Example #1
 void INotifyRegistry.RegisterSender(string senderName, ISink senderSink)
     lock (channels)
         channels[senderName] = new SenderChannel(this, senderName, null, senderSink);
Example #2
 internal SenderBuilder(int bookmakerId       = 0,
                        int limitId           = 0,
                        string currency       = null,
                        SenderChannel channel = SenderChannel.Internet)
     _bookmakerId = bookmakerId;
     _limitId     = limitId;
     _currency    = currency;
     _channel     = channel;
Example #3
 public Sender(EndCustomer customer, SenderChannel channel, string currency, int limitId, int bookmakerId, string shopId, string terminalId)
     EndCustomer = customer;
     Channel     = channel;
     Currency    = currency;
     LimitId     = limitId;
     BookmakerId = bookmakerId;
     ShopId      = shopId;
     TerminalId  = terminalId;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SenderBuilder"/> class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The <see cref="ISdkConfiguration"/> providing default builder values</param>
        internal SenderBuilder(ISdkConfiguration config)
            Guard.Argument(config, nameof(config)).NotNull();

            _bookmakerId = config.BookmakerId;
            _limitId     = config.LimitId;
            _currency    = config.Currency;
            if (config.Channel != null)
                _channel = (SenderChannel)config.Channel;
Example #5
        public Sender(int bookmakerId, string currency, string terminalId, SenderChannel channel, string shopId, IEndCustomer endCustomer, int limitId)
            Guard.Argument(bookmakerId, nameof(bookmakerId)).Positive();
            Guard.Argument(currency, nameof(currency)).NotNull().NotEmpty();
            Guard.Argument(currency.Length, nameof(currency.Length)).InRange(3, 4);
            Guard.Argument(terminalId, nameof(terminalId)).Require(string.IsNullOrEmpty(terminalId) || TicketHelper.ValidateUserId(terminalId));
            Guard.Argument(shopId, nameof(shopId)).Require(string.IsNullOrEmpty(shopId) || TicketHelper.ValidateUserId(shopId));
            Guard.Argument(limitId, nameof(limitId)).Positive();

            BookmakerId = bookmakerId;
            Currency    = currency.Length == 3 ? currency.ToUpper() : currency;
            TerminalId  = terminalId;
            Channel     = channel;
            ShopId      = shopId;
            EndCustomer = endCustomer;
            LimitId     = limitId;

 public ISdkConfigurationBuilder SetSenderChannel(SenderChannel channel)
     _senderChannel = channel;
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the senders communication channel
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="channel">The channel</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a <see cref="ISenderBuilder" /></returns>
 public ISenderBuilder SetSenderChannel(SenderChannel channel)
     _channel = channel;