public void GivenMyFromMobileNumber(String senderMobileNumber) { SendSMSRequest smsRequest = new SendSMSRequest(); smsRequest.Sender = senderMobileNumber; this.ScenarioContext["SendSMSRequest"] = smsRequest; }
public SendSMSResponse SendSMS(SendSMSRequest request) { try { var destination = request.Message.Destination; var message = request.Message.Message; var req = new RestRequest("") { RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json }; req.AddParameter("api_secret", _ApiSecretKey); req.AddParameter("number", $"00{destination}"); req.AddParameter("subject", "A Message From SOAP Service"); req.AddParameter("body", message); var client = new RestClient(); var response = client.Post(req); if (!response.IsSuccessful) { throw new Exception("Request unsuccessful"); } return(new SendSMSResponse { Response = $"message sent to {destination}" }); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> SendSMS([FromBody] SendSMSRequest sendSMSRequest, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Reject password tokens if (ClaimsHelper.IsPasswordToken(this.User)) { return(this.Forbid()); } Guid messageId = sendSMSRequest.MessageId.HasValue ? sendSMSRequest.MessageId.Value : Guid.NewGuid(); // Create the command BusinessLogic.Requests.SendSMSRequest request = BusinessLogic.Requests.SendSMSRequest.Create(sendSMSRequest.ConnectionIdentifier, messageId, sendSMSRequest.Sender, sendSMSRequest.Destination, sendSMSRequest.Message); // Route the command await this.Mediator.Send(request, cancellationToken); // return the result return(this.Created($"{SMSController.ControllerRoute}/{messageId}", new SendSMSResponse() { MessageId = messageId })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index() { SendSMSRequest req = new SendSMSRequest { PhoneNum = "189189189", Msg = "hello world!" }; string jsonReq = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(req); using (var http = new HttpClient()) using (var content = new StringContent(jsonReq, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")) { http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = AuthenticationHeaderValue.Parse(LoginController.Token); var resp = await http.PostAsync("", content); if (resp.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { return(Content("登录成功")); } else { return(Content("登录失败")); } } }
public async Task <bool> SendSMS(SendSMSRequest request) { logger.Write($"Sending SMS to {request.Nr}"); var result = await notificationServiceV3.SendSMS(request); logger.Write($"SMS to {request.Nr} sent with result {result}"); return(result); }
public async Task <SendSMSResponse> SendSMS(SendSMSRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return(new SendSMSResponse { ApiStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, MessageId = "messageid", Status = "status" }); }
public bool SendSMS(SendSMSRequest smsRequest) { if (smsRequest == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(smsRequest), "Must not be null"); } return(notificationRepository.SendSMS(smsRequest) > 0); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostSMS([FromBody] SendSMSRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { Logger.LogInformation(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request)); SendSMSCommand command = SendSMSCommand.Create(request); await this.CommandRouter.Route(command, cancellationToken); return(this.Ok(command.Response)); }
public Task <bool> SendSMS(SendSMSRequest request) { var result = validator.Validate(request); if (!result) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(request)); } return(notificationServiceV3.SendSMS(request)); }
/// <summary> /// 发送短信 /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> public SendSMSResponse SendSMS(SendSMSRequest request) { string product = "Dysmsapi"; //短信API产品名称 string domain = ""; //短信API产品域名 string accessKeyId = "LTAIOMPsjtzrkrgC"; //你的accessKeyId string accessKeySecret = "y4umqrQMKR29NJWoUzMMxuOcCTaEK9"; //你的accessKeySecret var cacheProvider = ClientProxy.GetInstance <IRedisProvider>(); return(cacheProvider.Get <SendSMSResponse>(request.SMSCacheKey, () => { IClientProfile profile = DefaultProfile.GetProfile("cn-hangzhou", accessKeyId, accessKeySecret); DefaultProfile.AddEndpoint("cn-hangzhou", "cn-hangzhou", product, domain); IAcsClient acsClient = new DefaultAcsClient(profile); SendSmsRequest sendSmsRequest = new SendSmsRequest(); //必填:待发送手机号。支持以逗号分隔的形式进行批量调用,批量上限为20个手机号码,批量调用相对于单条调用及时性稍有延迟,验证码类型的短信推荐使用单条调用的方式 sendSmsRequest.PhoneNumbers = request.PhoneNumber; //必填:短信签名-可在短信控制台中找到 sendSmsRequest.SignName = "千年教育"; //必填:短信模板-可在短信控制台中找到 sendSmsRequest.TemplateCode = "SMS_112465567"; //可选:模板中的变量替换JSON串,如模板内容为"亲爱的${name},您的验证码为${code}"时,此处的值为 var templateParam = new { code = request.Rand }; sendSmsRequest.TemplateParam = templateParam.ToJson2(); //可选:outId为提供给业务方扩展字段,最终在短信回执消息中将此值带回给调用者 //request.OutId = "21212121211"; //请求失败这里会抛ClientException异常 SendSmsResponse sendSmsResponse = acsClient.GetAcsResponse(sendSmsRequest); if (sendSmsResponse.Code != null && sendSmsResponse.Code.Equals("OK")) { Using <ISMS>().Insert(new BsSMS() { PhoneNumber = request.PhoneNumber, Content = string.Format("您的短信验证码是{0}。若非本人发送,请忽略此短信。本条短信免费。", request.Rand), Priority = 10, FailureTimes = 0, Status = 1, CreatedBy = 1, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }); return new SendSMSResponse() { PhoneNumber = request.PhoneNumber, Rand = request.Rand, SendTime = DateTime.Now }; } else { return new SendSMSResponse(); } }, request.catchTime)); }
private void SendSms(string verificationCode, string mobile) { SendSMSRequest smsRequest = new SendSMSRequest { MobileNo = mobile, TemplateCode = "wathi00001", TemplateParams = new string[] { verificationCode }, RefID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), }; SMSEmailNotificationService.Obj.SendSMS(smsRequest); }
public void MessagingRequestHandler_SendSMSRequest_IsHandled() { Mock <IMessagingDomainService> messagingDomainService = new Mock <IMessagingDomainService>(); MessagingRequestHandler handler = new MessagingRequestHandler(messagingDomainService.Object); SendSMSRequest command = TestData.SendSMSRequest; Should.NotThrow(async() => { await handler.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None); }); }
public async Task <String> Handle(SendSMSRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await this.MessagingDomainService.SendSMSMessage(request.ConnectionIdentifier, request.MessageId, request.Sender, request.Destination, request.Message, cancellationToken); return(string.Empty); }
public async Task <IActionResult> SendMessage([FromBody] SendSMSRequest Request) { try { CommunicationResponse Response = await _mediator.Send(Request); return(Ok(Response)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } }
public static void SendSMS(SendSMSRequest request) { // Setup our request var webserviceRequest = new Common.Api.ExigoWebService.SendSmsRequest { CustomerID = request.CustomerID, Message = request.Message }; if (request.Phone.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) webserviceRequest.Phone = request.Phone; // Send the request to the web service var response = Exigo.WebService().SendSms(webserviceRequest); }
public async Task <bool> SendSMS(SendSMSRequest request) { var result = cache.Get <string>("phoneNr"); if (result != null && result == request.Nr) { return(true); } var sendResult = await notificationServiceV3.SendSMS(request); cache.Add("phoneNr", request.Nr); return(sendResult); }
public MessageOutput SendSMS(MessageInput messageInput) { //var basicHttpbinding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None) //{ // Name = "BasicHttpBinding_IBlogService", // MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2147483646, // MaxBufferSize = 2147483646, // MaxBufferPoolSize = 2147483646, // ReaderQuotas = new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas() // { // MaxArrayLength = 2147483646, // MaxStringContentLength = 5242880 // }, // SendTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), // CloseTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), // Security = new BasicHttpSecurity // { // Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.None, // Transport = new HttpTransportSecurity // { // ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.None // } // } //}; //var endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:8000"); var client = new NotificationServiceClient(); client.OpenAsync(); var obj = new SendSMSRequest() { ServiceToken = new ServiceToken { Token = _Token }, Message = new SMS() { Destination = messageInput.Destination, Message = messageInput.Message } }; var reply = client.SMSAsync(obj.ServiceToken, obj.Message).Result; client.CloseAsync(); return(_NotificationMapping.MapNotificationOutput(reply)); }
public void SendSMSRequest_CanBeCreated_IsCreated() { SendSMSRequest request = SendSMSRequest.Create(TestData.ConnectionIdentifier, TestData.MessageId, TestData.Sender, TestData.Destination, TestData.Message); request.ShouldNotBeNull(); request.ConnectionIdentifier.ShouldBe(TestData.ConnectionIdentifier); request.MessageId.ShouldBe(TestData.MessageId); request.Sender.ShouldBe(TestData.Sender); request.Destination.ShouldBe(TestData.Destination); request.Message.ShouldBe(TestData.Message); }
static void Main(string[] args) { const string accessKeyId = "AAAA"; // 用户的Access Key ID const string secretAccessKey = "BBBB"; // 用户的Secret Access Key var config = new SMSBceClientConfiguration(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey); var client = new SMSClient(config); var req = new SendSMSRequest(); req.Mobile = "13xxxxxxx"; req.SignatureId = "sms-sign-xxxx"; req.Template = "sms-tmpl-xxxxx"; req.ContentVar.Add("code", "8888"); //模板变量 client.SendSMS(req); }
public SendSMSResponse SendSMS(SendSMSRequest request) { CheckNotNull(request, "request should NOT be null."); var internalRequest = this.CreateInternalRequest(BceConstants.HttpMethod.Post, request); internalRequest.Content = request.GetConentStream(); return(internalRequest.Config.RetryPolicy.Execute <SendSMSResponse>(attempt => { var httpWebResponse = this.httpClient.Execute(internalRequest); using (httpWebResponse) { return ToObject <SendSMSResponse>(httpWebResponse); } })); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the specific domain event. /// </summary> /// <param name="domainEvent">The domain event.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param> private async Task HandleSpecificDomainEvent(VoucherIssuedEvent domainEvent, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Get the voucher aggregate VoucherAggregate voucherAggregate = await this.VoucherAggregateRepository.GetLatestVersion(domainEvent.AggregateId, cancellationToken); Voucher voucherModel = voucherAggregate.GetVoucher(); this.TokenResponse = await this.GetToken(cancellationToken); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voucherModel.RecipientEmail) == false) { String message = await this.GetEmailVoucherMessage(voucherModel, cancellationToken); SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest { Body = message, ConnectionIdentifier = domainEvent.EstateId, FromAddress = "*****@*****.**", // TODO: lookup from config IsHtml = true, MessageId = domainEvent.EventId, Subject = "Voucher Issue", ToAddresses = new List <String> { voucherModel.RecipientEmail } }; await this.MessagingServiceClient.SendEmail(this.TokenResponse.AccessToken, request, cancellationToken); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(voucherModel.RecipientMobile) == false) { String message = await this.GetSMSVoucherMessage(voucherModel, cancellationToken); SendSMSRequest request = new SendSMSRequest { ConnectionIdentifier = domainEvent.EstateId, Destination = domainEvent.RecipientMobile, Message = message, MessageId = domainEvent.EventId, Sender = "Your Voucher" }; await this.MessagingServiceClient.SendSMS(this.TokenResponse.AccessToken, request, cancellationToken); } }
public SendSMS(string username, string password, senderNumbers, recipientNumbers, messageBodies, sendDate, messageClasses, checkingMessageIds) { SendSMSRequest inValue = new SendSMSRequest(); inValue.Body = new SendSMSRequestBody(); inValue.Body.username = username; inValue.Body.password = password; inValue.Body.senderNumbers = senderNumbers; inValue.Body.recipientNumbers = recipientNumbers; inValue.Body.messageBodies = messageBodies; inValue.Body.sendDate = sendDate; inValue.Body.messageClasses = messageClasses; inValue.Body.checkingMessageIds = checkingMessageIds; SendSMSResponse retVal = ((IV2Soap)(this)).SendSMS(inValue); return(retVal.Body.SendSMSResult); }
private async Task SendSMS(TableRow tableRow) { String sender = SpecflowTableHelper.GetStringRowValue(tableRow, "Sender"); String destination = SpecflowTableHelper.GetStringRowValue(tableRow, "Destination"); String message = SpecflowTableHelper.GetStringRowValue(tableRow, "Message"); SendSMSRequest request = new SendSMSRequest { ConnectionIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid(), Sender = sender, Destination = destination, Message = message }; SendSMSResponse sendEmailResponse = await this.TestingContext.DockerHelper.MessagingServiceClient.SendSMS(this.TestingContext.AccessToken, request, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false); sendEmailResponse.MessageId.ShouldNotBe(Guid.Empty); }
public static void SendSMS(SendSMSRequest request) { // Setup our request var webserviceRequest = new Common.Api.ExigoWebService.SendSmsRequest { CustomerID = request.CustomerID, Message = request.Message }; if (request.Phone.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { webserviceRequest.Phone = request.Phone; } // Send the request to the web service var response = Exigo.WebService().SendSms(webserviceRequest); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var config = new Configuration(); config.BasePath = ""; var apiInstance = new AuthenticationApi(config); var clientId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CLIENT_ID"); // string | var clientSecret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CLIENT_SECRET"); // string | var grantType = "client_credentials"; // string | (default to "client_credentials") var scope = "NSMS"; // string | NSMS (optional) try { // Generate OAuth2 token OAuthResponse result = apiInstance.AuthToken(clientId, clientSecret, grantType, scope); Console.WriteLine("Token acquired!"); config.AccessToken = result.AccessToken; var provisioningInstance = new ProvisioningApi(config); var body = new ProvisionNumberRequest(30); ProvisionNumberResponse provisioningResult = provisioningInstance.CreateSubscription(body); Console.WriteLine("Number provisioned!"); var smsApiInstance = new MessagingApi(config); var payload = new SendSMSRequest( Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PHONE_NO"), "Test C# SDK", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FROM_ALIAS")); MessageSentResponseSms smsResult = smsApiInstance.SendSMS(payload); Console.WriteLine("Message sent"); } catch (ApiException e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling AuthenticationApi.AuthToken: " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Sends the SMS. /// </summary> /// <param name="accessToken">The access token.</param> /// <param name="sendSMSRequest">The send SMS request.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <SendSMSResponse> SendSMS(String accessToken, SendSMSRequest sendSMSRequest, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { SendSMSResponse response = null; String requestUri = this.BuildRequestUrl("/api/sms/"); try { String requestSerialised = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sendSMSRequest); StringContent httpContent = new StringContent(requestSerialised, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); // Add the access token to the client headers this.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken); // Make the Http Call here HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = await this.HttpClient.PostAsync(requestUri, httpContent, cancellationToken); // Process the response String content = await this.HandleResponse(httpResponse, cancellationToken); // call was successful so now deserialise the body to the response object response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SendSMSResponse>(content); } catch (Exception ex) { // An exception has occurred, add some additional information to the message Exception exception = new Exception("Error sending sms message.", ex); throw exception; } return(response); }
public async Task <bool> SendSMS(SendSMSRequest request) { _loggerService.LogInformation("SendSMS(SendSMSRequest request) - START", request); // Normally create a mapper here - in case sms provider requires diff info. (^_^) var clickaTellRequest = new ShortMessage() { CellNumberSendFrom = request.CellNumber, CellNumberSendTo = request.SendTo, Message = request.Message }; // Normally have a gateway here in case sms provider changes (^_^) // No need to try catch, unless there's specific error type we want to look for. // Exception handling is done by middleware. var success = await _smsRepo.SendSMSClickaTell(clickaTellRequest); _loggerService.LogInformation("SendSMS(SendSMSRequest request) - END", request); return(success); }
SendSMSResponse IV2Soap.SendSMS(SendSMSRequest request) { return(base.Channel.SendSMS(request)); }
public async Task <TwoFaMasterViewModel> AddOtpAsync(int UserId, string Email = null, string Mobile = null) { var checkotp = await GetOtpData(UserId); string OtpValue = string.Empty; if (checkotp != null) { UpdateOtp(checkotp.Id); } OtpValue = _userService.GenerateRandomOTP().ToString(); int Regtypeid = 0; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Email)) { Regtypeid = await _registerTypeService.GetRegisterId(Core.Enums.enRegisterType.Email); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Mobile)) { Regtypeid = await _registerTypeService.GetRegisterId(Core.Enums.enRegisterType.Mobile); } var currentotp = new TwoFAmaster { UserId = UserId, RegTypeId = Regtypeid, OTP = OtpValue, CreatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow, ExpirTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(2), Status = 0, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = UserId }; _customRepository.Insert(currentotp); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Email)) { //var OtpLink = "<a class='btn-primary' href=\"" + OtpValue + "\"> Login with Email Otp = " + OtpValue + " </a>"; //_logger.LogInformation(3, "User created a new account with password."); SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest(); request.Recepient = Email; request.Subject = EnResponseMessage.LoginEmailSubject; request.Body = EnResponseMessage.SendMailBody + OtpValue; await _mediator.Send(request); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Mobile)) { SendSMSRequest request = new SendSMSRequest(); request.MobileNo = Convert.ToInt64(Mobile); request.Message = EnResponseMessage.SendMailBody + OtpValue; await _mediator.Send(request); } TwoFaMasterViewModel model = new TwoFaMasterViewModel(); if (currentotp != null) { model.UserId = currentotp.UserId; model.RegTypeId = currentotp.RegTypeId; model.OTP = currentotp.OTP; model.CreatedTime = currentotp.CreatedTime; model.ExpirTime = currentotp.ExpirTime; model.Status = currentotp.Status; model.Id = currentotp.Id; return(model); } else { return(null); } }
public void Send_HW(SendSMSRequest model) { Console.WriteLine($"通过华为短信接口向{model.PhoneNum}发送短信{model.Msg}"); }
public string GetCreditOfSmsPanel() { SendSMSRequest s = new SendSMSRequest(); smsserverPortTypeClient sms = new smsserverPortTypeClient(); return sms.GetCredit(SmsPanelUserName, SmsPanelPassWord); }
public IEnumerable <string> Send_LX2(SendSMSRequest model) { Console.WriteLine($"通过联想短信接口向{model.PhoneNum}发送短信{model.Msg}"); return(new[] { "Hello", "World" }); }