private void buttonRunReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { XmlReader xmlReader = null; // Select the report in the Viewer. // if (radioButtonProductListReport.Checked) { xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(Properties.Resources.ProductsReport); } else if (radioButtonCategoriesReport.Checked) { xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(Properties.Resources.CategoryReport); } var report = new SectionReport(); report.LoadLayout(xmlReader); // Apply stylesheet on the report. // string outputFolder = new FileInfo(GetType().Assembly.Location).DirectoryName + "\\"; string styleSheet = ""; if (radioButtonClassicStyle.Checked) { styleSheet = outputFolder + "Classic.reportstyle"; } else if (radioButtonColoredStyle.Checked) { styleSheet = outputFolder + "Colored.reportstyle"; } else if (_externalStyleSheet != "") { styleSheet = _externalStyleSheet; } if (styleSheet != "") { report.LoadStyles(styleSheet); } reportViewer.LoadDocument(report); }