public bool Match(SearchItem item, Type type) { var realType = TypeUtil.GetUnNullableType(type); return realType == typeof(DateTime) && !(item.Value is DateTime) && (item.Method == SearchMethod.LessThan || item.Method == SearchMethod.LessThanOrEqual); }
public SearchItemEditWindow(ref SearchItem searchItem) { _searchItem = searchItem; InitializeComponent(); { var icon = new BitmapImage(); icon.BeginInit(); icon.StreamSource = new FileStream(Path.Combine(App.DirectoryPaths["Icons"], "Amoeba.ico"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); icon.EndInit(); if (icon.CanFreeze) icon.Freeze(); this.Icon = icon; } lock (_searchItem.ThisLock) { _searchTreeViewItemNameTextBox.Text = _searchItem.Name; _nameCollection = new ObservableCollectionEx<SearchContains<string>>(_searchItem.SearchNameCollection); _nameRegexCollection = new ObservableCollectionEx<SearchContains<SearchRegex>>(_searchItem.SearchNameRegexCollection); _signatureCollection = new ObservableCollectionEx<SearchContains<SearchRegex>>(_searchItem.SearchSignatureCollection); _keywordCollection = new ObservableCollectionEx<SearchContains<string>>(_searchItem.SearchKeywordCollection); _creationTimeRangeCollection = new ObservableCollectionEx<SearchContains<SearchRange<DateTime>>>(_searchItem.SearchCreationTimeRangeCollection); _lengthRangeCollection = new ObservableCollectionEx<SearchContains<SearchRange<long>>>(_searchItem.SearchLengthRangeCollection); _seedCollection = new ObservableCollectionEx<SearchContains<Seed>>(_searchItem.SearchSeedCollection); _stateCollection = new ObservableCollectionEx<SearchContains<SearchState>>(_searchItem.SearchStateCollection); } _searchTreeViewItemNameTextBox_TextChanged(null, null); _nameListView.ItemsSource = _nameCollection; _nameRegexListView.ItemsSource = _nameRegexCollection; _signatureListView.ItemsSource = _signatureCollection; _keywordListView.ItemsSource = _keywordCollection; _creationTimeRangeListView.ItemsSource = _creationTimeRangeCollection; _lengthRangeListView.ItemsSource = _lengthRangeCollection; _seedListView.ItemsSource = _seedCollection; _stateListView.ItemsSource = _stateCollection; _nameListViewUpdate(); _nameRegexListViewUpdate(); _signatureListViewUpdate(); _keywordListViewUpdate(); _creationTimeRangeListViewUpdate(); _lengthRangeListViewUpdate(); _seedListViewUpdate(); _stateListViewUpdate(); foreach (var item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SearchState)).Cast<SearchState>()) { _stateComboBox.Items.Add(item); } _stateComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public IEnumerable<SearchItem> Transform(SearchItem item, Type type) { DateTime willTime; DateTime.TryParse(item.Value.ToString(), out willTime); if (willTime.Hour == 0 && willTime.Minute == 0 && willTime.Second == 0) { willTime = willTime.AddDays(1).AddMilliseconds(-1); } return new[] { new SearchItem(item.Field, SearchMethod.LessThanOrEqual, willTime) }; }
public void LogImage(SearchItem item) { try { if (item.Status == SearchItem.Statuses.Failed) LogError(item); else LogSuccess(item); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new LoggingException(string.Format("Error logging result: {0},{1}", item.FilePath, item.ImageUrl), ex); } }
public SearchItem ResolveImageShortUrl(SearchItem item) { try { if (item.Status != SearchItem.Statuses.Ok) return item; if (!IsShortUrl(item.ImageUrl)) return item; item.ShortUrl = item.ImageUrl; if (CachedUrls.ContainsKey(item.ImageUrl)) { item.ImageUrl = CachedUrls[item.ImageUrl]; return item; } var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(item.ImageUrl); request.MaximumAutomaticRedirections = 1; request.AllowAutoRedirect = false; using (var response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) { if (response == null) return item; if (!IsRedirectResponse(response.StatusCode)) return item; var responseLocation = response.GetResponseHeader("Location"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseLocation)) { CachedUrls.TryAdd(item.ImageUrl, responseLocation); item.ImageUrl = responseLocation; } else CachedUrls.TryAdd(item.ImageUrl, item.ImageUrl); return item; } } catch (Exception ex) { item.Status = SearchItem.Statuses.Failed; item.Error = new ShortUrlResolverExceptoin(String.Format("Error resolving short item: {0}", item), ex); return item; } }
public SearchItem GetFile(SearchItem item) { try { if (item.Status != SearchItem.Statuses.Ok) return item; item.FileContents = File.ReadAllText(item.FilePath); return item; } catch (Exception ex) { item.Status = SearchItem.Statuses.Failed; item.Error = new FileProviderException("Error getting file", ex); return item; } }
public override SearchItem[] ExtractSearchItems(string content) { List<SearchItem> items = new List<SearchItem>(); string pattern = "<p class=\"second_name\"><a href=\"(.+?)\" title=\"(.+?)\">[^<]+</a></p>(<p class=\"cost2\">([^<]+)<|)"; MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(content, pattern); foreach (Match m in matches) { SearchItem item = new SearchItem() { EngineId = this.Id, Name = m.Groups[2].Value, Price = m.Groups[4].Value, Url = GetAbsoluteUri(m.Groups[1].Value) }; items.Add(item); } return items.ToArray(); }
/// <summary> /// Busca la primer entrada con el nombre completo dentro de una funcion, store, vista, trigger o rule. /// Ignora los comentarios. /// </summary> private static SearchItem FindCreate(string ObjectType, ISchemaBase item, string prevText) { SearchItem sitem = new SearchItem(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"((/\*)(\w|\s|\d|\[|\]|\.)*(\*/))|((\-\-)(.)*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Regex reg2 = new Regex(@"CREATE( )+" + ObjectType + @"(\s|\r|\n|\t|\w|\/|\*|-|@|_|&|#)*((\[)?" + item.Owner + @"(\])?((\s)*)?\.)?((\s)*)?(\[)?" + item.Name + @"(\])?", (RegexOptions)((int)RegexOptions.IgnoreCase + (int)RegexOptions.Multiline)); //Regex reg2_1 = new Regex(@"CREATE( )+" + ObjectType + @"(\s|\r|\n|\t|\w|\/|\*|-|@|_|&|#)*((\[)?" + item.Name + @"(\])?", (RegexOptions)((int)RegexOptions.IgnoreCase + (int)RegexOptions.Multiline)); Regex reg3 = new Regex(@"((\[)?" + item.Owner + @"(\])?\.)?((\s)+\.)?(\s)*(\[)?" + item.Name + @"(\])?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Regex reg4 = new Regex(@"( )*\["); MatchCollection abiertas = regex.Matches(prevText); Boolean finish = false; int indexStart = 0; int indexBegin = 0; int iAux = -1; while (!finish) { Match match = reg2.Match(prevText, indexBegin); if (match.Success) iAux = match.Index; else iAux = -1; if ((abiertas.Count == indexStart) || (!match.Success)) finish = true; else { if ((iAux < abiertas[indexStart].Index) || (iAux > abiertas[indexStart].Index + abiertas[indexStart].Length)) finish = true; else { indexBegin = iAux + 1; indexStart++; } } } string result = reg3.Replace(prevText, " " + item.FullName, 1, iAux + 1); if (iAux != -1) sitem.Body = reg4.Replace(result, " [", 1, iAux); sitem.FindPosition = iAux; return sitem; }
public async Task <List <String> > GetSpotifyGenreData(string searchTerm) { CredentialsAuth auth = new CredentialsAuth("078c7392711e4b978d6a3bd21984c93c", "8b7f7c3b96454fcd8b42193a179ca19b"); Token token = await auth.GetToken(); SpotifyWebAPI api = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = token.TokenType, AccessToken = token.AccessToken }; SearchItem item = api.SearchItems(searchTerm, SearchType.All, 10, 0, "US"); List <FullArtist> artists = item.Artists.Items.ToList(); List <String> genreList = new List <String>(); foreach (FullArtist artist in artists) { foreach (string genre in artist.Genres) { genreList.Add(genre); } } return(genreList); }
public async Task <JsonResult> GetSpotifyData(string searchTerm) { CredentialsAuth auth = new CredentialsAuth("078c7392711e4b978d6a3bd21984c93c", "8b7f7c3b96454fcd8b42193a179ca19b"); Token token = await auth.GetToken(); SpotifyWebAPI api = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = token.TokenType, AccessToken = token.AccessToken }; SearchItem item = api.SearchItems(searchTerm, SearchType.All, 10, 0, "US"); List <FullArtist> artists = item.Artists.Items.ToList(); List <AjaxArtist> ajaxArtists = new List <AjaxArtist>(); foreach (FullArtist artist in artists) { AjaxArtist artistajax = new AjaxArtist(); artistajax.Id = artist.Id; artistajax.Name = artist.Name; ajaxArtists.Add(artistajax); } return(Json(ajaxArtists, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
// Generate further information // // public static string GetIrdiForUnitSearchItem(SearchItem si) { if (si == null || si.ContentNode == null || si.Entity != "unit") { return(null); } string res = null; foreach (var x in GetChildNodesByName(si.ContentNode, "unitsml:CodeListValue")) { var cln = GetAttributeByName(x, "codeListName"); var ucv = GetAttributeByName(x, "unitCodeValue"); if (cln == "IRDI") { res = ucv; break; } } return(res); }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log, ExecutionContext context) { var response = string.Empty; try { var mode = ((string)req.Query["mode"]) ?? string.Empty; if (mode.Contains("-l")) { response = httpHelper.GetStringResponse($""); } else { response = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(context.FunctionAppDirectory, "requests/newegg/newegg-ps5-response.json")); } var ps5 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(response); var item = new SearchItem { Url = "", Instock = (bool)ps5["MainItem"]["Instock"], Title = ps5["MainItem"]["Description"]["Title"]?.ToString() }; Console.WriteLine($"Newegg Response: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item)}"); Console.WriteLine(); return(new OkObjectResult(new[] { item })); } catch (Exception ex) { var detailEx = new Exception($"Newegg Server Response: {response}", ex); return(new ExceptionResult(detailEx, true)); } }
public static IEnumerable<Models.SearchResult> MapSearchItemsToSearchResults(SearchItem[] items, IConditionResolver resolver, int productId) { return items.Select(i => new Models.SearchResult() { DateOfMatch = DateTime.Now, Link = i.viewItemURL, Title = i.title, Price = i.sellingStatus.currentPrice.Value, ItemNumber = i.itemId, StartTime = i.listingInfo.startTime, EndTime = i.listingInfo.endTime, NumberOfBidders = i.listingInfo.listingType.ToLowerInvariant() == "auction" ? i.sellingStatus.bidCount : 0, ImageURL = i.galleryURL, Currency = i.sellingStatus.currentPrice.currencyId, Location = i.location, SiteID = i.globalId, Type = i.listingInfo.listingType, ShippingCost = (i.shippingInfo.shippingServiceCost != null) ? i.shippingInfo.shippingServiceCost.Value : 0.0f, ConditionId = resolver.ConditionIdFromEBayConditionId((i.condition == null)? 0 : i.condition.conditionId), ProductId = productId }); }
public async Task <SearchItem> SearchTrack(string query, string tk) { RoclappData data = DataAccess.GetRocolappData(); RocolappUser user = GetUserbyRocolappId(tk); var spotify = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = "Bearer", AccessToken = user.Token, UseAuth = true }; SearchItem searchItem = spotify.SearchItems(query, SearchType.Track); if (searchItem.Error != null && searchItem.Error.Status == 401) { AutorizationCodeAuth auth = new AutorizationCodeAuth(); //Datos de mi aplicacion Rocolapp auth.ClientId = DataAccess.GetRocolappData().ClientId; auth.RedirectUri = DataAccess.GetRocolappData().RedirectUri; string clientSecret = DataAccess.GetRocolappData().ClientSecret; Token token = auth.RefreshToken(user.RefreshToken, DataAccess.GetRocolappData().ClientSecret); UpdateToken(user.Id.ToString(), token.AccessToken); var withRefreshedToken = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = "Bearer", AccessToken = token.AccessToken, UseAuth = true }; searchItem = withRefreshedToken.SearchItems(query, SearchType.Track); } return(searchItem); }
private void dataView_CellValuePushed(object sender, DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs e) { try { SearchItem tmp; if (e.RowIndex < SearchList.Count) { tmp = SearchList.Get(e.RowIndex); currentRow = e.RowIndex; if (curEdit == null) { curEdit = new SearchItem(tmp.Name, tmp.Keyword, tmp.SearchPath); } tmp = curEdit; currentRow = e.RowIndex; } else { tmp = curEdit; } string val = e.Value as string; switch (e.ColumnIndex) { case 0: tmp.Name = val; break; case 1: tmp.Keyword = val; break; case 2: tmp.SearchPath = val; break; } } catch { } }
public static List <SearchItem> GetSearchResults(string searchKey) { List <SearchItem> results = new List <SearchItem>(); #region Products var products = ProductManager.GetProductsBySearchKey(searchKey); foreach (var product in products) { SearchItem ps = new SearchItem(); ps.Title = product.ProductName; ps.Description = product.Description; ps.ShortDetails = product.ShortDetails; ps.ImageUrl = product.ImageUrl; ps.Link = "/Home/ProductDetails?id=" + product.Id; results.Add(ps); } #endregion #region News var news = NewsEventsManager.GetNewsBySearchkey(searchKey); foreach (var nw in news) { SearchItem ps = new SearchItem(); ps.Title = nw.Title; ps.Description = nw.Description; ps.ShortDetails = nw.ShortDescription; ps.ImageUrl = nw.ImagePath; ps.Link = "/Home/News?newsId=" + nw.Id; results.Add(ps); } return(results); #endregion }
private IQ SetVCardSearch(XmppStream stream, IQ iq, XmppHandlerContext context) { var answer = new IQ(IqType.result); answer.Id = iq.Id; answer.To = iq.From; answer.From = iq.To; var search = (Search)iq.Query; var pattern = new Vcard(); pattern.Nickname = search.Nickname; pattern.Name = new Name(search.Lastname, search.Firstname, null); //pattern.AddEmailAddress(new Email() { UserId = search.Email }); search = new Search(); foreach (var vcard in context.StorageManager.VCardStorage.Search(pattern)) { var item = new SearchItem(); item.Jid = vcard.JabberId; item.Nickname = vcard.Nickname; if (vcard.Name != null) { item.Firstname = vcard.Name.Given; item.Lastname = vcard.Name.Family; } var email = vcard.GetPreferedEmailAddress(); if (email != null) { item.Email = email.UserId; } search.AddChild(item); } answer.Query = search; return(answer); }
public async Task fmspotifysearchAsync(params string[] searchterms) { try { string querystring = null; if (searchterms.Length > 0) { querystring = string.Join(" ", searchterms); SearchItem item = await _spotifyService.GetSearchResultAsync(querystring).ConfigureAwait(false); if (item.Tracks.Items.Count > 0) { FullTrack track = item.Tracks.Items.FirstOrDefault(); SimpleArtist trackArtist = track.Artists.FirstOrDefault(); await ReplyAsync("" + track.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); this._logger.LogCommandUsed(Context.Guild?.Id, Context.Channel.Id, Context.User.Id, Context.Message.Content); } else { await ReplyAsync("No results have been found for this track.").ConfigureAwait(false); } } else { await ReplyAsync("Please specify what you want to search for.").ConfigureAwait(false); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogException(Context.Message.Content, e); await ReplyAsync("Unable to search for music via Spotify due to an internal error.").ConfigureAwait(false); } }
public ActionResult Index(string q) { _search = q; _trackId = ""; SearchResult searchResult = new SearchResult(); if (!_search.NullCheck()) { _search = _search.Decode(); ViewBag.Title = string.Format("{0} - {1}", _search, Settings.SingleTitle); CustomToken token = ViewBag.Token; SearchItem searchItem = null; if (!token.IsTokenEmpty()) { searchItem = Search(_search, token); if (searchItem != null && searchItem.Tracks != null && searchItem.Tracks.Items != null && searchItem.Tracks.Items.Count == 0) { var tempSearch = Regex.Replace(_search, "\\([^\\]]*\\)", ""); searchItem = Search(tempSearch, token); } } else { searchResult.IsTokenEmpty = true; } searchResult.SearchItem = searchItem; searchResult.query = _search; searchResult.track = _trackId; } return(View("Index", searchResult)); }
public SearchItem GetFile(SearchItem item) { try { if (item.Status != SearchItem.Statuses.Ok) return item; using (var client = new WebClient()) { var fileContents = client.DownloadString(item.FilePath); item.FileContents = (ContentsIsTextHtml(client)) ? fileContents : string.Empty; return item; } } catch (Exception ex) { item.Status = SearchItem.Statuses.Failed; item.Error = new FileProviderException("Error getting url", ex); return item; } }
public async Task <List <SpotifySong> > FetchAsync() { if (_apiNeedsReseting) { _searchItem = await _api.Api.SearchItemsAsync(Query, SearchType.Track); CheckForPageError(_searchItem); _page = _searchItem.Tracks; } else { _page = await _api.Api.GetNextPageAsync <FullTrack>(_searchItem.Tracks); } var result = new List <SpotifySong>(); foreach (var track in _page.Items) { result.Add(ToSong(track)); } return(result); }
private void SetSearchChoice(SearchItem searchItem) { TripOptions.SetAsAddress(new Address(searchItem.Name, searchItem.Name, searchItem.Location)); switch (this.Type) { case SearchType.Location: // Change text to the search item name. TextLocation = searchItem.Name; ClearButtonVisibilityLocation = Visibility.Visible; break; case SearchType.Destination: // Change text to the search item name. TextDestination = searchItem.Name; ClearButtonVisibilityDestination = Visibility.Visible;; break; } OnChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }
public override void OnBindElements(View view) { AddItemFloatActionButton = view.FindViewById <FloatingActionButton>(Resource.Id.AddItemFloatActionButton); SearchItem = view.FindViewById <AutoCompleteTextView>(Resource.Id.SearchItem); ItemList = view.FindViewById <RecyclerView>(Resource.Id.ItemList); EmptyItemsView = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.EmptyItemsView); LoadingItemsProgressBar = view.FindViewById <ProgressBar>(Resource.Id.LoadingItemsProgressBar); EmptyItemsView.Text = Resources.GetString(_emptyItemsResourceStringId); SearchItem.Hint = Resources.GetString(_searchItemsResourceStringId); AddItemFloatActionButton.SetOnClickListener(this); SearchItem.AddTextChangedListener(this); var layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(Context); layoutManager.Orientation = LinearLayoutManager.Vertical; ItemList.SetLayoutManager(layoutManager); var animationController = AnimationUtils.LoadLayoutAnimation(Context, Resource.Animation.layout_animation_fall_down); ItemList.LayoutAnimation = animationController; ItemList.ScheduleLayoutAnimation(); SetLoadingContent(); }
/// <summary> /// 商户预收款余额明细查询 /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataGridResult GetMerchantAccountDetail(SearchItem item) { string sql = @"SELECT M.*,A.NAME MERCHANTNAME,F.NAME FEE_ACCOUNTNAME,B.NAME BRANCHNAME,B.ID BRANCHID,D.CHANGE_TIME,D.REFERTYPE,D.REFERID, D.BALANCE ACCOUNT,D.SAVE_MONEY,D.USE_MONEY from MERCHANT_ACCOUNT M ,MERCHANT_ACCOUNT_RECORD D, MERCHANT A,FEE_ACCOUNT F,BRANCH B,CONTRACT C WHERE M.MERCHANTID=A.MERCHANTID AND M.FEE_ACCOUNT_ID=F.ID AND M.MERCHANTID=C.MERCHANTID AND C.BRANCHID=B.ID AND D.MERCHANTID=M.MERCHANTID AND M.FEE_ACCOUNT_ID=D.FEE_ACCOUNT_ID "; item.HasKey("BRANCHID", a => sql += $" and B.ID = {a}"); item.HasKey("MERCHANTID", a => sql += $" and A.MERCHANTID LIKE '%{a}%'"); item.HasKey("MERCHANTNAME", a => sql += $" and A.NAME LIKE '%{a}%'"); item.HasKey("FEE_ACCOUNT_ID", a => sql += $" and F.ID = {a}"); item.HasKey("REFERTYPE", a => sql += $" and D.REFERTYPE = {a}"); item.HasKey("REFERID", a => sql += $" and D.REFERID = {a}"); item.HasDateKey("STARTTIME", a => sql += $" and trunc(D.CHANGE_TIME) >= {a}"); item.HasDateKey("ENDTIME", a => sql += $" and trunc(D.CHANGE_TIME) <= {a}"); sql += " ORDER BY D.MERCHANTID,D.FEE_ACCOUNT_ID,D.CHANGE_TIME DESC "; int count; DataTable dt = DbHelper.ExecuteTable(sql, item.PageInfo, out count); dt.NewEnumColumns <收款类型>("REFERTYPE", "REFERTYPENAME"); return(new DataGridResult(dt, count)); }
/*************************************/ /**** Public Methods ****/ /*************************************/ public static Caller InstantiateCaller(SearchItem item) { try { Type type = item.CallerType; if (!m_ItemInstances.ContainsKey(type)) { m_ItemInstances[type] = Activator.CreateInstance(type as Type) as Caller; } Caller caller = m_ItemInstances[type].DeepClone(); caller.SetItem(item.Item); return(caller); } catch (Exception e) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordError($"Failed to instantiate {item.Text}.\nError: {e.Message}"); return(null); } }
public DataGridResult GetRateAdjustList(SearchItem item) { string sql = @"SELECT A.*,B.NAME BRANCHNAME FROM RATE_ADJUST A,BRANCH B WHERE A.BRANCHID=B.ID "; item.HasKey("ADID", a => sql += $" and A.ID = {a}"); item.HasKey("BRANCHID", a => sql += $" and A.BRANCHID={a}"); item.HasDateKey("DATE_START", a => sql += $" and A.STARTTIME>={a}"); item.HasDateKey("DATE_END", a => sql += $" and A.ENDTIME<={a}"); item.HasKey("STATUS", a => sql += $" and A.STATUS={a}"); item.HasKey("REPORTER", a => sql += $" and A.REPORTER={a}"); item.HasDateKey("REPORTER_TIME_START", a => sql += $" and A.REPORTER_TIME>={a}"); item.HasDateKey("REPORTER_TIME_END", a => sql += $" and A.REPORTER_TIME<={a}"); item.HasKey("VERIFY", a => sql += $" and L.VERIFY={a}"); item.HasDateKey("VERIFY_TIME_START", a => sql += $" and A.VERIFY_TIME>={a}"); item.HasDateKey("VERIFY_TIME_END", a => sql += $" and A.VERIFY_TIME<={a}"); sql += " ORDER BY A.ID DESC"; int count; DataTable dt = DbHelper.ExecuteTable(sql, item.PageInfo, out count); dt.NewEnumColumns <普通单据状态>("STATUS", "STATUSMC"); return(new DataGridResult(dt, count)); }
public async Task <IList <SearchItem> > convertToSearchItemList(IList <SearchItem> resultList, string pType, IList <Product> pList, IList <Bundle> bList) { if (!pType.Equals("bundle")) { foreach (Product p in pList) { SearchItem temp = await convertToSearchItem(p, null, false, pType, 1); resultList.Add(temp); } } else { foreach (Bundle b in bList) { SearchItem temp = await convertToSearchItem(null, b, true, pType, 1); resultList.Add(temp); } } return(resultList); }
public DataGridResult GetBillReturnList(SearchItem item) { string sql = $@"SELECT L.*,B.NAME BRANCHNAME,D.MERCHANTID,D.NAME MERCHANTNAME " + " FROM BILL_RETURN L,BRANCH B ,CONTRACT C,MERCHANT D " + " WHERE L.BRANCHID = B.ID and L.CONTRACTID=C.CONTRACTID(+) and C.MERCHANTID = D.MERCHANTID(+) "; item.HasKey("BILLID", a => sql += $" and L.BILLID = {a}"); item.HasKey("STATUS", a => sql += $" and L.STATUS={a}"); item.HasKey("REPORTER", a => sql += $" and L.REPORTER={a}"); item.HasDateKey("REPORTER_TIME_START", a => sql += $" and L.REPORTER_TIME>={a}"); item.HasDateKey("REPORTER_TIME_END", a => sql += $" and L.REPORTER_TIME<={a}"); item.HasKey("VERIFY", a => sql += $" and L.VERIFY={a}"); item.HasDateKey("VERIFY_TIME_START", a => sql += $" and L.VERIFY_TIME>={a}"); item.HasDateKey("VERIFY_TIME_END", a => sql += $" and L.VERIFY_TIME<={a}"); item.HasKey("CONTRACTID", a => sql += $" and C.CONTRACTID={a}"); item.HasKey("MERCHANTID", a => sql += $" and C.MERCHANTID={a}"); sql += " ORDER BY L.BILLID DESC"; int count; DataTable dt = DbHelper.ExecuteTable(sql, item.PageInfo, out count); dt.NewEnumColumns <普通单据状态>("STATUS", "STATUSMC"); return(new DataGridResult(dt, count)); }
public DetailView(SearchItem item) { InitializeComponent(); currentItem = item; Title = item.Name; FC5Html htmlFc5 = null; switch (item.Type) { case SearchItem.ItemType.Spell: htmlFc5 = DataStorage.GetSpell(item.Name); break; case SearchItem.ItemType.Monster: htmlFc5 = DataStorage.GetMonster(item.Name); break; } webBrowser.NavigateToString(htmlFc5.ToHtml()); }
/// <summary> /// 弹窗选择账单 /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataGridResult GetContract(SearchItem item) { string sql = " SELECT A.* " + " ,B.NAME MERCHANTNAME,C.NAME BRANCHNAME " + " FROM CONTRACT A,MERCHANT B,BRANCH C " + " WHERE A.MERCHANTID=B.MERCHANTID AND A.BRANCHID=C.ID"; item.HasKey("MERCHANTID", a => sql += $" and A.MERCHANTID like '%{a}%'"); item.HasKey("CONTRACTID", a => sql += $" and A.CONTRACTID = '{a}'"); item.HasKey("STATUS", a => sql += $" and A.STATUS = '{a}'"); item.HasKey("BRANCHID", a => sql += $" and A.BRANCHID = '{a}'"); item.HasKey("REPORTER", a => sql += $" and A.REPORTER = '{a}'"); item.HasDateKey("REPORTER_TIME_START", a => sql += $" and A.REPORTER_TIME >= '{a}'"); item.HasDateKey("REPORTER_TIME_END", a => sql += $" and A.REPORTER_TIME <= '{a}'"); item.HasKey("YXHTBJ", a => sql += $" and A.STATUS in (2,3,4)"); item.HasKey("FREESHOPBJ", a => sql += $" and not exists (select 1 from FREESHOP P where P.CONTRACTID = A.CONTRACTID)"); int count; DataTable dt = DbHelper.ExecuteTable(sql, item.PageInfo, out count); dt.NewEnumColumns <合同状态>("STATUS", "STATUSMC"); return(new DataGridResult(dt, count)); }
public DataGridResult GetVoucherList(SearchItem item) { string sql = $@"SELECT L.* " + " FROM VOUCHER L" + " WHERE 1=1 "; item.HasKey("VOUCHERID", a => sql += $" and L.VOUCHERID = {a}"); item.HasKey("VOUCHERNAME", a => sql += $" and L.VOUCHERNAME like '%{a}%'"); item.HasKey("STATUS", a => sql += $" and L.STATUS={a}"); item.HasKey("REPORTER", a => sql += $" and L.REPORTER={a}"); item.HasDateKey("REPORTER_TIME_START", a => sql += $" and L.REPORTER_TIME>={a}"); item.HasDateKey("REPORTER_TIME_END", a => sql += $" and L.REPORTER_TIME<={a}"); item.HasKey("VERIFY", a => sql += $" and L.VERIFY={a}"); item.HasDateKey("VERIFY_TIME_START", a => sql += $" and L.VERIFY_TIME>={a}"); item.HasDateKey("VERIFY_TIME_END", a => sql += $" and L.VERIFY_TIME<={a}"); sql += " ORDER BY L.VOUCHERID DESC"; int count; DataTable dt = DbHelper.ExecuteTable(sql, item.PageInfo, out count); dt.NewEnumColumns <账单类型>("VOUCHERTYPE", "VOUCHERTYPEMC"); dt.NewEnumColumns <普通单据状态>("STATUS", "STATUSMC"); return(new DataGridResult(dt, count)); }
/*****************************************************************/ /** * @brief Solicita datos de una cancion en especifico. Retorna el identificador de la cancion. * @param partist El nombre del artista. * @param psong Nombre de la cancion que se quiere. * @return identificador de la canción. */ public string searchTracks(string partist, string psong) { SearchItem item = _spotify.SearchItems(psong, SearchType.Track); string id = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < item.Tracks.Items.Count; i++) { if (item.Tracks.Items[i].Artists[0].Name == partist) { id = item.Tracks.Items[i].Id; break; } } } catch (Exception) { id = "No_ID"; } return((id == null) ? "No_ID" : id); }
public bool Add(SearchItem item) { bool added = true; var itemHash = item.GetHashCode(); if (m_IdHashes.Contains(itemHash)) { var startIndex = m_Items.BinarySearch(item, sortByScoreComparer); if (startIndex < 0) { startIndex = ~startIndex; } var itemIndex = m_Items.IndexOf(item, Math.Max(startIndex - 1, 0)); if (itemIndex >= 0 && item.score < m_Items[itemIndex].score) { m_Items.RemoveAt(itemIndex); m_IdHashes.Remove(itemHash); added = false; } else { return(false); } } var insertAt = m_Items.BinarySearch(item, sortByScoreComparer); if (insertAt < 0) { insertAt = ~insertAt; m_Items.Insert(insertAt, item); m_IdHashes.Add(itemHash); return(added); } return(false); }
public HttpResponseMessage PerformSearch(PerformActiomSettingsViewModel settings) { var operationResults = new List <OperationResult>(); if (settings.SearchTargets.Any() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.SearchText)) { if (settings.HtmlEncode) { settings.SearchText = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(settings.SearchText); } foreach (var item in settings.SearchTargets) { var tableName = SearchItem.GetTableNameFromId(item.Id); var columnName = SearchItem.GetColumnNameFromId(item.Id); var pkColumns = SqlDataProvider.GetPkColumns(tableName); var searchResults = SqlDataProvider.GetSearchResults(tableName, pkColumns, columnName, settings.SearchText); if (searchResults.Count > 0) { if (settings.DoReplace) { _ = SqlDataProvider.PerformReplace(tableName, columnName, settings.SearchText, settings.ReplaceText); } operationResults.Add(new OperationResult(tableName, columnName, BuildColumnsList(columnName, pkColumns), searchResults.Data, searchResults.Count)); } } } var jsonResults = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(operationResults); var res = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); res.Content = new StringContent(jsonResults, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); return(res); }
/// <summary> /// Searches the spotify API for an track /// </summary> /// <returns>A task string with the id of the first found track.</returns> public async Task <String> SearchSpotifyTrackAsync() { try { String[] stringPairs = Msg.Content.Split(' '); if (stringPairs.Length > 1) { CredentialsAuth auth = new CredentialsAuth(Properties.Settings.Default.SpotifyClientID, Properties.Settings.Default.SpotifyClientSecret); Token token = await auth.GetToken(); SpotifyWebAPI _spotify = new SpotifyWebAPI() { AccessToken = token.AccessToken, TokenType = token.TokenType }; //Search for the first track on Spotify String message = Msg.Content; String search = message.Substring(message.IndexOf(" ")); SearchItem item = _spotify.SearchItemsEscaped(search, SearchType.Track, 1); return(item.Tracks.Items[0].Id); } return(rm.GetString("SearchSpotifyTrackAsyncMissingSearchTerm")); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { Logger logger = new Logger(ex.ToString()); return(rm.GetString("SearchSpotifyTrackAsyncTrackNotFound") + "\r\n\r\n" + ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger logger = new Logger(ex.ToString()); return(rm.GetString("SearchSpotifyTrackAsyncError") + "\r\n\r\n" + ex.ToString()); } }
public async Task <Stream> GetInfo(string adeId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adeId)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("adeId"); } var cachePath = Path.Combine(_appPaths.CachePath, "ade", _fileSystem.GetValidFilename(adeId), "item.html"); var fileInfo = new FileInfo(cachePath); // Check cache first if (!fileInfo.Exists || (DateTime.UtcNow - _fileSystem.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(fileInfo)).TotalDays > 7) { var searchItem = new SearchItem { Id = adeId }; // Download and cache using (var stream = await _httpClient.Get(new HttpRequestOptions { Url = searchItem.Url, CancellationToken = cancellationToken, ResourcePool = ResourcePool })) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(cachePath)); using (var fileStream = _fileSystem.GetFileStream(cachePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read, true)) { await stream.CopyToAsync(fileStream).ConfigureAwait(false); } } } return(_fileSystem.GetFileStream(cachePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetSpotify(string title) { AzureServiceTokenProvider azureServiceTokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider(); var keyVaultClient = new KeyVaultClient( new KeyVaultClient.AuthenticationCallback(azureServiceTokenProvider.KeyVaultTokenCallback) ); var spotifyID = await keyVaultClient.GetSecretAsync("").ConfigureAwait(false); var spotifySecret = await keyVaultClient.GetSecretAsync("").ConfigureAwait(false); CredentialsAuth auth = new CredentialsAuth(spotifyID.Value, spotifySecret.Value); Token token = await auth.GetToken(); SpotifyWebAPI api = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = token.TokenType, AccessToken = token.AccessToken }; SearchItem searchItem = api.SearchItems(title, SearchType.Track); return(Ok(searchItem.Tracks.Items[0])); }
private void dataView_RowValidated(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { try { if (e.RowIndex >= SearchList.Count && e.RowIndex != dataView.Rows.Count) { SearchList.Add(curEdit); curEdit = null; currentRow = -1; } else if (curEdit != null && e.RowIndex < SearchList.Count) { SearchList.Set(e.RowIndex, curEdit); curEdit = null; currentRow = -1; } else if (dataView.ContainsFocus) { curEdit = null; currentRow = -1; } } catch { } }
public async Task <ActionResult> SpotifyArtistSearch(string Keyword, string Genre) { string ArtistString = ""; if (ModelState.IsValid) { SearchItem ArtistSearch = await SpotifyHelper.GrabArtists(Keyword); List <FullArtist> searchedArtists = ArtistSearch.Artists.Items; // this list acts like an array? int arraySize = searchedArtists.Count(); string[] ArtistArray = new string[arraySize]; for (int i = 0; i <= arraySize - 1; i++) { if (Genre == "") //leave genre blank to grab 50 artists { ArtistArray[i] = searchedArtists[i].Name; } else if (searchedArtists[i].Genres.Contains(Genre)) { ArtistString += searchedArtists[i].Name + ", "; ArtistArray[i] = searchedArtists[i].Name; } } TempData["ArtistsByGenre"] = ArtistArray; } else { TempData["ArtistsByGenre"] = "Whoops something went wrong!"; } return(View()); }
private void AddSearchItems(CompositeCollection cc) { SearchItem b = new SearchItem(); b.SearchObject = new RMSDataAccessLayer.Transactionlist(); b.SearchCriteria = "Transaction History"; b.DisplayName = "Transaction History"; cc.Add(b); if (ApplicationMode == SalesRegion.ApplicationMode.Pharmacy) { SearchItem p = new SearchItem(); p.SearchObject = null; p.SearchCriteria = "Add Patient"; p.DisplayName = "Add Patient"; cc.Add(p); SearchItem d = new SearchItem(); d.SearchObject = null; d.SearchCriteria = "Add Doctor"; d.DisplayName = "Add Doctor"; cc.Add(d); } }
private void LogSuccess(SearchItem item) { _logWriter.WriteLine("\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\"", item.FilePath, item.ImageUrl, item.ShortUrl); }
//not a really good search engine public List<SearchItem> Search(string searchString, IUser user) { #region new filesearch try{ DataTable dt = _db.Select("SELECT filename,md5 " + "FROM files"); FileSearcher fs = new FileSearcher(); foreach(DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { DBFile dbfile = new DBFile(); dbfile.Name = dr.ItemArray[0].ToString(); dbfile.MD5 = dr.ItemArray[1].ToString(); fs.Search(dbfile, searchString); } }catch(Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Server: New Search. "+e.Message); } #endregion #region thestandard be replaced soon if(!CheckUserIntegrity(user)) return null; if(searchString.Length < 3 || searchString.Length > 50) return null; // search algo gone easy: one hit gets 100% List<SearchItem> si = new List<SearchItem>(); try{ DataTable dt = _db.Select("SELECT user " + "FROM interests " + "WHERE content = '"+searchString+"'"); foreach(DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { SearchItem s = new SearchItem(); s.PercentageHit = 100; s.User = int.Parse(dr.ItemArray[0].ToString()); s.UserLastSeen = DateTime.Now.Ticks; si.Add(s); } }catch(Exception e) { Console.Write(e); } return si; #endregion }
private string GetKBName(SearchItem results) { string kbName = string.Empty; if (results.SourceType == "Articles") { KnowledgeBase KB = _portal.Knowledgebases.FirstOrDefault(Q => Q.Id == results.KbId); if (KB != null) { kbName = KB.Name; } } return kbName; }
private void GetFileFormatCounts(Dictionary<string, string> fileFormatCounts, SearchItem results, string FileExtn) { if (!fileFormatCounts.ContainsKey(FileExtn)) { string extension = GetOfficeExtensions(FileExtn); if (extension != string.Empty) { fileFormatCounts.Add(FileExtn, extension); } else { fileFormatCounts.Add(FileExtn, results.FileExtn); } } }
private string GetAutoSummarizationEnabled(SearchModule searchModule, SearchItem results, string searchString) { string autoSummEnabled = string.Empty; if (searchModule.AutoSummarizationEnabled) { if (_portal.ArticleTemplateBodySecurity) { if (results.ArtTemplateId > 0) { string groups = string.Join(",", _portal.ArticleGroups.Select(arr => arr.Id.ToString())); autoSummEnabled = _searchesManager.GetArticleSecuredSummary(results.Id, results.KbId, groups, results.FileExtn, searchModule.AutoSummarization.MaxLength, searchString, searchModule.ResultsDisplay.HighlightTerm); } else { autoSummEnabled = results.Summary; } } else { autoSummEnabled = results.Summary; } } return autoSummEnabled; }
private string GetArticleNames(SearchItem results) { string AttributeNames = string.Empty; // Get article names from DB if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(results.ArtAttributeIds)) { if (results.ArtAttributeIds != "0") { var Attributes = _searchesManager.GetAttributesByIds(results.ArtAttributeIds.ToString()); if (Attributes.Count > 0) { AttributeNames = String.Join(",", Attributes); } } } return AttributeNames; }
private void MoveLeftRun(SearchItem item) { if (UsedItems.Remove(item)) { UnusedItems.Add(item); } }
private void MoveRightRun(SearchItem item) { if (UnusedItems.Remove(item)) { UsedItems.Insert(SelectedUsedIndex+1,item); SelectedUsedIndex = UsedItems.IndexOf(item); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets called from the background thread whenever the background search finishes /// </summary> /// <param name="si">Search item</param> private void BackgroundSearchFinished(SearchItem si) { if (searchIdentifier == si.SearchIdentifier && String.IsNullOrEmpty(si.Hits.ErrorMessages)) { loadingResults = true; hitsBox.DataSource = si.Hits; hitsBox.SelectedItem = null; loadingResults = false; searchStatusLabel.Text = si.Hits.HadMoreHits ? String.Format(Properties.Resources.ShowingXTopResults, Indexer.MAX_SEARCH_HITS.ToString()) : String.Empty; } else { searchStatusLabel.Text = String.Empty; } }
/// <summary> /// Populates the main form filters the images in the database using the string specified in the search field. /// </summary> private void PerformSearch() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tSICB_search.Text)) return; string keyword = tSICB_search.Text.ToLowerInvariant(); SearchItem item = new SearchItem(keyword, _searchCriterion); if (!_searchKeywords.Contains(item)) { _searchKeywords.Add(item); ImageComboBoxItem displayItem = new ImageComboBoxItem(keyword); string imageKey = ""; switch (_searchCriterion) { case SearchCriterion.Product: imageKey = "product"; break; case SearchCriterion.ProductWithLicense: imageKey = "productwithlicense"; break; case SearchCriterion.UserWithLicense: imageKey = "userwithlicense"; break; case SearchCriterion.LicenseByProduct: imageKey = "licensebyuser"; break; case SearchCriterion.LicenseByUser: imageKey = "licensebyproduct"; break; default: imageKey = "product"; break; } displayItem.ImageKey = imageKey; tSICB_search.Items.Add(displayItem); } SelectControls(item.SearchCriterion); switch (_searchCriterion) { case SearchCriterion.Product: SearchProduct(); break; case SearchCriterion.UserWithLicense: SearchUserWithLicense(); break; case SearchCriterion.ProductWithLicense: SearchProductWithLicense(); break; case SearchCriterion.LicenseByUser: SearchLicenseByUser(); break; case SearchCriterion.LicenseByProduct: SearchLicenseByProduct(); break; default: SearchProduct(); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Searches for the specified term in the index. /// </summary> /// <param name="term">The term.</param> public static HitCollection Search(string term, IEnumerable<Indexer> indexers, int maxResults) { foreach (Indexer ixr in indexers) { if (!ixr.indexExists || ixr.searcher == null) { throw new Exception("The index does not exist for " + ixr.filePath); } } string searchRequest = String.Format("title:{0} AND -\"Image:\"", term); HitCollection ret = new HitCollection(); SearchItem si = new SearchItem(); si.Hits = ret; si.SearchRequest = searchRequest; si.MaxResults = maxResults; // I can't really be sure about the thread safety of Lucene lock (typeof(Indexer)) { foreach (Indexer ixr in indexers) { int i = 0; while (ixr.searchRunning && i < 30) { Thread.Sleep(100); i++; } if (i >= 30) { throw new Exception("Failed starting the search work item due to timeout"); } ixr.searchRunning = true; } foreach (Indexer ixr in indexers) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ixr.Search, si); } foreach (Indexer ixr in indexers) { int i = 0; while (ixr.searchRunning && i < 100) { Thread.Sleep(100); i++; } if (i >= 30) { throw new Exception("Failed finishing the search work item due to timeout"); } } } return ret; }
private bool LeftRightCanRun(SearchItem item) { return item != null; }
private void MoveUpRun(SearchItem item) { int index = _usedItems.IndexOf(item); _usedItems.RemoveAt(index); _usedItems.Insert(index - 1, item); SelectedUsedIndex = index - 1; }
private bool MoveUpCanRun(SearchItem item) { if (item == null) return false; if (_usedItems.IndexOf(item) == 0) return false; return true; }
private void LogError(SearchItem item) { _errorWriter.WriteLine("File: {0}", item.FilePath); _errorWriter.WriteLine("Image: {0}", item.ImageUrl); _errorWriter.WriteLine("ShortUrl: {0}", item.ShortUrl); _errorWriter.WriteLine("Error: {0}", item.Error.BuildLog()); _errorWriter.WriteLine(); }
private static void GetArticleCounts(Dictionary<int, int> categoryCounts, Dictionary<int, int> attributeCounts, Dictionary<int, int> KBCounts, SearchItem results) { // Get article KB counts string[] articleKBs = results.KbId.ToString().Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (articleKBs.Length == 0) { if (KBCounts.ContainsKey(0)) KBCounts[0]++; else KBCounts[0] = 1; } for (int j = 0; j < articleKBs.Length; j++) { if (KBCounts.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(articleKBs[j]))) KBCounts[Convert.ToInt32(articleKBs[j])]++; else KBCounts[Convert.ToInt32(articleKBs[j])] = 1; } // Get article category counts string[] articleCats = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(results.ArtCategoryIds)) { articleCats = results.ArtCategoryIds.ToString().Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (articleCats.Length == 0) { if (categoryCounts.ContainsKey(0)) categoryCounts[0]++; else categoryCounts[0] = 1; } for (int j = 0; j < articleCats.Length; j++) { if (categoryCounts.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(articleCats[j]))) categoryCounts[Convert.ToInt32(articleCats[j])]++; else categoryCounts[Convert.ToInt32(articleCats[j])] = 1; } } // Get article attribute counts if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(results.ArtAttributeIds)) { string[] articleAttributes = results.ArtAttributeIds.ToString().Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (articleAttributes.Length == 0) { if (attributeCounts.ContainsKey(0)) attributeCounts[0]++; else attributeCounts[0] = 1; } for (int j = 0; j < articleAttributes.Length; j++) { if (attributeCounts.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(articleAttributes[j]))) attributeCounts[Convert.ToInt32(articleAttributes[j])]++; else attributeCounts[Convert.ToInt32(articleAttributes[j])] = 1; } } }
/// <summary> /// Executes the search using the currently entered text /// </summary> private void LaunchSearch(bool interactive) { if (indexes.Count == 0) { return; } searchStatusLabel.Text = String.Format(Properties.Resources.SearchingForTerm, searchBox.Text); searchLaunched = true; searchIdentifier++; if (!interactive) { SearchItem si = new SearchItem(); si.SearchIdentifier = searchIdentifier; si.SearchText = searchBox.Text; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(BackgroundSearch, si); return; } HitCollection hits = Indexer.Search(searchBox.Text, indexes.Values, Indexer.MAX_SEARCH_HITS); searchStatusLabel.Text = String.Empty; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(hits.ErrorMessages)) { loadingResults = true; hitsBox.DataSource = hits; hitsBox.SelectedItem = null; loadingResults = false; if (hits.HadMoreHits) { searchStatusLabel.Text = String.Format(Properties.Resources.ShowingXTopResults, Indexer.MAX_SEARCH_HITS.ToString()); } if (hits.Count > 0) { hitsBox.SetSelected(0, true); PageInfo page = hitsBox.SelectedItem as PageInfo; webBrowser.Navigate(WebServer.Instance.GenerateUrl(page)); } } else { MessageBox.Show(this, hits.ErrorMessages, Properties.Resources.Error, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void AddSearchResultsViewModel(string AttributeNames, string summary, SearchItem results, string FileExtn, string kbName) { SearchResultsViewModel searchResultsModel = new SearchResultsViewModel() { Id = results.Id, //Artilce Id SFId = results.SFId, // Solution FInder Id SFCId = results.SFCId, // Solution Finder Choice Id Title = results.Title, Summary = summary, Modified = results.ModifiedDate.ToShortDateString(), KBName = kbName, SourceName = results.SourceName, SourceType = results.SourceType, Size = results.FileSize, Attributes = AttributeNames, FileType = FileExtn }; searchMainViewModel.SearchResultsViewModel.Add(searchResultsModel); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SearchItem item = new SearchItem() { Provider="aa", StoryName= "aaa", StoryUrl = "url" }; lvLastestUpdates.AddObject(item); lvLastestUpdates.EnsureModelVisible(item); }
private bool MoveDownCanRun(SearchItem item) { if (item == null) return false; if (_usedItems.IndexOf(item) == (_usedItems.Count - 1)) return false; return true; }