfigHelper.GetDirectoryName(txtDBPath.Text)); // DB path much be on the server.
                    if (!txtDBPath.Text.StartsWith("["))
                        txtDBPath.Text = "[S]" + txtDBPath.Text;
                txtDBPath.Text = dbPath;
            txtDBName.Text                  = AppConfigHelper.NewDBName;
            chkImportFasta.Checked          = AppConfigHelper.NewDBImportFasta;
            txtInputPath.Text               = AppConfigHelper.NewDBInputPath;
            txtStandardReferenceGenome.Text = AppConfigHelper.NewDBReference;
Example #3
 private void RefreshVersionInformation(SeqDB db)
     if (!VersionsBusyFlag)
         VersionsBusyFlag = true;
Example #4
        private void backgroundWorker_Versions_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
            // Get version info. Version information comes from the global config.
            Cursor.Current   = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            VersionsBusyFlag = false;

            txtVersions.Text  = (string)e.Result;
            lblKipper.Visible = false;
            if (txtVersions.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                SeqDB db = AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfigGlobal.seqDBs[AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfig.LastDBSelected];
                lblKipper.Text    = "This backup is stored at " + db.KipperPath + db.KipperFilenamePrefix + ".";
                lblKipper.Visible = true;
            btnRestore.Enabled = txtVersions.Text.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length > 2; // Must have at least two backups before restore is meaningful.
            Cursor.Current     = Cursors.Default;
Example #5
        internal static int DeleteDB()
            SeqDB  db       = AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfig.Current();
            string filename = AppConfigHelper.NormalizePathToWindows(db.DBPath);

            if (File.Exists(filename))
                string path = AppConfigHelper.GetDirectoryName(filename);
                Directory.Delete(path, true);

                AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfig.seqDBs.Remove(AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfig.LastDBSelected); // Remove all traces of this database.
                string dbName = AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfig.LastDBSelected;
                AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfig.LastDBSelected = AppConfigHelper.CurrentDBName();

                // Also update the global config to remove the database.
                db = AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfigGlobal.seqDBs[dbName];
                AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfigGlobal.seqDBs.Remove(dbName); // Remove all traces of this database.
                AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfigGlobal.LastDBSelected = AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfig.LastDBSelected;

                if (db.KipperPath != null)                                                       // This should be done first because these files might be in the same folder as the one being deleted below.
                    if (Directory.Exists(AppConfigHelper.NormalizePathToWindows(db.KipperPath))) // it could have been deleted if it was already in the same folder as the database itself.
                        DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(AppConfigHelper.NormalizePathToWindows(db.KipperPath));
                        foreach (FileInfo file in dir.EnumerateFiles(db.KipperFilenamePrefix + "*.*"))
                            if (File.Exists(file.FullName)) // it could have been deleted if it was already in the same folder as the database itself.
Example #6
        public static WSLProxyResponse Build_DB(SeqDB db)
            // eg. ~/seqdb/seqdb build_db -i /data/amrDBinput/organism -o /data/amrDB/hpsuis/hpsuis.fasta
            if (db.BuildTreeWildReference.Length > 0)
                // Also copy the wild to the database folder so it can be used in the future.
                if (File.Exists(db.BuildTreeWildReference))
                    db.BuildTreeDomesticReference = AppConfigHelper.GetDirectoryName(AppConfigHelper.NormalizePathToWindows(db.DBPath)) +
                                                    "\\" + Path.GetFileName(AppConfigHelper.NormalizePathToWindows(db.BuildTreeWildReference));
                    File.Copy(db.BuildTreeWildReference, db.BuildTreeDomesticReference, true);
                    db.BuildTreeWildReference = string.Empty; // No longer need to overload it, now available for its intended purpose.

            if (!Directory.Exists(db.DBPath))

            AppConfigHelper.LastCommand = AppConfigHelper.PathToSeqDB() + " build_db -i " + AppConfigHelper.NormalizePathToLinux(db.Build_DBInput) +
                                          " -o " + AppConfigHelper.NormalizePathToLinux(db.DBPath);
Example #7
        private void backgroundWorker_Versions_DoWork(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
            SeqDB db = (SeqDB)e.Argument;

            e.Result = ServiceCallHelper.GetVersions(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig(), DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(db.DBPath));
Example #8
        private void cmbSeqDB_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cmbSeqDB.SelectedIndex == 0) // empty = none = reset
                menuStrip1.Enabled  = false;
                btnDeleteDB.Enabled = false;
                txtDB.Text          = txtPath.Text = txtVersions.Text = AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfig.LastDBSelected = string.Empty;
                lblKipper.Visible   = false;
                chkDetailSamples.Enabled = false;
                lstSampleIDs.Enabled     = false;
            else if (cmbSeqDB.SelectedIndex == 1) // New
                BioSeqNewDB  frmNewDB = new BioSeqNewDB();
                DialogResult rc       = frmNewDB.ShowDialog();
                if (rc == DialogResult.OK) // then the config has the specs for the new db to select.
                    Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                    // If necessary, copy local files to server.
                    string fastaPath = AppConfigHelper.Build_DBInput();
                    if (IsServiceClass.IsService && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fastaPath))
                        if (fastaPath.StartsWith("[L]") || !fastaPath.StartsWith("["))
                            string[] folders = Directory.GetDirectories(DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(fastaPath));
                            foreach (string folder in folders)
                                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.fasta", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                                foreach (string file in files)
                                    DirectoryHelper.FileCopy("[L]" + file, "[S]" + AppConfigHelper.UserFolder() + "FastaFiles", true);
                                files = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.fna", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                                foreach (string file in files)
                                    DirectoryHelper.FileCopy("[L]" + file, "[S]" + AppConfigHelper.UserFolder() + "FastaFiles", true);
                                files = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.fa", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                                foreach (string file in files)
                                    DirectoryHelper.FileCopy("[L]" + file, "[S]" + AppConfigHelper.UserFolder() + "FastaFiles", true);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppConfigHelper.BuildTreeWildReference())) // This is the standard genome for the new database.
                        // Wherever it is, store it temporarily in the UserFolder.
                        DirectoryHelper.FileCopy(AppConfigHelper.BuildTreeWildReference(), "[S]" + AppConfigHelper.UserFolder(), true);

                    /////////// Call Build_DB in SeqDB.
                        ServiceCallHelper.Build_DB(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig());
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                        MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.ToString(), "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                    if (AppConfigHelper.LastError.Length > 0)
                        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                        MessageBox.Show("Error: " + AppConfigHelper.LastError, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppConfigHelper.BuildTreeDomesticReference))
                        AppConfigHelper.BuildTreeDomesticReference = AppConfigHelper.BuildTreeWildReference();
                    Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
            else // a database is selected.
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfig.LastDBSelected = cmbSeqDB.SelectedItem.ToString();

                menuStrip1.Enabled       = true;
                btnDeleteDB.Enabled      = true;
                chkDetailSamples.Enabled = true;
                lstSampleIDs.Enabled     = true;
                txtVersions.Text         = string.Empty;

                SeqDB db = AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfig.seqDBs[AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfig.LastDBSelected];
                txtDB.Text   = db.DBName;
                txtPath.Text = db.DBPath;
                AppConfigHelper.LastError = string.Empty;

                if (SampleIDsBusyFlag || VersionsBusyFlag)
                    MessageBox.Show("Version information and sample IDs are being loaded for previous database. Please select " +
                                    db.DBName + " again.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                // Version information comes from the global config.

                // Also get sample IDs into listbox.
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                if (AppConfigHelper.LastError.Length > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error: " + AppConfigHelper.LastError, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK);