public SentStatus Send(string to, string subject, string message, string[] cc, string[] bcc, byte[] attachment, string attachmentname, string replyto) { bool status; string responseMesage = string.Empty; try { SendGridMessage msg = new SendGridMessage { From = new EmailAddress(Config.EmailAddress, Config.Name), Subject = subject, PlainTextContent = message, ReplyTo = new EmailAddress(replyto) }; msg.AddTo(new EmailAddress(to, "User")); foreach (string i in cc) { msg.AddBcc(new EmailAddress(i)); } foreach (string i in bcc) { msg.AddCc(new EmailAddress(i)); } if (attachment != null) { var file = Convert.ToBase64String(attachment); msg.AddAttachment(attachmentname, file); } Client.SendEmailAsync(msg); responseMesage = "SendGrid Send success"; status = true; } catch (Exception e) { responseMesage = "SendGrid Send Exception" + e.Message + e.StackTrace; status = false; } var plainTextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message); string message64 = Convert.ToBase64String(plainTextBytes); SentStatus SentStatus = new SentStatus { Status = status.ToString(), To = to, From = Config.EmailAddress, Body = message64, ConId = Config.Id, Result = responseMesage, Recepients = new EmailRecepients { To = to, Cc = (cc == null) ? "" : string.Join(",", cc), Bcc = (bcc == null) ? "" : string.Join(",", bcc), Replyto = (replyto == null) ? "" : replyto, }, Subject = subject, AttachmentName = attachmentname }; return(SentStatus); }
/// <summary> /// Initiates a new instance of CommandBase /// </summary> /// <param name="source">Module which generated the command</param> /// <param name="destination">Module to which this command will be sent</param> /// <param name="command">Command sent</param> /// <param name="param">Param sent</param> /// <param name="id">id of the command</param> public CommandBase(ModuleClient source, ModuleClient destination, string command, string param, int id) { this.source = source; this.destination = destination; this.parameters = param; = id; this.sentStatus = SentStatus.NotSentYet; this.sendAttempts = 0; }
public SentStatus Send(string to, string subject, string message, string[] cc, string[] bcc, byte[] attachment, string attachmentname, string replyto) { SentStatus status = new SentStatus(); try { Console.WriteLine("Inside Mail Sending to " + to); if (Primary != null) { status = Primary.Send(to, subject, message, cc, bcc, attachment, attachmentname, replyto); Console.WriteLine("Mail Send With Primary :"); } else if (this.Capacity != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Mail Send using First Element"); status = this[0].Send(to, subject, message, cc, bcc, attachment, attachmentname, replyto); } else { Console.WriteLine("Email Connection Empty!"); } } catch { try { if (FallBack != null) { status = FallBack.Send(to, subject, message, cc, bcc, attachment, attachmentname, replyto); Console.WriteLine("Mail Send With FallBack : "); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Mail Sending Failed: " + ex.StackTrace); } } return(status); }
public FeedItem() { NotificationStatus = SentStatus.NotSent; }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor for further initialization /// </summary> protected CommandBase() { this.sentStatus = SentStatus.NotSentYet; this.sendAttempts = 0; }
public SentStatus Send(string to, string subject, string message, string[] cc, string[] bcc, byte[] attachment, string attachmentname, string replyto) { bool status; string responseMesage = string.Empty; try { MailMessage mm = new MailMessage(Config.EmailAddress, to) { Subject = subject, IsBodyHtml = true, Body = message, }; if (replyto != null) { mm.ReplyToList.Add(replyto); } if (attachment != null) { mm.Attachments.Add(new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(new MemoryStream(attachment), attachmentname)); } if (cc?.Length > 0) { foreach (string item in cc) { if (item != "") { mm.CC.Add(item); } } } if (bcc?.Length > 0) { foreach (string item in bcc) { if (item != "") { mm.Bcc.Add(item); } } } Client.Send(mm); status = true; responseMesage = "Smtp Send success"; } catch (Exception e) { responseMesage = "Smtp Send Exception : Port" + " - " + Config.Port + " : " + e.Message + e.StackTrace; status = false; } var plainTextBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message); string message64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(plainTextBytes); SentStatus SentStatus = new SentStatus { Status = status.ToString(), To = to, From = Config.EmailAddress, Body = message64, ConId = Config.Id, Result = responseMesage, Recepients = new EmailRecepients { To = to, Cc = (cc == null) ? "" : string.Join(",", cc), Bcc = (bcc == null) ? "" : string.Join(",", bcc), Replyto = (replyto == null) ? "" : replyto, }, Subject = subject, AttachmentName = attachmentname }; return(SentStatus); }
public EmailMessage() { Created_Date = DateTime.Now.ToFileTimeUtc(); SentStatus = SentStatus.New; }
public SendReturnObject(string message, SentStatus status, int retId) { Message = message; Status = status; RetrievalId = retId; }