public static IEnumerable <Application> GetApplications()
Example #2
        public void DefineToggles()
            var toggles = SeedConfig.DefineToggles(SeedConfig.DefineApplications());

Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Runs after upgrading to the latest migration to allow seed data to be updated.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">Context to be used for updating seed data.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Note that the database may already contain seed data when this method runs. This means that
 /// implementations of this method must check whether or not seed data is present and/or up-to-date
 /// and then only make changes if necessary and in a non-destructive way. The
 /// <see cref="M:System.Data.Entity.Migrations.DbSetMigrationsExtensions.AddOrUpdate``1(System.Data.Entity.IDbSet{``0},``0[])" />
 /// can be used to help with this, but for seeding large amounts of data it may be necessary to do less
 /// granular checks if performance is an issue.
 /// If the <see cref="T:System.Data.Entity.MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion`2" /> database
 /// initializer is being used, then this method will be called each time that the initializer runs.
 /// If one of the <see cref="T:System.Data.Entity.DropCreateDatabaseAlways`1" />, <see cref="T:System.Data.Entity.DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges`1" />,
 /// or <see cref="T:System.Data.Entity.CreateDatabaseIfNotExists`1" /> initializers is being used, then this method will not be
 /// called and the Seed method defined in the initializer should be used instead.
 /// </remarks>
 protected override void Seed(ToogleServiceContext context)
Example #4
        public void DefineApplications()
            var apps = SeedConfig.DefineApplications();
