private void PrepareWave() { DynValue nextWaves = script.GetVar("nextwaves"); waves = new ScriptWrapper[nextWaves.Table.Length]; waveNames = new string[waves.Length]; int currentWaveScript = 0; try { List <int> indexes = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < waves.Length; i++) { currentWaveScript = i; DynValue ArenaStatus = UserData.Create(ArenaManager.luaStatus); waves[i] = new ScriptWrapper() { script = LuaScriptBinder.BoundScript() }; waves[i].script.Globals.Set("Arena", ArenaStatus); waves[i].script.Globals["EndWave"] = (Action)EndWaveTimer; waves[i].script.Globals["State"] = (Action <Script, string>)UIController.SwitchStateOnString; waves[i].script.Globals["CreateProjectile"] = (Func <Script, string, float, float, string, DynValue>)CreateProjectile; waves[i].script.Globals["CreateProjectileAbs"] = (Func <Script, string, float, float, string, DynValue>)CreateProjectileAbs; if (nextWaves.Table.Get(i + 1).Type != DataType.String) { UnitaleUtil.DisplayLuaError(StaticInits.ENCOUNTER, "Non-string value encountered in nextwaves table"); return; } else { waveNames[i] = nextWaves.Table.Get(i + 1).String; } waves[i].script.Globals["wavename"] = nextWaves.Table.Get(i + 1).String; try { waves[i].DoString(ScriptRegistry.Get(ScriptRegistry.WAVE_PREFIX + nextWaves.Table.Get(i + 1).String)); indexes.Add(i); } catch (InterpreterException ex) { UnitaleUtil.DisplayLuaError(nextWaves.Table.Get(i + 1).String + ".lua", ex.DecoratedMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!GlobalControls.retroMode && !ScriptRegistry.dict.ContainsKey(ScriptRegistry.WAVE_PREFIX + nextWaves.Table.Get(i + 1).String)) { UnitaleUtil.DisplayLuaError(StaticInits.ENCOUNTER, "The wave " + nextWaves.Table.Get(i + 1).String + " doesn't exist."); } else { UnitaleUtil.DisplayLuaError("<UNKNOWN LOCATION>", ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace); } } } Table luaWaveTable = new Table(null); for (int i = 0; i < indexes.Count; i++) { luaWaveTable.Set(i + 1, UserData.Create(waves[indexes[i]])); } script.SetVar("Wave", DynValue.NewTable(luaWaveTable)); } catch (InterpreterException ex) { UnitaleUtil.DisplayLuaError(nextWaves.Table.Get(currentWaveScript + 1).String + ".lua", ex.DecoratedMessage); } }
private void Start() { try { string scriptText = ScriptRegistry.Get(ScriptRegistry.MONSTER_PREFIX + scriptName); if (scriptText == null) { UnitaleUtil.DisplayLuaError(StaticInits.ENCOUNTER, "Tried to load monster script " + scriptName + ".lua but it didn't exist. Is it misspelled?"); return; } script.scriptname = scriptName; script.Bind("SetSprite", (Action <string>)SetSprite); script.Bind("SetActive", (Action <bool>)SetActive); script.Bind("isActive", (Func <bool>)InFight); script.Bind("Kill", (Action)DoKill); script.Bind("Spare", (Action)DoSpare); script.Bind("Move", (Action <float, float, bool>)Move); script.Bind("MoveTo", (Action <float, float, bool>)MoveTo); script.Bind("BindToArena", (Action <bool, bool>)BindToArena); script.Bind("SetDamage", (Action <int>)SetDamage); script.Bind("SetBubbleOffset", (Action <int, int>)SetBubbleOffset); script.Bind("SetDamageUIOffset", (Action <int, int>)SetDamageUIOffset); script.Bind("SetSliceAnimOffset", (Action <int, int>)SetSliceAnimOffset); script.Bind("GetLetters", (Func <Letter[]>)GetLetters); script.Bind("State", (Action <Script, string>)UIController.SwitchStateOnString); script.SetVar("canmove", DynValue.NewBoolean(false)); sprite = new LuaSpriteController(GetComponent <Image>()); script.SetVar("monstersprite", UserData.Create(sprite,; script.DoString(scriptText); string spriteFile = script.GetVar("sprite").String; if (spriteFile != null) { SetSprite(spriteFile); } else { throw new CYFException("missing sprite"); } ui = FindObjectOfType <UIController>(); if (MaxHP == 0) { MaxHP = HP; } textBubbleSprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/UI/SpeechBubbles/right"); /*if (script.GetVar("canspare") == null) CanSpare = false; * if (script.GetVar("cancheck") == null) CanCheck = true;*/ } catch (InterpreterException ex) { UnitaleUtil.DisplayLuaError(scriptName, ex.DecoratedMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { UnitaleUtil.DisplayLuaError(scriptName, "Unknown error. Usually means you're missing a sprite.\nSee documentation for details.\nStacktrace below in case you wanna notify a dev.\n\nError: " + ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { FindObjectOfType <Fading>().BeginFade(-1); tmMain = GameObject.Find("TextManager Main").GetComponent <TextManager>(); tmChoice = GameObject.Find("TextManager Choice").GetComponent <TextManager>(); tmInfo = GameObject.Find("TextManager Info").GetComponent <TextManager>(); tmBigTalk = GameObject.Find("TextManager BigTalk").GetComponent <TextManager>(); tmGold = GameObject.Find("TextManager Gold").GetComponent <TextManager>(); tmItem = GameObject.Find("TextManager Item").GetComponent <TextManager>(); tmInfoParent = tmInfo.transform.parent.parent.gameObject; tmBigTalk.SetTextQueue(new TextMessage[] { new TextMessage("[noskipatall][novoice]", false, true) }); utHeart = GameObject.Find("utHeart"); EnableBigText(false); if (scriptName == null) { throw new CYFException("You must give a valid script name to the function General.EnterShop()"); } script = new ScriptWrapper() { scriptname = scriptName }; string scriptText = ScriptRegistry.Get(ScriptRegistry.SHOP_PREFIX + scriptName); if (scriptText == null) { throw new CYFException("You must give a valid script name to the function General.EnterShop()"); } try { script.DoString(scriptText); script.SetVar("background", UserData.Create(new LuaSpriteController(GameObject.Find("Background").GetComponent <Image>()))); script.script.Globals["Interrupt"] = ((Action <DynValue, string>)Interrupt); script.script.Globals["CreateSprite"] = (Func <string, string, int, DynValue>)SpriteUtil.MakeIngameSprite; script.script.Globals["CreateLayer"] = (Action <string, string, bool>)SpriteUtil.CreateLayer; script.script.Globals["CreateText"] = (Func <Script, DynValue, DynValue, int, string, int, LuaTextManager>)LuaScriptBinder.CreateText; TryCall("Start"); tmMain.SetCaller(script); tmChoice.SetCaller(script); tmInfo.SetCaller(script); tmBigTalk.SetCaller(script); tmMain.SetTextQueue(new TextMessage[] { new TextMessage("[noskipatall][linespacing:11]" + script.GetVar("maintalk").String, true, false) }); tmChoice.SetTextQueue(new TextMessage[] { new TextMessage("[noskipatall][novoice][font:uidialoglilspace][linespacing:9] Buy\n Sell\n Talk\n Exit", false, true) }); tmGold.SetTextQueue(new TextMessage[] { new TextMessage("[noskipatall][novoice]" + PlayerCharacter.instance.Gold + "G", false, true) }); tmItem.SetTextQueue(new TextMessage[] { new TextMessage("[noskipatall][novoice]" + Inventory.inventory.Count + "/8", false, true) }); tmInfo.SetTextQueue(new TextMessage[] { new TextMessage("[noskipatall][novoice]", false, true) }); Camera.main.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = AudioClipRegistry.GetMusic(script.GetVar("music").String); Camera.main.GetComponent <AudioSource>().time = 0; Camera.main.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); SetPlayerOnSelection(); } catch (InterpreterException ex) { UnitaleUtil.DisplayLuaError(scriptName, ex.DecoratedMessage != null ? UnitaleUtil.FormatErrorSource(ex.DecoratedMessage, ex.Message) + ex.Message : ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { UnitaleUtil.DisplayLuaError(scriptName, "Unknown error. Usually means you're missing a sprite.\nSee documentation for details.\nStacktrace below in case you wanna notify a dev.\n\nError: " + ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace); } }
/*public override string GetRegularScreenDialog() * { * if (!error) * return script.Call(script.Globals["GetRegularScreenDialog"]).String; * else * { * UIController.instance.textmgr.setFont(SpriteFontRegistry.F_UI_MONSTERDIALOG); * luaErrorMsg = luaErrorMsg.Replace("\\n", "").Replace("\\r", "").Replace("\\t", ""); * for (int i = 0; i < luaErrorMsg.Length; i++) * if (i > 0 && i % 40 == 0) * { * luaErrorMsg = luaErrorMsg.Insert(i, "\\r"); * } * return "[starcolor:ffffff][color:ffffff]LUA error.\n" + luaErrorMsg; * } * }*/ public override string[] GetDefenseDialog() { if (!error) { DynValue dialogues = script.GetVar("currentdialogue"); if (dialogues == null || dialogues.Table == null) { if (dialogues.String != null) { return new string[] { dialogues.String } } } ; else if (Dialogue == null) { return(null); } else { return new string[] { Dialogue[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, Dialogue.Length)] } }; string[] dialogueStrings = new string[dialogues.Table.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < dialogues.Table.Length; i++) { dialogueStrings[i] = dialogues.Table.Get(i + 1).String; } script.SetVar("currentdialogue", DynValue.NewNil()); return(dialogueStrings); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { FindObjectOfType <Fading>().BeginFade(-1); tmMain = GameObject.Find("TextManager Main").GetComponent <TextManager>(); tmChoice = GameObject.Find("TextManager Choice").GetComponent <TextManager>(); tmInfo = GameObject.Find("TextManager Info").GetComponent <TextManager>(); tmBigTalk = GameObject.Find("TextManager BigTalk").GetComponent <TextManager>(); tmGold = GameObject.Find("TextManager Gold").GetComponent <TextManager>(); tmItem = GameObject.Find("TextManager Item").GetComponent <TextManager>(); tmInfoParent = tmInfo.transform.parent.parent.gameObject; tmBigTalk.SetTextQueue(new TextMessage[] { new TextMessage("[noskipatall][novoice]", false, true) }); utHeart = GameObject.Find("utHeart"); EnableBigText(false); if (scriptName == null) { UnitaleUtil.DisplayLuaError("Creating the shop menu", "You must give a valid script name to the function General.EnterShop()"); return; } script = new ScriptWrapper() { scriptname = scriptName }; string scriptText = ScriptRegistry.Get(ScriptRegistry.SHOP_PREFIX + scriptName); if (scriptText == null) { UnitaleUtil.DisplayLuaError("Creating the shop menu", "You must give a valid script name to the function General.EnterShop()"); return; } script.DoString(scriptText); script.SetVar("background", UserData.Create(new LuaSpriteController(GameObject.Find("Background").GetComponent <Image>()))); script.script.Globals["Interrupt"] = ((Action <DynValue, string>)Interrupt); script.script.Globals["CreateSprite"] = (Func <string, string, int, DynValue>)SpriteUtil.MakeIngameSprite; script.script.Globals["CreateLayer"] = (Action <string, string, bool>)SpriteUtil.CreateLayer; script.script.Globals["CreateText"] = (Func <Script, DynValue, DynValue, int, string, int, LuaTextManager>)LuaScriptBinder.CreateText; script.Call("Start"); tmMain.SetCaller(script); tmChoice.SetCaller(script); tmInfo.SetCaller(script); tmBigTalk.SetCaller(script); tmMain.SetTextQueue(new TextMessage[] { new TextMessage("[noskipatall][linespacing:11]" + script.GetVar("maintalk").String, true, false) }); tmChoice.SetTextQueue(new TextMessage[] { new TextMessage("[noskipatall][novoice][font:uidialoglilspace][linespacing:9] Buy\n Sell\n Talk\n Exit", false, true) }); tmGold.SetTextQueue(new TextMessage[] { new TextMessage("[noskipatall][novoice]" + PlayerCharacter.instance.Gold + "G", false, true) }); tmItem.SetTextQueue(new TextMessage[] { new TextMessage("[noskipatall][novoice]" + Inventory.inventory.Count + "/8", false, true) }); tmInfo.SetTextQueue(new TextMessage[] { new TextMessage("[noskipatall][novoice]", false, true) }); Camera.main.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = AudioClipRegistry.GetMusic(script.GetVar("music").String); Camera.main.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); }
protected override void loadEnemiesAndPositions() { AudioSource musicSource = Camera.main.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); EncounterText = script.GetVar("encountertext").String; DynValue enemyScriptsLua = script.GetVar("enemies"); DynValue enemyPositionsLua = script.GetVar("enemypositions"); string musicFile = script.GetVar("music").String; try { enemies = new LuaEnemyController[enemyScriptsLua.Table.Length]; // dangerously assumes enemies is defined } catch (Exception) { UnitaleUtil.displayLuaError(StaticInits.ENCOUNTER, "There's no enemies table in your encounter. Is this a pre-0.1.2 encounter? It's easy to fix!\n\n" + "1. Create a Monsters folder in the mod's Lua folder\n" + "2. Add the monster script (custom.lua) to this new folder\n" + "3. Add the following line to the beginning of this encounter script, located in the mod folder/Lua/Encounters:\nenemies = {\"custom\"}\n" + "4. You're done! Starting from 0.1.2, you can name your monster and encounter scripts anything."); return; } if (enemyPositionsLua != null && enemyPositionsLua.Table != null) { enemyPositions = new Vector2[enemyPositionsLua.Table.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < enemyPositionsLua.Table.Length; i++) { Table posTable = enemyPositionsLua.Table.Get(i + 1).Table; if (i >= enemies.Length) { break; } enemyPositions[i] = new Vector2((float)posTable.Get(1).Number, (float)posTable.Get(2).Number); } } if (musicFile != null) { try { AudioClip music = AudioClipRegistry.GetMusic(musicFile); musicSource.clip = music; } catch (Exception) { Debug.Log("Loading custom music failed."); } } else { musicSource.clip = AudioClipRegistry.GetMusic("mus_battle1"); } // Instantiate all the enemy objects if (enemies.Length > enemyPositions.Length) { UnitaleUtil.displayLuaError(StaticInits.ENCOUNTER, "All enemies in an encounter must have a screen position defined. Either your enemypositions table is missing, " + "or there are more enemies than available positions. Refer to the documentation's Basic Setup section on how to do this."); } enemyInstances = new GameObject[enemies.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Length; i++) { enemyInstances[i] = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/LUAEnemy")); enemyInstances[i].transform.SetParent(gameObject.transform); enemyInstances[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); // apparently this was suddenly required or the scale would be (0,0,0) enemies[i] = enemyInstances[i].GetComponent <LuaEnemyController>(); enemies[i].scriptName = enemyScriptsLua.Table.Get(i + 1).String; if (i < enemyPositions.Length) { enemies[i].GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = enemyPositions[i]; } else { enemies[i].GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, 1); } } // Attach the controllers to the encounter's enemies table DynValue[] enemyStatusCtrl = new DynValue[enemies.Length]; Table luaEnemyTable = script.GetVar("enemies").Table; for (int i = 0; i < enemyStatusCtrl.Length; i++) { //enemies[i].luaStatus = new LuaEnemyStatus(enemies[i]); enemies[i].script = new ScriptWrapper(); luaEnemyTable.Set(i + 1, UserData.Create(enemies[i].script)); } script.SetVar("enemies", DynValue.NewTable(luaEnemyTable)); musicSource.Play(); // play that funky music }