Example #1
        private void AddComparableEdges(SentenceWrapper sentence, SentenceGraph sentenceGraph, bool isLeft, bool isRight)
            string to, from;
            var vertices = sentenceGraph.Vertices.ToList();
            foreach (var word in sentence.Words)
                from = word.GetAttributeByName(CurrentDefinition.Edge.SourceVertexAttributeName);

                if (from == "0")

                to = word.GetAttributeByName(CurrentDefinition.Edge.TargetVertexAttributeName);

                var toWordVertex =
                        v => v.WordWrapper.GetAttributeByName(CurrentDefinition.Edge.TargetVertexAttributeName).Equals(to));
                var fromWordVertex =
                        v => v.WordWrapper.GetAttributeByName(CurrentDefinition.Edge.TargetVertexAttributeName).Equals(from));
                if ((toWordVertex != null) && (fromWordVertex != null))
                        new OrderedWordEdge(fromWordVertex, toWordVertex)
                            Text = word.GetAttributeByName(CurrentDefinition.Edge.LabelAttributeName),
                            SourceConnectionPointId = 1,
                            TargetConnectionPointId = 1,
                            IsLeft = isLeft,
                            IsRight = isRight
Example #2
            public static List <SentenceInterpretation> IdentifyEntities(fastText fastTextModel, string text, int numberOfPossibilities)
                var paths = new List <SentenceInterpretation>();

                var words = text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(); //IMPROVE TOKENIZATION HERE

                if (words.Count == 0)

                var tokens = new List <List <Token> >();

                foreach (var w in words)
                    var pred = fastTextModel.GetPrediction(w, 5);

                    if (pred.Count == 0)
                        pred.Add(new prediction()
                            label = "S_O", intensity = 1

                    tokens.Add(pred.Select(p => new Token(w, (p.label.Contains("_") ? p.label : "S_" + p.label), p.intensity)).ToList());

                var graph = new SentenceGraph();

                tokens.ForEach(t => graph.AddVertexRange(t));

                //tokens.ForEach(p => Console.WriteLine("\t" + string.Join(" ", p.Select(t => t.Label + "[" + t.Intensity.ToString("0.0") + "]"))));

                for (int i = 0; i < (words.Count - 1); i++)
                    double maxIntensityC = tokens[i].Max(p => p.Intensity);
                    double maxIntensityN = tokens[i + 1].Max(p => p.Intensity);
                    foreach (var source in tokens[i])
                        foreach (var dest in tokens[i + 1])
                            string clabel = source.Label;
                            string nlabel = dest.Label;
                            if (!source.Label.Contains("_"))
                                clabel = SentenceGraph.SingleTag + "_" + source.Label;
                            if (!dest.Label.Contains("_"))
                                nlabel = SentenceGraph.SingleTag + "_" + dest.Label;
                            if (SentenceGraph.IsTransitionAllowed(clabel, nlabel))
                                double probability = (source.Intensity / maxIntensityC) * (dest.Intensity / maxIntensityN);
                                if (source.Intensity < 0 || dest.Intensity < 0)
                                    probability = 0;

                                graph.AddEdge(new SentenceEdge(source, dest, clabel, nlabel, probability));
                                //Console.WriteLine($"\tFound {source.Value}[{clabel}] -> {dest.Value}[{nlabel}] with probablity {probability} and intensities {source.Intensity} and {dest.Intensity}");

                var BoS = new Token("__BEGIN__", "", 1);
                var EoS = new Token("__END__", "", 1);

                graph.AddVertex(BoS); graph.AddVertex(EoS);

                foreach (var t in tokens.First())
                    string tlabel = t.Label;
                    if (!t.Label.Contains("_"))
                        tlabel = SentenceGraph.SingleTag + "_" + t.Label;
                    if (SentenceGraph.IsTransitionAllowed("S_O", tlabel))
                        graph.AddEdge(new SentenceEdge(BoS, t, "S_O", tlabel, 1.0));

                foreach (var t in tokens.Last())
                    string tlabel = t.Label;
                    if (!t.Label.Contains("_"))
                        tlabel = SentenceGraph.SingleTag + "_" + t.Label;
                    if (SentenceGraph.IsTransitionAllowed(tlabel, "S_O"))
                        graph.AddEdge(new SentenceEdge(t, EoS, tlabel, "S_O", 1.0));

                paths = graph.GetAllPossibleSentenceInterpretations(BoS, EoS, numberOfPossibilities);

                //paths.ForEach(p => Console.WriteLine("Probability: " + p.Probability.ToString("0.00") + "\t" + string.Join(" ", p.Sentence.Select(n => string.Join(" ", n.Tokens.Select(t => t.Value + "[" + t.Label + "]" ) ) ))));
Example #3
        private SentenceGraph BuildSentenceGraph(SentenceWrapper sentence, SentenceWrapper rightSentence)
            var sentenceGraph = new SentenceGraph();

                    (l, r) =>

            foreach (var word in sentence.Words)
                sentenceGraph.AddVertex(new WordVertex(word, CurrentDefinition.Vertex.LabelAttributeName));

            AddComparableEdges(sentence, sentenceGraph, true, false);
            AddComparableEdges(rightSentence, sentenceGraph, false, true);

            return sentenceGraph;