protected void dsfd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SendRecEventWB EventDetailsObj = new SendRecEventWB();
            WorkShop       objEntEvent     = new WorkShop();

            // Function used to  for downloading the files from database

            //obtain selected index from GridView for the selected File

            //  int nominationID = int.Parse(grdWorkShopDetailsInternationalNationals.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text.Trim());

            //function call for the downloading the file and reading
            // from database
            objEntEvent = EventDetailsObj.readerForEvent("", Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["EventId"]));

            //---------------------------- Reading of File--------------------------
            //Information Stored in database is in the form of Binary
            //Populates an array of objects with the column values of the current row.

            if (objEntEvent != null)
                Byte[] programFile = objEntEvent.ProgramFile;

                //obtain content type from database, read the no of rows in the table
                //Check Whether is their any information available in the database or not
                if (objEntEvent.NominationID != null)
                    //obtain content type of file, i.e., application/pdf, application/ vnd.msword

                    string contentType = objEntEvent.Contenttype;
                    //obtaing filename from the table
                    string fileName = objEntEvent.FileName;
                    //The ContentType property specifies the HTTP content type for the response.
                    //If no ContentType is specified, the default is text/HTML.
                    Response.ContentType = contentType;
                    //The AddHeader method adds a new HTML header and value to the response sent to the client
                    Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName);
                    //The Charset property appends the name of the character set (for example, ISO-8859-13) to the content-type header in the Response object
                    //Here Blank is attached
                    Response.Charset = "";
                    //Provides enumerated values that are used to set the Cache-Control HTTP header.

                //Provides enumerated values that are used to set the Cache-Control HTTP header.
                //The End method causes the Web server to stop
                //  processing the script and return the current result.
        public void getAllDetails(string iNominationID)
            entEventWB objEnt;

            SendRecEventWB objDoc = new SendRecEventWB();
            int            userid = ((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).UserID;
            string         iType  = "";

            if (type == "received")
                iType = "S";

            objEnt = objDoc.setEntValues3(int.Parse(iNominationID)); //, userid

            lblEventName.Text             = objEnt.EventName;
            lblEventType.Text             = objEnt.EventType;
            lblFromDate.Text              = objEnt.FromDate;
            lblToDate.Text                = objEnt.ToDate;
            lblVenue.Text                 = objEnt.Venue;
            lblSponsored.Text             = objEnt.Sponsored;
            lblNomination.Text            = objEnt.Nomination;
            lblInvite.Text                = objEnt.Invite;
            lblNationalInternational.Text = objEnt.InternationalNational;
            lblSector.Text                = objEnt.Sector;
            lblFile.Text    = objEnt.FileName;
            lblFile2.Text   = objEnt.SecondFileName;
            lblDueDate.Text = objEnt.LastDate;

            lblSendBy.Text       = objEnt.SenderName;
            lblStatus.Text       = objEnt.Status;
            lblType.Text         = objEnt.VisitType.ToString() == "1"?"Incoming":"Outgoing";
            lblWorkshopId.Text   = ViewState["EventId"].ToString();
            ViewState["vsTopic"] = objEnt.EventName;
            lblFromUser.Text     = objEnt.FromUser;
            StringBuilder  s         = new StringBuilder();
            CommonFunction objCommon = new CommonFunction();
            DataSet        dset      = new DataSet();
            int            iUserID   = ((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).UserID;

            SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@SouthExchangeID", Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()) };
            dset = objCommon.getEventData("Sp_SelectSouthExchangeVisitsDetails", param);

            #region ToList
            if (dset.Tables[2].Rows.Count > 0)
                s.Append("<tr class='TrClass' style='background-color: #337ab7;color:black;'>");
                s.Append("<th class='TdClass' style='font-size:18px'>Details </th>");
                for (int i = 0; i < dset.Tables[2].Rows.Count; i++)
                    s.Append("<tr class='TrClass'>");
                    s.Append("<td class='TdClass'>" + dset.Tables[2].Rows[i]["ToName"].ToString() + "</td>");
                lblsendto.Text = s.ToString();
                s = s.Clear();
                lblsendto.Text      = "Currently To users are not available!";
                lblsendto.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;


            #region ToCCList
            if (dset.Tables[3].Rows.Count > 0)
                s.Append("<tr class='TrClass' style='background-color: #337ab7;color:black;'>");
                s.Append("<th class='TdClass' style='font-size:18px'>Details </th>");
                for (int i = 0; i < dset.Tables[3].Rows.Count; i++)
                    s.Append("<tr class='TrClass'>");
                    s.Append("<td class='TdClass'>" + dset.Tables[3].Rows[i]["ToNameCC"].ToString() + "</td>");
                lblccTo.Text = s.ToString();
                s            = s.Clear();
                lblccTo.Text      = "Currently CC users are not available!";
                lblccTo.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;


            if (lblStatus.Text == "Rejected" || lblStatus.Text == "Approved")
                btnApprove.Visible = false;
                btnReject.Visible  = false;
                btnReply.Visible   = false;
                btnApprove.Visible = true;
                btnReject.Visible  = true;
            ViewState["EventId"] = iNominationID;
            if (((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).UserID.ToString() == objEnt.SendUserId)
                btnApprove.Visible = false;
                btnReject.Visible  = false;
                btnReply.Visible   = false;
            if (Convert.ToDateTime(objEnt.LastDate) < DateTime.Now)
                btnApprove.Visible = true;
                btnReject.Visible  = true;
                btnApprove.Visible = false;
                btnReject.Visible  = false;
            if (getUserDetailsChecks(iNominationID, "W") != userid.ToString())
                btnApprove.Visible = false;
                btnReject.Visible  = false;

            else if (objEnt.Status == "Approved" || objEnt.Status == "Rejected")
                btnApprove.Visible = false;
                btnReject.Visible  = false;
        public void getAllDetails(string iStudyID)
            entEventWB     objEnt;
            SendRecEventWB objDoc = new SendRecEventWB();
            int            userid = ((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).UserID;
            string         iType  = "";

            if (type == "received")
                iType = "S";

            objEnt = objDoc.setEntValuesForWB(int.Parse(iStudyID)); //, userid

            lblPipeline.Text  = objEnt.EventName1;
            lblPortfolio.Text = objEnt.EventName2;
            lblAAA.Text       = objEnt.EventName3;
            if ((lblAAA.Text) != "")
                LabelPipeline.Visible  = false;
                LabelPortfolio.Visible = false;
                LabelAAA.Visible       = true;
                trpipeline.Visible     = false;
                trportfolio.Visible    = false;
                trAAA.Visible          = true;
            else if (lblPortfolio.Text != "")
                LabelPortfolio.Visible = true;
                LabelPipeline.Visible  = false;
                LabelAAA.Visible       = false;
                trportfolio.Visible    = true;
                trpipeline.Visible     = false;
                trAAA.Visible          = false;
                LabelPipeline.Visible  = true;
                LabelPortfolio.Visible = false;
                LabelAAA.Visible       = false;
                trpipeline.Visible     = true;
                trportfolio.Visible    = false;
                trAAA.Visible          = false;

            lblPlace.Text           = objEnt.Place;
            lblCreateDate.Text      = objEnt.Date;
            lblJustification1.Text  = objEnt.Justification1;
            lblJustification2.Text  = objEnt.Justification2;
            lblExpenditure.Text     = objEnt.Expenditure;
            lblLastYear.Text        = objEnt.LastYear;
            lblLastPlace.Text       = objEnt.LastPlace;
            lblParticipants.Text    = objEnt.Participents;
            lblPurpose.Text         = objEnt.Purpose;
            lblLastExpenditure.Text = objEnt.LastExpenditure;
            lblComment.Text         = objEnt.Comment;
            lblSendBy.Text          = objEnt.SendBy;
            lblWorkshopId.Text      = ViewState["StudyId"].ToString();
            lblcreatedby.Text       = objEnt.SenderName.ToString();
            //lblSendBy.Text = objEnt.SenderName;
            lblStatus.Text = objEnt.Status;
            if (lblStatus.Text == "Replied")
                lblSendBy.Text   = objEnt.SendBy;
                btnReply.Visible = false;
                lblSendBy.Text = objEnt.SenderName;

            if (lblStatus.Text == "Rejected" || lblStatus.Text == "Approved")
                btnReply.Visible = false;
            if (lblStatus.Text == "Forwarded")
                btnApprove.Visible = false;
                btnReject.Visible  = false;
                btnReply.Visible   = true;
            ViewState["StudyId"] = iStudyID;
            if (((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).UserID.ToString() == objEnt.SendUserId)
                btnReply.Visible = true;
            btnApprove.Visible = false;
            btnReject.Visible  = false;