public static void ClickSigninBtn(RemoteWebDriver driver) { Selenide.BrowserBack(driver); //"Click Sign in from the navigation bar" Selenide.Wait(driver, 5, true); Selenide.ScrollToElement(driver, Util.GetLocator("Signin_btn")); Selenide.Click(driver, Util.GetLocator("Signin_btn")); }
/* VerifyPage method verifying page should redirect to respective page */ public static void VerifyPage(RemoteWebDriver driver) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); Selenide.Query.isElementInvisible(driver, Util.GetLocator("ScheduleTourLink")); test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "knockrentals home pahe displayed"); Common.Takescreenshot(driver); Selenide.Wait(driver, 5, true); }
public static void Logout(RemoteWebDriver driver, string username) { ////(new Act("Logoutfrom application")); Selenide.Wait(driver, 4, true); Selenide.Click(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//span[text()='" + username + "']")); Selenide.WaitForElementVisible(driver, Util.GetLocator("signOutLink")); Selenide.Click(driver, Util.GetLocator("signOutLink")); test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Log out"); }
//Select avalable date public static void SelectAvalabledate(RemoteWebDriver driver) { test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Select avalable Date"); Selenide.Click(driver, Util.GetLocator("ScheduleTourLink")); Selenide.Wait(driver, 5, true); Selenide.Query.isElementInvisible(driver, Util.GetLocator("BooktourBtn")); test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Schedule tour window displayed"); Common.Takescreenshot(driver); Selenide.Wait(driver, 5, true); }
public static void HandleSync(RemoteWebDriver driver, Locator ElementToNoLongerVisible) { Selenide.Wait(driver, 1, true); try { Selenide.WaitforElementDisappear(driver, ElementToNoLongerVisible); } catch (Exception e) { //Selenide.Wait(driver,Common.HandleSync(driver), true); } }
//Handle sync just time public static int HandleSync(RemoteWebDriver driver, bool invoked = true) { string s = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("HandleSync").ToString(); int time = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("HandleSyncTime").ToString()); if (invoked) { if (s.Contains("Y") && invoked) { Selenide.Wait(driver, time, true); } } return(time); }
public static void ClickMetricBtn(RemoteWebDriver driver) { //Click the "Non Show Metric" button Selenide.Wait(driver, 5, true); Selenide.ScrollToElement(driver, Util.GetLocator("ShowMetricBtn")); Selenide.Click(driver, Util.GetLocator("ShowMetricBtn")); Selenide.Wait(driver, 5, true); //Verify that the non-metric value is not present //Validate in kilometers Selenide.Query.isElementVisible(driver, Util.GetLocator("Kilometers695700")); test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "The radius of the sun is 432300 kilometers displayed"); bool nonmetricvalue = Selenide.Query.isElementVisibleboolValue2(driver, Util.GetLocator("Radiussun432300")); if (!nonmetricvalue) { test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "The metric value is not present"); } else { throw new Exception("The non metric value displayed"); } }
//Click on schedule Link public static void ClickScheduleTourLink(RemoteWebDriver driver) { Selenide.Wait(driver, 3, true); test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Click on Schedule Tour Link"); driver.SwitchTo().Frame(2); Selenide.Click(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//html/body/div/descendant::li/button[text()='Schedule a Tour']")); Selenide.Wait(driver, 3, true); driver.SwitchTo().DefaultContent(); driver.SwitchTo().Frame(2); test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Select avalable Date"); Selenide.Click(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.ID, "date")); Selenide.Wait(driver, 3, true); Selenide.Click(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "(//td[@aria-disabled='false'])[1]")); //Selenide.JS.Click(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "(//td[@aria-disabled='false'])[2]")); //Select time Selenide.Wait(driver, 3, true); Selenide.SetText(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//select[@tabindex='3']"), Selenide.ControlType.Index, "0"); //Selenide.Click(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//select/option[text()='11:00 am']")); //Enter First Name Random _random = new Random(); string uniqnum = _random.Next(0, 9999).ToString("0000"); Selenide.SetText(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//input[@placeholder='First name']"), Selenide.ControlType.Textbox, "AutoFirst" + uniqnum); test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Entered First Name : AutoFirst" + uniqnum); //LastName Selenide.SetText(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//input[@placeholder='Last name']"), Selenide.ControlType.Textbox, "AutoLast" + uniqnum); test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Enter Last Name : AutoLast" + uniqnum); //Email Selenide.SetText(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//input[@placeholder='Email']"), Selenide.ControlType.Textbox, "AutoEmail" + uniqnum + ""); test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Entered Email as : AutoEmail" + uniqnum + ""); //Uniq Phone Number Random rand = new Random(100); int phoneNumber = rand.Next(0000000000, 999999999); //Phone Number Selenide.SetText(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//input[@placeholder='Phone']"), Selenide.ControlType.Textbox, "9" + phoneNumber.ToString()); test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Entered Phone Number 9" + phoneNumber.ToString()); //Message test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Enter Message"); Selenide.SetText(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//textarea[@placeholder='Add your message']"), Selenide.ControlType.Textbox, "Hello This is Testing"); //Bedrooms test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Select Bedrooms in dropdown"); Selenide.Click(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//select/option[text()='2 bedroom']")); //Unit test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Select Unit"); Selenide.Click(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//select/option[text()='$1312 - 1bd 1ba - Unit 321, Avail Today']")); //BookTour Button test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Click BookTour button"); Selenide.Click(driver, Util.GetLocator("BooktourBtn")); Selenide.Wait(driver, 3, true); driver.SwitchTo().DefaultContent(); Selenide.Wait(driver, 3, true); driver.SwitchTo().Frame(2); //div[@class='doorway-plugin-header doorway-themed-bg']/span Selenide.Wait(driver, 3, true); string txt = Selenide.GetText(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//div[@class='doorway-plugin-header doorway-themed-bg']//span"), Selenide.ControlType.Label); if (txt == "You're booked with Apartment Test 2") { test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Appointment Booked successfully"); Common.Takescreenshot(driver); } else { test.Log(LogStatus.Fail, "Appointment Not Booked successfully"); Common.Takescreenshot(driver); } }
private static List <Dictionary <string, string> > DataExtractFromHuff(RemoteWebDriver driver, Iteration reporter, string sitename, List <string> urls, int k) { List <Dictionary <string, string> > data = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); try { IList <IWebElement> Stories = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("StoryCount_HFP").Location); if (Stories.Count > 2) { //tring to get all urls in one go foreach (IWebElement story in Stories) { urls.Add(story.GetAttribute("href")); } var DistinctList = urls.Distinct(); reporter.Add(new Act("Got <b>" + DistinctList.Count() + "</b> Stories")); foreach (string url in DistinctList) { if (url.StartsWith("")) { Selenide.NavigateTo(driver, url); Dictionary <string, string> tempdict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { if (driver.FindElementsById(Util.GetLocator("Story_HFP").Location).Count > 0) { IList <IWebElement> StoryHeader = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeader_HFP").Location); IList <IWebElement> Story = driver.FindElementsById(Util.GetLocator("Story_HFP").Location); string metadata = ""; try { if (Selenide.Query.isElementVisibleboolValue(driver, Util.GetLocator("storyHeaderMeta_HFP"), false)) { metadata = driver.FindElementByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeaderMeta_HFP").Location).Text; } } catch (Exception e) { } string totalstory = ""; string storyheader = StoryHeader[0].Text; IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver; try { totalstory = (string)js.ExecuteScript("return document.getElementsByClassName('" + Util.GetLocator("Story_HFP_cn").Location + "')[0].innerText;"); tempdict.Add(storyheader + metadata, totalstory); } catch { for (int i = 0; i < Story.Count; i++) { new Actions(driver).MoveToElement(Story[i]).Perform(); Selenide.Wait(driver, 1, true); totalstory += Story[i].Text; } tempdict.Add(storyheader + metadata, totalstory); } data.Add(tempdict); } else { reporter.Add(new Act("Current url is not working for the known scheme ::" + url)); } } catch (Exception e) { continue; } } } } Selenide.NavigateTo(driver, sitename); if (Selenide.Query.isElementExist(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//*[@id='pagination']/div[2]//a[contains(@href,'?page=" + k + "')]"), false)) { try { Selenide.Click(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//*[@id='pagination']/div[2]//a[contains(@href,'?page=" + k + "')]")); //driver.FindElementByXPath("//*[@id='pagination']/div[2]//a[contains(@href,'?page=2')]").Click(); } catch (Exception e) { reporter.Add(new Act("Click never happened for page ::" + k)); } } } catch (Exception e) { } return(data); }
private static List <Dictionary <string, string> > ChooseDataRetrevalScheme(RemoteWebDriver driver, Iteration reporter, string sitename) { List <string> urls = new List <string>(); List <Dictionary <string, string> > data = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); try { if (sitename.ToLower().Contains("abcnews")) { IList <IWebElement> Stories = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("StoryCount").Location); if (Stories.Count > 2) { //tring to get all urls in one go foreach (IWebElement story in Stories) { urls.Add(story.GetAttribute("href")); } var DistinctList = urls.Distinct(); reporter.Add(new Act("Got <b>" + DistinctList.Count() + "</b> Stories")); foreach (string url in DistinctList) { if (url.StartsWith("")) { Selenide.NavigateTo(driver, url); IList <IWebElement> StoryHeader = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeader").Location); IList <IWebElement> Story = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("Story").Location); Dictionary <string, string> tempdict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); for (int i = 0; i < StoryHeader.Count; i++) { tempdict.Add(StoryHeader[i].Text, Story[i].Text); } data.Add(tempdict); } } } } else if (sitename.ToLower().Contains("cbsnews")) { IList <IWebElement> Stories = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("StoryCount_CBS").Location); if (Stories.Count > 2) { //tring to get all urls in one go foreach (IWebElement story in Stories) { urls.Add(story.GetAttribute("href")); } var DistinctList = urls.Distinct(); reporter.Add(new Act("Got <b>" + DistinctList.Count() + "</b> Stories")); foreach (string url in DistinctList) { if ((url != null && !url.StartsWith("")) && (url.StartsWith(""))) { Selenide.NavigateTo(driver, url); Dictionary <string, string> tempdict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { IList <IWebElement> StoryHeader = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeader_CBS").Location); IList <IWebElement> Story = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("Story_CBS").Location); string metadata = driver.FindElementByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeaderMeta_CBS").Location).Text; for (int i = 0; i < StoryHeader.Count; i++) { tempdict.Add(StoryHeader[i].Text + " " + metadata, Story[i].Text); } } catch (Exception e) { reporter.Add(new Act("Url doesnot fit current scheme " + url)); continue; } data.Add(tempdict); } } } } else if (sitename.ToLower().Contains("cnn")) { IList <IWebElement> Stories = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("StoryCount_CNN").Location); if (Stories.Count > 2) { //tring to get all urls in one go foreach (IWebElement story in Stories) { urls.Add(story.GetAttribute("href")); } var DistinctList = urls.Distinct(); string extra = ""; string metadata = ""; reporter.Add(new Act("Got <b>" + DistinctList.Count() + "</b> Stories")); foreach (string url in DistinctList) { IList <IWebElement> StoryHeader = null; IList <IWebElement> Story = null; Selenide.NavigateTo(driver, url); string totalstory = ""; Dictionary <string, string> tempdict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { if (url.Contains("money.cnn")) { if (driver.FindElementsByXPath("//h1[@class='article-title speakable']").Count > 0) { StoryHeader = driver.FindElementsByXPath("//h1[@class='article-title speakable']"); IWebElement SecndaryHeader = driver.FindElementByXPath("//h2[@class='speakable']"); extra = SecndaryHeader.Text; metadata = driver.FindElementByXPath("//span[@class='cnnbyline ']").Text; Story = driver.FindElementsByXPath("//div[@id='storytext']//p"); } else { reporter.Add(new Act("Identified schemes not avialable for this type of url " + url)); } } else { if (driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeader_CNN").Location).Count > 0) { StoryHeader = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeader_CNN").Location); Story = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("Story_CNN").Location); if (driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeaderMeta_CNN").Location).Count > 0) { metadata = driver.FindElementByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeaderMeta_CNN").Location).Text; } } else { reporter.Add(new Act("Identified schemes not avialable for this type of url " + url)); } } for (int i = 0; i < Story.Count; i++) { totalstory += Story[i].Text; } } catch (Exception e) { reporter.Add(new Act("Url doesnot fit current scheme " + url)); continue; } tempdict.Add(StoryHeader[0].Text + metadata + extra, totalstory); data.Add(tempdict); } } } else if (sitename.ToLower().Contains("infowars")) { IList <IWebElement> Stories = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("StoryCount_INF").Location); if (Stories.Count > 2) { //tring to get all urls in one go foreach (IWebElement story in Stories) { urls.Add(story.GetAttribute("href")); } var DistinctList = urls.Distinct(); reporter.Add(new Act("Got <b>" + DistinctList.Count() + "</b> Stories")); foreach (string url in DistinctList) { Selenide.NavigateTo(driver, url); IList <IWebElement> StoryHeader = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeader_INF").Location); IList <IWebElement> Story = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("Story_INF").Location); Dictionary <string, string> tempdict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); for (int i = 0; i < StoryHeader.Count; i++) { tempdict.Add(StoryHeader[i].Text, Story[i].Text); } data.Add(tempdict); } } } else if (sitename.ToLower().Contains("nytimes")) { int k = 0; try { IList <IWebElement> Stories = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("StoryCount_NYT").Location); if (Stories.Count > 2) { //tring to get all urls in one go foreach (IWebElement story in Stories) { urls.Add(story.GetAttribute("href")); } var DistinctList = urls.Distinct(); reporter.Add(new Act("Got <b>" + DistinctList.Count() + "</b> Stories")); foreach (string url in DistinctList) { if (url.StartsWith("")) { Selenide.NavigateTo(driver, url); k++; Dictionary <string, string> tempdict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { if (driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeader_NYT").Location).Count > 0) { IList <IWebElement> StoryHeader = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeader_NYT").Location); IList <IWebElement> Story = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("Story_NYT").Location); string metadata = ""; if (driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeaderMeta_NYT").Location).Count > 0) { metadata = driver.FindElementByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeaderMeta_NYT").Location).Text; } string totalstory = ""; string storyheader = StoryHeader[0].Text; for (int i = 0; i < Story.Count; i++) { new Actions(driver).MoveToElement(Story[i]).Perform(); Selenide.Wait(driver, 1, true); totalstory += Story[i].Text; } tempdict.Add(storyheader + metadata, totalstory); } } catch (Exception e) { continue; } data.Add(tempdict); } } } } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (sitename.ToLower().Contains("breitbart")) { int k = 0; try { IList <IWebElement> Stories = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("StoryCount_BB").Location); if (Stories.Count > 2) { //tring to get all urls in one go foreach (IWebElement story in Stories) { urls.Add(story.GetAttribute("href")); } var DistinctList = urls.Distinct(); reporter.Add(new Act("Got <b>" + DistinctList.Count() + "</b> Stories")); foreach (string url in DistinctList) { if (url.StartsWith("")) { Selenide.NavigateTo(driver, url); k++; Dictionary <string, string> tempdict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { if (driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeader_BB").Location).Count > 0) { IList <IWebElement> StoryHeader = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeader_BB").Location); IList <IWebElement> Story = driver.FindElementsByClassName(Util.GetLocator("Story_BB").Location); string metadata = ""; if (driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeaderMeta_BB").Location).Count > 0) { metadata = driver.FindElementByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeaderMeta_BB").Location).Text; } string totalstory = ""; string storyheader = StoryHeader[0].Text; IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver; try { totalstory = (string)js.ExecuteScript("return document.getElementsByClassName('" + Util.GetLocator("Story_BB").Location + "')[0].innerText;"); } catch { for (int i = 0; i < Story.Count; i++) { new Actions(driver).MoveToElement(Story[i]).Perform(); Selenide.Wait(driver, 1, true); totalstory += Story[i].Text; } } tempdict.Add(storyheader + metadata, totalstory); } } catch (Exception e) { continue; } data.Add(tempdict); } } } } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (sitename.ToLower().Contains("huffingtonpost")) { int k = 1; try { try { IList <IWebElement> Stories = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("StoryCount_HFP").Location); if (Stories.Count > 2) { //tring to get all urls in one go foreach (IWebElement story in Stories) { urls.Add(story.GetAttribute("href")); } var DistinctList = urls.Distinct(); reporter.Add(new Act("Got <b>" + DistinctList.Count() + "</b> Stories")); foreach (string url in DistinctList) { if (url.StartsWith("")) { Selenide.NavigateTo(driver, url); Dictionary <string, string> tempdict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { if (Selenide.Query.isElementVisibleboolValue(driver, Util.GetLocator("Story_HFP"), false)) { IList <IWebElement> StoryHeader = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeader_HFP").Location); IList <IWebElement> Story = driver.FindElementsById(Util.GetLocator("Story_HFP").Location); string metadata = ""; try { if (Selenide.Query.isElementVisibleboolValue(driver, Util.GetLocator("storyHeaderMeta_HFP"), false)) { metadata = driver.FindElementByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeaderMeta_HFP").Location).Text; } } catch (Exception e) { } string totalstory = ""; string storyheader = StoryHeader[0].Text; IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver; try { totalstory = (string)js.ExecuteScript("return document.getElementsByClassName('" + Util.GetLocator("Story_HFP_cn").Location + "')[0].innerText;"); tempdict.Add(storyheader + metadata, totalstory); } catch { for (int i = 0; i < Story.Count; i++) { new Actions(driver).MoveToElement(Story[i]).Perform(); Selenide.Wait(driver, 1, true); totalstory += Story[i].Text; } tempdict.Add(storyheader + metadata, totalstory); } data.Add(tempdict); } else { reporter.Add(new Act("Current url is not working for the known scheme ::" + url)); } } catch (Exception e) { continue; } } else { List <string> ParentUrls = new List <string>(); Selenide.NavigateTo(driver, url); IList <IWebElement> Stories2 = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("StoryCount_HFP").Location); if (Stories.Count > 2) { //tring to get all urls in one go foreach (IWebElement story1 in Stories2) { ParentUrls.Add(story1.GetAttribute("href")); } var DistinctList2 = ParentUrls.Distinct(); reporter.Add(new Act("Looking into <b>" + DistinctList.Count() + "</b> Stories")); foreach (string url2 in DistinctList2) { if (url2.StartsWith("")) { Selenide.NavigateTo(driver, url2); Dictionary <string, string> tempdict2 = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { if (Selenide.Query.isElementVisibleboolValue(driver, Util.GetLocator("Story_HFP"), false)) { IList <IWebElement> StoryHeader2 = driver.FindElementsByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeader_HFP").Location); IList <IWebElement> Story2 = driver.FindElementsById(Util.GetLocator("Story_HFP").Location); string metadata = ""; try { if (Selenide.Query.isElementVisibleboolValue(driver, Util.GetLocator("storyHeaderMeta_HFP"), false)) { metadata = driver.FindElementByXPath(Util.GetLocator("storyHeaderMeta_HFP").Location).Text; } } catch (Exception e) { } string totalstory = ""; string storyheader = StoryHeader2[0].Text; IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver; try { totalstory = (string)js.ExecuteScript("return document.getElementsByClassName('" + Util.GetLocator("Story_HFP_cn").Location + "')[0].innerText;"); tempdict2.Add(storyheader + metadata, totalstory); } catch { for (int i = 0; i < Story2.Count; i++) { new Actions(driver).MoveToElement(Story2[i]).Perform(); Selenide.Wait(driver, 1, true); totalstory += Story2[i].Text; } tempdict2.Add(storyheader + metadata, totalstory); } data.Add(tempdict2); } else { reporter.Add(new Act("Current url is not working for the known scheme ::" + url2)); } } catch (Exception e) { continue; } } } } } } } k++; Selenide.NavigateTo(driver, sitename); if (Selenide.Query.isElementExist(driver, Locator.Get(LocatorType.XPath, "//*[@id='pagination']/div[2]//a[contains(@href,'?page=2')]"), false)) { try { driver.FindElementByXPath("//*[@id='pagination']/div[2]//a[contains(@href,'?page=2')]").Click(); } catch (Exception e) { reporter.Add(new Act("Click never happened for page ::" + k)); } } } catch (Exception e) { } } catch (Exception e) { } } } catch (Exception e) { } return(data); }