public ActionResult Edit(Guid id, SecurityGroupModel model, string button) { using (DBEntities context = Settings.CreateDataContext()) { ValidateGroup(context, model); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return View(model); } SecurityGroup target = null; if (model.Id != Guid.Empty) { target = SecurityGroupHelper.Get(model.Id, context); if (target == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("", Resources.Resource.RowNotFound); return View(model); } } else { target = new SecurityGroup(); target.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); context.AddToSecurityGroup(target); } SecurityGroupModel.CreateMap(); Mapper.Map(model, target); UpdateArray(context, model, target); try { context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { var sb = new StringBuilder(Resources.Resource.SaveError + ": " + ex.Message); if (ex.InnerException != null) sb.AppendLine(ex.InnerException.Message); ModelState.AddModelError("", sb.ToString()); return View(model); } if (button == "SaveAndExit") return RedirectToAction("Index"); else return RedirectToAction("Edit", new { target.Id }); } }
public MainSearchViewModel(ISecurityGroupServiceAgent serviceAgent) { this._serviceAgent = serviceAgent; SecurityGroupTypeList = GetSecurityGroupTypes(); SecurityGroupCodeList = GetSecurityGroupCodes(); SearchObject = new SecurityGroup(); ResultList = new BindingList <SecurityGroup>(); SelectedList = new BindingList <SecurityGroup>(); //make sure of session authentication... if (ClientSessionSingleton.Instance.SessionIsAuthentic) //make sure user has rights to UI... { DoFormsAuthentication(); } else {//User is not authenticated... RegisterToReceiveMessages <bool>(MessageTokens.StartUpLogInToken.ToString(), OnStartUpLogIn); FormIsEnabled = false; } }
public WebserverStack() { var group = new SecurityGroup("web-secgrp", new SecurityGroupArgs { Ingress = { // Uncomment to fail a test: // new SecurityGroupIngressArgs { Protocol = "tcp", FromPort = 22, ToPort = 22, CidrBlocks = { "" } }, new SecurityGroupIngressArgs { Protocol = "tcp", FromPort = 80, ToPort = 80, CidrBlocks ={ "" } } } }); var amiId = Output.Create(Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.GetAmi.InvokeAsync(new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.GetAmiArgs { MostRecent = true, Owners = { "099720109477" }, Filters = { new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.Inputs.GetAmiFilterArgs { Name = "name", Values ={ "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-*" }, } } })).Apply(ami => ami.Id); // var userData = "#!/bin/bash echo \"Hello, World!\" > index.html nohup python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 &"; var server = new Instance("web-server-www", new InstanceArgs { InstanceType = "t2.micro", VpcSecurityGroupIds = { group.Id }, // reference the group object above Ami = amiId, // Comment out to fail a test: Tags = { { "Name", "webserver" } }, // Uncomment to fail a test: // UserData = userData // start a simple webserver }); }
public List <DirectoryEntry> GetSecurityGroupMembership(String securityGroupId) { List <DirectoryEntry> membership = new List <DirectoryEntry> (); System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry rootDirectoryEntry; SecurityGroup securityGroup = new SecurityGroup(); String objectSid; rootDirectoryEntry = NewDirectoryEntryByAgent(DomainRootPath).Children.Find("CN=USERS"); foreach (System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry currentEntry in rootDirectoryEntry.Children) { try { if (currentEntry.Properties["groupType"].Value != null) { objectSid = ObjectSidToString(((byte[])currentEntry.Properties["objectSid"].Value)); if (securityGroupId == objectSid) { Object groupMembers = currentEntry.Invoke("members", null); foreach (Object currentMember in (System.Collections.IEnumerable)groupMembers) { membership.Add(new DirectoryEntry(new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(currentMember))); } } } // if (currentPropertyName == "groupType") { } // END TRY ENUMERATE DIRECTORY ENTRY PROPERTIES catch (Exception propertyException) { // DO NOTHING System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(propertyException.Message); } } return(membership); }
public void securityGroupIndexFiltered() { RightScale.netClient.Core.APIClient.Instance.InitWebClient(); RightScale.netClient.Core.APIClient.Instance.Authenticate(this.apiRefreshToken); List <SecurityGroup> sgList = SecurityGroup.index(this.cloudID); Assert.IsNotNull(sgList); Assert.IsTrue(sgList.Count > 0); List <Filter> filter = new List <Filter>(); filter.Add(new Filter("name", FilterOperator.Equal, "default")); List <SecurityGroup> filteredSgList = SecurityGroup.index(this.cloudID, filter); Assert.IsNotNull(filteredSgList); Assert.IsTrue(filteredSgList.Count > 0); Assert.IsTrue(sgList.Count > filteredSgList.Count); RightScale.netClient.Core.APIClient.Instance.InitWebClient(); }
/// <summary> /// Authorize permission /// </summary> /// <param name="permissionRecordName">Permission record name</param> /// <param name="securityGroup">Security Group</param> /// <returns>true - authorized; otherwise, false</returns> protected virtual bool Authorize(string permissionRecordName, SecurityGroup securityGroup) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(permissionRecordName)) { return(false); } string key = string.Format(PERMISSIONS_ALLOWED_KEY, securityGroup.Id, permissionRecordName); return(_cacheManager.Get(key, () => { foreach (var permission in securityGroup.PermissionRecords) { if (permission.Name.Equals(permissionRecordName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return true; } } return false; })); }
public static Dictionary <int, SecurityGroup> CreateTestGroups() { SecurityGroup g; var storage = new Dictionary <int, SecurityGroup>(); g = new SecurityGroup(Id("G1")) { UserMemberIds = new List <int> { Id("U1"), Id("U2") } }; storage.Add(g.Id, g); g = new SecurityGroup(Id("G2")) { UserMemberIds = new List <int> { Id("U3"), Id("U4") } }; storage.Add(g.Id, g); g = new SecurityGroup(Id("G3")) { UserMemberIds = new List <int> { Id("U1"), Id("U3") } }; storage.Add(g.Id, g); g = new SecurityGroup(Id("G4")) { UserMemberIds = new List <int> { Id("U4") } }; storage.Add(g.Id, g); g = new SecurityGroup(Id("G5")) { UserMemberIds = new List <int> { Id("U5") } }; storage.Add(g.Id, g); return(storage); }
internal TargetInstanceStack(Construct scope, string id, Vpc vpc, string keyPairName, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props) { SecurityGroup = new SecurityGroup(this, "TargetInstance-Security-Group", new SecurityGroupProps { Vpc = vpc, AllowAllOutbound = true, Description = "TargetInstance-Security-Group", SecurityGroupName = "secgroup-" + id }); Role = new Role(this, "ec2-targetinstance-role", new RoleProps { AssumedBy = new ServicePrincipal("") }); Role.AddManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.FromAwsManagedPolicyName("SecretsManagerReadWrite")); TargetInstance = new Instance_(this, id, new InstanceProps { InstanceType = InstanceType.Of(InstanceClass.BURSTABLE3, InstanceSize.MICRO), MachineImage = new WindowsImage(WindowsVersion.WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_ENGLISH_FULL_BASE), Vpc = vpc, UserData = UserData.Custom(Utils.GetResource("target_instance_user_data.ps1")), KeyName = keyPairName, Role = Role, VpcSubnets = new SubnetSelection { SubnetType = SubnetType.PRIVATE }, SecurityGroup = SecurityGroup }); SecurityGroup.AddIngressRule(Peer.AnyIpv4(), Port.AllTraffic(), "Allow all trafic in. In production - change this!"); new CfnOutput(this, "target-instance", new CfnOutputProps { Value = TargetInstance.InstancePrivateIp }); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the specified permissions to the Entity /// </summary> /// <param name="target">The entity that the permissions are applied to</param> /// <param name="securityGroup">The security group being granted the permissions</param> /// <param name="permissionTypes">The permission types to add</param> public void AddPermission(Guid target, SecurityGroup securityGroup, PermissionTypes permissionTypes) { if (securityGroup is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(securityGroup)); } securityGroup = this.SecurityGroupRepository.Find(securityGroup.Guid); EntityPermissions existing = this.GetForEntity(target); bool foundPermissions; if (existing is null) { foundPermissions = this.PermissionsCache.TryGetValue(target, out existing); } else { foundPermissions = true; } if (!foundPermissions) { existing = new EntityPermissions() { EntityGuid = target }; existing.AddPermission(securityGroup, permissionTypes); this.PermissionsCache.Add(target, existing); base.Add(existing); } else { existing.AddPermission(securityGroup, permissionTypes); base.AddOrUpdate(existing); } }
//Object.Property Scope Validation... private bool SecurityGroupIsValid(SecurityGroup item, _securityGroupValidationProperties validationProperties, out string errorMessage) { errorMessage = ""; switch (validationProperties) { case _securityGroupValidationProperties.SecurityGroupID: //validate key if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SecurityGroupID)) { errorMessage = "ID Is Required."; return(false); } EntityStates entityState = GetSecurityGroupState(item); if (entityState == EntityStates.Added && SecurityGroupExists(item.SecurityGroupID)) { errorMessage = "Item All Ready Exists..."; return(false); } //check cached list for duplicates... int count = SecurityGroupList.Count(q => q.SecurityGroupID == item.SecurityGroupID); if (count > 1) { errorMessage = "Item All Ready Exists..."; return(false); } break; case _securityGroupValidationProperties.Name: //validate Description if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Name)) { errorMessage = "Description Is Required."; return(false); } break; } return(true); }
public CPGroup CreateGroup(string groupName) { using (CPSecurityEntities context = new CPSecurityEntities()) { if (!context.SecurityGroups.Any(g => g.GroupName == groupName)) { SecurityGroup group = new SecurityGroup() { GroupName = groupName }; try { context.SecurityGroups.AddObject(group); context.SaveChanges(); return(CPGroupFactory.CreateGroup(group)); } catch (ConstraintException) { } } } return(null); }
private void ConfigureService(Configuration settings) { if (EcsCluster == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(EcsCluster)} has not been set. The {nameof(ConfigureCluster)} method should be called before {nameof(ConfigureService)}"); } if (AppTaskDefinition == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(AppTaskDefinition)} has not been set. The {nameof(ConfigureTaskDefinition)} method should be called before {nameof(ConfigureService)}"); } var fargateServiceProps = new FargateServiceProps { Cluster = EcsCluster, TaskDefinition = AppTaskDefinition, AssignPublicIp = settings.Vpc.IsDefault, DesiredCount = settings.DesiredCount }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.ECSServiceSecurityGroups)) { var ecsServiceSecurityGroups = new List <ISecurityGroup>(); var count = 1; foreach (var securityGroupId in settings.ECSServiceSecurityGroups.Split(',')) { ecsServiceSecurityGroups.Add(SecurityGroup.FromSecurityGroupId(this, $"AdditionalGroup-{count++}", securityGroupId.Trim(), new SecurityGroupImportOptions { Mutable = false })); } fargateServiceProps.SecurityGroups = ecsServiceSecurityGroups.ToArray(); } AppFargateService = new FargateService(this, nameof(AppFargateService), InvokeCustomizeCDKPropsEvent(nameof(AppFargateService), this, fargateServiceProps)); }
private bool NewSecurityGroup(string itemID) { SecurityGroup newItem = new SecurityGroup(); //all new records will be give a negative int autoid... //when they are updated then sql will generate one for them overiding this set value... //it will allow us to give uniqueness to the tempory new records... //Before they are updated to the entity and given an autoid... //we use a negative number and keep subtracting by 1 for each new item added... //This will allow it to alwasy be unique and never interfere with SQL's positive autoid... _newSecurityGroupAutoId = _newSecurityGroupAutoId - 1; newItem.AutoID = _newSecurityGroupAutoId; newItem.SecurityGroupID = itemID; newItem.CompanyID = ClientSessionSingleton.Instance.CompanyID; newItem.IsValid = 1; newItem.NotValidMessage = "New Record Key Field/s Are Required."; SecurityGroupList.Add(newItem); _serviceAgent.AddToSecurityGroupRepository(newItem); SelectedSecurityGroup = SecurityGroupList.LastOrDefault(); AllowEdit = true; Dirty = false; return(true); }
public IQueryable <Temp> GetMetaData(string tableName) { switch (tableName) { case "SystemUsers": SystemUser systemUser = new SystemUser(); return(systemUser.GetMetaData().AsQueryable()); case "SystemUsersTypes": SystemUserType systemUserTypes = new SystemUserType(); return(systemUserTypes.GetMetaData().AsQueryable()); case "SystemUserCodes": SystemUserCode systemUserCode = new SystemUserCode(); return(systemUserCode.GetMetaData().AsQueryable()); case "SystemUserSecurities": SystemUserSecurity systemUserSecurity = new SystemUserSecurity(); return(systemUserSecurity.GetMetaData().AsQueryable()); case "SecurityGroups": SecurityGroup securityGroup = new SecurityGroup(); return(securityGroup.GetMetaData().AsQueryable()); default: //no table exists for the given tablename given... List <Temp> tempList = new List <Temp>(); Temp temp = new Temp(); temp.ID = 0; temp.Int_1 = 0; temp.Bool_1 = true; //bool_1 will flag it as an error... temp.Name = "Error"; temp.ShortChar_1 = "Table " + tableName + " Is Not A Valid Table Within The Given Entity Collection, Or Meta Data Is Not Publc For The Given Table Name"; tempList.Add(temp); return(tempList.AsQueryable()); } }
public virtual void SaveSecurityGroup(HttpContext context) { YZRequest request = new YZRequest(context); string mode = request.GetString("mode"); string groupName = request.GetString("GroupName", mode == "new", null); JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream); using (JsonTextReader streamReader = new JsonTextReader(reader)) { JArray @params = serializer.Deserialize(streamReader) as JArray; SecurityGroup group = @params[0].ToObject <SecurityGroup>(serializer); SIDPairCollection sids = @params[1].ToObject <SIDPairCollection>(serializer); using (BPMConnection cn = new BPMConnection()) { cn.WebOpen(); if (mode == "edit") { if (groupName != group.GroupName) { GroupManager.RenameSecurityGroup(cn, groupName, group.GroupName); } GroupManager.UpdateSecutiryGroup(cn, group.GroupName, sids); } else { GroupManager.AddSecutiryGroup(cn, group.GroupName, sids); } } } }
public InternalMessage SendMessage(string Body, string Subject, Guid Recipient, int ParentId = 0, Guid?Origin = null) { if ((Origin.HasValue ? this.SecurityGroupRepository.Find(Origin.Value) as ISecurityGroup : this.UserSession.LoggedInUser) is ISecurityGroup origin) { SecurityGroup target = this.SecurityGroupRepository.Find(Recipient); InternalMessage toSend = new InternalMessage() { Body = Body, Subject = Subject, Recipient = target?.Guid ?? Recipient, Parent = ParentId == 0 ? null : this.Find(ParentId), Origin = origin.Guid, To = target?.ToString() ?? Recipient.ToString(), From = origin.ToString() }; return(this.SendMessage(toSend, target is User t ? t.Email : string.Empty)); } else { throw new Exception("Unable to find security group for message."); } }
public SecurityGroup LoadSecurityGroup(int groupId) { var group = new SecurityGroup(groupId); var groups = new Dictionary <int, SecurityGroup>(); groups.Add(group.Id, group); var rows = 0; foreach (var membership in _storage.Memberships.Where(x => x.GroupId == groupId)) { rows++; if (membership.IsUser) { group.UserMemberIds.Add(membership.MemberId); } else { var memberGroup = EnsureGroup(membership.MemberId, groups); group.Groups.Add(memberGroup); memberGroup.ParentGroups.Add(group); } } return(rows == 0 ? null : group); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void frm_DialogClosed(object sender, DialogResult result) { try { SimModalDualInputBox frm = (SimModalDualInputBox)sender; frm.DialogClosed -= new Sim.Controls.DialogClosedEventHandler(frm_DialogClosed); if(result == DialogResult.Cancel) return; if(frm.Tag == null) { foreach(SecurityGroup g in psec.SecurityGroups.Values) if(g.Name.ToLower() == frm.Value1.ToLower()) { string text = String.Format("Группа безопасности \"{0}\" уже существует.\nВведите другое имя группы.", frm.Value1); SimModalMessageBox.Show(PanelBack, text, "Ошибка создания группы безопасности", MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } SecurityGroup gr = new SecurityGroup(); gr.Name = frm.Value1; gr.Description = frm.Value2; ShowProgressWindow(); PulsarQuery q = new PulsarQuery("Security", "SecurityGroups.Add", new { Add = new object[] {gr.SID, gr } }, PulsarQueryParams.Modify); TaskManager.Run("AddGroup", this, () => PulsarConnection.Default.Exec(q), gr); } else { SecurityGroup gr = ((SecurityGroup)frm.Tag).Clone(); gr.Name = frm.Value1; gr.Description = frm.Value2; ShowProgressWindow(); PulsarQuery q = new PulsarQuery("Security", "SecurityGroups.Item.Name", new { Item = gr.SID, Name = gr.Name }, PulsarQueryParams.Modify); TaskManager.Run("UpdNameGroup", this, () => PulsarConnection.Default.Exec(q), gr); PulsarQuery q2 = new PulsarQuery("Security", "SecurityGroups.Item.Description", new { Item = gr.SID, Description = gr.Description }, PulsarQueryParams.Modify); TaskManager.Run("UpdDescGroup", this, () => PulsarConnection.Default.Exec(q2), gr); } } catch(Exception Err) { Sim.Controls.ModalErrorBox.Show(Err, PanelBack); } }
public void SendMessage(string Body, string Subject, SecurityGroup Recipient, int ParentId = 0, SecurityGroup Origin = null) { if (Recipient is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Recipient)); } this.SendMessage(Body, Subject, Recipient.Guid, ParentId, Origin?.Guid); }
public ISecurityGroup Locate(string securityId, string securityGroupId) { return(SecurityGroup.FromLookup(Scope, securityId, securityGroupId)); }
public List <DirectoryEntry> GetSecurityGroupMembership(String securityGroupId) { System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry rootDirectoryEntry; List <DirectoryEntry> membership = new List <DirectoryEntry> (); Boolean foundRootDirectoryEntry = false; SecurityGroup securityGroup = new SecurityGroup(); String objectSid; if ((String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.Domain)) && (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.ServerName))) { return(membership); } try { // TO CONNECT TO DIRECTORY SERVICE BY DOMAIN NAME ONLY rootDirectoryEntry = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + ((String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.Domain) ? credentials.ServerName : credentials.Domain))); foundRootDirectoryEntry = true; } catch (Exception directoryExceptionDomainOnly) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf(traceSwitchSecurity.TraceError, directoryExceptionDomainOnly); try { // TO CONNECT TO DIRECTORY SERVICE BY DOMAIN NAME AND SERVER NAME rootDirectoryEntry = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + credentials.Domain + "/" + credentials.ServerName); foundRootDirectoryEntry = true; } catch (Exception directoryException) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf(traceSwitchSecurity.TraceError, directoryException); throw new ApplicationException("Unable to retreive group list for this Domain (" + credentials.Domain + ")."); } } // END TRY: CONNECT TO DIRECTORY SERVICES if (foundRootDirectoryEntry) { foreach (System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry currentEntry in rootDirectoryEntry.Children) { try { if (currentEntry.SchemaClassName.ToLower() == "group") { if (currentEntry.Properties["groupType"].Value != null) { objectSid = ObjectSidToString(((byte[])currentEntry.Properties["objectSid"].Value)); if (securityGroupId == objectSid) { Object groupMembers = currentEntry.Invoke("members", null); foreach (Object currentMember in (System.Collections.IEnumerable)groupMembers) { membership.Add(new DirectoryEntry(new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(currentMember))); } } } } } catch (Exception propertyException) { // DO NOTHING System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf(traceSwitchSecurity.TraceError, propertyException.Message); } } } return(membership); }
internal AutoScaledInstances( CdkStack stack, CfnParameter targetPlatform, Vpc vpc, bool publicAccess, SecurityGroup albSecurityGroup, SecurityGroup instanceSecurityGroup, Database database = null, Policy policy = null, ApplicationLoadBalancer restApiLoadBalancer = null) { IMachineImage selectedImage; bool targetWindows = false; if (targetWindows) { var userData = UserData.ForWindows(); userData.AddCommands( "New-Item -Path c:\\temp -ItemType Directory -Force", $"Read-S3Object -BucketName aws-codedeploy-{stack.Region}/latest -Key codedeploy-agent.msi -File c:\\temp\\codedeploy-agent.msi", "Start-Process -Wait -FilePath c:\\temp\\codedeploy-agent.msi -WindowStyle Hidden" ); selectedImage = new WindowsImage( WindowsVersion.WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_ENGLISH_CORE_BASE, new WindowsImageProps { UserData = userData } ); } else { var userData = UserData.ForLinux(new LinuxUserDataOptions { Shebang = "#!/bin/bash -xe" }); userData.AddCommands( "exec > >(tee /var/log/user-data.log|logger -t user-data -s 2>/dev/console) 2>&1", "yum install -y aws-cli ruby jq", "yum -y update", "cd /tmp/", $"curl -O https://aws-codedeploy-{stack.Region}", "chmod +x ./install", "if ./install auto; then", " echo \"CodeDeploy Agent installation completed successfully!\"", " exit 0", "else", " echo \"CodeDeploy Agent installation failed, please investigate.\"", " rm -f /tmp/install", " exit 1", "fi", "rm -rf /tmp/*" ); selectedImage = new AmazonLinuxImage(new AmazonLinuxImageProps { Edition = AmazonLinuxEdition.STANDARD, Virtualization = AmazonLinuxVirt.HVM, Generation = AmazonLinuxGeneration.AMAZON_LINUX_2, Storage = AmazonLinuxStorage.EBS, UserData = userData }); }; var alb = new ApplicationLoadBalancer(stack, $"ApplicationLoadBalancer-{(publicAccess ? "public" : "private")}", new ApplicationLoadBalancerProps { InternetFacing = publicAccess, Vpc = vpc, VpcSubnets = new SubnetSelection { SubnetType = publicAccess ? SubnetType.PUBLIC : SubnetType.PRIVATE }, SecurityGroup = albSecurityGroup, IpAddressType = IpAddressType.IPV4, Http2Enabled = true }); var albTargetGroup = new ApplicationTargetGroup(stack, $"ApplicationTargetGroup-{(publicAccess ? "public" : "private")}", new ApplicationTargetGroupProps { Vpc = vpc, Port = 80, Protocol = ApplicationProtocol.HTTP, TargetType = TargetType.INSTANCE, HealthCheck = new Amazon.CDK.AWS.ElasticLoadBalancingV2.HealthCheck { Timeout = Duration.Seconds(5), Interval = Duration.Seconds(10), HealthyThresholdCount = 2 } }); var albListener = new ApplicationListener(stack, $"ApplicationListener-{(publicAccess ? "public" : "private")}", new ApplicationListenerProps { Port = 80, Protocol = ApplicationProtocol.HTTP, DefaultAction = ListenerAction.Forward(new[] { albTargetGroup }), LoadBalancer = alb }); var asg = new AutoScalingGroup(stack, $"ASG-{(publicAccess ? "public" : "private")}", new AutoScalingGroupProps { Vpc = vpc, MinCapacity = 2, InstanceType = InstanceType.Of(InstanceClass.BURSTABLE3, InstanceSize.MEDIUM), MachineImage = selectedImage, BlockDevices = new[] { new Amazon.CDK.AWS.AutoScaling.BlockDevice() { DeviceName = "/dev/xvda", Volume = Amazon.CDK.AWS.AutoScaling.BlockDeviceVolume.Ebs( targetWindows ? 30: 8, new Amazon.CDK.AWS.AutoScaling.EbsDeviceOptions { VolumeType = Amazon.CDK.AWS.AutoScaling.EbsDeviceVolumeType.GP2, DeleteOnTermination = true } ) } }, AssociatePublicIpAddress = false, VpcSubnets = new SubnetSelection { SubnetType = SubnetType.PRIVATE } }); if (policy != null) { asg.Role.AttachInlinePolicy(policy); } asg.Role.AddToPrincipalPolicy( new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { Effect = Effect.ALLOW, Actions = new[] { "ec2:DescribeTags" }, Resources = new[] { "*" } }) ); asg.Role.AddManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.FromAwsManagedPolicyName("AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore")); asg.Role.AddManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.FromAwsManagedPolicyName("AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess")); asg.Role.AddManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.FromAwsManagedPolicyName("CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy")); Tag.Add(asg, "Application", stack.StackName); if (publicAccess) { Tag.Add(asg, "ApplicationRole", "Front End"); Tag.Add(asg, "RESTAPIAddress", restApiLoadBalancer.LoadBalancerDnsName); } else { Tag.Add(asg, "ApplicationRole", "REST API"); } if (database != null) { asg.Node.AddDependency(database.DatabaseResource); Tag.Add(asg, "DBSecretArn", database.Password.SecretArn); } // Enable access from the ALB asg.AddSecurityGroup(instanceSecurityGroup); Result = new LoadBalancedInstancesResult { AutoScalingGroup = asg, TargetGroup = albTargetGroup, LoadBalancer = alb }; }
public SecurityGroup Delete(SecurityGroup group) { return GroupDao.SoftDelete(group); }
public SecurityGroup GetSecurityGroup(String securityGroupId) { System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry rootDirectoryEntry; Boolean foundRootDirectoryEntry = false; SecurityGroup securityGroup = new SecurityGroup(); String objectSid; try { // TO CONNECT TO DIRECTORY SERVICE BY DOMAIN NAME ONLY rootDirectoryEntry = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + credentials.Domain); foundRootDirectoryEntry = true; } catch (Exception directoryExceptionDomainOnly) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf(traceSwitchSecurity.TraceError, directoryExceptionDomainOnly); try { // TO CONNECT TO DIRECTORY SERVICE BY DOMAIN NAME AND SERVER NAME rootDirectoryEntry = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + credentials.Domain + "/" + credentials.ServerName); foundRootDirectoryEntry = true; } catch (Exception directoryException) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf(traceSwitchSecurity.TraceError, directoryException); throw new ApplicationException("Unable to retreive group list for this Domain (" + credentials.Domain + ")."); } } // END TRY: CONNECT TO DIRECTORY SERVICES if (foundRootDirectoryEntry) { foreach (System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry currentEntry in rootDirectoryEntry.Children) { try { if (currentEntry.Properties["groupType"].Value != null) { objectSid = ObjectSidToString(((byte[])currentEntry.Properties["objectSid"].Value)); if (securityGroupId == objectSid) { securityGroup.SecurityAuthorityId = credentials.SecurityAuthorityId; securityGroup.SecurityAuthorityName = credentials.SecurityAuthorityName; securityGroup.SecurityGroupId = securityGroupId; securityGroup.SecurityGroupName = currentEntry.Properties["name"].Value.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty((String)currentEntry.Properties["Description"].Value)) { securityGroup.Description = currentEntry.Properties["Description"].Value.ToString(); } break; } } // if (currentPropertyName == "groupType") { } // END TRY ENUMERATE DIRECTORY ENTRY PROPERTIES catch (Exception propertyException) { // DO NOTHING System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf(traceSwitchSecurity.TraceError, propertyException.Message); } } } return(securityGroup); }
public void UpdateSecurityGroup(SecurityGroup record) { record.UpdatedBy = UserInfo.CurrentUserID; record.UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow; DataContext.Table <SecurityGroup>().UpdateRecord(record); }
internal CreditoWebApiStack(Construct scope, string id, CustomStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props) { var vpc = props.Vpc; var creditoWebApiTargetGroup = new ApplicationTargetGroup(this, "CreditoWebApiTargetGroup", new ApplicationTargetGroupProps { Protocol = ApplicationProtocol.HTTP, Port = 80, Vpc = vpc, TargetType = TargetType.IP, DeregistrationDelay = Duration.Seconds(60), HealthCheck = new Amazon.CDK.AWS.ElasticLoadBalancingV2.HealthCheck { Enabled = true, Path = "/api/credito/_monitor/shallow", Protocol = Amazon.CDK.AWS.ElasticLoadBalancingV2.Protocol.HTTP, Port = "traffic-port", UnhealthyThresholdCount = 2, Interval = Duration.Seconds(60), HealthyThresholdCount = 5, Timeout = Duration.Seconds(5), HealthyHttpCodes = "200" } }); var webApiServiceSecurityGroup = SecurityGroup.FromSecurityGroupId(this, "WebApiServiceSecurityGroup", Fn.ImportValue(Globals.GetDeployEnvironment(this).PutEnvNamePrefixWithDash("WebApiServiceSecurityGroupId"))); var appListener = ApplicationListener.FromApplicationListenerAttributes(this, "AppListener", new ApplicationListenerAttributes { ListenerArn = Fn.ImportValue(Globals.GetDeployEnvironment(this).PutEnvNamePrefixWithDash("AppListenerArn")), SecurityGroup = webApiServiceSecurityGroup }); appListener.AddTargetGroups("CreditoWebApiTargetGroup", new AddApplicationTargetGroupsProps { Conditions = new ListenerCondition[] { ListenerCondition.PathPatterns(new string[] { "/api/credito*" }) }, Priority = 100, TargetGroups = new ApplicationTargetGroup[] { creditoWebApiTargetGroup } }); var creditoWebApiLogGroup = new LogGroup(this, "CreditoWebApiContainerLogGroup", new LogGroupProps { LogGroupName = $"/ecs/{Globals.GetDeployEnvironment(this).EnvName}/credito/web-api", Retention = RetentionDays.FIVE_DAYS, RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.SNAPSHOT }); var creditoWebApiTaskDefinition = new FargateTaskDefinition(this, "CreditoWebApiTaskDefinition", new FargateTaskDefinitionProps { MemoryLimitMiB = 512, Cpu = 256 }); var creditoWebApiLogging = new AwsLogDriver( new AwsLogDriverProps { StreamPrefix = "ecs", LogGroup = creditoWebApiLogGroup }); var creditoWebApiContainer = creditoWebApiTaskDefinition.AddContainer("CreditoWebApiContainer", new ContainerDefinitionOptions { Image = ContainerImage.FromAsset( Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), new AssetImageProps { File = "src/Credito.WebApi/Dockerfile" }), Logging = creditoWebApiLogging, Environment = new Dictionary <string, string>() { ["CreditoDatabase__ConnectionString"] = StringParameter.ValueFromLookup( this, $"/{Globals.GetDeployEnvironment(this).EnvName}/credito/web-api/db/connection-string"), ["CreditoDatabase__DatabaseName"] = StringParameter.ValueFromLookup( this, $"/{Globals.GetDeployEnvironment(this).EnvName}/credito/web-api/db/database-name") } }); creditoWebApiContainer.AddPortMappings( new PortMapping { ContainerPort = 80, HostPort = 80, Protocol = Amazon.CDK.AWS.ECS.Protocol.TCP }); var cluster = Cluster.FromClusterAttributes(this, "Cluster", new ClusterAttributes { ClusterName = Fn.ImportValue(Globals.GetDeployEnvironment(this).PutEnvNamePrefixWithDash("ClusterName")), Vpc = vpc, SecurityGroups = new SecurityGroup[] { } }); var creditoWebApiService = new FargateService(this, "CreditoWebApiService", new FargateServiceProps { Cluster = cluster, TaskDefinition = creditoWebApiTaskDefinition, DesiredCount = 1, CircuitBreaker = new DeploymentCircuitBreaker { Rollback = true }, AssignPublicIp = false, HealthCheckGracePeriod = Duration.Seconds(60), SecurityGroups = new ISecurityGroup[] { webApiServiceSecurityGroup }, VpcSubnets = new SubnetSelection { SubnetType = SubnetType.PRIVATE } }); creditoWebApiService.AttachToApplicationTargetGroup(creditoWebApiTargetGroup); }
public void AddNewSecurityGroup(SecurityGroup record) { DataContext.Table <SecurityGroup>().AddNewRecord(record); }
/// <inheritdoc cref="SecurityGroup.AddRuleAsync"/> public static SecurityGroupRule AddRule(this SecurityGroup securityGroup, SecurityGroupRuleDefinition rule) { return(securityGroup.AddRuleAsync(rule).ForceSynchronous()); }
public SecurityGroup Save(SecurityGroup group) { return GroupDao.SaveOrUpdate(group); }
public void Create(Company newReseller) { OrganizationalUnits organizationalUnits = null; Groups groups = null; ReverseActions reverse = new ReverseActions(); try { organizationalUnits = new OrganizationalUnits(Settings.Username, Settings.DecryptedPassword, Settings.PrimaryDC); groups = new Groups(Settings.Username, Settings.DecryptedPassword, Settings.PrimaryDC); // Check if the user provided a company code or not // If they didn't then we will automatically generate one if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newReseller.CompanyCode)) newReseller.CompanyCode = OtherStatics.FindAvailableCompanyCode(newReseller.CompanyName, this.db); OrganizationalUnit newOrg = new OrganizationalUnit(); newOrg.Name = newReseller.CompanyCode; newOrg.DisplayName = newReseller.CompanyName; newOrg.City = newReseller.City; newOrg.State = newReseller.State; newOrg.PostalCode = newReseller.ZipCode; newOrg.Country = newReseller.Country; newOrg.UPNSuffixes = null; // Do not allow UPNSuffixes on the reseller OU newOrg.Description = newReseller.Description; var createdReseller = organizationalUnits.Create(Settings.HostingOU, newOrg); reverse.AddAction(Actions.CreateOrganizationalUnit, createdReseller.DistinguishedName); // // Create GPOAccess Group // SecurityGroup newGroup = new SecurityGroup(); newGroup.Name = string.Format("GPOAccess@{0}", newReseller.CompanyCode.Replace(" ", string.Empty)); newGroup.SamAccountName = newGroup.Name.Length > 19 ? newGroup.Name.Substring(0, 18) : newGroup.Name; groups.Create(createdReseller.DistinguishedName, newGroup); reverse.AddAction(Actions.CreateSecurityGroup, newGroup.Name); // // Add group to hoster GPOAccess group // groups.AddGroup("GPOAccess@Hosting", newGroup.Name); // Add to SQL log.DebugFormat("Saving new reseller {0} to the database.", newReseller.CompanyName); newReseller.Created = DateTime.Now; newReseller.DistinguishedName = createdReseller.DistinguishedName; newReseller.IsReseller = true; db.Companies.Add(newReseller); db.SaveChanges(); log.InfoFormat("Successfully created new reseller {0}", newReseller.CompanyName); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("Error creating new reseller: {0}", ex.ToString()); reverse.RollbackNow(); throw; } finally { if (groups != null) groups.Dispose(); if (organizationalUnits != null) organizationalUnits.Dispose(); } }
public SecurityGroup Create(string parentOU, SecurityGroup group) { PrincipalContext ctx = null; GroupPrincipal grp = null; try { log.DebugFormat("Creating a new group {0}", group.Name); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentOU)) throw new MissingFieldException("Create", "parentOU"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(group.Name)) throw new MissingFieldException("SecurityGroup", "Name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(group.SamAccountName)) throw new MissingFieldException("SecurityGroup", "SamAccountName"); if (group.SamAccountName.Length > 19) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(group.SamAccountName); ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, _domainController, parentOU, _username, _password); grp = new GroupPrincipal(ctx, group.SamAccountName); grp.Name = group.Name; grp.IsSecurityGroup = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(group.Description)) grp.Description = group.Description; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(group.DisplayName)) grp.DisplayName = group.DisplayName; grp.Save(); log.DebugFormat("Successfully created new group {0}", group.Name); // Update the values group.DistinguishedName = grp.DistinguishedName; group.ObjectGUID = (Guid)grp.Guid; return group; } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("Error creating new group {0}. Exception: {1}", group.Name, ex.ToString()); throw; } finally { if (grp != null) grp.Dispose(); if (ctx != null) ctx.Dispose(); } }
public void UpdateSecurityGroup(SecurityGroup record) { DataContext.Table <SecurityGroup>().UpdateRecord(record); }
private void UpdateArray(DBEntities context, SecurityGroupModel model, SecurityGroup target) { if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BlockChangeSecurity"] == "true") return; model.Roles = model.Roles ?? new List<Guid>(); foreach (SecurityRole item in target.SecurityRole.ToList()) { if (!model.Roles.Contains(item.Id)) target.SecurityRole.Remove(item); } foreach (SecurityRole item in context.SecurityRole.Where( s => model.Roles.Contains(s.Id)).ToList()) { if (!target.SecurityRole.Any(any => item.Id == any.Id)) target.SecurityRole.Add(item); } }
internal void LaunchServer(ref bool actionSucceeded, ref string actionMessage) { try { string keyPairPath = string.Empty; LaunchRequest.KeyPairName = $"KeyPair-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}"; while (!CreateKeyPair(LaunchRequest.KeyPairName, ref keyPairPath)) { LaunchRequest.KeyPairName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } DescribeVpcsRequest vpcRequest = new DescribeVpcsRequest(); DescribeVpcsResponse vpcResponse = Ec2Client.DescribeVpcsAsync(vpcRequest).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Vpc defaultVPC = vpcResponse.Vpcs.Find(x => x.IsDefault); //get the default vpc List <Filter> subnetFilter = new List <Filter>() { new Filter() { Name = "availability-zone", Values = new List <string>() { LaunchRequest.AvailabilityZone } }, new Filter() { Name = "vpc-id", Values = new List <string>() { defaultVPC.VpcId } } }; DescribeSubnetsRequest subnetRequest = new DescribeSubnetsRequest(); subnetRequest.Filters = subnetFilter; DescribeSubnetsResponse subnetResponse = Ec2Client.DescribeSubnetsAsync(subnetRequest).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Subnet defaultSubnet = subnetResponse.Subnets.FirstOrDefault(); Filter SGFilter = new Filter { Name = "vpc-id", Values = new List <string>() { defaultVPC.VpcId } }; DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest SGrequest = new DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest(); SGrequest.Filters.Add(SGFilter); DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse SGresponse = Ec2Client.DescribeSecurityGroupsAsync(SGrequest).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); SecurityGroup defaultSG = SGresponse.SecurityGroups.FirstOrDefault(); InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification defaultENI = new InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification() { DeviceIndex = 0, SubnetId = defaultSubnet.SubnetId, Groups = new List <string>() { defaultSG.GroupId }, AssociatePublicIpAddress = true }; List <InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification> enis = new List <InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification>() { defaultENI }; EbsBlockDevice ebsBlockDevice = new EbsBlockDevice { VolumeSize = 10, VolumeType = GetActualStorageType(LaunchRequest.StorageType) }; BlockDeviceMapping blockDeviceMapping = new BlockDeviceMapping { DeviceName = "/dev/xvda" }; blockDeviceMapping.Ebs = ebsBlockDevice; var launchRequest = new RunInstancesRequest() { ImageId = GetImageID(LaunchRequest.AMIType), InstanceType = GetActualInstanceType(LaunchRequest.InstanceType), MinCount = LaunchRequest.NumOfInstances, MaxCount = LaunchRequest.NumOfInstances, KeyName = LaunchRequest.KeyPairName, Placement = new Placement(LaunchRequest.AvailabilityZone), NetworkInterfaces = enis, BlockDeviceMappings = new List <BlockDeviceMapping>() { blockDeviceMapping } }; RunInstancesResponse launchResponse = Ec2Client.RunInstancesAsync(launchRequest).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); List <String> instanceIds = new List <string>(); foreach (Instance instance in launchResponse.Reservation.Instances) { Console.WriteLine(instance.InstanceId); instanceIds.Add(instance.InstanceId); } actionSucceeded = true; actionMessage = $"The instance(s) are being launched. Please check the AWS Console to verify. {keyPairPath}"; } catch (Exception ex) { context.Logger.LogLine($"ServerOperationsHelper::LaunchServer {ex.Message}"); context.Logger.LogLine($"ServerOperationsHelper::LaunchServer {ex.StackTrace}"); actionSucceeded = false; actionMessage = $"Could not launch the server . Please contact your administrator."; } }
internal NorthwindCdkStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props) { var vpc = new Vpc(this, "LabVpc", new VpcProps { MaxAzs = 2 }); // SQL Server var sg = new SecurityGroup(this, "NorthwindDatabaseSecurityGroup", new SecurityGroupProps { Vpc = vpc, SecurityGroupName = "Northwind-DB-SG", AllowAllOutbound = false }); // !!!!!!!!!! replace IP according to the instructions above sg.AddIngressRule(Peer.Ipv4(""), Port.Tcp(1433)); // SQL Server // !!!!!!!!!! var sql = new DatabaseInstance(this, "NorthwindSQLServer", new DatabaseInstanceProps { Vpc = vpc, InstanceIdentifier = "northwind-sqlserver", Engine = DatabaseInstanceEngine.SqlServerEx(new SqlServerExInstanceEngineProps { Version = SqlServerEngineVersion.VER_14 }), // SQL Server Express Credentials = Credentials.FromUsername("adminuser", new CredentialsFromUsernameOptions() { Password = new SecretValue("Admin12345?") }), //MasterUsername = "******", //MasterUserPassword = new SecretValue("Admin12345?"), InstanceType = InstanceType.Of(InstanceClass.BURSTABLE3, InstanceSize.SMALL), // t3.small SecurityGroups = new ISecurityGroup[] { sg }, MultiAz = false, VpcSubnets = new SubnetSelection() { SubnetType = SubnetType.PUBLIC }, // public subnet DeletionProtection = false, // you need to be able to delete database DeleteAutomatedBackups = true, BackupRetention = Duration.Days(0), RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY // you need to be able to delete database });; new CfnOutput(this, "SQLServerEndpointAddress", new CfnOutputProps { Value = sql.DbInstanceEndpointAddress }); // SQL Server connection string in Systems Manager Parameter Store new StringParameter(this, "NorthwindDatabaseConnectionString", new StringParameterProps { ParameterName = "/Northwind/ConnectionStrings/NorthwindDatabase", Type = ParameterType.STRING, Description = "SQL Server connection string", StringValue = string.Format("Server={0},1433;Integrated Security=false;User ID=adminuser;Password=Admin12345?;Initial Catalog=NorthwindTraders;", sql.DbInstanceEndpointAddress) }); // PostgreSQL setup // !!!!!!!!!! add 2 rules when you use provided VM, add 1 rule when you use your computer sg.AddIngressRule(Peer.Ipv4(""), Port.Tcp(5432)); // PostgreSQL sg.AddIngressRule(Peer.Ipv4(""), Port.Tcp(5432)); // PostgreSQL // !!!!!!!!!! var postgreSql = new DatabaseCluster(this, "NorthwindPostgreSQL", new DatabaseClusterProps { InstanceProps = new Amazon.CDK.AWS.RDS.InstanceProps { Vpc = vpc, InstanceType = InstanceType.Of(InstanceClass.BURSTABLE3, InstanceSize.MEDIUM), // t3.medium SecurityGroups = new ISecurityGroup[] { sg }, VpcSubnets = new SubnetSelection() { SubnetType = SubnetType.PUBLIC }, // you need to access database from your developer PC ParameterGroup = ParameterGroup.FromParameterGroupName(this, "DBInstanceParameterGroup", "default.aurora-postgresql11"), }, ParameterGroup = ParameterGroup.FromParameterGroupName(this, "DBClusterParameterGroup", "default.aurora-postgresql11"), ClusterIdentifier = "northwind-postgresql", Engine = DatabaseClusterEngine.AuroraPostgres(new AuroraPostgresClusterEngineProps { Version = AuroraPostgresEngineVersion.VER_11_6 }), // Aurora PostgreSQL Credentials = Credentials.FromUsername("adminuser", new CredentialsFromUsernameOptions { Password = new SecretValue("Admin12345?") }), //MasterUser = new Login //{ // Username = "******", // Password = new SecretValue("Admin12345?") //}, Instances = 1, Port = 5432, Backup = new BackupProps { Retention = Duration.Days(1) // minimum is 1 }, DefaultDatabaseName = "NorthwindTraders", InstanceIdentifierBase = "northwind-postgresql-instance", RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY // you need to be able to delete database, });; new CfnOutput(this, "PostgreSQLEndpointAddress", new CfnOutputProps { Value = postgreSql.ClusterEndpoint.Hostname }); // Aurora PostgreSQL connection string in Systems Manager Parameter Store new StringParameter(this, "NorthwindPostgreSQLDatabaseConnectionString", new StringParameterProps { ParameterName = "/Northwind/ConnectionStrings/NorthwindPostgreDatabase", Type = ParameterType.STRING, Description = "PostgreSQL connection string", StringValue = string.Format("Server={0};Database=NorthwindTraders;Username=adminuser;Password=Admin12345?", postgreSql.ClusterEndpoint.Hostname) }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new company in AD and the database /// </summary> /// <param name="newCompany"></param> /// <param name="domainName"></param> /// <param name="resellerCode"></param> public void Create(Company newCompany, string domainName, string resellerCode) { OrganizationalUnits organizationalUnits = null; Groups groups = null; ReverseActions reverse = new ReverseActions(); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(domainName)) throw new MissingFieldException("", "DomainName"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resellerCode)) throw new MissingFieldException("", "ResellerCode"); organizationalUnits = new OrganizationalUnits(Settings.Username, Settings.DecryptedPassword, Settings.PrimaryDC); groups = new Groups(Settings.Username, Settings.DecryptedPassword, Settings.PrimaryDC); // Check if the user provided a company code or not // If they didn't then we will automatically generate one if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newCompany.CompanyCode)) newCompany.CompanyCode = OtherStatics.FindAvailableCompanyCode(newCompany.CompanyName, this.db); OrganizationalUnit newOrg = new OrganizationalUnit(); newOrg.Name = newCompany.CompanyCode; newOrg.DisplayName = newCompany.CompanyName; newOrg.City = newCompany.City; newOrg.State = newCompany.State; newOrg.PostalCode = newCompany.ZipCode; newOrg.Country = newCompany.Country; newOrg.UPNSuffixes = new[] { domainName }; newOrg.Description = newCompany.Description; var createdCompany = organizationalUnits.Create(Settings.HostingOU, newOrg); reverse.AddAction(Actions.CreateOrganizationalUnit, createdCompany.DistinguishedName); // // Create security groups // string strippedCompanyCode = newCompany.CompanyCode.Replace(" ", string.Empty); // Create Admins@ group SecurityGroup newGroup = new SecurityGroup(); newGroup.Name = string.Format("Admins@", strippedCompanyCode); newGroup.SamAccountName = newGroup.Name.Length > 19 ? newGroup.Name.Substring(0, 18) : newGroup.Name; groups.Create(createdCompany.DistinguishedName, newGroup); reverse.AddAction(Actions.CreateSecurityGroup, newGroup.Name); // Create AllUsers@ group newGroup.Name = string.Format("AllUsers@", strippedCompanyCode); newGroup.SamAccountName = newGroup.Name.Length > 19 ? newGroup.Name.Substring(0, 18) : newGroup.Name; groups.Create(createdCompany.DistinguishedName, newGroup); reverse.AddAction(Actions.CreateSecurityGroup, newGroup.Name); // Create AllTSUsers@ group newGroup.Name = string.Format("AllTSUsers@", strippedCompanyCode); newGroup.SamAccountName = newGroup.Name.Length > 19 ? newGroup.Name.Substring(0, 18) : newGroup.Name; groups.Create(createdCompany.DistinguishedName, newGroup); reverse.AddAction(Actions.CreateSecurityGroup, newGroup.Name); groups.AddGroup("GPOAccess@" + resellerCode, newGroup.Name); // Add group to the GPOAccess group in resellers OU // // Create Exchange and Applications OU // newOrg = new OrganizationalUnit(); newOrg.Name = Settings.ExchangeOU; newOrg.DisplayName = Settings.ExchangeOU; newOrg.UPNSuffixes = new[] { domainName }; var createdOrg = organizationalUnits.Create(createdCompany.DistinguishedName, newOrg); reverse.AddAction(Actions.CreateOrganizationalUnit, createdOrg.DistinguishedName); newOrg = new OrganizationalUnit(); newOrg.Name = Settings.ApplicationsOU; newOrg.DisplayName = Settings.ApplicationsOU; newOrg.UPNSuffixes = new[] { domainName }; createdOrg = organizationalUnits.Create(createdCompany.DistinguishedName, newOrg); reverse.AddAction(Actions.CreateOrganizationalUnit, createdOrg.DistinguishedName); // Add to SQL log.DebugFormat("Saving new company {0} to the database.", newCompany.CompanyName); newCompany.Created = DateTime.Now; newCompany.DistinguishedName = createdCompany.DistinguishedName; newCompany.IsReseller = false; db.Companies.Add(newCompany); db.SaveChanges(); log.InfoFormat("Successfully created new company {0}", newCompany.CompanyName); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("Error creating new company: {0}", ex.ToString()); reverse.RollbackNow(); throw; } finally { if (groups != null) groups.Dispose(); if (organizationalUnits != null) organizationalUnits.Dispose(); } }
public static SecurityItem FromGroup(SecurityGroup group) { SecurityItem ch = new SecurityItem(); ch.SID = group.SID; ch.Image = global::Sim.AdminForms.Properties.Resources.Group; ch.Name = group.Name; ch.Desc = group.Description; return ch; }
/// <inheritdoc cref="SecurityGroupReference.DeleteAsync"/> public static void Update(this SecurityGroup securityGroup) { securityGroup.UpdateAsync().ForceSynchronous(); }
private BindingList <SecurityGroup> GetSecurityGroups(SecurityGroup itemQueryObject, string companyID) {//note this get is to the singleton repository... return(new BindingList <SecurityGroup>(_serviceAgent.GetSecurityGroups(itemQueryObject, companyID).ToList())); }