private IEnumerable <FormItem> getRadioItems(bool useHorizontalLayout)
     foreach (var items in new[]
             SelectListItem.Create(null as int?, "NULL"), SelectListItem.Create(1 as int?, "One"), SelectListItem.Create(2 as int?, "Two"),
             SelectListItem.Create(3 as int?, "Three")
         new[] { SelectListItem.Create(1 as int?, "One"), SelectListItem.Create(2 as int?, "Two"), SelectListItem.Create(3 as int?, "Three") }
         foreach (var selectedItemId in new int?[] { null, 1 })
             foreach (var defaultValueItemLabel in new[] { "", "None" })
                 yield return(SelectList
                                  RadioListSetup.Create(items, useHorizontalLayout: useHorizontalLayout),
                                  defaultValueItemLabel: defaultValueItemLabel,
                                  validationMethod: (postBackValue, validator) => {})
                                  label: StringTools.ConcatenateWithDelimiter(
                                      ", ",
                                      items.Length == 4 ? "Default in list" : "Default not in list",
                                      selectedItemId.HasValue ? "One selected" : "default selected",
                                      defaultValueItemLabel.Any() ? "default label" : "no default label")
Example #2
 private IEnumerable <FormItem> getRadioItems(bool useHorizontalLayout)
     foreach (var items in
             SelectListItem.Create(null as int?, "NULL"), SelectListItem.Create(1 as int?, "One"), SelectListItem.Create(2 as int?, "Two"),
             SelectListItem.Create(3 as int?, "Three")
         new[] { SelectListItem.Create(1 as int?, "One"), SelectListItem.Create(2 as int?, "Two"), SelectListItem.Create(3 as int?, "Three") }
         foreach (var selectedItemId in new int?[] { null, 1 })
             foreach (var defaultValueItemLabel in new[] { "", "None" })
                 yield return
                              ", ",
                              items.Count() == 4 ? "Default in list" : "Default not in list",
                              selectedItemId.HasValue ? "One selected" : "default selected",
                              defaultValueItemLabel.Any() ? "default label" : "no default label"),
                          SelectList.CreateRadioList(items, selectedItemId, useHorizontalLayout: useHorizontalLayout, defaultValueItemLabel: defaultValueItemLabel),
                          validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation((pbv, validator) => control.ValidateAndGetSelectedItemIdInPostBack(pbv, validator), pb)));
        void ControlTreeDataLoader.LoadData()
            var selectList = SelectList.CreateRadioList(tabs.Select(i => SelectListItem.Create(i.Item1, i.Item1)), tabs.First().Item1, useHorizontalLayout: true);

            foreach (var i in tabs)
                selectList.AddDisplayLink(i.Item1.ToSingleElementArray(), true, i.Item2.ToSingleElementArray());
Example #4
        void ControlTreeDataLoader.LoadData()
            Attributes.Add(uniqueIdentifierAttribute, UniqueUdentifier);
            Attributes.Add(parmetersAttribute, Parameters);
            // This gives us some ability to be slightly more strongly typed, allowing us to change the actual attribute names here while not breaking script.
                                                                    @"uniqueIdentifierAttribute = '{0}';".FormatWith(uniqueIdentifierAttribute),

            EwfPage.Instance.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), parmetersAttribute, @"parameters = '{0}';".FormatWith(parmetersAttribute), true);
            // Provides a handle to the upload service for the script.
                                                                    @"uploadServicePath = '{0}';".FormatWith(ResolveClientUrl("~/Ewf/FileUploader/Upload.aspx")),
            // Handle to the path of the progress image. jquery.progressbar needs to know where the images are to be used.
            // Just because this appears above the definition of jquery.progressbar doesn't mean it appears before
            // it in the resulting document, which causes the progressbar file to consider it undefined. To fix this,
            // I wrapped the jquery.progressbar file in a $(document).ready() call so that it is not defined until the
            // entire document loads, where imagesPath will be already defined, no matter its position.
                                                                    @"imagesPath = '{0}';".FormatWith(ResolveClientUrl("~/Ewf/FileUploader/")),

            // NOTE: So this won't work if this control is used in a user control...
            var encryptedFullyQualifiedName = EncryptionOps.GetEncryptedString(EncryptionOps.GenerateInitVector(), EwfPage.Instance.GetType().BaseType.FullName);

            EwfPage.Instance.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "pageHandle", @"pageHandle = '{0}';".FormatWith(encryptedFullyQualifiedName), true);

            EwfPage.Instance.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude(GetType(), "ClientSide", this.GetClientUrl("~/Ewf/FileUploader/ClientSide.js"));

            // Choose between dropping files onto the page or browse for them.
            var chooseUploadMethod = SelectList.CreateRadioList(SelectList.GetTrueFalseItems("Drag and drop files", "Browse for files"),
                                                                useHorizontalLayout: true);

            var dragFilesHerePanel = new Panel {
                CssClass = "dropZone"
            }.AddControlsReturnThis(new Paragraph("Drop files here")
                CssClass = "dropFilesHereMessage"

            // Not using an ASP.NET control because I want full control without any magic.
            var browseForFiles = new WebControl(HtmlTextWriterTag.Input);

            browseForFiles.Attributes.Add("type", "file");
            browseForFiles.Attributes.Add("multiple", "multiple");
            browseForFiles.Attributes.Add("onchange", @"inputChanged(this);");

            chooseUploadMethod.AddDisplayLink((true as bool?).ToSingleElementArray(), true, dragFilesHerePanel.ToSingleElementArray());
            chooseUploadMethod.AddDisplayLink((false as bool?).ToSingleElementArray(), true, browseForFiles.ToSingleElementArray());

            var uploadPending = new Box("Files to be uploaded",
                                        new Control[]
                new Panel {
                    CssClass = "queuedFilesContentArea"
                }.AddControlsReturnThis(new Paragraph("No files are currently in the queue."))
                , new Heading {
                    CssClass = "upload-count"
                CssClass = "queuedFiles"

                new Box(new Control[]
                new Panel {
                    CssClass = "ewfErrorMessageListBlock"
                }, chooseUploadMethod,
                new Panel {
                    CssClass = "dropWrapper"
                }.AddControlsReturnThis(dragFilesHerePanel), browseForFiles, uploadPending,
                new CustomButton(() => @"uploadButtonClicked(this);")
                    ActionControlStyle = new ButtonActionControlStyle("Begin upload"),
                    CssClass           = "beginUploadButton"
                CssClass = "upload-box"