Example #1
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// When the client size changed we have to recalculate the average paragraph height
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)

            SelectionHelper selHelper = EditingHelper.CurrentSelection;

            if (selHelper == null)

            int paraIndex = selHelper.GetLevelForTag((int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs);
            int hvoPara   = selHelper.LevelInfo[paraIndex].hvo;

            if (m_fdoCache.IsRealObject(hvoPara, StTxtPara.kClassId))
                // don't attempt a prop change for an empty paragraph
                StTxtPara para = new StTxtPara(m_fdoCache, hvoPara);
                if (para.Contents.Length != 0)
                    m_fdoCache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, hvoPara,
                                           (int)StTxtPara.StParaTags.kflidStyleRules, 0, 1, 1);
            selHelper.SetSelection(this, true, true);
Example #2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes a footnote
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if we handle this</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected bool OnDeleteFootnote(object args)
            if (DataUpdateMonitor.IsUpdateInProgress(DataAccess))
                return(true);                //discard this event
            if (!ValidFootnoteSelection)

            string undo;
            string redo;

            TeResourceHelper.MakeUndoRedoLabels("kstidUndoDelFootnote", out undo, out redo);
            using (new UndoTaskHelper(this, undo, redo, false))
                using (new DataUpdateMonitor(this, RootBox.DataAccess, this, "DeleteFootnote"))
                    SelectionHelper helper  = SelectionHelper.Create(this);
                    int             fnLevel = helper.GetLevelForTag((int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidFootnotes);

                    if (helper.Selection.IsRange)
                        // There's no range selection, so delete only one footnote
                        ScrFootnote footnote = new ScrFootnote(m_fdoCache, helper.LevelInfo[fnLevel].hvo);

                    if (RootBox.Height <= 0)
                        int     iBook     = helper.LevelInfo[fnLevel + 1].ihvo;
                        ScrBook book      = m_bookFilter.GetBook(iBook);
                        int     iFootnote = helper.LevelInfo[fnLevel].ihvo;

                        // If the last footnote in the book was deleted find a footnote to move to
                        if (iFootnote >= book.FootnotesOS.Count)
                            FindNearestFootnote(ref iBook, ref iFootnote);

                        FootnoteEditingHelper.ScrollToFootnote(iBook, iFootnote, 0);

        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes a footnote or footnotes within a text selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected void DeleteFootnoteAux()
            SelectionHelper helper = SelectionHelper.Create(this);

            if (helper == null)
                return;                 // Better then crashing :)
            int fnLevel = helper.GetLevelForTag(ScrBookTags.kflidFootnotes);

            if (helper.Selection.IsRange)
                // There's no range selection, so delete only one footnote
                IScrFootnote footnote =
                    Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IScrFootnoteRepository>().GetObject(helper.LevelInfo[fnLevel].hvo);

            if (RootBox.Height <= 0)
                int      iBook     = helper.LevelInfo[fnLevel + 1].ihvo;
                IScrBook book      = m_bookFilter.GetBook(iBook);
                int      iFootnote = helper.LevelInfo[fnLevel].ihvo;

                // If the last footnote in the book was deleted find a footnote to move to
                if (iFootnote >= book.FootnotesOS.Count)
                    FindNearestFootnote(ref iBook, ref iFootnote);

                FootnoteEditingHelper.ScrollToFootnote(iBook, iFootnote, 0);
Example #4
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Scripture reference for a selection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="helper">The selection helper that represents the selection</param>
        /// <param name="fInclusive"><c>true</c> if the reference returned should include the
        /// reference of the text of the verse where the selection is, even if that selection
        /// is not at the start of the verse; <c>false</c> if the reference should be that of
        /// the first full verse at or following the selection</param>
        /// <param name="scriptureRef">returns the scripture reference found</param>
        /// <returns>A TsString representing the reference of the selection, or null if the
        /// selection represents a book title or something weird.</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private ITsString GetSelectionReference(SelectionHelper helper, bool fInclusive,
                                                out BCVRef scriptureRef)
            scriptureRef = new BCVRef();
            if (helper != null && m_page.Publication != null && m_page.Publication is ScripturePublication)
                int iParaLevel = helper.GetLevelForTag(StTextTags.kflidParagraphs);
                if (iParaLevel >= 0)
                    int         hvo  = helper.LevelInfo[iParaLevel].hvo;
                    IScrTxtPara para =
                        m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IScrTxtParaRepository>().GetObject(hvo);
                    // Look through the verses of the paragraph until we pass the location
                    // where the page break occurs. This verse reference will then be the
                    // first one on the page.
                    ScrVerse firstVerseOnPage = null;
                    int      ichPageBreak     = helper.IchAnchor;
                    foreach (ScrVerse verse in para)
                        if (!fInclusive)
                            firstVerseOnPage = verse;
                        if (verse.VerseStartIndex > ichPageBreak ||
                            (verse.VerseStartIndex == ichPageBreak && !fInclusive))
                        if (fInclusive)
                            firstVerseOnPage = verse;

                    ITsString tssBookName = GetBookName(helper);
                    if (tssBookName != null)
                        ITsStrBldr bldr = tssBookName.GetBldr();
                        int        cch  = bldr.Length;
                        if (firstVerseOnPage != null)
                            if (firstVerseOnPage.StartRef.Verse != 0)
                                bldr.Replace(cch, cch,
                                             " " + m_scr.ChapterVerseRefAsString(firstVerseOnPage.StartRef),
                            scriptureRef = firstVerseOnPage.StartRef;
                    //    // Probably no verses were found in the paragraph
                    //    IVwSelection sel = FindNextPara(helper);
                    //    helper = SelectionHelper.Create(sel, helper.RootSite);

                    //    return GetSelectionReference(helper, fInclusive, out scriptureRef);
Example #5
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called by a view when the views code is about to delete a paragraph. We
        /// need to save the back translations by moving them to whatever paragraph the deleted
        /// one is merging with.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selHelper">The selection helper</param>
        /// <param name="hvoObject">Paragraph to be deleted</param>
        /// <param name="hvoOwner">StText that owns the para</param>
        /// <param name="tag">flid in which para is owned</param>
        /// <param name="ihvo">index of paragraph in text</param>
        /// <param name="fMergeNext"><c>true</c> if this paragraph is merging with the
        /// following paragraph.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public virtual void AboutToDelete(SelectionHelper selHelper, int hvoObject,
                                          int hvoOwner, int tag, int ihvo, bool fMergeNext)

            if (tag != (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs)

            StTxtPara paraToDelete = new StTxtPara(m_cache, hvoObject);

            // If the paragraph that is being deleted is empty, then do not attempt to save a back
            // translation for it.
            if (paraToDelete.Contents.Text == null)

            // ihvoTop is either the paragraph before the IP or the first paragraph in a range selection
            int ihvoTop           = ihvo - 1;
            int hvoOwnerSurviving = hvoOwner;

            // Figure out what is being deleted and what is staying.
            // NOTE: it is possible that the selection is no longer valid. This is ok for our purposes here,
            // since all information we access here is already retrieved and stored in member variables of
            // SelectionHelper.
            if (selHelper.IsRange)
                int          paraLev      = selHelper.GetLevelForTag(tag, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
                SelLevInfo[] rgSelLevInfo = selHelper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
                ihvoTop = rgSelLevInfo[paraLev].ihvo;
                if (paraLev + 1 < rgSelLevInfo.Length)
                    hvoOwnerSurviving = rgSelLevInfo[paraLev + 1].hvo;
                int ihvoBottom = selHelper.GetLevelInfoForTag(tag, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom).ihvo;

                // Pretty sure that if we get here top will NEVER equal bottom.
                Debug.Assert(ihvoTop != ihvoBottom || hvoOwnerSurviving != hvoOwner);
                if (hvoOwnerSurviving == hvoOwner)
                    if (ihvoTop == ihvoBottom)

                    int ichEnd = selHelper.GetIch(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom);
                    // No need to merge because entire paragraph (with its contents) is going away.
                    if (ihvo == ihvoBottom && ichEnd == paraToDelete.Contents.Length)
                    // No need to merge because entire paragraph (with its contents) is going away.
                    if (ihvo > ihvoTop && ihvo < ihvoBottom)

            // Determine the surviving paragraph.
            StText    text = new StText(m_cache, hvoOwnerSurviving);
            StTxtPara paraSurviving;

            if (fMergeNext)
                // when merging with next and there are no more paragraphs, then the BT can be discarded.
                if (text.ParagraphsOS.Count < ihvo + 1)
                // The surviving paragraph will be the one following the one that is deleted
                paraSurviving = (StTxtPara)text.ParagraphsOS[ihvo + 1];
                // If we are deleting the first paragraph in the surviving text, the BT should
                // also be deleted, so we're done.
                if (ihvo == 0 && hvoOwnerSurviving == hvoOwner)
                // The surviving paragraph will be the top one in the selection
                paraSurviving = (StTxtPara)text.ParagraphsOS[ihvoTop];

            ITsStrBldr bldr;
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf;
            List <int> writingSystems = GetWsList(out wsf);

            foreach (ICmTranslation transToDelete in paraToDelete.TranslationsOC)
                // Find or create surviving translation of the same type.
                ICmTranslation transSurviving = paraSurviving.GetOrCreateTrans(transToDelete.TypeRA);

                // Merge back translations of the surviving and paragraph to be deleted for each writing system
                foreach (int ws in writingSystems)
                    TsStringAccessor tssAccToDelete = transToDelete.Translation.GetAlternative(ws);
                    if (tssAccToDelete.Text != null)
                        TsStringAccessor tssAccSurviving = transSurviving.Translation.GetAlternative(ws);
                        bldr = tssAccSurviving.UnderlyingTsString.GetBldr();

                        // If the surviving paragraph ends with white space of the paragraph to delete
                        // begins with white space, add white space.
                        string textSurviving = bldr.Text;
                        ILgCharacterPropertyEngine charPropEng = m_cache.UnicodeCharProps;
                        if (textSurviving != null &&
                            !charPropEng.get_IsSeparator(textSurviving[textSurviving.Length - 1]) &&
                            bldr.ReplaceRgch(textSurviving.Length, textSurviving.Length, " ", 1, null);

                        int cch = bldr.Length;
                        bldr.ReplaceTsString(cch, cch, tssAccToDelete.UnderlyingTsString);
                        tssAccSurviving.UnderlyingTsString = bldr.GetString();