public MoveQueueItem(float aSpeed,SelectedMoveData aMoveData,ETeamPosition aTargetTeam,EMonsterPos aTargetMonster,BattleMonsterWithMoves aActionMonster,EMonsterPos aActionMonsterPosition) { _speed = aSpeed; _move = aMoveData; _actionMonster = aActionMonster; targetTeam = aTargetTeam; targetMonster = aTargetMonster; actionPosition = aActionMonsterPosition; // Multi hit moves timesToHit = 1; firstHit = true; }
public void initMonster(MonsterDataMain aMonsterRef,EMonsterPos aMyPosition) { base.initMonster(aMonsterRef,aMyPosition); this.ownersName = aMonsterRef.ownersName; moveDataRef = new SelectedMoveData[aMonsterRef.selectedMoves.size]; for(int i = 0;i<aMonsterRef.selectedMoves.size;i++) { moveDataRef[i] = aMonsterRef.selectedMoves[i]; for(int j = 0;j<3;j++) { if(moveDataRef[i].moveData!=null) { GameObject g = moveDataRef[i].moveData.attackAnimationPrefab; if(g!=null) { g.SetActive(false); MoveAnimationLibItem.putBackParticles(g); } g = moveDataRef[i].moveData.attackAnimationHitPrefab; if(g!=null) { g.SetActive(false); MoveAnimationLibItem.putBackParticles(g); } } } } }
public void initFromMove(SelectedMoveData aMoveData,MonsterDataMain aMonster) { if(!aMoveData.validMove) { this.gameObject.SetActive(false); isLit = false; return; } else { float energy = (float); float maxEnergy = (float) MovesLib.REF.maxMoveEnergy; gameObject.SetActive(true); this.progressBar.value = energy / maxEnergy;; if(< { if(aMoveData.moveData.Name==null) { Debug.LogError("Move Data: "+aMoveData.moveData+" is null"); return; } title.text = aMoveData.moveData.Name.ToUpper(); isLit = true; } else { // title.text = "Not Enough Energy!".ToUpper(); title.text = MovesLib.REF.struggleMove.Name; isLit = true; } } for(int i = 0;i<inactiveStars.Length;i++) { if(aMoveData.move.currentUnlockLevel>i) { activeStars[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); inactiveStars[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { activeStars[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); inactiveStars[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); } } }
public void setFutureMove(byte aMoveIndex,ETeamPosition aTargetTeam,EMonsterPos aTargetMonster,bool aAutomatic) { SelectedMoveData moveData = null; if(aMoveIndex<moves.size) moveData = moves[aMoveIndex]; else { moveData = new SelectedMoveData(); } if(_futureMoveInfo!=null) { _futureMoveInfo.cleanUp(); _futureMoveInfo =null; } _futureMoveInfo = new MoveQueueItem(this.speed,moveData,aTargetTeam,aTargetMonster,this,this.myPosition); if(onMoveSet!=null) { onMoveSet(this as BattleMonster,this._futureMoveInfo.moveData,aAutomatic); } }
public void setFutureMove(ITMItem aItem) { SelectedMoveData moveData = new SelectedMoveData(aItem); if(_futureMoveInfo!=null) { _futureMoveInfo.cleanUp(); _futureMoveInfo =null; } _futureMoveInfo = new MoveQueueItem(aItem,this); if(onMoveSet!=null) { Debug.Log("Setting Future Move From Item: "+aItem.Name()); onMoveSet(this as BattleMonster,this._futureMoveInfo.moveData,false); } }
public void cleanUp() { _move = null; _speed = 0; }
public MoveQueueItem() { // This is only called when the user skips a turn, do they ever want to do this? _speed = float.MaxValue; _move = null; firstHit = true; }
private void initMoveButton(MoveButtonScript aMoveButton,SelectedMoveData aMove) { aMoveButton.initFromMove(aMove,(MonsterDataMain); }
public SelectedMoveData unlockTreeItemOverride(string aMove) { for(int i = 0 ; i < _items.size ; i++ ) { if(_items[i].itemRef.moveData.plainName == aMove) { _items[i].currentUnlockLevel++; SelectedMoveData md = new SelectedMoveData(); md.setMove(EMoveUnlockType.Manual,_items[i]); return md; } } return null; }