public SearchResults Search(string queryString) { int resultsPerPage = 10; var analyzer = SetupAnalyzer(); var queryParser = SetupQueryParser(analyzer); IEnumerable <FieldDefinition> fields = new List <FieldDefinition> { new FieldDefinition { Name = "title", isDefault = true }, new FieldDefinition { Name = "description", isDefault = false } }; // Query query = BuildQuery(queryString,queryParser); // BuildQuery(queryString, fields); // Query query; if (queryString.EndsWith('~')) { query = BuildQuery(queryString, queryParser); } else { query = BuildQuery(queryString, fields); } using (var writer = new IndexWriter(_directory, new IndexWriterConfig(MATCH_LUCENE_VERSION, analyzer))) { var searchManager = new SearcherManager(writer, true, null); searchManager.MaybeRefreshBlocking(); IndexSearcher searcher = searchManager.Acquire(); try { TopDocs topDocs = searcher.Search(query, resultsPerPage); return(CompileResults(searcher, topDocs)); } finally { searchManager?.Release(searcher); searchManager?.Dispose(); searcher = null; analyzer?.Dispose(); ReleaseWriteLock(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve suggestions, specifying whether all terms /// must match (<paramref name="allTermsRequired"/>) and whether the hits /// should be highlighted (<paramref name="doHighlight"/>). /// </summary> public virtual IList <LookupResult> DoLookup(string key, IEnumerable <BytesRef> contexts, int num, bool allTermsRequired, bool doHighlight) { if (m_searcherMgr == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("suggester was not built"); } Occur occur; if (allTermsRequired) { occur = Occur.MUST; } else { occur = Occur.SHOULD; } TokenStream ts = null; BooleanQuery query; var matchedTokens = new JCG.HashSet <string>(); string prefixToken = null; try { ts = m_queryAnalyzer.GetTokenStream("", new StringReader(key)); //long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); ts.Reset(); var termAtt = ts.AddAttribute <ICharTermAttribute>(); var offsetAtt = ts.AddAttribute <IOffsetAttribute>(); string lastToken = null; query = new BooleanQuery(); int maxEndOffset = -1; matchedTokens = new JCG.HashSet <string>(); while (ts.IncrementToken()) { if (lastToken != null) { matchedTokens.Add(lastToken); query.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(TEXT_FIELD_NAME, lastToken)), occur); } lastToken = termAtt.ToString(); if (lastToken != null) { maxEndOffset = Math.Max(maxEndOffset, offsetAtt.EndOffset); } } ts.End(); if (lastToken != null) { Query lastQuery; if (maxEndOffset == offsetAtt.EndOffset) { // Use PrefixQuery (or the ngram equivalent) when // there was no trailing discarded chars in the // string (e.g. whitespace), so that if query does // not end with a space we show prefix matches for // that token: lastQuery = GetLastTokenQuery(lastToken); prefixToken = lastToken; } else { // Use TermQuery for an exact match if there were // trailing discarded chars (e.g. whitespace), so // that if query ends with a space we only show // exact matches for that term: matchedTokens.Add(lastToken); lastQuery = new TermQuery(new Term(TEXT_FIELD_NAME, lastToken)); } if (lastQuery != null) { query.Add(lastQuery, occur); } } if (contexts != null) { BooleanQuery sub = new BooleanQuery(); query.Add(sub, Occur.MUST); foreach (BytesRef context in contexts) { // NOTE: we "should" wrap this in // ConstantScoreQuery, or maybe send this as a // Filter instead to search, but since all of // these are MUST'd, the change to the score won't // affect the overall ranking. Since we indexed // as DOCS_ONLY, the perf should be the same // either way (no freq int[] blocks to decode): // TODO: if we had a BinaryTermField we could fix // this "must be valid ut8f" limitation: sub.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(CONTEXTS_FIELD_NAME, context.Utf8ToString())), Occur.SHOULD); } } } finally { IOUtils.DisposeWhileHandlingException(ts); } // TODO: we could allow blended sort here, combining // weight w/ score. Now we ignore score and sort only // by weight: Query finalQuery = FinishQuery(query, allTermsRequired); //System.out.println("finalQuery=" + query); // Sort by weight, descending: TopFieldCollector c = TopFieldCollector.Create(SORT, num, true, false, false, false); // We sorted postings by weight during indexing, so we // only retrieve the first num hits now: ICollector c2 = new EarlyTerminatingSortingCollector(c, SORT, num); IndexSearcher searcher = m_searcherMgr.Acquire(); IList <LookupResult> results = null; try { //System.out.println("got searcher=" + searcher); searcher.Search(finalQuery, c2); TopFieldDocs hits = (TopFieldDocs)c.GetTopDocs(); // Slower way if postings are not pre-sorted by weight: // hits =, null, num, SORT); results = CreateResults(searcher, hits, num, key, doHighlight, matchedTokens, prefixToken); } finally { m_searcherMgr.Release(searcher); } //System.out.println((System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + " msec for infix suggest"); //System.out.println(results); return(results); }
public virtual void TestReferenceDecrementIllegally([ValueSource(typeof(ConcurrentMergeSchedulers), "Values")]IConcurrentMergeScheduler scheduler) { Directory dir = NewDirectory(); var config = NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random())) .SetMergeScheduler(scheduler); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, config); SearcherManager sm = new SearcherManager(writer, false, new SearcherFactory()); writer.AddDocument(new Document()); writer.Commit(); sm.MaybeRefreshBlocking(); IndexSearcher acquire = sm.Acquire(); IndexSearcher acquire2 = sm.Acquire(); sm.Release(acquire); sm.Release(acquire2); acquire = sm.Acquire(); acquire.IndexReader.DecRef(); sm.Release(acquire); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => sm.Acquire(), "acquire should have thrown an InvalidOperationException since we modified the refCount outside of the manager"); // sm.Dispose(); -- already closed writer.Dispose(); dir.Dispose(); }
public virtual void TestEnsureOpen() { Directory dir = NewDirectory(); (new IndexWriter(dir, new IndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, null))).Dispose(); SearcherManager sm = new SearcherManager(dir, null); IndexSearcher s = sm.Acquire(); sm.Dispose(); // this should succeed; sm.Release(s); try { // this should fail sm.Acquire(); } catch (AlreadyClosedException e) { // ok } try { // this should fail sm.MaybeRefresh(); } catch (AlreadyClosedException e) { // ok } dir.Dispose(); }
/* * LUCENE-3528 - NRTManager hangs in certain situations */ public virtual void TestThreadStarvationNoDeleteNRTReader() { IndexWriterConfig conf = NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random())); conf.SetMergePolicy(Random().NextBoolean() ? NoMergePolicy.COMPOUND_FILES : NoMergePolicy.NO_COMPOUND_FILES); Directory d = NewDirectory(); CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); CountDownLatch signal = new CountDownLatch(1); LatchedIndexWriter _writer = new LatchedIndexWriter(d, conf, latch, signal); TrackingIndexWriter writer = new TrackingIndexWriter(_writer); SearcherManager manager = new SearcherManager(_writer, false, null); Document doc = new Document(); doc.Add(NewTextField("test", "test", Field.Store.YES)); writer.AddDocument(doc); manager.MaybeRefresh(); ThreadClass t = new ThreadAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, latch, signal, writer, manager); t.Start(); _writer.WaitAfterUpdate = true; // wait in addDocument to let some reopens go through long lastGen = writer.UpdateDocument(new Term("foo", "bar"), doc); // once this returns the doc is already reflected in the last reopen Assert.IsFalse(manager.SearcherCurrent); // false since there is a delete in the queue IndexSearcher searcher = manager.Acquire(); try { Assert.AreEqual(2, searcher.IndexReader.NumDocs()); } finally { manager.Release(searcher); } ControlledRealTimeReopenThread<IndexSearcher> thread = new ControlledRealTimeReopenThread<IndexSearcher>(writer, manager, 0.01, 0.01); thread.Start(); // start reopening if (VERBOSE) { Console.WriteLine("waiting now for generation " + lastGen); } AtomicBoolean finished = new AtomicBoolean(false); ThreadClass waiter = new ThreadAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this, lastGen, thread, finished); waiter.Start(); manager.MaybeRefresh(); waiter.Join(1000); if (!finished.Get()) { waiter.Interrupt(); Assert.Fail("thread deadlocked on waitForGeneration"); } thread.Dispose(); thread.Join(); IOUtils.Close(manager, _writer, d); }
// LUCENE-5461 public virtual void TestCRTReopen() { //test behaving badly //should be high enough int maxStaleSecs = 20; //build crap data just to store it. string s = " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz "; char[] chars = s.ToCharArray(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(2048); for (int i = 0; i < 2048; i++) { builder.Append(chars[Random().Next(chars.Length)]); } string content = builder.ToString(); SnapshotDeletionPolicy sdp = new SnapshotDeletionPolicy(new KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy()); Directory dir = new NRTCachingDirectory(NewFSDirectory(CreateTempDir("nrt")), 5, 128); IndexWriterConfig config = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_46, new MockAnalyzer(Random())); config.SetIndexDeletionPolicy(sdp); config.SetOpenMode(IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode_e.CREATE_OR_APPEND); IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter(dir, config); SearcherManager sm = new SearcherManager(iw, true, new SearcherFactory()); TrackingIndexWriter tiw = new TrackingIndexWriter(iw); ControlledRealTimeReopenThread<IndexSearcher> controlledRealTimeReopenThread = new ControlledRealTimeReopenThread<IndexSearcher>(tiw, sm, maxStaleSecs, 0); controlledRealTimeReopenThread.SetDaemon(true); controlledRealTimeReopenThread.Start(); IList<Thread> commitThreads = new List<Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { if (i > 0 && i % 50 == 0) { Thread commitThread = new Thread(new RunnableAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, sdp, dir, iw)); commitThread.Start(); commitThreads.Add(commitThread); } Document d = new Document(); d.Add(new TextField("count", i + "", Field.Store.NO)); d.Add(new TextField("content", content, Field.Store.YES)); long start = DateTime.Now.Millisecond; long l = tiw.AddDocument(d); controlledRealTimeReopenThread.WaitForGeneration(l); long wait = DateTime.Now.Millisecond - start; Assert.IsTrue(wait < (maxStaleSecs * 1000), "waited too long for generation " + wait); IndexSearcher searcher = sm.Acquire(); TopDocs td = searcher.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("count", i + "")), 10); sm.Release(searcher); Assert.AreEqual(1, td.TotalHits); } foreach (Thread commitThread in commitThreads) { commitThread.Join(); } controlledRealTimeReopenThread.Dispose(); sm.Dispose(); iw.Dispose(); dir.Dispose(); }
public virtual void TestReferenceDecrementIllegally() { Directory dir = NewDirectory(); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random())).SetMergeScheduler(new ConcurrentMergeScheduler())); SearcherManager sm = new SearcherManager(writer, false, new SearcherFactory()); writer.AddDocument(new Document()); writer.Commit(); sm.MaybeRefreshBlocking(); IndexSearcher acquire = sm.Acquire(); IndexSearcher acquire2 = sm.Acquire(); sm.Release(acquire); sm.Release(acquire2); acquire = sm.Acquire(); acquire.IndexReader.DecRef(); sm.Release(acquire); try { sm.Acquire(); Assert.Fail("acquire should have thrown an InvalidOperationException since we modified the refCount outside of the manager"); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { // } // sm.Dispose(); -- already closed writer.Dispose(); dir.Dispose(); }