private async void Btn_download_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {//download try { HelpClass.StartAwait(grid_main); HelpClass.validateWindow(requiredControlList, this); if (cb_type.SelectedIndex != -1) { //string activeState = "rn";//rn OR up from buton string activeState = cb_type.SelectedValue.ToString(); PackageUser pumodel = new PackageUser(); ReportCls rc = new ReportCls(); SendDetail sd = new SendDetail(); sd = await pumodel.ActivateServerOffline(packageUser.packageUserId, activeState); packagesSend packtemp = new packagesSend(); if (sd.packageSend.result > 0) { //encode string myContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sd); saveFileDialog.Filter = "File|*.ac;"; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { string DestPath = saveFileDialog.FileName; bool res = false; res = rc.encodestring(myContent, DestPath); // rc.DelFile(pdfpath); // rc.decodefile(DestPath,@"D:\stringlist.txt"); if (res) { //done Toaster.ShowSuccess(Window.GetWindow(this), message: MainWindow.resourcemanager.GetString("trPopSave"), animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } else { Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: MainWindow.resourcemanager.GetString("trPopError"), animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } } } else { //error Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: MainWindow.resourcemanager.GetString("trPopError"), animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } HelpClass.EndAwait(grid_main); } } catch (Exception ex) { HelpClass.EndAwait(grid_main); HelpClass.ExceptionMessage(ex, this); } }
private void RemoveData() { SendDetail entity = this.ComputeData(); if (!SendDetailManager.CheckExistsTuopan(entity)) { MessageBox.Show("该托盘尚未扫描,不能撤销!"); return; } SendDetailManager.DeleteTuopan(entity, this.record); }
private void SaveData() { SendDetail entity = this.ComputeData(); if (SendDetailManager.CheckExistsTuopan(entity)) { MessageBox.Show("您已经扫描过该托盘!"); } else { SendDetailManager.Save(entity, this.record); } }
private SendDetail ComputeData() { SendDetail entity = new SendDetail(); entity.Sn = string.Empty; entity.Tph = this.txt_TrayNo.Text.Trim(); entity.Xxjh = string.Empty; entity.FahuoType = 1; entity.So = record.So; entity.Scaner = Program.UserID; = System.DateTime.Now; return(entity); }
private async void Btn_upgrade_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //upgrade int chk = 0; string activationkey = progDetails.packageSaleCode; //get from info if (progDetails.isOnlineServer.Value) //online { try { if (activationkey.Trim() != "".Trim()) { AvtivateServer ac = new AvtivateServer(); chk = await ac.checkconn(); chk = await ac.StatSendserverkey(activationkey, "up"); // //change chk = 3; //nochange chk = 2; if (chk <= 0) { string message = "inc(" + chk + ")"; string messagecode = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message)); string msg = MainWindow.resourcemanager.GetString("trUpgradeNotCompleted") + "(" + MainWindow.resourcemanager.GetString("trErrorCode") + ":" + messagecode + ")"; Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: msg, animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } else { if (chk == 3) { Toaster.ShowSuccess(Window.GetWindow(this), message: MainWindow.resourcemanager.GetString("trUpgradeCompleted"), animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); progDetails = await progDetailsModel.getCurrentInfo(); this.DataContext = progDetails; } else if (chk == 2) { Toaster.ShowSuccess(Window.GetWindow(this), message: MainWindow.resourcemanager.GetString("trNoChanges"), animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: MainWindow.resourcemanager.GetString("trServerNotFount"), animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } } else//offline { // start activate chk = 0; string message = ""; try { bool isServerActivated = true; AvtivateServer ac = new AvtivateServer(); string activeState = "up"; int activematch = 0; string filepath = ""; openFileDialog.Filter = "INC|*.ac; "; SendDetail customerdata = new SendDetail(); SendDetail dc = new SendDetail(); if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { filepath = openFileDialog.FileName; // bool resr = ReportCls.decodefile(filepath, @"D:\stringlist.txt");//comment string objectstr = ""; objectstr = ReportCls.decodetoString(filepath); dc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SendDetail>(objectstr, new JsonSerializerSettings { DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None }); packagesSend pss = new packagesSend(); pss = dc.packageSend; isServerActivated = dc.packageSend.isServerActivated; pss.activeApp = "-"; dc.packageSend = pss; // string activeState = ""; if (dc.packageSend.activeState == activeState) { activematch = 1; customerdata = await ac.OfflineActivate(dc, activeState); } else { Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: "The file isn't upgrade file", animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } } // upload if (activematch == 1) { if (customerdata.packageSend.result > 0) { // if first activate OR upgrade show save dialoge to save customer data in file saveFileDialog.Filter = "File|*.ac;"; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { string DestPath = saveFileDialog.FileName; string myContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customerdata); bool res = false; res = ReportCls.encodestring(myContent, DestPath); if (res) { // //done // MessageBox.Show("Success"); Toaster.ShowSuccess(Window.GetWindow(this), message: "Success", animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } else { Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: "Error", animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); // MessageBox.Show("Error"); } } } else { // MessageBox.Show(customerdata.packageSend.result.ToString()); string msg = "NOT complete - " + customerdata.packageSend.result.ToString(); Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), msg, animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } } else { //close } //end uploaa } catch (Exception ex) { Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: "The server Not Found", animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } //end activate } }
private async void Btn_upload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //upload bool ress = AvtivateServer.validateUrl(tb_serverUri.Text); if (ress) { //int chk = await ac.checkconn(); try { validateEmptyTextBox(tb_serverUri, p_errorServerUri, tt_errorServerUri, "trEmptyError"); if (!tb_serverUri.Text.Equals("")) { // start activate string t = Global.APIUri;//temp delete string message = ""; try { if (tb_serverUri.Text.Trim() != "".Trim()) { bool isServerActivated = true; AvtivateServer ac = new AvtivateServer(); Global.APIUri = tb_serverUri.Text + @"/api/"; string filepath = ""; openFileDialog.Filter = "INC|*.ac; "; SendDetail customerdata = new SendDetail(); SendDetail dc = new SendDetail(); if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { filepath = openFileDialog.FileName; // bool resr = ReportCls.decodefile(filepath, @"D:\stringlist.txt");//comment string objectstr = ""; objectstr = ReportCls.decodetoString(filepath); dc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SendDetail>(objectstr, new JsonSerializerSettings { DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None }); packagesSend pss = new packagesSend(); pss = dc.packageSend; isServerActivated = dc.packageSend.isServerActivated; pss.activeApp = "all";//no comment dc.packageSend = pss; // string activeState = ""; customerdata = await ac.OfflineActivate(dc, "up"); } // upload if (customerdata.packageSend.result > 0) { if (isServerActivated == false || (isServerActivated == true && dc.packageSend.activeState == "up")) { // if first activate OR upgrade show save dialoge to save customer data in file saveFileDialog.Filter = "File|*.ac;"; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { string DestPath = saveFileDialog.FileName; string myContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customerdata); bool res = false; res = ReportCls.encodestring(myContent, DestPath); if (res) { // //done // MessageBox.Show("Success"); Toaster.ShowSuccess(Window.GetWindow(this), message: "Success", animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } else { Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: "Error", animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); // MessageBox.Show("Error"); } } } else { // if extend show extend result //renew no save Toaster.ShowSuccess(Window.GetWindow(this), message: "Success Extend", animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } } else { //MessageBox.Show(customerdata.packageSend.result.ToString()); Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: "Error-" + customerdata.packageSend.result.ToString(), animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } //end uploaa } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.APIUri = t;//temp delete Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: "The server Not Found", animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } //end activate await Task.Delay(2000); this.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: "The server Not Found", animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } } else { Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: "The server Not Found", animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } }
private async void Btn_upload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {//upload try { HelpClass.StartAwait(grid_main); HelpClass.validateWindow(requiredControlList, this); if (cb_type.SelectedIndex != -1) { PackageUser pumodel = new PackageUser(); //activeState = "up"; activeState = cb_type.SelectedValue.ToString(); if (activeState == "up") { string filepath = ""; openFileDialog.Filter = "INC|*.ac; "; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { filepath = openFileDialog.FileName; // bool resr = ReportCls.decodefile(filepath, @"D:\stringlist.txt");//comment SendDetail dc = new SendDetail(); string objectstr = ""; objectstr = ReportCls.decodetoString(filepath); dc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SendDetail>(objectstr, new JsonSerializerSettings { DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None }); if (dc.packageSend.packageUserId == packageUser.packageUserId) { int res = await pumodel.updatecustomerdata(dc, activeState); // MessageBox.Show(res.ToString()); if (res > 0) { if (res == 1) { // update done Toaster.ShowSuccess(Window.GetWindow(this), message: MainWindow.resourcemanager.GetString("trRestoreDoneSuccessfuly"), animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } //else if (res == 2) //{ // //no update // Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: MainWindow.resourcemanager.GetString("trRestoreNotComplete"), animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); //} } else { // error Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: MainWindow.resourcemanager.GetString("trRestoreNotComplete"), animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } } else { // The File dosn't belong to this Package Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: MainWindow.resourcemanager.GetString("trRestoreNotComplete") + "The File dosn't belong to this Package", animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } } else { // error Toaster.ShowWarning(Window.GetWindow(this), message: MainWindow.resourcemanager.GetString("trRestoreNotComplete"), animation: ToasterAnimation.FadeIn); } } } HelpClass.EndAwait(grid_main); } catch (Exception ex) { HelpClass.EndAwait(grid_main); HelpClass.ExceptionMessage(ex, this); } }