Example #1
        // a ctor for .WhereExists support
        internal ConditionChainer(Chainer prev, INonSelectView nonSelectView, bool exists,
                                  PredicateGroup predicateGroup = null)
            : this(prev, predicateGroup)
            CheckNullAndThrow(Arg(() => nonSelectView, nonSelectView));

            SelectChainer select = new SelectChainer((Chainer)nonSelectView, new Column[] { Designer.Null }, false);
            var           view   = new View(select, Query);


            Build = (buildContext, buildArgs) =>
                string keyword = exists ? Text.Exists : Text.NotExists;

                var sql = Text.GenerateSql(100)
                          .NewLine(predicateGroup.Build(PredicateGroupType.Begin, Keyword)).S()
                          .Append(prev.ExpressionGroupType.IsBegin() ? Text.LeftBracket : null)
                          .Append(view.Build(buildContext, buildArgs))
                          .Append(prev.ExpressionGroupType.IsEnd() ? Text.RightBracket : null)
                          .Append(predicateGroup.Build(PredicateGroupType.End, null))


        private static DbTable <T> _Test <T>(Assembly ca, DbTable <T> node, string title, TestingOption option)
            where T : DbRow
            if (Admin.IsTestingEnvironmentOff(ca) || option == TestingOption.Skip)

            // handle reusability - !
            var node2 = node.RootWithBrokenChain ?? node.Root;

            Chainer query;

            if (node2.IsPureSubject())
                query = new SelectChainer((ISemantic)node2, new Column[] { }, false).Top(Admin.TestSelectTopRows);
                query = new SelectChainer((ISemantic)node2, new Column[] { }, false);

            var connectable = Reader.GetConnectable(ca, query);

            using (var form = new TestingForm(connectable, option, title))


Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the number of the rows returned by a semantic query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the subject node.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="prev">Is a subject node.</param>
        public static int CountGo <T>(this DbTable <T> prev)
            where T : DbRow
            prev.CheckNullAndThrow(Text.Free.Sentence, Text.Method.SelectCount);
            var ca          = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
            var select      = new SelectChainer((ISemantic)prev, new Column[] { Designer.Count().As(Text.Count) }, false);
            var connectable = Reader.GetConnectable(ca, select);

            return(Reader.LoadTable <Row <int> >(connectable, null).ToValue <int>());
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if a semantic query contains any rows.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the subject node.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="prev">A semantic query.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool ExistsGo <T>(this DbTable <T> prev)
            where T : DbRow
            prev.CheckNullAndThrow(Text.Free.Sentence, Text.Method.ExistsGo);
            var ca          = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
            var select      = new SelectChainer((ISemantic)prev, new Column[] { Designer.Null }, false);
            var connectable = Reader.GetConnectable(ca, select.TopOne());
            var result      = Reader.LoadTable <dynamic>(connectable, null);

            return(result.RowCount > 0);