Example #1
        SectionLocation findSectionLocation(ImportEntry _importEntry, out bool _usePlexLocation)
            _usePlexLocation = true;
            if (_importEntry != null)
                // 1. find section locations with corresponding PlexLocation
                var locations =
                    from location in m_sectionLocations.OrderByDescending(loc => loc.PlexLocation.Length)
                    where !String.IsNullOrEmpty(location.PlexLocation) && _importEntry.FullFileName.StartsWith(location.PlexLocation, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                    select location;
                SectionLocation sectionLocation = locations.FirstOrDefault();

                if (sectionLocation == null)
                    _usePlexLocation = false;
                    // 2. find section locations with corresponding MappedLocation
                    locations =
                        from location in m_sectionLocations.OrderByDescending(loc => loc.MappedLocation.Length)
                        where !String.IsNullOrEmpty(location.MappedLocation) && _importEntry.FullFileName.StartsWith(location.MappedLocation, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        select location;

                    sectionLocation = locations.FirstOrDefault();

Example #2
 public void updateSectionLocations()
     if (m_importFile != null)
         foreach (ImportEntry entry in m_importFile.Entries)
             bool            usePlexLocation;
             SectionLocation sectionLocation = findSectionLocation(entry, out usePlexLocation);
             if (sectionLocation != null && sectionLocation.Owner() != null)
                 entry.setSectionLocation(sectionLocation, usePlexLocation, progressMessage);
                 if (entry.FolderSection != null)
                     Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("==> FOLDER FOUND[{0}]: {1} - {2}", entry.FullFileName, entry.FolderSection.Key, entry.FolderSection.Title));
                     Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("==> folderSection NOT FOUND[{0}]", entry.FullFileName));
                 entry.FolderSection = null;
                 Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("==> Mapped SectionLocation NOT FOUND[{0}]", entry.FullFileName));
     progressMessage("", true);
Example #3
 protected void copyMappedLocations(List <SectionLocation> _fromLocations, List <SectionLocation> _toLocations, bool _addIfMissing)
     if (_fromLocations != null && _toLocations != null)
         foreach (SectionLocation sectionLocation in _toLocations)
             SectionLocation mappedLocation = _fromLocations.FirstOrDefault(location => location.PlexLocation.Equals(sectionLocation.PlexLocation, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
             if (mappedLocation != null)
                 if (PMSServer.DirectorySeparator == PMSBase.FORWARD_SLASH && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(mappedLocation.MappedLocation))
                     mappedLocation.MappedLocation = ImportEntry.normalizePath(mappedLocation.MappedLocation, PMSBase.BACKWARD_SLASH, PMSServer.DirectorySeparator);
                 sectionLocation.MappedLocation = mappedLocation.MappedLocation ?? "";
         if (_addIfMissing)
             foreach (SectionLocation sectionLocation in _fromLocations)
                 if (_toLocations.FirstOrDefault(location => location.PlexLocation.Equals(sectionLocation.PlexLocation, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == null)
                     _toLocations.Add(new SectionLocation(null)
                         PlexLocation = sectionLocation.PlexLocation
Example #4
 protected override void Serialize(BlobBuilder builder, SectionLocation location)
Example #5
 private MainSection getSelectedMainSection()
     if (gvSectionLocation.SelectedRows.Count == 1)
         SectionLocation sectionLocation = gvSectionLocation.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem as SectionLocation;
         return(sectionLocation != null?sectionLocation.Owner() : null);
Example #6
            protected override void Serialize(BlobBuilder builder, SectionLocation location)
                int value;

                while ((value = _resources.ReadByte()) >= 0)
Example #7
 public bool Equals(SectionInfo other)
     return(other == null
         ? false
         : Section.Equals(other.Section) &&
            FullSection.SequenceEqual(other.FullSection) &&
            Body.SequenceEqual(other.Body) &&
            SectionLocation.Equals(other.SectionLocation) &&
Example #8
        protected override BlobBuilder SerializeSection(string name, SectionLocation location)
            if (name.Equals(MvidSectionName, StringComparison.Ordinal))

            return(base.SerializeSection(name, location));
Example #9
 public void PutLocation(int id, SectionLocation model)
     DataProvider.ExecuteNonQuery(GetConnection, "dbo.Sections_UpdateLocationTab"
                                  , inputParamMapper : delegate(SqlParameterCollection param)
         param.AddWithValue("@Id", id);
         param.AddWithValue("@CampusLocation", model.CampusLocation);
         param.AddWithValue("@RoomNumber", model.RoomNumber);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Emit the .reloc section based on file relocation information in the individual blocks.
        /// We rely on the fact that the .reloc section is emitted last so that, by the time
        /// it's getting serialized, all other sections that may contain relocations have already
        /// been laid out.
        /// </summary>
        private BlobBuilder SerializeRelocationSection(SectionLocation sectionLocation)
            // There are 12 bits for the relative offset
            const int RelocationTypeShift      = 12;
            const int MaxRelativeOffsetInBlock = (1 << RelocationTypeShift) - 1;

            // Even though the format doesn't dictate it, it seems customary
            // to align the base RVA's on 4K boundaries.
            const int BaseRVAAlignment = 1 << RelocationTypeShift;

            BlobBuilder   builder         = new BlobBuilder();
            int           baseRVA         = 0;
            List <ushort> offsetsAndTypes = null;

            // Traverse relocations in all sections in their RVA order
            // By now, all "normal" sections with relocations should already have been laid out
            foreach (Section section in _sections.OrderBy((sec) => sec.RVAWhenPlaced))
                foreach (PlacedObjectData placedObjectData in section.PlacedObjectDataToRelocate)
                    for (int relocIndex = 0; relocIndex < placedObjectData.Relocs.Length; relocIndex++)
                        RelocType relocType     = placedObjectData.Relocs[relocIndex].RelocType;
                        RelocType fileRelocType = GetFileRelocationType(relocType);
                        if (fileRelocType != RelocType.IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE)
                            int relocationRVA = section.RVAWhenPlaced + placedObjectData.Offset + placedObjectData.Relocs[relocIndex].Offset;
                            if (offsetsAndTypes != null && relocationRVA - baseRVA > MaxRelativeOffsetInBlock)
                                // Need to flush relocation block as the current RVA is too far from base RVA
                                FlushRelocationBlock(builder, baseRVA, offsetsAndTypes);
                                offsetsAndTypes = null;
                            if (offsetsAndTypes == null)
                                // Create new relocation block
                                baseRVA         = relocationRVA & -BaseRVAAlignment;
                                offsetsAndTypes = new List <ushort>();
                            ushort offsetAndType = (ushort)(((ushort)fileRelocType << RelocationTypeShift) | (relocationRVA - baseRVA));

            if (offsetsAndTypes != null)
                FlushRelocationBlock(builder, baseRVA, offsetsAndTypes);

            _relocationDirectoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry(sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress, builder.Count);

Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Traverse blocks within a single section and use them to calculate final layout
        /// of the given section.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Section to serialize</param>
        /// <param name="sectionLocation">Logical section address within the output PE file</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BlobBuilder SerializeSection(string name, SectionLocation sectionLocation)
            if (name == R2RPEBuilder.RelocSectionName)

            if (name == R2RPEBuilder.ExportDataSectionName)

            BlobBuilder serializedSection = null;

            // Locate logical section index by name
            foreach (Section section in _sections.Where((sec) => sec.Name == name))
                // Calculate alignment padding
                int alignedRVA = (sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress + section.Alignment - 1) & -section.Alignment;
                int padding    = alignedRVA - sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress;
                if (padding > 0)
                    if (serializedSection == null)
                        serializedSection = new BlobBuilder();
                    serializedSection.WriteBytes(0, padding);
                    sectionLocation = new SectionLocation(
                        sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress + padding,
                        sectionLocation.PointerToRawData + padding);

                // Place the section
                section.RVAWhenPlaced     = sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress;
                section.FilePosWhenPlaced = sectionLocation.PointerToRawData;

                if (section.Content.Count != 0)
                    sectionLocation = new SectionLocation(
                        sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress + section.Content.Count,
                        sectionLocation.PointerToRawData + section.Content.Count);

                    if (serializedSection == null)
                        serializedSection = section.Content;

        public HttpResponseMessage updateLocation(int id, SectionLocation model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState));
            SucessResponse response = new SucessResponse();

            _sectionService.PutLocation(id, model);
Example #13
            protected override BlobBuilder SerializeSection(string name, SectionLocation location)
                if (name == ".s2")
                    _dirBuilder.CopyrightTable = new DirectoryEntry(location.RelativeVirtualAddress + 5, 10);

                var builder = new BlobBuilder();

                builder.WriteBytes((byte)name[name.Length - 1], 10);
Example #14
        public AttributeDatum <double> GetNumericAttributeDatum(ConfigFileModel item)
            var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(item.Connection.UserName, item.Connection.Password,
                                                  item.Connection.Server, item.Connection.DataSource);

            var numericAttribute = new NumericAttribute(item.AttributeName, sqlConnection,
                                                        Convert.ToDouble(item.DefaultValue), item.Maximum, item.Minimum);

            var sectionLocation       = new SectionLocation("I dont know yet");
            var numericAttributeDatum = new AttributeDatum <double>(numericAttribute, 5, sectionLocation, DateTime.Now);

Example #15
        private BlobBuilder SerializeMvidSection(SectionLocation location)
            var sectionBuilder = new BlobBuilder();

            // The guid will be filled in later:
            _mvidSectionFixup = sectionBuilder.ReserveBytes(SizeOfGuid);
            var mvidWriter = new BlobWriter(_mvidSectionFixup);

            mvidWriter.WriteBytes(0, _mvidSectionFixup.Length);
            Debug.Assert(mvidWriter.RemainingBytes == 0);

Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 由坐标点获取区段代码
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string getSectionCode(int x, int y)
            string secCode = "null";
            float  offsetX = PathMatrix.offsetX;
            float  offsetY = PathMatrix.offsetY;

            offsetX = offsetX - (float)DefaultSizeStr.leftSpaceWidth * (PathMatrix.widthScale - 1f);
            offsetY = offsetY - (float)DefaultSizeStr.upHourWordHeight * (PathMatrix.heightScale - 1f);
            x       = x - (int)offsetX;
            y       = y - (int)offsetY;
            if (secLocation == null || secLocation.Count <= 0)

            int y1, y2, x1, x2;

            for (int i = 0; i < secLocation.Count; i++)
                SectionLocation oneIDLocation = (SectionLocation)secLocation[i];
                x1 = oneIDLocation.pStart.X;
                x2 = oneIDLocation.pEnd.X;
                y1 = oneIDLocation.pStart.Y;
                y2 = oneIDLocation.pEnd.Y;
                if (y2 - y1 == 0)

                if (y >= y1 && y <= y2 && x >= x1 - 5 && x <= x1 + 5)
                    secCode = oneIDLocation.sectionCode;
        public void setSectionLocation(SectionLocation _sectionLocation, bool _usePlexLocation, ImportManager.ProgressEventHandler _progressMessage)
            string relativePath = RelativePath(_usePlexLocation ? _sectionLocation.PlexLocation : _sectionLocation.MappedLocation);

            MainSection = _sectionLocation.Owner();
            MainSection.loadFromCache(false, true, _progressMessage);
            var folders =
                from folder in MainSection.folders
                where folder.Title.Equals(relativePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                select folder;

            FolderSection = folders.FirstOrDefault();
            char directorySeparatorFrom = PMSServer.DirectorySeparator == PMSBase.BACKWARD_SLASH ? PMSBase.FORWARD_SLASH : PMSBase.BACKWARD_SLASH;

            m_fullPlexFileName = FullFileName;
            if (!_usePlexLocation && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_sectionLocation.MappedLocation))
                if (m_fullPlexFileName.StartsWith(_sectionLocation.MappedLocation, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    m_fullPlexFileName = _sectionLocation.PlexLocation + m_fullPlexFileName.Remove(0, _sectionLocation.MappedLocation.Length);
                m_fullPlexFileName = normalizePath(m_fullPlexFileName, directorySeparatorFrom, PMSServer.DirectorySeparator);
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize the export symbol table into the export section.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location">RVA and file location of the .edata section</param>
        private BlobBuilder SerializeExportSection(SectionLocation sectionLocation)
            _exportSymbols.MergeSort((es1, es2) => StringComparer.Ordinal.Compare(es1.Name, es2.Name));

            BlobBuilder builder = new BlobBuilder();

            int minOrdinal = int.MaxValue;
            int maxOrdinal = int.MinValue;

            // First, emit the name table and store the name RVA's for the individual export symbols
            // Also, record the ordinal range.
            foreach (ExportSymbol symbol in _exportSymbols)
                symbol.NameRVAWhenPlaced = sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress + builder.Count;

                if (symbol.Ordinal < minOrdinal)
                    minOrdinal = symbol.Ordinal;
                if (symbol.Ordinal > maxOrdinal)
                    maxOrdinal = symbol.Ordinal;

            // Emit the DLL name
            int dllNameRVA = sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress + builder.Count;


            int[] addressTable = new int[maxOrdinal - minOrdinal + 1];

            // Emit the name pointer table; it should be alphabetically sorted.
            // Also, we can now fill in the export address table as we've detected its size
            // in the previous pass.
            int namePointerTableRVA = sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress + builder.Count;

            foreach (ExportSymbol symbol in _exportSymbols)
                SymbolTarget symbolTarget  = _symbolMap[symbol.Symbol];
                Section      symbolSection = _sections[symbolTarget.SectionIndex];
                Debug.Assert(symbolSection.RVAWhenPlaced != 0);
                addressTable[symbol.Ordinal - minOrdinal] = symbolSection.RVAWhenPlaced + symbolTarget.Offset;

            // Emit the ordinal table
            int ordinalTableRVA = sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress + builder.Count;

            foreach (ExportSymbol symbol in _exportSymbols)
                builder.WriteUInt16((ushort)(symbol.Ordinal - minOrdinal));

            // Emit the address table
            int addressTableRVA = sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress + builder.Count;

            foreach (int addressTableEntry in addressTable)

            // Emit the export directory table
            int exportDirectoryTableRVA = sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress + builder.Count;

            // +0x00: reserved
            // +0x04: TODO: time/date stamp
            // +0x08: major version
            // +0x0A: minor version
            // +0x0C: DLL name RVA
            // +0x10: ordinal base
            // +0x14: number of entries in the address table
            // +0x18: number of name pointers
            // +0x1C: export address table RVA
            // +0x20: name pointer RVV
            // +0x24: ordinal table RVA
            int exportDirectorySize = sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress + builder.Count - exportDirectoryTableRVA;

            _exportDirectoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry(relativeVirtualAddress: exportDirectoryTableRVA, size: exportDirectorySize);

Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Output the section with a given name. For sections existent in the source MSIL PE file
        /// (.text, optionally .rsrc and .reloc), we first copy the content of the input MSIL PE file
        /// and then call the section serialization callback to emit the extra content after the input
        /// section content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Section name</param>
        /// <param name="location">RVA and file location where the section will be put</param>
        /// <returns>Blob builder representing the section data</returns>
        protected override BlobBuilder SerializeSection(string name, SectionLocation location)
            BlobBuilder sectionDataBuilder = null;
            int         sectionStartRva    = location.RelativeVirtualAddress;

            int outputSectionIndex = _sections.Length - 1;

            while (outputSectionIndex >= 0 && _sections[outputSectionIndex].Name != name)

            int injectedPadding = 0;

            if (_customPESectionAlignment != 0)
                if (outputSectionIndex > 0)
                    sectionStartRva = Math.Max(sectionStartRva, _sectionRVAs[outputSectionIndex - 1] + _sectionRawSizes[outputSectionIndex - 1]);

                int newSectionStartRva         = AlignmentHelper.AlignUp(sectionStartRva, _customPESectionAlignment);
                int newSectionPointerToRawData = AlignmentHelper.AlignUp(location.PointerToRawData, _customPESectionAlignment);
                if (newSectionPointerToRawData > location.PointerToRawData)
                    sectionDataBuilder = new BlobBuilder();
                    injectedPadding    = newSectionPointerToRawData - location.PointerToRawData;
                    sectionDataBuilder.WriteBytes(1, injectedPadding);
                sectionStartRva = newSectionStartRva;
                location        = new SectionLocation(sectionStartRva, newSectionPointerToRawData);

            if (!_target.IsWindows)
                const int RVAAlign = 1 << RVABitsToMatchFilePos;
                if (outputSectionIndex > 0)
                    sectionStartRva = Math.Max(sectionStartRva, _sectionRVAs[outputSectionIndex - 1] + _sectionRawSizes[outputSectionIndex - 1]);

                    // when assembly is stored in a singlefile bundle, an additional skew is introduced
                    // as the streams inside the bundle are not necessarily page aligned as we do not
                    // know the actual page size on the target system.
                    // We may need one page gap of unused VA space before the next section starts.
                    // We will assume the page size is <= RVAAlign
                    sectionStartRva += RVAAlign;

                sectionStartRva = AlignmentHelper.AlignUp(sectionStartRva, RVAAlign);

                int rvaAdjust = (location.PointerToRawData - sectionStartRva) & (RVAAlign - 1);
                sectionStartRva += rvaAdjust;
                location         = new SectionLocation(sectionStartRva, location.PointerToRawData);

            if (outputSectionIndex >= 0)
                _sectionRVAs[outputSectionIndex]             = sectionStartRva;
                _sectionPointerToRawData[outputSectionIndex] = location.PointerToRawData;

            BlobBuilder extraData = _sectionBuilder.SerializeSection(name, location);

            if (extraData != null)
                if (sectionDataBuilder == null)
                    // See above - there's a bug due to which LinkSuffix to an empty BlobBuilder screws up the blob content.
                    sectionDataBuilder = extraData;

            // Make sure the section has at least 1 byte, otherwise the PE emitter goes mad,
            // messes up the section map and corrups the output executable.
            if (sectionDataBuilder == null)
                sectionDataBuilder = new BlobBuilder();

            if (sectionDataBuilder.Count == 0)

            int sectionRawSize = sectionDataBuilder.Count - injectedPadding;

            if (_customPESectionAlignment != 0)
                // Align the end of the section to the padding offset
                int count = AlignmentHelper.AlignUp(sectionRawSize, _customPESectionAlignment);
                sectionDataBuilder.WriteBytes(0, count - sectionRawSize);
                sectionRawSize = count;

            if (outputSectionIndex >= 0)
                _sectionRawSizes[outputSectionIndex] = sectionRawSize;

Example #20
 protected internal override void Serialize(BlobBuilder builder, SectionLocation location)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #21
 protected internal override void Serialize(BlobBuilder builder, SectionLocation location)
Example #22
 internal protected override void Serialize(BlobBuilder builder, SectionLocation location)
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Traverse blocks within a single section and use them to calculate final layout
        /// of the given section.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Section to serialize</param>
        /// <param name="sectionLocation">Logical section address within the output PE file</param>
        /// <param name="sectionStartRva">Section start RVA</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BlobBuilder SerializeSection(string name, SectionLocation sectionLocation, int sectionStartRva)
            if (name == ".reloc")

            if (name == ".edata")

            BlobBuilder serializedSection = null;

            // Locate logical section index by name
            foreach (Section section in _sections.Where((sec) => sec.Name == name))
                // Calculate alignment padding
                int alignedRVA = (sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress + section.Alignment - 1) & -section.Alignment;
                int padding    = alignedRVA - sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress;
                if (padding > 0)
                    if (serializedSection == null)
                        serializedSection = new BlobBuilder();
                    serializedSection.WriteBytes(0, padding);
                    sectionLocation = new SectionLocation(
                        sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress + padding,
                        sectionLocation.PointerToRawData + padding);

                // Place the section
                section.RVAWhenPlaced     = sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress;
                section.FilePosWhenPlaced = sectionLocation.PointerToRawData;

                // Place section start symbol node if available
                if (_sectionStartNodeLookup != null)
                    ISymbolNode sectionStartNode = _sectionStartNodeLookup(name);
                    if (sectionStartNode != null)
                        // We back-compensate the start section symbol to point at the beginning of the original
                        // section data. This is needed to access RVA field data in the embedded MSIL.
                        _symbolMap.Add(sectionStartNode, new SymbolTarget(section.Index, sectionStartRva - section.RVAWhenPlaced));

                if (section.Content.Count != 0)
                    sectionLocation = new SectionLocation(
                        sectionLocation.RelativeVirtualAddress + section.Content.Count,
                        sectionLocation.PointerToRawData + section.Content.Count);

                    if (serializedSection == null)
                        serializedSection = section.Content;

Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Output the section with a given name. For sections existent in the source MSIL PE file
        /// (.text, optionally .rsrc and .reloc), we first copy the content of the input MSIL PE file
        /// and then call the section serialization callback to emit the extra content after the input
        /// section content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Section name</param>
        /// <param name="location">RVA and file location where the section will be put</param>
        /// <returns>Blob builder representing the section data</returns>
        protected override BlobBuilder SerializeSection(string name, SectionLocation location)
            BlobBuilder sectionDataBuilder = null;
            int         sectionStartRva    = location.RelativeVirtualAddress;

            int outputSectionIndex = _sections.Length - 1;

            while (outputSectionIndex >= 0 && _sections[outputSectionIndex].Name != name)

            if (!_target.IsWindows)
                if (outputSectionIndex > 0)
                    sectionStartRva = Math.Max(sectionStartRva, _sectionRVAs[outputSectionIndex - 1] + _sectionRawSizes[outputSectionIndex - 1]);

                const int RVAAlign = 1 << RVABitsToMatchFilePos;
                sectionStartRva = AlignmentHelper.AlignUp(sectionStartRva, RVAAlign);

                int rvaAdjust = (location.PointerToRawData - sectionStartRva) & (RVAAlign - 1);
                sectionStartRva += rvaAdjust;
                location         = new SectionLocation(sectionStartRva, location.PointerToRawData);

            if (outputSectionIndex >= 0)
                _sectionRVAs[outputSectionIndex] = sectionStartRva;

            int inputSectionIndex = _peReader.PEHeaders.SectionHeaders.Count() - 1;

            while (inputSectionIndex >= 0 && _peReader.PEHeaders.SectionHeaders[inputSectionIndex].Name != name)
            if (inputSectionIndex >= 0)
                SectionHeader sectionHeader = _peReader.PEHeaders.SectionHeaders[inputSectionIndex];
                int           sectionOffset = (_peReader.IsLoadedImage ? sectionHeader.VirtualAddress : sectionHeader.PointerToRawData);
                int           rvaDelta      = location.RelativeVirtualAddress - sectionHeader.VirtualAddress;

                _sectionRvaDeltas.Add(new SectionRVADelta(
                                          startRVA: sectionHeader.VirtualAddress,
                                          endRVA: sectionHeader.VirtualAddress + Math.Max(sectionHeader.VirtualSize, sectionHeader.SizeOfRawData),
                                          deltaRVA: rvaDelta));

                int        bytesToRead        = Math.Min(sectionHeader.SizeOfRawData, sectionHeader.VirtualSize);
                BlobReader inputSectionReader = _peReader.GetEntireImage().GetReader(sectionOffset, bytesToRead);

                if (name == RsrcSectionName)
                    // There seems to be a bug in BlobBuilder - when we LinkSuffix to an empty blob builder,
                    // the blob data goes out of sync and WriteContentTo outputs garbage.
                    sectionDataBuilder = PEResourceHelper.Relocate(inputSectionReader, rvaDelta);

                int alignedSize = sectionHeader.VirtualSize;

                // When custom section data is present, align the section size to 4K to prevent
                // pre-generated MSIL relocations from tampering with native relocations.
                if (_customSections.Contains(name))
                    alignedSize = (alignedSize + 0xFFF) & ~0xFFF;

                if (sectionDataBuilder != null)
                    if (alignedSize > bytesToRead)
                        // If the number of bytes read from the source PE file is less than the virtual size,
                        // zero pad to the end of virtual size before emitting extra section data
                        sectionDataBuilder.WriteBytes(0, alignedSize - bytesToRead);

                    location = new SectionLocation(
                        location.RelativeVirtualAddress + sectionDataBuilder.Count,
                        location.PointerToRawData + sectionDataBuilder.Count);

            BlobBuilder extraData = _sectionBuilder.SerializeSection(name, location);

            if (extraData != null)
                if (sectionDataBuilder == null)
                    // See above - there's a bug due to which LinkSuffix to an empty BlobBuilder screws up the blob content.
                    sectionDataBuilder = extraData;

            // Make sure the section has at least 1 byte, otherwise the PE emitter goes mad,
            // messes up the section map and corrups the output executable.
            if (sectionDataBuilder == null)
                sectionDataBuilder = new BlobBuilder();

            if (sectionDataBuilder.Count == 0)

            if (outputSectionIndex >= 0)
                _sectionRawSizes[outputSectionIndex] = sectionDataBuilder.Count;

Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Output the section with a given name. For sections existent in the source MSIL PE file
        /// (.text, optionally .rsrc and .reloc), we first copy the content of the input MSIL PE file
        /// and then call the section serialization callback to emit the extra content after the input
        /// section content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Section name</param>
        /// <param name="location">RVA and file location where the section will be put</param>
        /// <returns>Blob builder representing the section data</returns>
        protected override BlobBuilder SerializeSection(string name, SectionLocation location)
            BlobBuilder sectionDataBuilder = null;
            bool        haveCustomSection  = _customSections.Contains(name);
            int         sectionIndex       = _peReader.PEHeaders.SectionHeaders.Count() - 1;
            int         sectionStartRva    = location.RelativeVirtualAddress;

            while (sectionIndex >= 0 && _peReader.PEHeaders.SectionHeaders[sectionIndex].Name != name)
            if (sectionIndex >= 0)
                SectionHeader sectionHeader = _peReader.PEHeaders.SectionHeaders[sectionIndex];
                int           sectionOffset = (_peReader.IsLoadedImage ? sectionHeader.VirtualAddress : sectionHeader.PointerToRawData);
                int           rvaDelta      = location.RelativeVirtualAddress - sectionHeader.VirtualAddress;

                _sectionRvaDeltas.Add(new SectionRVADelta(
                                          startRVA: sectionHeader.VirtualAddress,
                                          endRVA: sectionHeader.VirtualAddress + Math.Max(sectionHeader.VirtualSize, sectionHeader.SizeOfRawData),
                                          deltaRVA: rvaDelta));

                    int        bytesToRead        = Math.Min(sectionHeader.SizeOfRawData, sectionHeader.VirtualSize);
                    BlobReader inputSectionReader = _peReader.GetEntireImage().GetReader(sectionOffset, bytesToRead);

                    if (name == ".rsrc")
                        // There seems to be a bug in BlobBuilder - when we LinkSuffix to an empty blob builder,
                        // the blob data goes out of sync and WriteContentTo outputs garbage.
                        sectionDataBuilder = PEResourceHelper.Relocate(inputSectionReader, rvaDelta);
                        sectionDataBuilder = new BlobBuilder();
                        sectionDataBuilder.WriteBytes(inputSectionReader.CurrentPointer, inputSectionReader.RemainingBytes);

                        int corHeaderRvaDelta = _peReader.PEHeaders.PEHeader.CorHeaderTableDirectory.RelativeVirtualAddress - sectionHeader.VirtualAddress;
                        if (corHeaderRvaDelta >= 0 && corHeaderRvaDelta < bytesToRead)
                            // Assume COR header resides in this section, deserialize it and store its location
                            _corHeaderFileOffset      = location.PointerToRawData + corHeaderRvaDelta;
                            inputSectionReader.Offset = corHeaderRvaDelta;
                            _corHeaderBuilder         = new CorHeaderBuilder(ref inputSectionReader);

                    int alignedSize = sectionHeader.VirtualSize;

                    // When custom section data is present, align the section size to 4K to prevent
                    // pre-generated MSIL relocations from tampering with native relocations.
                    if (_customSections.Contains(name))
                        alignedSize = (alignedSize + 0xFFF) & ~0xFFF;

                    if (alignedSize > bytesToRead)
                        // If the number of bytes read from the source PE file is less than the virtual size,
                        // zero pad to the end of virtual size before emitting extra section data
                        sectionDataBuilder.WriteBytes(0, alignedSize - bytesToRead);
                    location = new SectionLocation(
                        location.RelativeVirtualAddress + sectionDataBuilder.Count,
                        location.PointerToRawData + sectionDataBuilder.Count);

            if (_sectionSerializer != null)
                BlobBuilder extraData = _sectionSerializer(name, location, sectionStartRva);
                if (extraData != null)
                    if (sectionDataBuilder == null)
                        // See above - there's a bug due to which LinkSuffix to an empty BlobBuilder screws up the blob content.
                        sectionDataBuilder = extraData;

            // Make sure the section has at least 1 byte, otherwise the PE emitter goes mad,
            // messes up the section map and corrups the output executable.
            if (sectionDataBuilder == null)
                sectionDataBuilder = new BlobBuilder();

            if (sectionDataBuilder.Count == 0)

Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Output the section with a given name. For sections existent in the source MSIL PE file
        /// (.text, optionally .rsrc and .reloc), we first copy the content of the input MSIL PE file
        /// and then call the section serialization callback to emit the extra content after the input
        /// section content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Section name</param>
        /// <param name="location">RVA and file location where the section will be put</param>
        /// <returns>Blob builder representing the section data</returns>
        protected override BlobBuilder SerializeSection(string name, SectionLocation location)
            BlobBuilder sectionDataBuilder = null;
            int         sectionStartRva    = location.RelativeVirtualAddress;

            int outputSectionIndex = _sections.Length - 1;

            while (outputSectionIndex >= 0 && _sections[outputSectionIndex].Name != name)

            int injectedPadding = 0;

            if (_customPESectionAlignment != 0)
                if (outputSectionIndex > 0)
                    sectionStartRva = Math.Max(sectionStartRva, _sectionRVAs[outputSectionIndex - 1] + _sectionRawSizes[outputSectionIndex - 1]);

                int newSectionStartRva         = AlignmentHelper.AlignUp(sectionStartRva, _customPESectionAlignment);
                int newSectionPointerToRawData = AlignmentHelper.AlignUp(location.PointerToRawData, _customPESectionAlignment);
                if (newSectionPointerToRawData > location.PointerToRawData)
                    sectionDataBuilder = new BlobBuilder();
                    injectedPadding    = newSectionPointerToRawData - location.PointerToRawData;
                    sectionDataBuilder.WriteBytes(1, injectedPadding);
                sectionStartRva = newSectionStartRva;
                location        = new SectionLocation(sectionStartRva, newSectionPointerToRawData);

            if (!_target.IsWindows)
                if (outputSectionIndex > 0)
                    sectionStartRva = Math.Max(sectionStartRva, _sectionRVAs[outputSectionIndex - 1] + _sectionRawSizes[outputSectionIndex - 1]);

                const int RVAAlign = 1 << RVABitsToMatchFilePos;
                sectionStartRva = AlignmentHelper.AlignUp(sectionStartRva, RVAAlign);

                int rvaAdjust = (location.PointerToRawData - sectionStartRva) & (RVAAlign - 1);
                sectionStartRva += rvaAdjust;
                location         = new SectionLocation(sectionStartRva, location.PointerToRawData);

            if (outputSectionIndex >= 0)
                _sectionRVAs[outputSectionIndex]             = sectionStartRva;
                _sectionPointerToRawData[outputSectionIndex] = location.PointerToRawData;

            BlobBuilder extraData = _sectionBuilder.SerializeSection(name, location);

            if (extraData != null)
                if (sectionDataBuilder == null)
                    // See above - there's a bug due to which LinkSuffix to an empty BlobBuilder screws up the blob content.
                    sectionDataBuilder = extraData;

            // Make sure the section has at least 1 byte, otherwise the PE emitter goes mad,
            // messes up the section map and corrups the output executable.
            if (sectionDataBuilder == null)
                sectionDataBuilder = new BlobBuilder();

            if (sectionDataBuilder.Count == 0)

            int sectionRawSize = sectionDataBuilder.Count - injectedPadding;

            if (_customPESectionAlignment != 0)
                // Align the end of the section to the padding offset
                int count = AlignmentHelper.AlignUp(sectionRawSize, _customPESectionAlignment);
                sectionDataBuilder.WriteBytes(0, count - sectionRawSize);
                sectionRawSize = count;

            if (outputSectionIndex >= 0)
                _sectionRawSizes[outputSectionIndex] = sectionRawSize;

Example #27
 internal protected override void Serialize(BlobBuilder builder, SectionLocation location)
     throw new NotImplementedException();