Example #1
        static void getSettings(WebResponse response)
            SettingsInfo info = new SettingsInfo();

            // Read the current graphics flags
            info.lensFlares           = Scripting.GetUserSetting("Graphics/Enable Lensflares", false);
            info.volumetricScattering = Scripting.GetUserSetting("Graphics/Enable Volumetric Scattering", true);
            info.bloom       = Scripting.GetUserSetting("Graphics/Enable Bloom", true);
            info.afterImage  = Scripting.GetUserSetting("Graphics/Enable AfterImage", true);
            info.tonemapping = Scripting.GetUserSetting("Graphics/Enable Tonemapping", true);
            info.noise       = Scripting.GetUserSetting("Graphics/Enable Noise", false);
            info.shadows     = Scripting.GetUserSetting("Graphics/Enable Shadows", true);
            info.ssao        = Scripting.GetUserSetting("Graphics/Enable SSAO", true);
            info.fog         = Scripting.GetUserSetting("Graphics/Enable Fog", true);
            info.fxaa        = Scripting.GetUserSetting("Graphics/Enable FXAA", true);

            // Currently, only the main screen can be set for fullscreen mode.
            info.fullscreen = Scripting.GetUserSettingString("WindowManager/Fullscreen", "-1") != "-1";

            // Read the supported video modes
            List <string> modes = Rendering.GetSupportedVideoModes();

            modes.Insert(0, "Native Resolution");

            info.resolution = Scripting.GetUserSettingString("WindowManager/Resolution", "-1x-1");

            if (info.resolution == "-1x-1")
                info.resolution = "Native Resolution";

            info.supportedModes = modes.Distinct().ToArray();

            double lod = (Scripting.GetUserSettingNumber("Graphics/Lod Falloff", 40.0) - 10.0) / 30.0;

            lod += Scripting.GetUserSettingNumber("Graphics/Min Lod Range", 0.0) / 30.0;

            if (lod < 0)
                lod = 0;
            if (lod > 2)
                lod = 2;

            info.lod = lod;

            // Serialize to json to be read by the gui
            StringWriter   writer     = new StringWriter();
            JsonSerializer json       = new JsonSerializer();
            JsonTextWriter jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriter(writer);

            json.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
            json.Serialize(jsonWriter, info);
            response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");