Example #1
    private static void SetEnv(Scope scope, HttpContext context, SentryAspNetCoreOptions options)
        scope.Request.Method = context.Request.Method;

        // Logging integration, if enabled, sets the following tag which ends up as duplicate
        // to Request.Url. Prefer the interface value and remove tag.
        var host = context.Request.Host.Host;

        if (context.Request.Host.Port != null)
            host += $":{context.Request.Host.Port}";
        scope.Request.Url = $"{context.Request.Scheme}://{host}{context.Request.Path}";

        scope.Request.QueryString = context.Request.QueryString.ToString();
        foreach (var requestHeader in context.Request.Headers)
            if (!options.SendDefaultPii
                // Don't add headers which might contain PII
                && (requestHeader.Key == HeaderNames.Cookie ||
                    requestHeader.Key == HeaderNames.Authorization))

            scope.Request.Headers[requestHeader.Key] = requestHeader.Value;

        // TODO: Hide these 'Env' behind some extension method as
        // these might be reported in a non CGI, old-school way
        if (options.SendDefaultPii &&
            context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress?.ToString() is { } ipAddress)
            scope.Request.Env["REMOTE_ADDR"] = ipAddress;

        scope.Request.Env["SERVER_NAME"] = Environment.MachineName;
        scope.Request.Env["SERVER_PORT"] = context.Connection.LocalPort.ToString();

        if (context.Response.Headers.TryGetValue("Server", out var server))
            scope.Request.Env["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] = server;
Example #2
    public async Task Transaction_TransactionNameProviderSetSet_TransactionNameSet()
        // Arrange
        Transaction transaction = null;

        var expectedName = "My custom name";

        var sentryClient = Substitute.For <ISentryClient>();

        sentryClient.When(x => x.CaptureTransaction(Arg.Any <Transaction>()))
        .Do(callback => transaction = callback.Arg <Transaction>());
        var options = new SentryAspNetCoreOptions
            Dsn = DsnSamples.ValidDsnWithoutSecret,
            TracesSampleRate = 1

        var hub = new Hub(options, sentryClient);

        var server = new TestServer(new WebHostBuilder()
                                    .UseSentry(aspNewOptions => aspNewOptions.TransactionNameProvider = _ => expectedName)
                                    .ConfigureServices(services =>
            services.RemoveAll(typeof(Func <IHub>));
            services.AddSingleton <Func <IHub> >(() => hub);
        }).Configure(app => app.UseSentryTracing()));

        var client = server.CreateClient();

        // Act
            await client.GetStringAsync("/person/13.bmp");
        // Expected error.
        catch (HttpRequestException ex) when(ex.Message.Contains("404"))

        // Assert
        transaction?.Name.Should().Be($"GET {expectedName}");
            public Fixture()
                var loggingOptions = new SentryLoggingOptions
                    InitializeSdk = false,
                var aspnetOptions = new SentryAspNetCoreOptions();

                loggingOptions.InitializeSdk = false;

                var hub = new Hub(new SentryOptions {
                    Dsn = DsnSamples.Valid

                Hub = hub;
                var provider = new SentryLoggerProvider(hub, Clock, loggingOptions);

                _disposable  = provider;
                SentryLogger = provider.CreateLogger(nameof(SentryLogger));