Example #1
        public IEnumerable <StocktakingDto> GetAuditList(Pager page, SearchStocktaking condition)
            dynamic param = new ExpandoObject();

            string where = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.Code))
                where     += "and t0.Code=@Code ";
                param.Code = condition.Code;
            if (condition.StoreId > 0)
                where        += "and t0.StoreId=@StoreId ";
                param.StoreId = condition.StoreId;
            if (condition.Type > 0)
                where += "and t0.StocktakingType=@StocktakingType ";
                param.StocktakingType = condition.Type;
            if (condition.Status != 0)
                where += "and t0.Status=@StocktakingStatus ";
                param.StocktakingStatus = condition.Status;
            if (condition.StocktakingDate.HasValue)
                where += "and TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY,t0.StocktakingDate,@StocktakingDate)=0";
                param.StocktakingDate = condition.StocktakingDate;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.ProductCodeOrBarCode))
                where += " and t0.Id in (select stocktakingId from stocktakingItem t1 where t1.ProductId=@ProductIdOrBarCode or t1.BarCode=@ProductIdOrBarCode)";
                param.ProductIdOrBarCode = condition.ProductCodeOrBarCode;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.ShelfCode))
                where          += " and t0.ShelfCode=@ShelfCode";
                param.ShelfCode = condition.ShelfCode;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
                return(new List <StocktakingDto>());

            string sql = @"select t0.*,t2.`Name` as StoreName,t3.StocktakingDate
from stocktaking t0 inner join store t2 on t2.Id = t0.StoreId
inner join stocktakingPlan t3 on t3.Id = t0.StocktakingPlanId 
where 1=1 {0} ORDER BY t0.Id desc ";

            // sql = string.Format(sql, where, (page.PageIndex - 1) * page.PageSize, page.PageSize);
            sql = string.Format(sql, where);
            var rows = this._query.FindAll <StocktakingDto>(sql, param) as IEnumerable <StocktakingDto>;

            page.Total = rows.Count();
Example #2
        public IEnumerable <StocktakingListDto> GetPageList(Pager page, SearchStocktaking condition)
            dynamic param = new ExpandoObject();

            string where = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.Code))
                where     += "and t0.Code=@Code ";
                param.Code = condition.Code;
            if (condition.StoreId > 0)
                where        += "and t0.StoreId=@StoreId ";
                param.StoreId = condition.StoreId;
            if (condition.Type > 0)
                where += "and t0.StocktakingType=@StocktakingType ";
                param.StocktakingType = condition.Type;
            if (condition.Status != 0)
                where += "and t0.Status=@StocktakingStatus ";
                param.StocktakingStatus = condition.Status;
            if (condition.StocktakingDate.HasValue)
                where += "and datediff(t3.StocktakingDate,@StocktakingDate)=0";
                param.StocktakingDate = condition.StocktakingDate;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.ProductCodeOrBarCode))
                where += " and (p.Code=@ProductCodeOrBarCode or p.BarCode=@ProductCodeOrBarCode)";
                param.ProductCodeOrBarCode = condition.ProductCodeOrBarCode;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.ShelfCode))
                where          += " and t0.ShelfCode=@ShelfCode";
                param.ShelfCode = condition.ShelfCode;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
                return(new List <StocktakingListDto>());

            string sql = @"select t0.Id,t0.`Code`,t0.ShelfCode,t0.CreatedByName,t0.StocktakingType,t3.StocktakingDate,t1.CountQuantity,t1.CorectReason,t2.`Name` as StoreName,t3.StocktakingDate,p.Code as ProductCode,p.Name as ProductName,p.Specification,p.BarCode,p.Unit
from stocktaking t0 inner join stocktakingitem t1 on t0.Id = t1.StocktakingId
inner join store t2 on t2.Id = t0.StoreId
inner join stocktakingPlan t3 on t3.Id = t0.StocktakingPlanId 
left join product p on p.id = t1.productId
where 1=1 {0} ORDER BY t0.Id desc LIMIT {1},{2}";

            sql = string.Format(sql, where, (page.PageIndex - 1) * page.PageSize, page.PageSize);
            // sql = string.Format(sql, where);
            var    rows     = this._query.FindAll <StocktakingListDto>(sql, param) as IEnumerable <StocktakingListDto>;
            string sqlCount = @"select count(*) 
from stocktaking t0 inner join stocktakingitem t1 on t0.Id = t1.StocktakingId
inner join store t2 on t2.Id = t0.StoreId
inner join stocktakingPlan t3 on t3.Id = t0.StocktakingPlanId 
left join product p on p.id = t1.productId
where 1=1 {0}";

            sqlCount   = string.Format(sqlCount, where);
            page.Total = _query.Context.ExecuteScalar <int>(sqlCount, param);
Example #3
        public JsonResult LoadAuditData(Pager page, SearchStocktaking condition)
            var rows = _stocktakingQuery.GetAuditList(page, condition);

            return(Json(new { success = true, data = rows, total = page.Total }));